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Christmas Plays...


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I have just been told that i have to get my Primary 1 children (31 of them) to act out a Christmas play/ production. I have never done anything like this before and would like to get some tips, advice and any free resourses than anyone would like to give me.

Cheers :o

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A similar request was made here 2 years ago:


You might like to sift through this website for "extras/padding":


I think the likelihood of success when doing this kind of activity depends on whether you choose to go with the traditional nativity theme or just sing songs like Jingle Bells, etc. Grade 1 kids will get bored quickly unless they're actively engaged in performing, and 31 kids is a large group to co-ordinate (even with Thai TAs helping and you using a whip and a chair ! :D ) But at least you can be comforted by the thought that if parents are watching the performance, they'll invariably sit there and just adore whatever their offspring do.

BTW, if you PM me an e-mail address, I'll send you a 3-page play script I downloaded from the TES for this age group.

Good luck !


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I would concur with the part about not attempting to stage a nativity scene. I tried that a few years ago, but had to abandon the idea. Finding an ass took me no time at all, but I had a h--- of a time trying to find three wise men and a virgin.

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