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Why Do Some Ex Pats Defend Thailand At All Costs


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What i found fascinating during the last days of the protests of the PAD was the tremendous amount of new posters showed up on the board. They would jump into heated discussion, with strong points of view, 90% would be using the same "talking Points" of Somchai was democratically elected, Thaskin was elected by the vast majority of the people,...etc, this usually started from post 1 and on.

It was almost like we were invaded by a psyops from some political group?

Another thing I wondered about was the fact one very vocal poster showed over 17,800 post....I have been on this board for just a few years, but around Thailand for almost 30 years, and think I post frequently, but 4 years and 17,800 post....get a life....

Bottom line is I think a lot of the bloviating that was taking place was orchestrated by outside forces.

Personally, I don't think anybody gives a toss about a bunch of posters on an anonymous internet forum, especially in this country where a Farang has no say in how anything happens, all they can do is whinge and whine about how bad their life is, but still stay on in Thailand, regardless of all their bitterness.

What a sad bunch they are. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Everyone has different experiences and perception of the world around them. I actually see very little of the "Defend Thailand at all cost" on this forum. What I do see a lot of, and this thread is a classic example, is when someone tries to put forth that there may be another viewpoint or side to a storey (usually how fuc_ked up a Thai or Thailand is because of a personal encounter the just experienced or saw) they are immediately branded as defending Thailand for daring to express such an opinion.


I agree with you in general. Many posters who defend something about Thailand are merely expressing an opposing viewpoint to something derogatory posted concerning Thailand. I think I fall into this category myself.

I don't think that is "defend Thailand at all costs." Actually, I would think it would happen more as the people who live here, or even the people who live abroad but come to this website would seemingly have some degree of affection for the place.

However, there are a few posters (who I will not name) who seem to jump out of the woodwork when someone else posts anything which could be considered to be derogatory to Thailand and then lamblast the poster and ridicules the post.

Poster A: "What are the clean water standards in Thailand? I fell into a canal, and the water seemed rather dirty. Do I need to get any shots?"

Poster Defend Thailand at all Costs: "You !%&*#! idiot. You are the one whose clumsy fat farang @ss could not stay out of the klong, and you accuse Thais of having dirty water? Back in Ohio, the Cuyahoga River caught fire, and you think you are superior to Thais? What racist drivel. Get on a plane and go back home. Thailand doesn't need your pathetic sexpat dollars."

As they have no intelligent argument, attacking personality is the response- yes I've noticed too the Thai Apologists seem to always pull the ' Racist" card , as if Thais are a race ....

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The OP stated "I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country. Whatever the case may be, murder, drug use, buying property or the drop in tourism. Its never the fault of the thais or Thailand. There are many faults in this country as indeed there are in most countries of the world, but at some point someone must accept some of the responsibility."

I am one who has never proclaimed that it is "never the fault of the Thais or Thailand" but on the other hand, I chose to live here because in spite of the negatives, it is the best place that I have found to live. I am not defending Thailand, nor am I criticizing Thailand. I do not believe that I have the right. I am a guest here. If I do not like it, I can leave. Why live in a place just to complain.

I have made comments on Thaivisa out of sadness about how, most recently, the civil unrest has cost the country dearly in many many ways. But it is not my place to denigrate the country or its people because of what has occurred. If I can help, I will. If I can not, I will stay out of the way - but I will always support this country for it is where I have chosen to live and I will respect its people because it is their country, their culture.

It angered me to hear people who immigrated (usually illegally) to the US (my country of origin) criticize it and demonstrate, often times making unreasonable demands which resulted in civil unrest. That certainly does not occur here in Thailand. What a relief!

My choosing to live in Thailand is not analogous to blind support for all that has occurred. My living here is about seeing the best that this country offers, and supporting it in any way that I am able.

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As they have no intelligent argument, attacking personality is the response- yes I've noticed too the Thai Apologists seem to always pull the ' Racist" card , as if Thais are a race ....[

I'd probably attack your personality if you had one to attack. :o

Most of your posts I don't read as they are so pitiful, but the ones I have read are so negative and anti Thai, I really must ask this question....,..

I seriously doubt you actually stay in Thailand and if you do, why do you stay in Thailand ?

Your life must be hel_l, you live in a country you hate wich is inhabited by people you despise, why did you come ?

C'mon HorseDoctor, tell me you're just a Troll that lives 20,000 Kms away on some isolated patch of land with only a few horses as company. I could understand that, but to live in a country you so obviously dislike seems totally ridiculous.

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Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation's safety, freedom and progress.

I'm sorry, but using the words of any National Anthem to support a view like this is ridiculous.

Read what the words of verse 2 of "God Save the Queen" says about foreigners for example:

O Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter her enemies,

And make them fall.

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On thee our hopes we fix:

God save the Queen.

And is there any more vicious text than the French National Anthem?

Arise children of the fatherland

The day of glory has arrived

Against us tyranny's

Bloody standard is raised

Listen to the sound in the fields

The howling of these fearsome soldiers

They are coming into our midst

To cut the throats of your sons and consorts

To arms citizens Form your battalions

March, march

Let impure blood

Water our furrows

What do they want this horde of slaves

Of traitors and conspiratorial kings?

For whom these vile chains

These long-prepared irons?

Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage

What methods must be taken?

It is us they dare plan

To return to the old slavery!

Edited by grtaylor
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Read what the words of verse 2 of "God Save the Queen" says about foreigners for example:

O Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter her enemies,

And make them fall.

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On thee our hopes we fix:

God save the Queen.

Ssshhhhh GR Taylor, you'll be accused of being a Thai apologist. :D:D

These idiots are so anti Thai you can't point out anything but anti-Thai propoganda or you'll be accused of wearing rose tinted spectacles...... :o

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A favorite criticism of Thailand is its failure to teach its young people to think critically. I have always found this criticism to be unfair as I fail to see examples of all the critical thinking that is meant to be occurring in the western world. No offense meant to the poster, but the above post is anything but an example of critical thinking and it resembles the type of one-sided misinformed opinion that is so common in the West; I blame a lot of this on Fox 'news' and its ilk.

I couldn't agree more - Thailand's education system (and Thai mentality in general) could perhaps benefit more from the influence of Western values, but alot of the criticism aimed at it is just a (slightly embarrassing) display of Western chauvinism. I'm not an expert on Thailand at all, but I'd like to tell an anecdote from my brief time in the country.

I was once at the all-you-can-eat Thai BBQ on Koh Samui (the 99 Baht meatfest that has franchises all over Thailand) with some friends, when 5 Thai boys, aged about 10 or 11, drove up on 2 motorbikes. They were very well mannered and they cooked and served food for each other on the BBQ-cooking gadget at the table without a second thought, before paying the bill and driving away on the 2 bikes. Seems simple enough, but try comparing that with the average Western child (and to be honest, a lot of Western adults) who has trouble catching a bus or boiling an egg (I probably wouldn't be that comfortable letting my own children ride around Samui mind you!).

Again just an anecdote and totally not a serious argument in defence of Thai or Western culture, but my point is the two cultures are way too complex to judge (even if we could do so fairly and objectively) and I would be a little reluctant to make any sweeping comparisons between them.

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Who comes here (except maybe some cambodians or burmese) and wants to be considered Thai? I just want to be considered as a man no better or worse than the next man and to be judged on my word and deed and how well they match. I consider my self blessed to be American and while I respect and adore Thailand I don't want to BE Thai.

I think allot of us here feel that way, yeah?

The "I just want to be considered......" line sums up my own feelings exactly :o . Maybe partly because I'm 50/50 Brit/German, I've never found myself wanting to hook my wagon on to any national train and, sure, I've always been with Samuel Johnson on his famous "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel". So how much less sense would it make to now be blindly "pro" let alone "anti" my new adopted home?

OK, "defend Thailand" is probably more about defending Thai ways/attitudes/culture - but I've always felt that all Thai aren't anything........ except Thai citizens. In all my previous visits, followed by a bit more than two years of living here full-time now, I have got to know many different Thai and thereby encountered much the same variety of attitude and characteristics as I know from the UK, Germany and other countries/societies where I have spent enough time to do more than sightseeing - the same goes for "goodness" and "badness" however you personally choose to define them.

Returning to Huey's line which I like so much - it also echoes something which used to get under my skin quite a bit........... a common (though not universal) notion that being farang is automatically a leg-up to a higher status. I say "used to" because I have now pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it's there and isn't likely to go away anytime soon (though maybe making study of the ThaiVisa forum a compulsory part of the Thai school curriculum would speed up the process :D ).

Which brings me to my last point. I've seen it said elsewhere but not so far in this thread (apologies if it's there and I missed it) that many/most arrivals in Thailand go through three distinct phases:

1) Falling in love with the Thai "way"

2) Questioning/rejecting/resenting it

3) Accepting and adjusting to it as best you can

Kind of like most marriages/partnerships.............. :D

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As they have no intelligent argument, attacking personality is the response- yes I've noticed too the Thai Apologists seem to always pull the ' Racist" card , as if Thais are a race ....[

I'd probably attack your personality if you had one to attack. :o

Most of your posts I don't read as they are so pitiful, but the ones I have read are so negative and anti Thai, I really must ask this question....,..

I seriously doubt you actually stay in Thailand and if you do, why do you stay in Thailand ?

Your life must be hel_l, you live in a country you hate wich is inhabited by people you despise, why did you come ?

C'mon HorseDoctor, tell me you're just a Troll that lives 20,000 Kms away on some isolated patch of land with only a few horses as company. I could understand that, but to live in a country you so obviously dislike seems totally ridiculous.

Um, I do not live in orbit around the planet

You prove my point so beautifully, " no argument...personal attacks... " please see post # 183

Understand I like Thailand very much , as long as I"m not having to deal with the people whom I find to be CENSORED , CENSORED and somewhat ...CENSORED . And CENSORED is the worst trait , I realize it is my problem, CENSORED is OK here, admirable even, but still I cannot respect it .

The weather is wonderful, fruits and veggies cheap. Labor for my hobby, inexpensive (and I pay very very well. )I live on a lovely property , unfortunately inconsiderate neigbours are encroaching and ruining my personal paradise, and they are Thai,

So for me , everything bad about Thailand comes from... Thais.

ON my own, yes with my beloved animals with no lazy polluting neighbor's fires poisoning me or audibly rude snickering, I'm just fine and quite content .

HOwever the recent events have opened my eyes and I will be leaving as the govt is incapable of stability - meanwhile I do feel it is my...duty to inform innocents of my views- too many Sex PAts are allowed, unencumbered -to inflict what I feel is an innaccurate depiction of Thai..." Land of Smiles" etc..

So HOw nice you love Thais - Not surprising ..

I do not , why am I not allowed to voice that, how on earth does it affect you so much you slander and call names.

( Besides , I think anyone viewing our 2 posts together would assign me the far higher intelligence. )

Edited by HorseDoctor
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So for me , everything bad about Thailand comes from... Thais.

( I think anyone viewing our 2 posts together would assign me the far higher intelligence. )

LOL.... :o

What do you expect to find in Thailand, Eskimo's ?

You're an American right, I know that you're the most popular people on the planet, but living in Thailand and dissing the people of that country is insane, just move on to wherever you feel comfortable, I hear there are Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan with a poulation that loves you, try that. Lot's of horses in Afghanistan too!

Yep, you're really smart.... you live in a country you despise, I live in a country I like.

What a dumbazz I must be. :D:D:D

Edited by Maigo6
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A favorite criticism of Thailand is its failure to teach its young people to think critically. I have always found this criticism to be unfair as I fail to see examples of all the critical thinking that is meant to be occurring in the western world. No offense meant to the poster, but the above post is anything but an example of critical thinking and it resembles the type of one-sided misinformed opinion that is so common in the West; I blame a lot of this on Fox 'news' and its ilk.

I couldn't agree more - Thailand's education system (and Thai mentality in general) could perhaps benefit more from the influence of Western values, but alot of the criticism aimed at it is just a (slightly embarrassing) display of Western chauvinism.

It appears that Thailand's educational system is based upon memorization and the proper execution of specific procedures rather than reasoning. Therefore, as an addition to the education that my Thai/Western child will receive in school, the Western educational influence will be introduced from within our home. I see no other way.

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........ they would be much happier if we just left our money at the airport and buggered off back to wherever we came from.

I take it that this implies that in any other country, the locals would NOT be happy if the tourists left their money at the airport and went home?

The things that make people like living in a particular place or country are completely individual, but in Asia there are certain common ones, and Thailand expats espouse a sub-set of these - things like the much better weather, the better quality or taste of food, the attitudes of the local people, the surroundings, the cost of living etc.

People naturally defend their point of view, otherwise they wouldn't hold to it - obviously.

To choose live in a particular country of your own volition (ie. not having been sent there by a company or for some other non-personal reason) means that you have made a choice to spend the money and take the chance, and that if everything is now working out for you, why would you not defend that decision with every argument at your disposal?

Granted some will make fairly invalid points, but remember that those points may be invalid to you, but completely valid to the person making them. How dare you deny them their right to have a different viewpoint than yours, or to make points that you may claim are invalid. They have their life - its not yours to question.

As for implying that the greater majority of expats are in Thailand to "get laid", that is utter rubbish. There is a percentage of people who do take advantage of their surroundings, but there are not many who can afford to move to another country simply to have a better sex life - note I said "not many", because I know some can and do - good luck to them.

My own reasons for being in the country were originally that I came here to work for a local company. I stayed because I eventually married and had three kids. During the time of my marriage, and as my kids grew, Thailand became home for all the usual reasons, and I am comfortanble and happy here. In the meantime, although I enjoy travelling to the country of my birth and upbringing, I am now so out of touch with the place that I feel like a visitor - and in fact that is of course what I put on the entry form when I go there.

I am not blind to the things that are wrong with Thailand, but I defend the adopted home country and my decision to live here, as would anyone who is happy with his life. Wouldn't you?

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Understand I like Thailand very much , as long as I"m not having to deal with the people whom I find to be CENSORED , CENSORED and somewhat ...CENSORED . And CENSORED is the worst trait , I realize it is my problem, CENSORED is OK here, admirable even, but still I cannot respect it .

Some Thais are dishonest jerks like anywhere else. Many, many of them are nice, honest people who will go out of their way to do the right thing.

Anyone who hates most of them, either hasn't figured that out, or has deep-seated problems that need the help of a professional. :o

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Understand I like Thailand very much , as long as I"m not having to deal with the people whom I find to be CENSORED , CENSORED and somewhat ...CENSORED . And CENSORED is the worst trait , I realize it is my problem, CENSORED is OK here, admirable even, but still I cannot respect it .

Some Thais are dishonest jerks like anywhere else. Many, many of them are nice, honest people who will go out of their way to do the right thing.

Anyone who hates most of them, either hasn't figured that out, or has deep-seated problems that need the help of a professional. :o


The Horsedoctor is probably the most negative poster on the forum, and I just can't fathom out <deleted> she's doing in Thailand when she has such a dislike for the people...

Insane if you ask me....... :D

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My choosing to live in Thailand is not analogous to blind support for all that has occurred. My living here is about seeing the best that this country offers, and supporting it in any way that I am able.

Well said - my point exactly.

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I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country.

Maybe, in the back of thier mind they have this strange delusion of paranoid vanity that some top secret immagration agency is reading this forum. :o Looking for any subversion so they can revoke our visas. :D They are going to be so impressed with thier patriotic response on this forum that they will give them naturalization and invite them to the Newyears eve party at the palace where the king himself will present them with a national award of recognition. :D

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So for me , everything bad about Thailand comes from... Thais.

( I think anyone viewing our 2 posts together would assign me the far higher intelligence. )

LOL.... :o

What do you expect to find in Thailand, Eskimo's ?

You're an American right, I know that you're the most popular people on the planet, but living in Thailand and dissing the people of that country is insane, just move on to wherever you feel comfortable, I hear there are Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan with a poulation that loves you, try that. Lot's of horses in Afghanistan too!

Yep, you're really smart.... you live in a country you despise, I live in a country I like.

What a dumbazz I must be. :D:D:D

Again the slanderous insults,

May I ask, would you be here if it Thai women were not so... available?

Because I think it's very likely, from your defensive attacks, that you're here for the subjugation of women, (how much choice do they really have) and this is the REAL impetus for a vast majority foreign men residing here.

Furthermore i think this is a perfectly rational reason, sex is THE impetus for men, after all. however for some reason this seems to be something to be ashamed of, to hide ..and it's this denial that has you so upset, you cannot allow me my view .

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Personally, I don't think anybody gives a toss about a bunch of posters on an anonymous internet forum, especially in this country where a Farang has no say in how anything happens, all they can do is whinge and whine about how bad their life is, but still stay on in Thailand, regardless of all their bitterness.

What a sad bunch they are. :o

Well put. I don't like alot of things about Thailand. I also don't like alot of things about other countries. Billy Bragg said we have to take the crunchy along with the smooth and he was right. So I adapt and cope as best I can, which is why I commute as much as possible :D . We all have the option of leaving if we are unhappy. If we eat at a restaurant and the service is bad, we are not obliged to spend the rest of our lives eating there are we?

I'm sorry, but using the words of any National Anthem to support a view like this is ridiculous. Read what the words of verse 2 of "God Save the Queen" says about foreigners for example: snip

And is there any more vicious text than the French National Anthem?



You forgot to mention Europe's favourite song, Das Deutschlandlied which some of you may know as Deutschshland Uber Alles (Germany above all) Although only the 3rd stanza is now the official national anthem, the 1st stanza was a great toe tapper starting with Germany, Germany above everything, Above everything in the world :D

One could go on for hours pulling apart national anthems. I for one am disappointed that they don't sing the full version of the USA anthem at sporting events. I'd love to see the expressions on the faces of some of the players when it gets to the part that goes

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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I can understand women who don't like it here a lot more than men. :o

Yes, If there were legions of gorgeous men who would cook , clean , and otherwise provide services AND afford me a residency visa , I might have a completely different view.

I htink this is paradise, for men who want that kind of relationship..

but, I have to say and I don't think marrying a Thai woman makes one any different from the usual sex tourist-chances are it's a financial arrangement on her part . In the west women who marry for money are called gold diggers - it is perfectly acceptable here, indeed , I believe it's considered honorable.

Another double standard that benefits the male ex pat only

Edited by HorseDoctor
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So for me , everything bad about Thailand comes from... Thais.

( I think anyone viewing our 2 posts together would assign me the far higher intelligence. )

LOL.... :o

What do you expect to find in Thailand, Eskimo's ?

You're an American right, I know that you're the most popular people on the planet, but living in Thailand and dissing the people of that country is insane, just move on to wherever you feel comfortable, I hear there are Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan with a poulation that loves you, try that. Lot's of horses in Afghanistan too!

Yep, you're really smart.... you live in a country you despise, I live in a country I like.

What a dumbazz I must be. :D:D:D

Again the slanderous insults,

May I ask, would you be here if it Thai women were not so... available?

Because I think it's very likely, from your defensive attacks, that you're here for the subjugation of women, (how much choice do they really have) and this is the REAL impetus for a vast majority foreign men residing here.

Furthermore i think this is a perfectly rational reason, sex is THE impetus for men, after all. however for some reason this seems to be something to be ashamed of, to hide ..and it's this denial that has you so upset, you cannot allow me my view .

Haha.....You get stranger and funnier HD...

I've been here for 18 years on the 10th of this month, I came here when I was 35 and never have had any problems getting females as friends.

I will agree with you that there are many men in Thailand who come or came here cos they find it very difficult to find relationships back in their home countries, but why diss them, seeking love in any form isn't a crime, and if a guy chooses to come to Thailand to find a wife 30 years youger than he is, so what, who does it harm ?

65 year old Rod Stewart gets a 19 year old model girlfriend and they're the toast of the town, the loving couple........ Joe Bloggs the roadsweeper from Barnsley get a Thai wife 25 years younger than himself as he's branded a pervert, why ?

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Well put. I don't like alot of things about Thailand. I also don't like alot of things about other countries. Billy Bragg said we have to take the crunchy along with the smooth and he was right. So I adapt and cope as best I can, which is why I commute as much as possible :o . We all have the option of leaving if we are unhappy. If we eat at a restaurant and the service is bad, we are not obliged to spend the rest of our lives eating there are we?

Yes, I can go elsewhere, it will be a colossal pain and expense to move the horses but I will not abandon them here to be abused , neglected and then have a horrid end on a meat truck to be butchered alive .

I will just am angry that all I read, on this forum and otherwise... Land Of Smiles... Blah blah blah and the way I was treated as tourist , in contrast to how I'm treated as a resident it's all a big fat lie and I feel cheated... bait and switched.

So I shall continue, at the pleasure of the The TV forum that is , to give an alternate view.

Edited by HorseDoctor
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So for me , everything bad about Thailand comes from... Thais.

( I think anyone viewing our 2 posts together would assign me the far higher intelligence. )

LOL.... :o

What do you expect to find in Thailand, Eskimo's ?

You're an American right, I know that you're the most popular people on the planet, but living in Thailand and dissing the people of that country is insane, just move on to wherever you feel comfortable, I hear there are Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan with a poulation that loves you, try that. Lot's of horses in Afghanistan too!

Yep, you're really smart.... you live in a country you despise, I live in a country I like.

What a dumbazz I must be. :D:D:D

Again the slanderous insults,

May I ask, would you be here if it Thai women were not so... available?

Because I think it's very likely, from your defensive attacks, that you're here for the subjugation of women, (how much choice do they really have) and this is the REAL impetus for a vast majority foreign men residing here.

Furthermore i think this is a perfectly rational reason, sex is THE impetus for men, after all. however for some reason this seems to be something to be ashamed of, to hide ..and it's this denial that has you so upset, you cannot allow me my view .

Haha.....You get stranger and funnier HD...

I've been here for 18 years on the 10th of this month, I came here when I was 35 and never have had any problems getting females as friends.

I will agree with you that there are many men in Thailand who come or came here cos they find it very difficult to find relationships back in their home countries, but why diss them, seeking love in any form isn't a crime, and if a guy chooses to come to Thailand to find a wife 30 years youger than he is, so what, who does it harm ?

65 year old Rod Stewart gets a 19 year old model girlfriend and they're the toast of the town, the loving couple........ Joe Bloggs the roadsweeper from Barnsley get a Thai wife 25 years younger than himself as he's branded a pervert, why ?

And the 60 year old woman with a 30 year old husband, what is she?

Besides I said it's normal, justifiable, rational just why hide it and attack others , admit that the women are the reason the men are here instead of attacking my uncomfortable truth.

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Haha.....You get stranger and funnier HD...

I've been here for 18 years on the 10th of this month, I came here when I was 35 and never have had any problems getting females as friends.

I will agree with you that there are many men in Thailand who come or came here cos they find it very difficult to find relationships back in their home countries, but why diss them, seeking love in any form isn't a crime, and if a guy chooses to come to Thailand to find a wife 30 years youger than he is, so what, who does it harm ?

65 year old Rod Stewart gets a 19 year old model girlfriend and they're the toast of the town, the loving couple........ Joe Bloggs the roadsweeper from Barnsley get a Thai wife 25 years younger than himself as he's branded a pervert, why ?

Ok still an insult but not as vicious , perhaps next remark might contain no negative comment against me and only your opinion of the topic??

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Haha.....You get stranger and funnier HD...

I've been here for 18 years on the 10th of this month, I came here when I was 35 and never have had any problems getting females as friends.

I will agree with you that there are many men in Thailand who come or came here cos they find it very difficult to find relationships back in their home countries, but why diss them, seeking love in any form isn't a crime, and if a guy chooses to come to Thailand to find a wife 30 years youger than he is, so what, who does it harm ?

65 year old Rod Stewart gets a 19 year old model girlfriend and they're the toast of the town, the loving couple........ Joe Bloggs the roadsweeper from Barnsley get a Thai wife 25 years younger than himself as he's branded a pervert, why ?

Ok still an insult but not as vicious , perhaps next remark might contain no negative comment against me and only your opinion of the topic??

I think you fancy me. :o

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......We all have the option of leaving if we are unhappy. If we eat at a restaurant and the service is bad, we are not obliged to spend the rest of our lives eating there are we?


Well the options get rather limited if we have fallen in love with the waitress, but hate the place, the food, the decor, the owner, the loo, the tiles, the wall paint, the cutlery, the crockery, the furniture, the other staff, the location, the light fittings, the menu, the prices..... :o

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