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Who Pays...?


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Just curious...

I am enjoying my extended stay here in CM compliments of the airlines not being able to fly into Bangkok.

However sooner or later I will have to return to work. I have been at the airport for the past couple days with them issuing me with a new flight for the next day....

I have until Saturday afternoon to arrive in KL in order to take a connecting flight with the same airline home however direct flights from here (CM) are full so this is not looking likely.

So does anybody know who would have to pay my airfare and perhaps acccomadation while I wait for the next flight back home??? :o

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Appreciate the fast answer and i guess that it may be me that will have to pay in the beginning but is the airline able to make you pay twice for the trip or will they have to credit the difference. I mean what if I claimed I was too poor to be able to pay the second airfare??

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Sounds like good news that way... So how do we apply and how soon would they issue the funds?? Do we send them a bill and just wait or should we talk to our embassy??

Seeing that the Thai Courts have just given the protesters at BKK International 15 days to vacate and the serious nature of your situation to the Thai nation,I'd be expecting a letter acknowledging your application in about 5yrs.

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An Insurance Policy.

<LI>a. war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or a warlike operation or operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power.

any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to a) above

Most policies carry the above, not sure but would think the company would use this clause to get out of paying

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If they use this clause to get out of paying then I will use that very same clause to never ever bother with that company again. No matter if I've been their customer for 30 years or other such considerations. I realize all insurers are alike, but if this happens then:

1. I go to their competitor

2. They've proven that 'travel insurance' is a scam, and I will not get it again, also not at the competing insurer.

3. Tell them to go to hel_l.

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on the news just said, that thai government is going to pay 2000 baht/day by application

I work for the Thai government (whoever is running it) and I have not been paid in 2 months and we are going into the third month that they will owe me. So, I would not hold your breath! Yesterday they gave me 22 forms to fill out and sign (2 each for the remaining 11 months of my contract, now broken as I see it) so... I can't imagine anyone really knows what the out come will be.

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If they use this clause to get out of paying then I will use that very same clause to never ever bother with that company again. No matter if I've been their customer for 30 years or other such considerations. I realize all insurers are alike, but if this happens then:

1. I go to their competitor

2. They've proven that 'travel insurance' is a scam, and I will not get it again, also not at the competing insurer.

3. Tell them to go to hel_l.

Travel insurance is a con anyway, why go to a competitor, they will be just the same....

I have been travelling away from the UK on business and pleasure for over ten months a year for the last fourteen years, and never have travel insurance. I would have not had occasion for a valid claim in all that time.

Think of all the cash I have saved, if my luggage gets mislaid tomorrow I can go shopping with a smile on my face.

I do however have worldwide medical insurance, it costs me a lot and I have only claimed for minor things like dental and optical.

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