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Powder Coating Services In Cm

Drew Aitch

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Hi forum

I’ve seen a few posts scattered around about powder coating services here in CM and it got me to thinking. I have a new mountain bike, and like most things, quality is not what is used to be. The mechanics of the bike are fine, and it rides very well, which you would expect for the price.

However, I’ve noticed that the paintwork is so, so thin, you only have to cough and it chips. Ok, so that’s a gross exaggeration, but the paint really is thin and I can’t see how they managed to cover the bike with such a lean coat. A slight knock with a spanner, a light brush with anything hard, and it chips and scratches right through to the frame. The cheaper bike I had prior to this one was much more robust and you really did have to give it a hard knock to damage the paintwork.

So anyway, it got me wondering whether it’s possible to get a mountain bike powder coated, and if so, what is the quality of both look and finish like? And how is it priced? Anyone had work done on anything here in CM?

Any feedback most welcome



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USA Richy does top quality work but it will probably cost you more than your bicycle is worth.

I was wondering about that as i don't know much about it. Someone suggested this process as a hard wearing quality alternative to standard paints. But even so, i won't know unless i ask, so i'll send an email or make a call soon for a rough quote. I'd really like to get this done around end April just before the rainy season kicks in and starts rusting away under all the scratches and chips that i'll have no doubt collected between now and then.



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Hey Drew, please let me know how you get on. I would also be interested in powder coating my bike.

The other alternative is to use a very good spray paint. The best I have found out here are Nippon and Bee. Either of these will give a solid, long lasting finish. They are about 70B a can. At the moment the shop in front of icon has damaged (just the outside of the can) Nippon paints for 20B but limited colours.

Good luck.


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