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Are you at normal weigbht?

On any medications?

Is this of long-standing or recent onset?

I ask because this can sometimes be an indication of an underlyying disease or a side effect of either medeication or rec reational drug use...in which cases it will usually go away once the underlying cause is addressed.


I remember years ago in the USA hearing about a guy who actually won a bet by getting implants.... And here you are wanting to get rid of a good set..Hmmmm

Dug this out of some old archives:

Man has breasts fitted for a bet

A Canadian man who agreed to have breast implants as part of a bet two years ago says he has got used to them and may not have them removed.

Brian Zembick, from Toronto, said he had the implants fitted for a bet which was worth around £45,000 to him.

He will be showing them off on The Man Show, a US television programme filmed in Los Angeles that is based on male-chauvinist humour.

Its co-host, Adam Carolla, said of the implants: "They are kind of attractive in an 'Oh my God I'm going to vomit' kind of way."


I've just aquired these "assets " myself. Don't do drugs, and I'm 70kg and 5ft 5ins, so a little overweight.

I'm going to hit the weight machine, and lose it with exercise.

Man boobs actually hurt when you're jogging, it's really uncomfortable, so they have to go !

Now I understand why Dolly Parton had hers reduced. :o


There are a wide number of reasons for this...Most males have small amounts of female brest tissue, and this is quite normal. It is when this tissue is stimulated by estrogen that this tissue enlarges...So the issue is to discover where this extra estrogen is being produced and why....While in medical school a very wise teacher once told me that when you hear hoof beats it is most likley horses and not zebras....so allthough this warrants some investigation it s most likley not serious.....some causes are as simple to discern as excess weight or medications or even too much beer...there are also medications such as femara that block estrogen...on a side note years ago a close friend of mine was buying a medicin in a Bangok pharmacy, I think it was called ' Robert's Man Formula' , Anyways the special ingriedient was a rather nasty and toxic anabolic steroid...they all convert to estrogen in the body....well, he started getting 'moobs', discontinued the crap and they resolved


they might give you lipo suction or whatever its called not sure how to spell it either my friends fatehr had this done he said it hurt a bit but it looked good after he had it done


Go to a doctor and confirm if it is gynecomastia. You can always go on from there...a plastic surgeon will take care of it there is no clinical underlying cause.

BTW, many meds, including hairloss meds and prostate meds can also have this as a side effect.

good luck


VaserLipo may be an option.

The cost should be around 50-70k bath and i heard is not invasive and safe.

I also heard of good feedback from people who did it.

In Thailand you can do it at Apex in Bangkok or in Phuket, i was thinking of doing it myself although mine is not too serious.


I had this done about 11 yrs ago in New York for $5,000. It never came back and I am pleased. Don't hesitate man. Just get it done. I would've done it in Thailand, but at that point I hadn't been yet. If I was to get it done, I think I would look at Vejthani Hospital in BKK, since the price would be reasonable there, as compared to the Sukhumvit hospitals.


Dude, as men get older they tend to convert more testosterone into estradiol via aromatase. This high estradiol results in men losing their male characteristics. Also bodybuilders who use steroids ie testosterone find that the excess testosterone gets converted to estradiol resulting in gynecomastia.

Hence all the older guys with boobs, hair loss, etc.

Luckily this can be quite easily controlled. Anti estrogen drugs like arimidex or natural supplements like DIM are safe and reduce estrogen levels.


I just had this done last year. I have always had large breasts for a male and I was dying to get them removed. Well, they have returned already, even larger than they were before. So I have given up. I may try to start taking an estrogen suppressing drug or something. I can't afford to get surgery every year. But I guess YMMV. Thailand is a good place to get them done cost wise. I had my surgery in Colombia. Also a good place for it. It doesn't really hurt all that much. I was suprised. Maybe male breasts just aren't all that sensitive to pain. But I would still hoard a mountain of opiates for the few days after the operation. You have to be careful about the method. Some doctors just want to do lipo, but that doesn't work for a lot of people. There is often actual (mammary) breast tissue that needs to be cut out. But I guess for someone like me the full excision doesn't work either. I guess it's like people who try to lose weight through liposuction. Unless they reduce their caloric intake the fat just comes back again. It cost me like $1300 USD I think. I would be really mad if I had paid the $7000 or so that the US doctors wanted for the procedure. I hope it works for you, but just be prepared if it doesn't change a thing. If it all just fills in again. Lucky for me I am ugly anyway. So it just adds one more thing to the freakshow. I have some small scars, but they don't bother me at all. If I were still 18 I'd probably be self-conscious about them though. They are noticeable enough that a observant person could tell I had surgery there. Still, no matter how bad the scars if you can get rid of the tits it would be *totally* worth it. I know only too well what it's like. I have always envied the guys who could just walk around outside without a shirt on. I couldn't do that even when I was 7.


TYhis year I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

One of the therapies is to kill off testosterone which the cancer feeds on.

I was given a slow release drug capsule called, ZOLADEX, the side effects inc possibility of mammaries, which has proved to be true.

Another effect is "hot flashes" as menopausal women get, nice on cold days.

I will be on the implanted drug (3 monthly) for another 2 years.

Love my boobies, PMPL.

Once finished a guy should be back to normal around 6 months after last implant finishes doing its job.

Worst side effect is impotency and loss of sexual desire......... grrrrrrrrrr

Viagra and Cialis did not work for me.......<deleted>.

Better being alive and soft, than being a dead stiff.

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