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Club Foot (anny Good Doctors)


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I was spending some time with my new born son today, he is 8 weeks old, and I can descern a difference between his two feet. I am thinking his right foot has a mild club foot issue. Now, the question is, where to go from this point? Andy doctors that any of you folks know of that I should take him to. Of course I want the best, and money is not the issue here.


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I was spending some time with my new born son today, he is 8 weeks old, and I can descern a difference between his two feet. I am thinking his right foot has a mild club foot issue. Now, the question is, where to go from this point? Andy doctors that any of you folks know of that I should take him to. Of course I want the best, and money is not the issue here.


As he is only 8 weeks old it is possible this is the result of positioning in utero in which case it can be corrected through massage and exercises whioch parents and other caretakers can be taught. . If it is true clubfoot, then a cast needs to be put on (and reapplied periodically), this will usually avoid the need for surgery.

Consult a pediatric orthopedic specialist

Here's one trained in US:


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