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Gen. Anupong suggests House dissolution

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No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

Thailand has a democratic elected government, only some MOBS do not respect democratic elections

As I said before, I think TV would be a much better place if people would just be able to ignore the poster cited above.

There is plenty of other PAD posters with whom you can have much better discussions such as animatic for example.

In these last few month when I was reading TV, I thought the only things h90 was doing was provoking people and engaging in demagogic arguments.

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It is Anupong who should be kicked out for disobeying a direct order. The idiot was quick enough to try and start trouble with Cambodia but he is absolutely useless in the south and is a backer of the PAD, so what use is he to Thailand?

Now Gen A is suggesting a new election. He can't be serious! 3-6 months down the line after yet more vote buying the same crowd will be "democratically" elected, with the same PM, and once again it will be unacceptable to the elite of Bangkok and others.

This is the perfect illustration of the problem : a dead-end.

No end in sight. The struggle for power will continue until... a very specic event happens (you know...)

The solution as I see it is for a government of national Unity, with a mix of the best of all the parties and a well respected person to be PM. After 1 year, perhaps free and fair elections could be called.

National.... unity ? That's a rather strange word. Not sure we have it in modern thai dictionnary.... :o

And there is currently so much vitriol on TV, if I could only bottle it, I would make a fortune selling sulphuric-acid ! :o


The solution as I see it is for a government of national Unity, with a mix of the best of all the parties and a well respected person to be PM. After 1 year, perhaps free and fair elections could be called.

Choke Dee. You are correct in theory, But it will not happen. It sucks. It is what it is. No disrespect to you.


The government on Wednesday rejected a 'suggestion' by army chief Anupong Paojinda to resign and the protesters who seized and closed Suvarnabhumi airport on Wednesday declined the general's demand to get out of the airport.

Guess we are in for the long haul. The government won't budge and remains hel_l-bent on clinging to its power and neither will PAD according to reports. Disgraceful

An elected government refuses to bow down to the Army and "protestors" and you call it disgraceful? That's disgraceful!

"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

You assume, as usual, that PAD has no valid reasons to protests.

I come from a different angle, as you well know.

PAD is public's reaction to the government, not the other way around, and it's unreasonable to think that people would engage in such a prolonged campaign for frivolous reasons and disrupt's next governement for nothing.

Surely UDD can try to demonstrate against Democrats, hypothetically speaking, but since they don't have any real issues or platform, they will have really hard time making themselves heard, and Democrats would be shit scared to provide them with any ammunition, too.

How's that bad for the country?

They have many valid reasons to protest. That is their right to do without breaking any laws. It is not unreasonable for people to engage in a prolonged campaign within the law. Where I used to live in Washington, D.C. there were many protests against the government. This is their right. Not once did any of them think it was reasonable to take over government buildings and seige the airports. Taking over the government house and the airport is unreasonable and can not be tolerated by any government. If the country gives into this kind of civil disobedience it sets a bad precedence and is bad for the country.


If Somchai would do his part to avoid bloodshed, by resigning and dissolving parliament, then I think PAD would honor their pledge and stop the protest. What I hope would follow is an election campaign in which PAD does not run as a political party, but instead allies with the Democrat party and its candidate for PM, Abhisit. If the Democrats can manage to put forth a platform that offers something to the poor folks in the north and NE, they might just be able to win the next election.

An elected government refuses to bow down to the Army and "protestors" and you call it disgraceful? That's disgraceful!

Forgive them... PAD supporters have a different vision then the rest of the civilized world of the notion of "democracy"

They have many valid reasons to protest. That is their right to do without breaking any laws. It is not unreasonable for people to engage in a prolonged campaign within the law. Where I used to live in Washington, D.C. there were many protests against the government. This is their right. Not once did any of them think it was reasonable to take over government buildings and seige the airports. Taking over the government house and the airport is unreasonable and can not be tolerated by any government. If the country gives into this kind of civil disobedience it sets a bad precedence and is bad for the country.

Except that when a government continunes to break the law with impunity itself, then extraordinary measures are called for.

The government on Wednesday rejected a 'suggestion' by army chief Anupong Paojinda to resign and the protesters who seized and closed Suvarnabhumi airport on Wednesday declined the general's demand to get out of the airport.

Guess we are in for the long haul. The government won't budge and remains hel_l-bent on clinging to its power and neither will PAD according to reports. Disgraceful

An elected government refuses to bow down to the Army and "protestors" and you call it disgraceful? That's disgraceful!

100% disgraceful. When a government only continues to serve itself, protect the guilty from serving time it and is incapable of governing, its time to go. The army only made a suggestion, not an ultimatum.

"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

I believe there is every chance that everyone will ignore Anupong and the stalemate will continue. He isn't the right man to request political acts. He is the army and as such should either hold a coup or run the risk that no one pays him any attention at all.

People Shouldn't Be Afraid of Their Government, Governments' Should Be Afraid of Their People.


Anybody who has seen the movie will know the relevance to this thread.

V - for Vendetta, saw it, but it remains a movie!

Not to forget the main reason behind all this keeps pushing from a safe position, directing HIS moves as HE pleases, my guess is that Somchai has clear orders, to stand tall, what so ever, till everything is in place.... there is hectic maneuvering behind the scenes, for that it is much, way too much quiet!

But funny that the Premier prefers to move to Shin Country... Chiang Mai, this move alone tells volumes!

Having a red shirt reception!

Thought he is from Nakhon si Thammarat, doesn't befriend him with the southerners much...

This dummy will still smile when he it is dark and everyone has gone, he can't help it - it's his insecurity!

If Somchai would do his part to avoid bloodshed, by resigning and dissolving parliament, then I think PAD would honor their pledge and stop the protest. What I hope would follow is an election campaign in which PAD does not run as a political party, but instead allies with the Democrat party and its candidate for PM, Abhisit. If the Democrats can manage to put forth a platform that offers something to the poor folks in the north and NE, they might just be able to win the next election.

Why should the government bend over and pull their pants down? Whether you like it or not they were democratically elected and recognized by the international community.

Doing such a thing would send a very bad message to the peoples of this country, and would basically mean that anyone using terrorist tactics to obtain what they want will work.

100% disgraceful. When a government only continues to serve itself, protect the guilty from serving time it and is incapable of governing, its time to go. The army only made a suggestion, not an ultimatum.

Incapable of governing because a bunch of thugs won't let them do so.

The suggestion of the army was more than just an idea! What that general meant was "we won't do our job and remove that crowd of illegal demonstrators from the airport so your only choice is to go"

"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

You assume, as usual, that PAD has no valid reasons to protests.

I come from a different angle, as you well know.

PAD is public's reaction to the government, not the other way around, and it's unreasonable to think that people would engage in such a prolonged campaign for frivolous reasons and disrupt's next governement for nothing.

Surely UDD can try to demonstrate against Democrats, hypothetically speaking, but since they don't have any real issues or platform, they will have really hard time making themselves heard, and Democrats would be shit scared to provide them with any ammunition, too.

How's that bad for the country?

I don't assume they have no valid reason. I believe that the way they have protested should largely invalidate their claims.

And what will happen a few years down the line when inevitably there is another group of politicians caught with their noses in the trough? Or a group of politicians fall foul of a small group because they don't agree with government policy? Will the system be able to sort it out, or will people remember how these events have unfolded and say, "No problem, we can just take over government buildings and cause mayhem until they cave because we believe we have the right to do it.

There will come a day when Egat, the trains, and TOT will be privatised and it will be absolutely for the good of the country. What will happen then? Running a country inevitably means that some will be happy and others not.


somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

100% disgraceful. When a government only continues to serve itself, protect the guilty from serving time it and is incapable of governing, its time to go. The army only made a suggestion, not an ultimatum.

Incapable of governing because a bunch of thugs won't let them do so.

The suggestion of the army was more than just an idea! What that general meant was "we won't do our job and remove that crowd of illegal demonstrators from the airport so your only choice is to go"

The only platform this government has had since the start was to whitewash all the banned TRT members who were found guilty this year and to bring a convicted criminal back and let him off the hook to run the country. Yes, they are incapable of governing a country. Had PPP not been so selfish in their goals, PAD wouldn't have existed to begin with.

If Somchai would do his part to avoid bloodshed, by resigning and dissolving parliament, then I think PAD would honor their pledge and stop the protest. What I hope would follow is an election campaign in which PAD does not run as a political party, but instead allies with the Democrat party and its candidate for PM, Abhisit. If the Democrats can manage to put forth a platform that offers something to the poor folks in the north and NE, they might just be able to win the next election.

The PAD does not want to offer anything to the poor folks. They want to keep the poor under-educated with nothing, that is how they get their 100 baht a day labor to get as rich as they are. The PAD hate the PPP because they are helping the poor and are a threat to their exploitation of cheap labor. The PAD I know have passed college no matter what grades they had as long as they were paying the tuition. They also have got many jobs from knowing people and not on their qualifications. There is no way some should be in the positions they are in. This is just as corrupt as vote buying but being to their advantage it is OK with them. With the poor people being the majority they have come into power and are a threat to their exploitation. They say they are too dumb to vote. If you exploit the masses and keep them under-educated they will be victim to vote buying and can come into power in a democratic society. Untill the elite offer people an equal opportunity for education and employment this is what they will get. This will never happen as the elite might have to actually pass college and qualify for their jobs.

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

This move would create exactly what is feverishly tried to be avoided at all cost!

Go on.... Tianmen Square fan?

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

I agree. I think they should put Colin Powell in his place. Problem solved.

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

This move would create exactly what is feverishly tried to be avoided at all cost!

Go on.... Tianmen Square fan?

So you think the only way to remove protesters is to shoot them????

Lucky Thailand still has a strong leader in Thaksin waiting in the wings. A leader whose popularity just increased 10 fold with this blancmanges appearance on Thai TV.

Are you saying that you would prefer Thaksin to come back and lead? Is it then correct to label you pro-Thaksin?

You're a fast one there, Tawp! :o

This ultimately is new power vs old power,

but NEITHER has been as good for Thailand as any true believe realizes.

But the older ones are getting an upper hand with new realizations about how they will have to run things.

The new power is just meshugana.

Can you clarify what you mean exactly by new power and old power?


Thaksin and his now, partly sundered, short term alliances of conveinence, with some older investment families,

And the true old families and investment bankers of many generations.

The Chinese/Thai families that think in 4 generations and 100 year plans.

Basically if you step on too many faces on your way up,

they will step on your balls twice as they drag you back down

for the disrespect show during your accent.

Tis Thaksin's turn at the moment.

"May you live in interesting times" * and old OLD chinese curse.

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

Tell us: Just how does the tail wag the dog? :o

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

This move would create exactly what is feverishly tried to be avoided at all cost!

Go on.... Tianmen Square fan?

that is what the fanatic PAD cult waiting, asking and preparing for. or what you think why they camp at the airport now? to escalate the situation and sacrify themself for their madness.

those thugs are out there for bloodshed and violence. and want create some more martyrs. last war, final battle etc. that is the rhetoric of that tribe of maniacs. stubborn imbeciles.

dialogue and consensus with the PAD? they don't want it.

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

I agree. I think they should put Colin Powell in his place. Problem solved.

Actually Anupong and Powell would get along famously.

Both firm and diplomatic men, and both have been caught

in untenable situations and make the most of it.

somchai should sack the army general immediately and put someone in place that can do the job. ie. remove the 'protesters' from the airport.

This move would create exactly what is feverishly tried to be avoided at all cost!

Go on.... Tianmen Square fan?

So you think the only way to remove protesters is to shoot them????

Bring in a general with some balls, tear gas (american made please) , water cannons , clear exit paths , get them back on the freeway and tear gas them back home until they are crying for their mommy.

I don't assume they have no valid reason. I believe that the way they have protested should largely invalidate their claims.

I see it that they did everyting that was necessary to prevent the government from serving Thaksin, and still it is not over.

Had they been any less persistent and forceful Thaksin would have been excused already. That's a simple fact, Thaksin's appointees would have rolled over the country long long time ago.

Like it or not, but PAD is the only force that can stand up to Thaksin, everyone else in this country bent over already, even if they don't admit it.

Dems have been doing their small part, too, but it's hard to remember when anything they said or done made any difference.


after the press conference by Anupong, a group of MPs also held a press conference calling on Anupong to resign. if he doesnt the MPs will also submit petition to prime minister to remove Anupong from his post. (rightly so under the constitution, for failing to do his job - which is to restore order to the country

I have said this before, but will say again -

the military have repeatedly used the disguise of "restoring order to the country" as the precursor to conducting a military coup when it suits them (most times there really hasnt been such unruly disorder in the country), but now when they are for once required to do that job for real, they refuse to!

he really does need to be fired!

and remember that calling on the military to take action does not equate taking violent measures. it also does not entail beseiging power for themselve.

Like it or not, but PAD is the only force that can stand up to Thaksin, everyone else in this country bent over already, even if they don't admit it.

you forgot about the judges that convicted him.

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