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Reasonably Tasteful Nightly Entertainment


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I went out with a visiting friend yesterday, and I'm sharing an experience I found noteworthy.

As you may know, being tasked with 'showing virbrant nightlife' in Chiang Mai is not easy. Often people want to see the aspects of nightlife that Thailand is famous for, but to be honest none of it is very exciting. We all know the establishment on Kotchasarn, and the one near the D2 hotel. Ho hum.

Oh, and then there's that dark, dank, mostly-Thai rip-off place near that boxing ring center of bars near the Mae Ping hotel.

This particular one however, has CHANGED! I went in there as a last resort, because I hadn't been there in YEARS and was out of options. Well guess what. It wasn't too dark, it wasn't wall to wall with drunk Thais, it wasn't pushy and there were no ladyboys. Most importantly, they actually have a pretty tasteful and interesting show now. I can't go into detail but I'll leave you with noting that 'tasteful' is a word that I would NEVER have thought to use referring to that place! There's still a cover charge (150 baht) which includes one drink.

Show starts at 11pm, and there's a reprise at 12:30am (I asked)

Go have a look if you're into that on occasion, or have friends or family visiting that need to be shown what they consider 'Thai nightlife'. (If you're not into that (and mostly I am not either) then you're obviously not missing much; please skip this topic in that case.

The boxing ring area was also remarkably busy, I mean compared to the bottom end of Loi Kroh. So overall that area might actually WORK if you have one night to show people around from a tourism point of view, as pretty much everything is there in one location. And Guitarman is a short walk away.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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And here is another recommendation:

There's always some kind of change or remoddeling or name-changing going on at Cosy Corner, but the latest change works really well and it's now a very respectable bar to visit.

Especially the roof top is VERY nice. You have a view of the town, the cheapest drinks prices by tourist/expat bar standards and the food (yes) deserves special mention, specifically the Thai food. It's very well done, as good as any proper restaurant and prices are reasonable.

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You realize of course that there will be those who don't think "reasonably tasteful" and "entertainment" go together.

I can't believe I just wrote testesful and had to correct it... :o

I have always found Guitarman tasteful and great entertainment. Friends also introduced me to a place, on a dark back street, where there are loads of beautiful girls but the only dealing you can do with them is to pay them to sit and sing Karaoke with you. A unique experience indeed compared to the Loi Kroh dungeons of depravity (which of course I have only seen from afar).. :D

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Personally if I had friend and family coming who want to see Thai entertainment, id want to take them somewhere like a kantoke night or a local music club or something. Would prefer to them to go back with a better idea of what Thai nightlife is about, not reinforce some general perceptions. Call it boring if you want, but personally thats what i would call "tasteful entertainment". :o

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Friends also introduced me to a place, on a dark back street, where there are loads of beautiful girls but the only dealing you can do with them is to pay them to sit and sing Karaoke with you.

If you visit these places regularly and they get to know you, you can do a lot more than sing. :o

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"Personally if I had friend and family coming who want to see Thai entertainment, id want to take them somewhere like a kantoke night or a local music club or something. Would prefer to them to go back with a better idea of what Thai nightlife is about,...."

I'm with you there for the most part, Eek. If it was all boys we'd probably go hit the prior-listed places one night just to do what you're supposed to do. But to really impress I'd hit a kantoke show or take them to Heuan Suntharee for a real great evening that impresses with the best of Lanna. You do know the place I speak of rt, Eek ? After your time here, I'm hoping you've been. Suntharee is a famous Lanna singer whose 'Sao Jiang Mai' song is a virtual anthem for women of Lanna culture and virtues. It's beautiful stuff. You've heard it in malls and around town even if not knowing it.

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Yowz, no I havent been to see Heuan Suntharee! I tried google for more info, but nothing much came up for me, except that she owns the Riverside restaurant. Is that correct? Thats where she mainly plays? and is it only really in the evening? sorry for the ton of questions, just havent heard directly of her (although as you say, probably know of her music indirectly). I actually dont go out at night much to be honest, but would be nice to know more about where to go to see her as sounds like its worth it.


I also realise my perspective on nightlife is likely to be very different from the general males perspective. Im not knocking anyone, just think its a good idea to try promote another side. Course im biased too, cuz i love Chiang Mai, and want to show that Thailand has a really culturally interesting side to it, of which Chiang Mai has a lot to offer.

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And here is another recommendation:

There's always some kind of change or remoddeling or name-changing going on at Cosy Corner, but the latest change works really well and it's now a very respectable bar to visit.

Especially the roof top is VERY nice. You have a view of the town, the cheapest drinks prices by tourist/expat bar standards and the food (yes) deserves special mention, specifically the Thai food. It's very well done, as good as any proper restaurant and prices are reasonable.

Ah thats my favourite bar in all of Thailand, I love sitting in Cosy Corner for an afternoon beer or can of coke with lunch or an evening beer or a few more with dinner. Always had good food there and the staff are always pleasant.

Will be returning for my 3rd visit to Chaing Mai in December and I am looking forward to going there once again.

As you say its now a respectable place to visit, are you telling me it never used to be????

Edit - After doing a search of the forum on Cosy Corner I guess the place will be quite a bit different to how I remember it 2 years ago but still looking forward to the visit to see the place.

Edited by machlad
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............ except that she owns the Riverside restaurant. Is that correct?

Dutch John started and has owned the Riverside since the early 1980's. I haven't seen or spoken with him or been in the Riverside for a number of years so perhaps he has sold it but I don't think so. Long time business partner Peter and John's daughter were running the place when I last spoke with John.

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Will be returning for my 3rd visit to Chaing Mai in December and I am looking forward to going there once again.

As you say its now a respectable place to visit, are you telling me it never used to be????

Right. :D In the nineties it used to be a Go-go bar. Then it morphed into a regular bar when the place next door became the go-go, then that morphed into a regular bar, then that was sold to the Naga boutique hotel behind it, and now there's just Cosy Corner again, but still as a regular respectable bar.

That concludes the history lesson. :o

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It was Chiang Mai's first decent Go-Go bar for farangs and the one next door had the same owner until he sold it to the Naga Boutique Hotel a few months ago.

It is not a Go-Go bar now, but no more "respectable" than the lady bars on Loi Kroh Road. :o

Remember those disgusting shower shows? It was a shame how one girl couldn't wash her own back or various other parts of her body so she had to have her friend help out.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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The Riverside has four owners, one of whom is John's daughter Judith. Two other owners are Thai, one British.

Soontharee has a new location further north (from the original rickety wooden house) on the Ping, larger than the last and catering more to tour bus groups now. Another unfortunate aspect is that she herself is performing less frequently there, and her daughter Lanna Cummins, who is now a superstar, rarely performs there either. If you want to be sure to hear Soontharee perform, make it a Saturday night.

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Lanna Cummins? titter.


max = 2.5 cc x 5 million tourists p/a = 12 500 litres

low (10%) = 2.5 x 500,000 tourists p/a = 1250 litres (275 gallons) or 3.4 litres per day. Yazoo_Flavoured_Milk_1_Litre_Bottle_93.jpg

having trouble reading between the lines.., i guess you are talking about 'etoile hawk'?

No showers? might have to pay a visit, for research purposes.

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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Remember those disgusting shower shows? It was a shame how one girl couldn't wash her own back or various other parts of her body so she had to have her friend help out.

I did accidently witness those a number of times but didn't realize one of the ladies had a dexterity disorder. And while I did find the total nudity a bit risque, I assumed they were simply promoting cleanliness. And now that I know they hire the handicapped, I am all for it.

Cleanliness rules! Share it with a friend...


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Remember those disgusting shower shows? It was a shame how one girl couldn't wash her own back or various other parts of her body so she had to have her friend help out.

I really felt sorry for Jiep. She seemed pretty supple, but could never quite reach her own breasts. :o

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The Riverside has four owners, one of whom is John's daughter Judith. Two other owners are Thai, one British.

Soontharee has a new location further north (from the original rickety wooden house) on the Ping, larger than the last and catering more to tour bus groups now. Another unfortunate aspect is that she herself is performing less frequently there, and her daughter Lanna Cummins, who is now a superstar, rarely performs there either. If you want to be sure to hear Soontharee perform, make it a Saturday night.

Is Lanna Cummins any relation to another world famous Chiang Mai identity, Joe Cummins? :o:D

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Yowz, no I havent been to see Heuan Suntharee! I tried google for more info, but nothing much came up for me, except that she owns the Riverside restaurant. Is that correct?

I think you'll find she owns "a" riverside restaurant, not "the" Riverside restaurant. A good example of the importance of article use (and capital letter use) for my Thai students of English.


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one of the owners and guitar player from riverside has a small place behind sompet market on that alley that goes in right after the irish pub,along eagle gh,all u can eat utopia, a little further on the left .fridays and saturdays from about 10:30 to midnight really nice music in a small environ. also the kantoke near big c towards chiangrai has quite a nice ambience and there is a german beer house with live bands and food nearby to go afterwards. or alternatively. places to go with people who visit.

also santias grotto,tha phae soi 2 near changmoi rd.jam sessions friday to sunday where the beautiful santia sits in on drums herself.no shit ,check it out just the place itself is a hoot!

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Will be returning for my 3rd visit to Chaing Mai in December and I am looking forward to going there once again.

As you say its now a respectable place to visit, are you telling me it never used to be????

Right. :D In the nineties it used to be a Go-go bar. Then it morphed into a regular bar when the place next door became the go-go, then that morphed into a regular bar, then that was sold to the Naga boutique hotel behind it, and now there's just Cosy Corner again, but still as a regular respectable bar.

That concludes the history lesson. :o

Thanks for the history lesson, More's the pity I never got to see the shower shows there.

I just got to see the girls dancing there in traditional dress, I just never got to find out just how respectable they were or not shall we say.

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Thanks for the history lesson, More's the pity I never got to see the shower shows there.

I just got to see the girls dancing there in traditional dress, I just never got to find out just how respectable they were or not shall we say.

It's just as well you didn't get to experience these brazen displays of incapacitated young ladies trying to keep each other clean. You would more than likely be having bad dreams to this very day.

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It was Chiang Mai's first decent Go-Go bar for farangs and the one next door had the same owner until he sold it to the Naga Boutique Hotel a few months ago.

It is not a Go-Go bar now, but no more "respectable" than the lady bars on Loi Kroh Road. :o

Remember those disgusting shower shows? It was a shame how one girl couldn't wash her own back or various other parts of her body so she had to have her friend help out.

Yes and that about hits the nail on the head, all just memories now.

Adult night entertainments in Chiang Mai are only renants of what they used to be.

Much of the good stuff has long gone. what`s left is over priced, no thrills and standard run of the mill.

No point in trying to discover adult adventures and entertainments in Ching Mai, they`re not here.

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Shocking Ulysses G.! :o

I joked last night to a Thai friend that I wanted a university student meanoy. ( i met my ball and chain on day 1 arriving in CM 2 years ago :D )

He replied that there is in fact an... ermm.... university dating service...with discounts for 'sandweeeches'.

Shocking. Dont PM me for details. I didnt get them.

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Shocking Ulysses G.! :D

I joked last night to a Thai friend that I wanted a university student meanoy. ( i met my ball and chain on day 1 arriving in CM 2 years ago :D )

He replied that there is in fact an... ermm.... university dating service...with discounts for 'sandweeeches'.

Shocking. Dont PM me for details. I didnt get them.

UKWEBPRO, sounds like significantly important information that would be beneficial to some TV members in Chiang Mai. One would think you would research this "University Dating Service" and report back with your findings. :o

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Sounds like fun, but i dont need any more temptation in my life!! Im better off not knowing whats in Pandorra's box...

Im not sure how one would go about finding this agency, other than by the telephone number i was offered. So other than saying it exists, my research ends here. Ah... married life :o

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I've heard of this business numerous times since I've lived here and every school is reputed to have big notebooks with lots of photos of the girls who earn their way through school this way. I've met numerous Thais who claim to have seen these books, but not even one farang. :o

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