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Bali Vs Thailand


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No visa hassles here at all. Pay the nice colonel at the airport around $300 & he gives you a visa for 1 + 12 months = 13.

You don't have to leave to renew - just pay again.

However Cambodia is surreally corrupt.

So, is the corruption a good or bad thing for you? :o

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No visa hassles here at all. Pay the nice colonel at the airport around $300 & he gives you a visa for 1 + 12 months = 13.

You don't have to leave to renew - just pay again.

However Cambodia is surreally corrupt.

So, is the corruption a good or bad thing for you? :o

I think it's and asian thing :D

I lived there for 4 years and found the visa situation quite easy much the same as you described cambodia vias good for 3 years simply pay to renew every year.

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Got me son and his wife and 2 kids coming, they want to go some place not to expensive and have seen LOS. Can anyone recommend Bali for last half of Feb. and 1st week of March? Is it that much rain, for example, or another place?

Any help will be appresiated. The kids are 8 & 2. Thanks.

I often have taken my daughter to Bali and we lived in Phuket. Stared when she was 5 and last trip she was 11.

Prices are a less than Phuket except around Kuta/Sanur where they are the same. but food is not as good.

My suggestion is do what we do every time. Fly in and take a taxi to ubid and spend 3-4 days there. Rent a smal suzuki jeep 2 wheel drive and then spend a week touring the island. The jeep runs ya about $10/day and gas is less than 5 baht/lt.

Its great to drive aorund as roads are empty most of the time. Easy to find accomodations and never paid more than $20 for room with air con and pool.

\The take the car back to Ubid /and take a taxi to Kuta and spend a day and nioght there before your flight out.

I love Bali and it is complety diferent from thailand in that it still retains its charm (outside kuta/sanur)

Kids will love it. Kuta has a great water park. u have plenty of zoos, the volcanoes, temples and the dance performances in Ubid are great!!!

Best and cheapest are air asia via K we always did that phuket-kl-Denpasar and would image u can do the same via BKK cost was around 9,000 Bhat BUT u have to overnight each way in KL if u go from Phuket cause of the departure times.

AS far as Cambodia. I live here now and so far like it but miss the beach. The people are more friendly , its no hassle for anything and u can extend your 1 year visa indefintely ( or at least until the change the laws) i also miss the thai food. Shinoukville is Phuket 15 years ago

I have freinds in Phuket that are marriied to balinese and left there casue of the way they were treated by the lcoals. Seems they look down on their women marrying farangs and they enjoy phuket much more.

Edited by phuketrichard
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Samuijens, your thread is interesting, but I am a bit wondering about how to compare the island of Bali with the entire country of Thailand.

Comparing Indonesia regarding Thailand would have been more appropriate.

But once again, my (now) host country (aka Thailand) would loose... Sumba, Iran Jaya, Sulawesi... Nothing to compare with!

Comparing Bali to any single place in Thailand (i.e. Samui, Phuket, Hua Hin...) would be a waste of time... Bali is a winner!

Why so many "Bali style" (sic!) pretending architecture here around, and no Thai design in Bali???

I've been worked, played and lived on the Island of Gods (Canggu) most of the nineties, but for some personal and political reasons I had to live the country (Indonesia!).

My wife is Thai and I met her in Ubud when she was holidaying, there, ten years ago. And every three month for my visa run, we are heading there for a wonderfull week.

But, I could not stand anymore living full time in this country... and because Bali is a Javanese breadwinner, it will never receice full autonomy like they are dreaming for decades.

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  • 2 weeks later...

samuijens, we are in rainy season now, and today is overcast with a breeze. its cooler than it has been in the past few days, which were absolutely sweltering.

the rain comes and goes, but at the moment its mainly at night, and the days are free to allow you to do as you please.

i wouldnt be stressing about the rain situation to be honest.

there are some great things for kids to do here. the Taman Safari Marine Park is great, and you can even stay there in african style rooms. pretty cool. another place which has loads of elephants is the Elephant Safari Park Lodge (completely different place to the other one). they have great rooms, really well treated animals and lots to do.

Waterbom park is great for kids, and kids at heart.

for the shoppers, homewares are really cheap here, especially if you go up to the Tegalalang area (close to ubud).

im sure you will have a great time here.

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to be honest, bali phulet, much of the sameness really.

Phuket is better though, in the sense that you can venture to other destinations easily and conveniently. While Bali has only Lombok within a relatively short-distance, Phuket has Ko Phi Phi, Ko Lanta, mainland Krabi, Pha-nga, and lots of other beautiful places which can all be reached within an afternoon's travels.

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to be honest, bali phulet, much of the sameness really.

Phuket is better though, in the sense that you can venture to other destinations easily and conveniently. While Bali has only Lombok within a relatively short-distance, Phuket has Ko Phi Phi, Ko Lanta, mainland Krabi, Pha-nga, and lots of other beautiful places which can all be reached within an afternoon's travels.

:o Bali (5.600 KM2) is 10 x the size of Phuket (543 KM2) and a 100 times more spectacular in nature...venture to other destinations ? :D

Surely both islands can't be compared; not in size, not with nature, not with Patong, not in architecture, class, style and the stunning beauty of Bali, compared to Phuket.

But, if you come for the nightlife, boyz/girls and katoeys, nothing could beat Phuket, for sure. :D


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I have a mate from Sydney who has moved to Bali from Buriram about 6 years ago, i did go and see him, he has some land in the hills overlooking rice terraces etc, place is full of nature , he built himself a bali style wooden house, it is the bees knees, and cheaper to live than thailand, i also loved the place and hope to go back there next year, here is a link to a forum i use. maybe of some use.


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This thread has been quite interesting, but I have to agree that in some ways we are comparing apples and bananas.

Of course, from another perspective that does not matter - time to take a holiday, where is a good place to go. :D

I love both Thailand and Bali. But by bf looks at Bali and says "Waah! After those executions, there will be reprisals! Too dangerous!". Then he looks as the news from Thailand, and says "Waah! First the yellow-shirted mobs, now the red-shirted mobs, next..." He knows neither location is really dangerous. We have friends who live in BKK. We live in HK. Logic and clearheadedness are not the issue - emotions are a large part.

We're now going to the United States next month to visit my parents. :o

Hopefully I can work a shorter trip back to Thailand (or Bali or Phillipines) into my schedule in Feb or Mar...


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what about some of the recent bombs in thailand ? :o

Not a single foreign tourists was even hurt the slightest by any of the 'bombs' in Bangkok, unlike in Bali where almost 200 were killed. The difference between Thailand and Indonesia is that the 'bombers' don't target foreign tourists.

With the recent bombing in Bombay, Police gunning down civilians in Manilla and Bali Bomber friends screaming revenge - you'll have to admit that Thailand is still one of the safest places to go in the region.

Culture, people, beaches etc...- Thailand beats Bali in every department.

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Hi there,

Pattaya is cheap. It has everything that any body could wish for... Diving Jet ski's.

The only thing I havent found Pattaya yet is a bad time for my money.


Cheap, yes, but been there, done that, not my thing, if you get my drift. Thanks thou, you seem very easy to please! :o

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what about some of the recent bombs in thailand ? :D

Not a single foreign tourists was even hurt the slightest by any of the 'bombs' in Bangkok, unlike in Bali where almost 200 were killed. The difference between Thailand and Indonesia is that the 'bombers' don't target foreign tourists.

With the recent bombing in Bombay, Police gunning down civilians in Manilla and Bali Bomber friends screaming revenge - you'll have to admit that Thailand is still one of the safest places to go in the region.

Culture, people, beaches etc...- Thailand beats Bali in every department.

It's a vacation, and the bombers usually don't target most places I go :D:o

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I was looking into a trip to Bali with my 19 yr old son sometime in March or April and am seeing flights now on AirAsia for 3150baht roundtrip. They now fly nonstop to Bali from BKK. Anyone know if April would be better than March as far as the rainfall goes.

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I was looking into a trip to Bali with my 19 yr old son sometime in March or April and am seeing flights now on AirAsia for 3150baht roundtrip. They now fly nonstop to Bali from BKK. Anyone know if April would be better than March as far as the rainfall goes.

April is less rain. :o

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Imported spirits, even if they're available from old stock, are going for well over $US100 ($145) a bottle as scarcity, plus import duties of up to 400 per cent on any alcohol that does make it through official channels, drive prices sky-high.

Customs crackdown in Bali creates shortage of alcohol, specialist foods

Edited by think_too_mut
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I have to admit these new Air Asia flights from Bangkok have me thinking about a quick vacation in Bali.

Any recommendations on a good area to visit? I would prefer to be somewhat removed from the tourist masses, although retain easy access to these same areas for a little nightlife and whatever, any suggestions please?

Thanks in advance.

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SamuiJens, the dates you mentioned are smack in the middle of rainy season. but, same as Samui, its not gonna be raining all the time. march averages around 214mm of rain and april averages around 95mm. but as you live in samui, you will know that averages dont mean much!

Donna, I thought about coming the end of january (21-27), a family trip -my wife(thai), her parents, my 2 and 4 year old children, Is the rain to much or does it just come in dumps? What would be a good itinerary for us for 6 days-some beach , some mountains, rent a car? . We dont need to stay anywhere fancy(no downtown shopping required), just comfortable and good for the children. AIr asia seems to be running the best deals. As a side, I cant believe how much this discussion has turned into paranoid bomb talk-same people who probably like "W". Any info appreciated, thank you, Mike

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  • 2 weeks later...

Donna, I thought about coming the end of january (21-27), a family trip -my wife(thai), her parents, my 2 and 4 year old children, Is the rain to much or does it just come in dumps? What would be a good itinerary for us for 6 days-some beach , some mountains, rent a car? . We dont need to stay anywhere fancy(no downtown shopping required), just comfortable and good for the children. AIr asia seems to be running the best deals. As a side, I cant believe how much this discussion has turned into paranoid bomb talk-same people who probably like "W". Any info appreciated, thank you, Mike

Am wondering the same regarding weather :o .

Also, any recommendations for places to stay? Preference would be for a beach bungalow where the sea is suitable for swimming. I can't seem to locate anything even close. Presently am considering Balisani Suites Hotel, but am reluctant to book. The hotel has 100 rooms, and the beach is not good for swimming. Any comments?

Price range is up to about 3000B, more if there's something inclusive, like boat to islands for snorkeling/diving. We are in our 50s, hoping for a bit of quiet. We'll want to rent motorbikes for access to other areas.

Aside from Bali, am looking into Laoliang Island Resort (LOS), specifically for its snorkeling - - but perhaps should post this in some other forum.

Back to the weather in Bali for Jan/Feb .......?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

sorry folks! i forgot to pop back in to this thread for some time.

the rainy season has been quite OK in bali. we have had some HUGE downpours, but the days are quite OK. we have had a few days where it rained non stop but overall its not been a bad wet season.

with the wet season, also comes the rubbish on the west side. the beaches (kuta/legian/seminyak etc) are strewn with plastic and organic waste that has been washed up. it should be gone in march i believe.

for swimming beaches, sanur is nice but only at high tide.

to be honest, thailand has nicer beaches than bali, but i believe that bali has nicer scenery. one is not necessarily better than the other but they are both suited to different markets.

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sorry folks! i forgot to pop back in to this thread for some time.

the rainy season has been quite OK in bali. we have had some HUGE downpours, but the days are quite OK. we have had a few days where it rained non stop but overall its not been a bad wet season.

with the wet season, also comes the rubbish on the west side. the beaches (kuta/legian/seminyak etc) are strewn with plastic and organic waste that has been washed up. it should be gone in march i believe.

for swimming beaches, sanur is nice but only at high tide.

to be honest, thailand has nicer beaches than bali, but i believe that bali has nicer scenery. one is not necessarily better than the other but they are both suited to different markets.

What's it like in July/August/September?

Lombok? Gilli Islands?

Just looked on Air Asia and the fares are really cheap :o


Edited by RAZZELL
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This is my booking with Singapore airlines for 20 march 2009. Looks very cheap!!


Fare for 2 Adults: THB 16,400

Fare for 1 Child: THB 6,150

Taxes & Surcharges:THB 16,080

Total Fare: THB 38,630


This is my booking with Air Asia for July:-

2 adults @ 5,150 Baht = 10,300 Baht :o

I doubt the flight will compete on quality but at least it gets me there economically.

I have not yet booked a hotel - I shall be pleased to hear of other peoples recommendations.

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Hate to bring out my black cat but we are paying 2,820 Baht for two adults travelling in November, and that that includes pre-paying for meals and baggage, at that price we can put up with almost anything - Thai was 35,000 on the same day, I had to look.


2 Guest 0.00 BT

Airport Tax 1,400.00 BT

Administration Fee 940.00 BT

Sub Total 2,340.00 BT

Services & Fees

Supersize Regular 50.00 BT

Supersize Regular 50.00 BT

Rice/Foccacia 280.00 BT

Supersize Regular 50.00 BT

Supersize Regular 50.00 BT

Sub Total 480.00 BT

Total Amount 2,820.00 BT

I will book a hotel nearer the time

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What's it like in July/August/September?

Lombok? Gilli Islands?

Just looked on Air Asia and the fares are really cheap :o


July/Aug/Sep are high season, so you should be booking accommodation now if you are thinking of coming over. basically, the seasons in Bali are the direct opposite of that in Phuket.

i just booked return to bkk from bali for around USD250 on air asia.

Lombok and the Gili's are also good.

it depends on what you are after. bali has some fabulous hotels and villas, but you get what you pay for. if you are after the top end of the market in the bet hotel on the island (well, up there anyway) you should look at St Regis. stunning.

if you are after a budget hotel in Sanur, look at Bumi Ayu. clean, reasonable price and in a good location.

on Lombok i recommend Santosa Villas and Spa. it used to be called Intan Laguna, but has just been re-furbed. very nice. you could also look at the Oberoi or Novotel, but they are both in more remote locations.

on Gili Trawangan, try Villa Ombak for a nice place to stay.

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