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Things To Like About Gay Thais


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Well, a recent poster has pointed out that our threads are not positive enough- so, for the sake of equal time, here's this one! No sarcasm or negative comments, please!

I'll start the ball rolling:

They are loving.

They are very sweet.

They are handsome.

They have great smiles.

They are fun.

They are cuddly.

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My sweetie, O., calls me "Cutie" on the phone, and says he gets some strange looks from passersby, especially when foreigners are near his shop!

Thai guys can be demonstrative! They can show their feelings and affection and love enthusiastically!

I'd also like to dedicate this 800th post to him and all the other great gay Thais who've made my life here in Thailand worth the move!


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How about, they are guys?!?

not better or worse than other guys ... just culturally different from what we have at home?

My "special" Thai man is considerate, charming, and gentle. He's compassionate to a fault! He's generous both socially and financially. He's well -rounded intellectually and emotionally "deeper" than most people I have had the pleasure of meeting in my life.

He laughs at stereotypes like "the French are arrogant" and "The Americans are loud!" even if he does follow that up with "but YOU are a loud American" when he talks about me.

He's open-minded and lets people be who they are. He takes people at face-value.

He's willing to experiment and try new things. He pushes his comfort zone often to be willing to experience something different. (example --- had had Indian food at a NICE place once before but went with someone that hadn't lived here enough to know Thai food --- he hated it. BUT when given the opportunity to go to a nice Indian food place in Singapore was willing to go, and to ask someone familiar with the way Thai food tastes to order)

I can't lump Thai men into any one summation ... but this one in particular is a great man.

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My baby-doll (as I refer to him) is very affectionate, loves to cuddle, sensitive, and very cute. Love it when I come home from a days work and he'll give me the best massage to help me relax. He's got that romantic part of him as well. Candle lit dinners when it's the two of us alone (his sister lives with us as well), he'll give me flowers, and on occasion surprise me with chocolates. He knows I love those! Couldn't ask for a more loving and cherished person. :o

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  • 1 year later...

I re-offer this thread which I started long, long ago; it regrettably (as it has some good, interesting, positive posts) died a quick, nearly immediate death which was apparently of no moment whatever. Particularly nice are JD's and Silvercharm's characterizations of their partners, I think.

I miss Slapdashkitty....


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:D Thai guys are people....they share the human condition...there is no difference other than a cultural one...I do have a problem with 'cute' and 'dating' as part of the gay vocabulary but I guess I can live with it..IJWT I understand what you are trying to express, but cant we leave people to be people wherever they live or love...I am not attacking, just feel there is no need to list and list continuously at whatever level....shopping lists, dating lists, boyfriend lists, potential boyfriend lists, socio-economic lists, ethnic lists, educational level lists, cuteness lists, smile lists....Franz Listz!!!!!

At least there is some lively discussion which aint totally boring like golf, sorry, some people have golf lists...ooops I think I should just leave it here and now...have a nice day or as CNBC would say,have a nice business day...business lists, mind your own business lists...just cant help myselof can I ....why is it I dont relate to so much of it all...I met someone, I liked him, we moved in together, we are still together, we have good days, we have mediocre days, we have ecstatic days and we have days when we have to make lists..........enufffffffffff.... :o Dukkha

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for example:

My friend L. is one of the most affectionate people I've ever met. He insists on giving me hugs and little kisses constantly when I'm with him, and when I'm with him he playfully demands them as well. I might be working on the computer while he watches TV, but he will call me over and point, with emphasis, at his cheek- time for attention! If he's sleeping over, we'll fall asleep in each others' arms, and he'll sometimes poke me at night if I stray too far, and murmur, "hug me...."

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^I agree. Surely if there are differences strong enough culturally or socially or however else that we distinguish "Thai guys" from other kinds of guys, there are differences which distinguish "Thai gay guys" from other kinds of gay guys. And wouldn't it be worth discussing some of those differences?

But everything that has been pointed out, so far, could apply to guys anywhere in the world.


They are loving.

They are very sweet.

They are handsome.

They have great smiles.

They are fun.

They are cuddly.

* Are very Romantic

* Try hard with English... and have such cute expressions!

* Take a relationship seriously.. even if they juggle more than one!

Thai guys can be demonstrative! They can show their feelings and affection and love enthusiastically!

All of these attributes have been pointed out about Thai guys. Some guys do have these qualities but some do not. The same could be said of guys anywhere in the world.

Is there anything cultural on that list?

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I don't think that's necessarily true, PL. For one thing, most of us have not experienced friendship with gay men in all cultures, so it would pretty hard for anyone to think of a characteristic that is UNIQUELY Thai. That doesn't mean there aren't families of characteristics that many of most gay Thais share (or don't share). For example, I think most people could agree on some common physical characteristics (as you were pointing out) or emotional patterns. One thing I like about the general group of gay Thais (as opposed to Japanese) is that I am able to relate to them emotionally much better (than the Japanese, who cover up their feelings in many situations). They are probably even more expressive on the whole than Americans (at least my experiences of Americans in my part of American).

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I don't enjoy moderating, and it's not fun to delete posts or portions of posts. But when they're off topic, or when they're primarily insulting one another, or you're referring to a post that had to be deleted, it disappears. Stay on topic, please, if you want your words to remain.

And don't expect any moderator to edit with a fine-toothed comb. If the majority of the words need to be deleted, it probably disappears en toto.

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All of these attributes have been pointed out about Thai guys. Some guys do have these qualities but some do not. The same could be said of guys anywhere in the world.

Is there anything cultural on that list?

OK how's this? They SPEAK THAI! (Which to me, sounds soft and melodic. Just a another little thing which endears them to me...)

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All of these attributes have been pointed out about Thai guys. Some guys do have these qualities but some do not. The same could be said of guys anywhere in the world.

Is there anything cultural on that list?

OK how's this? They SPEAK THAI! (Which to me, sounds soft and melodic. Just a another little thing which endears them to me...)


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Well, Toptuan, I don't think anyone can argue with that!

The first time I heard a Thai guy say his own full name, it sounded like music to me. I still can't make the accents come out the right way- the names look so awkward taken syllable by syllable- but when the Thais say them they're magic.

On the physical side- it's quite a subjective thing, but many Thai men have a kind of elfin look to them which I find appealing- arched eyebrows, large eyes, long lashes, and with today's fashion in Bangkok, sometimes even long pointy shoes.

I like how Thai guys, even if they are not your boyfriend or even particularly close, will often take the responsibility of looking after you when you are sick. I try to make this a reciprocal thing as often as possible to balance out the karma.


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Things To Like About Gay Thais, A Non-Negative Thread

i have some gay friends .. what i like in them

- they are funny

-they take care me

- they make me laugh

-they wipe my tear

I had a funny experience with my Gay friend

once upon a time...Bambi goes out with her Gay friend ..it's a small pub , Bambi and her friend have a fun chit-chat ..and too much strawberry kamigaze drinking. :o

Bambi feels warm on her bum ..she wears mini skirt ....her Gay friend is bloody drunk..

Bambi thinks " goshh .. who pours hot tea on me ? "

she looks at her friend

he piss on the chair that bambi is sitting!!




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:D But is that something you liked about him? :D :D :D

lol :D:D i was surprised .. i did not blame him indeed .. just laughed and i poured myself with some buckets of water on my arse... lol

he promised that he would not pee on me no more :D:o:D

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My another gay friend is fabulous and mean :D

Bambi- dear..i heard about babylon ...what is it look ? can i take a look?

freind - yes ..biatch,phunk nosey girl .. cut your tits and glue a dildo.. and follow me

Bambi - :o

I love him :D

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