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Htc Touch Pro


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Went out and blew some hard earned cash on a new phone.

Since I tend to stick for quite some time with one, it makes sense to me to go top of the range.

Everybody likes iPhones and Omnia's, so I went a bit different :D

Only have it a few days, so it's a bit early for the full review, as for now I'll stick to listing things I like, and those I don't...


Speed. Pretty snappy, very little delays, apart from going to landscape and back.

GPS, bloody sensitive bugger. Picks up satellites everywhere and fast. The Thai sold HTC comes with Garmin mobile XT and Thai ESRI maps. Very decent! GPS integrates seamlessly with other applications such as Google maps.

The thouchFlo3D UI. Goes pretty deep, and along with it comes a screen sensitivity geared towards fingers as opposed to stylus. Even where Thouchflo doesn't go, such as the full settings, you can still scroll through the menus by wiping a finger over the screen instead of using the scroll bars, giving the impression that the Thouchflo UI is virtually integral to Windows mobile.

Only pull down menus need more pointed clicks, but this is usually only needed when setting up the device, not during daily use!

Youtube! Heck, I need to get more GPRS hours. Don't know how youtube manages it, but each and every video comes through after less then 3 seconds of buffering, and then never, ever stutters! That's using AIS GPRS Edge. Stick your headphone in and you're entertained for hours. Worked flawlessly sitting in a car going to Bangkok. Two little hickups, probably caused by the hand-off from one cell to another...

Keyboard. Love it. Prefer it over anything using the screen, you never lose any screen real estate. Perfect curvature of the keys, they look small, but due to this curvature you'll never miss the right one.

The screen. Auto adjusting it's brightness to surrounding light conditions. Goes way bright if needed. VGA resolution (480X640) on a relative bright/small screen makes for some stunning viewing.

Tapping anywhere at the tiny status symbols on the top of the screen pops open a separate screen where they are all present in big size. Needs an extra tap to do what you want but well worth it as no stylus needed, just your finger.

Battery life. Really impressed. Two full days with plenty of GPRS time, talk time and with the screen on using google maps or Garmin's app. You will be always virtually guaranteed 24 hours of operation with extreme heavy usage. Very fast charge cycles as well, I guess 1 hour and it's back to 80% from almost empty. Another hours tops it of entirely...

Camera, decent but not brilliant 3MP camera, but made good by excellent and easy to use camera software, including a fully automatic panorama stitching mode. Take picture, turn a bit, make one more, turn again make one more, and the software stitches everything together in one go resulting in a brilliant extremely wide panorama picture!

Don't like

Where the heck is thouch flo when in landscape? Slide open the keyboard and all you'll get is 8 icons! Don't get this one :o I guess it's switching on and off the thouch flo system which creates a delay when going between landscape and portrait mode

TV out cable. Pleaaase, paying over 30,000 Baht for a device and having to pay extra for the little TV out Cable????

Size and weight, doesn't bother me much as I always carry on a pouch on my belt, but definitely not pocket friendly.

Sliding mechanism could use a slightly stronger spring loading.

The way messaging works, putting everything in "conversations" as opposed to having inbox's, sent message folders etc. Guess not really HTC but more a windows quirk. Most mail/message applications go that way (bit like Gmail), but I'm a tad more old fashioned and would like to have everything in sent folders.

I'd like to quickly find the last message I sent, and what better way to do then look in your sent mail folder.

More to come when I get more intimate with the thing :D

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The way messaging works, putting everything in "conversations" as opposed to having inbox's, sent message folders etc. Guess not really HTC but more a windows quirk. Most mail/message applications go that way (bit like Gmail), but I'm a tad more old fashioned and would like to have everything in sent folders.

I'd like to quickly find the last message I sent, and what better way to do then look in your sent mail folder.

That is a WM 6.1 "feature" and can be disabled in the registry.

create a folder named OEM in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Setting s

Then in the new named OEM folder, create a DWORD key called


with a value of 1

Or download and run the attached CAB file. It does exactly as described above. (No warranty, guarantees etc are given. Your own actions are your own, but the cab file should work just fine)

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