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just got this email from one of my partying friends


This is not good - 3 of my friends who said they were going with me are seriously considering canceling the trip, and I can't blame them.

I'm still planning on going, but if this is still going on in January, all bets are off...

they just keep driving everyone away

visa restrictions


closing the bars

roads and sidewalks a mess


and they want to advertise for people to come here. i am happy here but tourists have lots of choices

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Tourism will take a minor, short term dip no doubt. But it will come back.

People have short memories, and Thailand will still have everything it

had to offer prior to the current situation.

If you want proof, look at how Phuket and Krabi are doing (aside from a

drop in tourism due to the global financial problem).

Why use Phuket and Krabi as examples ? If you don't know the answer to that, it

proves my point in the second paragraph. Tourism has bounced backed quite well in that area

considering what happened.

(And for those that truly don't know, the tsunami that devastated large parts of South East

Asia and left thousands dead or missing in the Phuket/Krabi area alone, is a distant memory

to many, though it happened just under 4 years ago. Some have forgotten about it, and others

don't even know it happened at all).

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the tsunami that devastated large parts of South East

Asia and left thousands dead or missing in the Phuket/Krabi area alone, is a distant memory

to many, though it happened just under 4 years ago. Some have forgotten about it, and others

don't even know it happened at all).

from the time it happened 4 years ago this event is in an every guide book and many tourist broshures - maybe tourists are coming to phuket and krabi out of the pity to the local population, largely living off the tourist industry?

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Phuket and Krabi are a different case. It was a tsunami, probably a once or twice ina lifetime NATURAL event.

This is a man made, violent event. That scares ppl off as it shows malice and forthought and planning. Not something that just happens. Thats what makes ppl scared. The thinking is "if they can do this, what else can they do???".

I just hope that it doesnt become another Bali, not the violence but the aftermath. Hotels and Resorts closing, 20-50% occupancy, years later and they still havent recovered.

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With Tsunamis, bird flu, SARS, and other NON controllable "acts of God" tourists and business travellers are generally very level headed and understand that it is in no way the fault of Thais or Thailand. It will be business as usual quickly.

People, despite what -seems- to be the popular opinion here, are quite intelligent and are able to see the difference between "acts of God" and a man made <uprising/protest/violence/overtaking airports/etc>.

The difference with an <uprising/protest/violence/overtaking airports/etc> and bird flu and tsunamis is that it is under the direct control of Thais. They can choose to stage this <uprising/etc>, or they can choose not to. People around the world see and understand this.

The people around the world will not side with Thais and will not sympathise while this <uprising/etc> is going on. Particularly when it is a violent one as shown in the world media.

The people will say (and are already saying), screw Thailand and screw the Thais. Reason being anything from ruined travel plans, to lost business, to family/friends being stuck here and/or lost money by having trips cancelled, to loss of life due to critical medical supplies not making it on time and a lot more (feel free to expand on it).

Business will not return to "normal" quickly at all. The after effects will not be know for a long time, if ever. We can be sure, however, that the after effects will be felt and felt strongly all over the country.

Personally, I think it is great that this crap is going on as there will be a significant decline in the amount of people arriving, and most likely a stagnant Thai economy. If the Thai Baht loses ground to world currencies (particularly the USD) I stand to profit nicely. To this I say, go PAD, stay long and piss on the country as much as you like.

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On the bright side: it is a real boost for tourism in Vietnam (I am a hotel manager here) :D

I have been thinking the same thing :o Vietnam looks like it has it's act together from what I have seen and poised to be the next big destination. As someone who would know, do you agree? Drop me a line because I have been looking at Vietnam for quite a while now and with all that is going on it is looking more and more attractive.

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On the bright side: it is a real boost for tourism in Vietnam (I am a hotel manager here) :D

I have been thinking the same thing :o Vietnam looks like it has it's act together from what I have seen and poised to be the next big destination. As someone who would know, do you agree? Drop me a line because I have been looking at Vietnam for quite a while now and with all that is going on it is looking more and more attractive.

Please feel free to drop me a line about Vietnam too. If they shut down the internet I am leaving this country immediately via bus so it has to be a neighboring country. However I need to go somewhere my Laos girlfriend can go as well. I do believe Vietnam is one of those places. Internet and Visa feasibility are my only concerns.

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Well, the chances of political unrest in Vietnam are close to "0". I have been living here on and off for 13 years, and the one big draw for tourism has always been safety, there is little crime apart from the occasional pick-pocketing.

I go to Thailand quite often for things that I cannot get here:

1. Good cinemas

2. Bookstores

3. Shoes

Generally, things have much improved and, whilst there are no Mega malls like in BKK, one can get a lot of stuff in the cities these days. Nighlife is less developed, but you can get a beer any time of the day. Internet access is pretty good, with censorship limited to political sites. Visas are generally no problem.

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It's not going to be good for the tourism industry. One part of the company that I work for deals in tourism, and we are really not to optomistic about it in the short term Looks like we will take a hit on that part of the business in the coming months, but hopefully as it is still a pretty niche market we might be okay. I just think that it's sad that so many people reliant in one way or another on the tourist industry are going to take a bit of a hit. I suppose the tossers that are responsible for all of this don't give a shit, as they are mainly protected from any adverse affects. I'm not including the sheep that have been co-erced from both sides to protest in this, they are blinded by their own ignorance.

Sad, very sad and I really don't think this is comparable to some of the previous issues such as Tsunami, Bird Flu and Sars.

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Take a look at Cambodia , many have already moved here and liking it , no hassle 1 year visa at your friendly travel agent , cheaper apartments , good bars and nightlife , friendly people that rarely bring harm to a foreigner , beaches with unpoluted water etc . So close you can almost walk here , but the bus is easier to carry your luggage , not your style ? Easy bus ride into Vietnam .

Oh , and tourism has risen 10% plus , can't be that bad . EH ?

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Personally, I think it is great that this crap is going on as there will be a significant decline in the amount of people arriving, and most likely a stagnant Thai economy. If the Thai Baht loses ground to world currencies (particularly the USD) I stand to profit nicely. To this I say, go PAD, stay long and piss on the country as much as you like.

could not agree more. Like other of my friends here - just waiting to cash in on this small situation and make some extra monies !! :o


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