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The post I read immediately before writing this post was about a restaurant. More than 3,000 views!!

I am sure it is a very nice restaurant owned and operated by lovely people (but interestingly odd people for opening up an Elizabethan restaurant in Chiang Mai). But why has a minor restaurant received such a rather extraordinary amount of interest?!

Well, not so extraordinary, really! Shall we talk about hamburgers?! Or free parties at Tuskers? Gigaposts! Sometimes, visiting TV is like visiting the excretory dump of the mind! I do not mean that everyone ought to get cozy here discussing Proust. Heaven forbid! But shouldn't there be a children's table somewhere on TV? Or at least a portal --- maybe a potty --- for hamburger lovers?!

OK, your turn....! Let loose your slings and arrows! Beat me! Beat me! Whatever you say or do, I will never ever reveal to you where to find the best hamburger --- and I know here it is!! I will devour them all!!!!!!!!

On to another bite --- sorry --- bit:

I like cats! That I want to make clear first off! But what was all the overwhelming concern over several weeks on Chiang Mai TV about wat cats about ??!! An extraordinary (and well-meaning) amount of effort was put into this forum's campaign to feed the kitties! I know about the donation boxes, et al, et al. I have actually stuffed my bit of bhat in them. But I am not comfortable about priorities! How much thoughtful concern and effort have gone into the care of HIV (infected) orphans in the near Chiang Mai area? Hmmm?! Kitties are lovable, but...........!

Okay, okay! I am a prig, out of bounds, being melodramatic, whatever! Or am I ?! Are kitties the hamburger of care? Well, at least you don't get a cholesterol problem handling cats!

Edited by Mapguy
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What were you taking / drinking when you started this thread at 3am MG ?

If you don't want to read about Hamburgers or Kitties then read something else, it's not rocket science, even though you have a very scientific mind.

So.....don't be a spoil sport and tell us WHERE that bluddy burger is.....surely they could use the extra business, who couldn't?

Edited by ThaiPauly
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i reckon there is a lot of reading material on the internet for people who stay up late whether drunk or sober. PM me if you wanna know what to do late nights while and if being intoxicated and i have tons of ideas for you.

like TP mentioned, its not rocket science.

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Okay, okay! I am a prig, out of bounds, being melodramatic, whatever! Or am I ?!

Self doubt can be very troubling but Dr Chang is always on hand for counselling.

Yes there are loads of threads about such crucial issues as the best place to buy nail clippers in Nakon Nowhere but if you have no interest, no possible input and don't feel like taking the p1ss just pass on by. Every day you must walk by shops and market stalls selling stuff you have no interest in. Do you stop and browse?

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I start many of the food threads because I can not try every restaurant in town looking to see who has the best quality foods that I miss from home. When we talk about our favorites on Thai Visa it narrows down the number of places that we need to try to find snacks that we are looking for.

If Mapguy does not enjoy these threads, why doesn't he come up with the sorts of topics that he is interested in such as maps and pollution and statistics. I'm sure that many Chiang Mai intellectuals would love to get involved in threads like these.

Stop whinging about threads that other folks have use for, and start writing your own. :o

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Mapguy, forgive me, for I have sinned against heaven, and in your eyes. Lo, I have lusted after hamburgers and Mexican food and sandwiches of BLT, and last night I had a pumpkin pie that even a pacifist might kill for.

But I shall repent and make amends. Tomorrow we open Proust, a non-food restaurant. We offer a full menu of Descartes with dissent, Plato on paper, and Marxism with militarism. Perhaps a Brahamsburger quartet will play a minuet.

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Oh.... that I would be able to expound on and on about the worthy topics for paragraph after seemingly endless paragraph as the more intellectual ones do here with their intellectual topics! Would that it were.......

But what I can do is recommend a good greasy Woody Burger and fries smothered in ketchup to help soak up some of that there alky-hol and help you go to sleep warm and pleasantly full-bellied, avoiding the spins or worse. And then maybe a coke to wash it down to give your mind a caffeinated lift, clarifying your thoughts and making more purposeful your posts.

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I start many of the food threads because I can not try every restaurant in town looking to see who has the best quality foods that I miss from home. When we talk about our favorites on Thai Visa it narrows down the number of places that we need to try to find snacks that we are looking for.

If Mapguy does not enjoy these threads, why doesn't he come up with the sorts of topics that he is interested in such as maps and pollution and statistics. I'm sure that many Chiang Mai intellectuals would love to get involved in threads like these.

Stop whinging about threads that other folks have use for, and start writing your own. :D

They're letting intellectuals into Chang Mai ? :D:D

Darn, there goes the neighbourhood ! :o

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Shall we talk about hamburgers?! Or parties at Tuskers?

Ah, Mapguy, that makes me think of it:

Next time when I go to Tuskers I'll ask Eek to come as well.

Then we can have a nice talk about the kitties at Wat Pa Pao and

have dinner there. I will have one of their delicious hamburgers and

so will Lucky, the lab or Mydy, the golden that are for adoption who I'll bring along.

I can also ask Chas and Rachel if can put on some posters of the Professor Paws school program that needs volunteer teachers

Thanks for reminding me. :o:D


Edited by Nienke
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Mapguy, I'm with you at least halfway - up to the bit about kitties (can never have too much of that). Drunk, sober, sleep-deprived - no matter............ :o. And if the objectors to your post don't like it, they can follow their own advice and skip past it.

When I read your post, I was going to point the finger at UG - but, gentleman that he is, he has already done that for me himself. Now, what really puzzles me: given what looks like the near-obsession with food on this forum, how comes it that we don't see far more posts about where/how to get/keep fit? :D

Edited by Steve2UK
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Okay, okay! I am a prig, out of bounds, being melodramatic, whatever! Or am I ?!

Self doubt can be very troubling but Dr Chang is always on hand for counselling.

Yes there are loads of threads about such crucial issues as the best place to buy nail clippers in Nakon Nowhere but if you have no interest, no possible input and don't feel like taking the p1ss just pass on by. Every day you must walk by shops and market stalls selling stuff you have no interest in. Do you stop and browse?

I don't but my wife does :o
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Beat me! Beat me!

Sia jai, Khun Mapguy, I don't do masochists for free.

By the way, Khun RealThaiDeal, seeing you disguise the "Renaissance Man" I know you really are as a "non-intellectual" cognoscenti of hamburger is quite interesting :o

best, ~o:37;

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Mapguy, the threads about feeding cats have already been banned by admin. - if that makes you happy. :o

Hmmm! Hadn't noticed that. Too bad in the sense that the cause is a good one. My cat agrees. I was simply amazed at the response the cause got when there are other causes to take up! Nonetheless, I have donated a couple of times. My cat has done his part, too, by "volunteering" to be neutered.

There are a lot of ways to make merit, a popular pastime among people of all faiths and even among some nervous atheists who do it on the sly There are, for example, quite a number of HIV-infected orphans in the area being taken care of by relatives. Each gets 500 bhat (I believe it is) in governmental support. For another, there is the plight of disabled persons who lack mobility, such as polio victims and those with cerebral palsy. You don't even have to worry about getting kicked out of Thailand for volunteering!

I am not trying to push any particular cause so you don't see any agency addresses here. For foodies, however, one restaurant in town has indeed made a point about hiring disabled persons and is fully accessible. And it has quite good Italian food. Go get a pizza there just beyond the south end of the main Sunday market street intersection.

When it gets to charity boxes, some charities are registered and some are not. Not all the boxes you see at the airport have what you might call transparent accounting. But check around. I am not, by the way, criticising the cat boxes (Sorry! It just slipped out!)

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I always thought the place over from mikes the beef sub place makes a decent range of burgers, some of the best I've had in Chiang Mai.

To the OP there is the old adage about the boardroom discussion, the first item is about a ten million dollar purchase of incredibly complicated machinery from two manufacturers, the only two people on the board who have a clue argue it out while the other nod their heads sagely. The next item is about what coffee to serve at the next boardmeeting, everyone chimes up because everyone has opinion.

Everyone. Likes cheeseburgers. (except vegetarians who don't count for reasons of temporary insanity)

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I LOVE cheeseburgers, but i HATE paying the stupid prices for them!!!

10 baht - 1 kebab stick amount of nice beef

2 baht - herbs n spices

5 baht - a decent bun

2 slices - of orangey cheesburger cheese ?

1 baht - blob of mayo


20 baht max total

so why do the cheeseburger mafia of CM make 100% to 1000% profit, thats more than sushi surely!

and there is more beef around CM than you can shake a stick at!! KWAI'S!

grr... i shall continue my cheesburger free regime in protest. :o

Edited by SomNamNah
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