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Is It Worth Learning Linux From A Book?

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Is it worth buying a linux book? I have found a highly recommended book called 'Beginning Ububtu Linux: 2nd Edition'. I have been using Xandros for a couple of months with few problems. I have also tried Ubuntu on my two laptops but had a couple of glitches on each. Could anyone recommend as book or even sell me one?


Sorry I hate to say but information is free, and if you have any problems with anything I would say talk about it..

I have posted problems in a few different places, but as a none IT enthusist I have not had much success following the well meaning advice. The whole terminal thing is a little too complicated. I thought trying to sit down with a book and learn it myself might be the best way.


To richard-bkk yes information is free but finding that information you have for a question / problem and posting it and understanding is one thing, I to have barely scrated linux been at since june still learning and reading a book a bought does help, for one mandriva / ubuntu / etc distros either have done great / poor job in the forums and hunting for something particular is a pain in the butt.

To: Richb2004v2 the whole terminal thing can be complicated at first i know i never used it till i started reading and finding more information and hunting online, my personal recommendations are as follows and hope they can help you at least for ubuntu




that last link shows many different linux and various links to help you, personally I found them extremely helpful hope this helps

To richard-bkk yes information is free but finding that information you have for a question / problem and posting it and understanding is one thing, I to have barely scrated linux been at since june still learning and reading a book a bought does help, for one mandriva / ubuntu / etc distros either have done great / poor job in the forums and hunting for something particular is a pain in the butt.

To: Richb2004v2 the whole terminal thing can be complicated at first i know i never used it till i started reading and finding more information and hunting online, my personal recommendations are as follows and hope they can help you at least for ubuntu




that last link shows many different linux and various links to help you, personally I found them extremely helpful hope this helps

Thanks a lot for the links. I am reading one now and it may actually solve one of my problems. If I could just get over these issues I would be fine. On my Aus eee PC Ubuntu is good, but the web cam does not function with it. It does with Xandros. Also with eeeUbuntu I have no idea how to create a GPRS internet link. I would have thought it would be easy, but I can not work out how to do it. Easy on Xandros not so on eeeUbuntu.

My other issue I have spent time researching without any luck. I have an Acer laptop that will not connect to wi-fi under Ububtu, at all. Apparently it is a problem specific to my exact Acer model laptop. Just my luck.

I will press on with my search though, as I would like to use Linux on a permanent basis. Xandros works fine on the Asus, but I liked the look of eeeUbubtu whilst I had it dual booting.


i feel for you on the whole wifi issue I have a sony vaio labtop running ubuntu 8.10 wireless still does not work after hunting through many forums and answers, and nobody has shown me or explained in very simple terms how to get it running with nsdwrapper ( spelled it wrong ) to be honest mandriva managed to get wifi to work with no effort but for me ubuntu list of applications and synaptics package manager and various server locations make using it easier, ubuntu still in my opinion is not ready for wifi usage as I have atheros 242 wifi and it still does not work. anyway, dont know if I can help more but good luck and don't give up on trying



Its not easy to find hardware drivers under Linux. My suggestion is to stick with one distro, UBUNTU is a good choice.

For eeepc, have a look at www.tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/11/17/installing-ubuntu-810-on-the-eee-pc-901/


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