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Thai Political Parties Dissolved


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Ho can it be any worse than now ?

I hope you will never find out how much worse its possible to get. You're living in one of the most civilized countries in the world. You have relative freedom of speech and press. You have a functioning educational system and health care system that include mostly everyone and all layers of society. You have a relative uniform and strong sense of nationalism. You have water and electricity. If you want to know how much worse its possible to get, hope for your 10 years of military rule.

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are the PAD leaving suvarnabhumi yet?

They're having a whip round to pay for the electricity and they've just started vacuuming the floor and polishing the bathroom mirrors. Might be packed up and gone in 20 minutes. Then again .....

Edited by Sunderland
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From the Post:

What is now unfolding is a sequel to 2006-07. But this time, the UDD through the embattled government of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat will hold its parliamentary ground and cling on to its democratic mandate from less than a year ago. It will oppose all extra-constitutional and extra-parliamentary outcomes. If the PPP is dissolved by the Constitution Court - which remarkably appears to be a foregone conclusion - the UDD leadership has Puea Thai party as a reserve vehicle. It will insist on constitutional stipulations to elect a new prime minister from the Lower House, most likely another UDD-supported MP from Puea Thai.

The post-Somchai window, however, will allow the PAD and its backers to engineer an extra-parliamentary and extra-constitutional interim administration. Certain clauses of the Constitution that require the prime minister to derive from the Lower House could be suspended by the judiciary. This prospect was announced at the UDD rally as a pre-emptive move. Yet the PAD and its high-powered cohorts may have to bite the bullet and come up with an interim, caretaker arrangement, as it is the only path towards what it sees as certain victory.

The interim period would then allow the PAD and its core supporters to reset the rules and constitutional configurations to their preference.

But the UDD will not stand down in the face of what it sees as a decreasingly disguised power grab. Even if the army also bites the bullet during the post-Somchai vacuum to force an interim outcome outside the charter, the red shirts will go on the march to oppose military intervention.

The UDD has demonstrated that it can activate and mobilise many thousands of supporters, vastly more than the 10,000-20,000 PAD yellow shirts that have run amok and brought the Thai economy to its knees.

What the PAD and its backers, along with all of Thailand's stakeholders, should fear is the UDD's fully unleashed sound and fury. It has been pent up, having absorbed the PAD's punches blow after blow with little response. The UDD will no longer be denied and dismissed. When exercised, its wrath will be ferocious.

Full story here

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The only joke I see is that statement (the misspellings are horrible - must be a Thaksin front organisation). The law is the law. PPP broke the law. Chart Thai broke the law. The judges issued their verdict in accordance with the law. While we may or may not agree that the punishment fits the crime, the punishment was correct according to the law. In my view the only positive effect of the 2006 coup was that it seemed to free the judiciary from the undo influence that Thaksin wielded over them. They seem to be acting according to "he who must not be named" direction that they rule according to the rule of law and with integrity for the sake of the nation.

Oh please, every political party in Thailand "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking government official "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking police officer "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking military officer "breaks the law". And quite frankly, the judiciary of Thailand has never been without its dirty laundry and it too has always been under the influence of one political faction or another. What has changed is that Sondhi has used his media power to demonize the opposition and so now we have the pawns of both megalomaniacs, Thaksin and Sondhi, wearing their gang colors avowing to destroy the opposition. So the chess game will continue. All that has happened is that one side got some leverage over the judiciary who then threw the board up in the air to mix up all the pieces and start anew. But the stalemate will continue. There is no good news here for the Kingdom and the Thai people.

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<deleted> does that mean (from The Nation)? He 'did' his best in past tense, but what will he do now?

Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat on Tuesday made a measured reaction to the verdict to disband his People Power Party which has effectively caused the loss of his job and the collapse of the government.

"I did my best to administer the country," he said.

Somchai was chairing the weekly Cabinet meeting at his temporary office in Chiang Mai when the Constitution Court handed down the ruling to dissolve three coalition parties, including Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya.

Edited by jts-khorat
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NO chance that the airport will open any time soon. Not enough to appease the PAD, I'm afraid. They want much more than this.

I wouldn't be so sure, I have friends in BKK who have been told their china air flight will leave tomorrow without fail

You might have friends in BKK and their flight might be leaving tommorrow from somewhere in thailand....but i would bet both my boys that it WON'T be leaving from Suvarnabhumi International airport.

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NO chance that the airport will open any time soon. Not enough to appease the PAD, I'm afraid. They want much more than this.

I wouldn't be so sure, I have friends in BKK who have been told their china air flight will leave tomorrow without fail

:o:D:D:D:D:wai::P :jerk: :burp: No way!!!!!!!

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NO chance that the airport will open any time soon. Not enough to appease the PAD, I'm afraid. They want much more than this.

exactly my thoughts :o

When PAD will vacate the airports, red shirts will take over and block them as long as this court ruling is changed...

Providing they do not take more direct action and try to force PAD out already tonight...

The easiest thing would be to leave the people at the airport and have the PPP start paying them instead of the PAD...and of course have them change their shirts.

exactly.... I wonder what all those people will do when they return to their providences only to find out, there are no tourists and no jobs to be had.... I wonder if they think the 500B a day was worth it in the long run?


I think you are getting your colours mixed up.


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Thai news said that the PAD still will not leave the airport.

I understand that not all the duty free liquor has been drunk and the VIP lounges are not quite in a mess yet.

So to cut it short i doubt they will be leaving soon as a whale of a time is being had by some.

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OK, that was quite predictable. Now what? Someone will suggest elections. Elections do not fit into the PAD master's plans. They would likely have to do this again next year. I don't expect this to clear up unless the PAD masters are able to appoint whoever they chose. After the appointments it would be business as usual with the elite firmly in control.

May Buddha help the poor Thai people.

Edited by Gary A
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Oh please, every political party in Thailand "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking government official "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking police officer "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking military officer "breaks the law". And quite frankly, the judiciary of Thailand has never been without its dirty laundry and it too has always been under the influence of one political faction or another. What has changed is that Sondhi has used his media power to demonize the opposition and so now we have the pawns of both megalomaniacs, Thaksin and Sondhi, wearing their gang colors avowing to destroy the opposition. So the chess game will continue. All that has happened is that one side got some leverage over the judiciary who then threw the board up in the air to mix up all the pieces and start anew. But the stalemate will continue. There is no good news here for the Kingdom and the Thai people.

nicely put.

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Thai PBS showing a group of people in GREEN T-shirts marching and protesting through the fields of Phichit in northern Thailand.

Will there be any colour left that is free of political meaning by the end of the month?

Hope they give black a miss or I'll have to buy a new wardrobe. :o

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PM's measured reaction to party disbandment

Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat on Tuesday made a measured reaction to the verdict to disband his People Power Party which has effectively caused the loss of his job and the collapse of the government.

"I did my best to administer the country," he said.

-The Nation-

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Thai news said that the PAD still will not leave the airport.

Unluckily -- already since they started this mess -- the PAD so obviously have no plan what they really want. Then somebody could work towards that.

Their stated goal was that the government shall be dissolved. This has happened now.

One would assume that patience is wearing really thin on all sides who backed them, they seemingly never let this come to an end. They themselves do not want to be in power (really?), on the other hand they have nominated nobody. Maybe they just do like destruction for no other sake than destroying things...

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Thai PBS showing a group of people in GREEN T-shirts marching and protesting through the fields of Phichit in northern Thailand.

Will there be any colour left that is free of political meaning by the end of the month?

Probably not, we will be forced to walk in transparent clothes to feel safe from now on.


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<deleted> does that mean (from The Nation)? He 'did' his best in past tense, but what will he do now?
Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat on Tuesday made a measured reaction to the verdict to disband his People Power Party which has effectively caused the loss of his job and the collapse of the government.

"I did my best to administer the country," he said.

Somchai was chairing the weekly Cabinet meeting at his temporary office in Chiang Mai when the Constitution Court handed down the ruling to dissolve three coalition parties, including Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya.

JTS --- he's banned from politics for 5 years --- so obviously he'll go to the UK and buy a football team with his bor-in-law's money

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Oh please, every political party in Thailand "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking government official "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking police officer "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking military officer "breaks the law". And quite frankly, the judiciary of Thailand has never been without its dirty laundry and it too has always been under the influence of one political faction or another. What has changed is that Sondhi has used his media power to demonize the opposition and so now we have the pawns of both megalomaniacs, Thaksin and Sondhi, wearing their gang colors avowing to destroy the opposition. So the chess game will continue. All that has happened is that one side got some leverage over the judiciary who then threw the board up in the air to mix up all the pieces and start anew. But the stalemate will continue. There is no good news here for the Kingdom and the Thai people.

nicely put.

I second that.

The current situation cannot be sustained infinitum.

Sooner or later the military is going to have to intervene whether they like it or not.

The potential for bloodshed becomes greater the longer the impasse is not broken.

The portents for Thailand are ominous.

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I think you are getting your colours mixed up.


I am not color confused, it is the yellow's that are in the airport, being paid 500B a day to ruin Thailand Tourism and Export sectors. I just wonder will those "PAD Supporters" or "PAD Employees :D " will think the job they took to sit in the airport wearing a yellow uniform was worth it, when they have no jobs in the future? I guess time will tell......

The new shirt:

2001 Bird flu

2002 some crisis

2003 some other crisis

2004 Tsunami

2005 something else

2006 something else

2007 something else

2008 - 2009 PAD or will it say "world economic crisis :o "

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