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Buriram Restaurants


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Hi everyone,

I have been reading this thread for a while now and I don't know, maybe I am out of order, but everyone seems to be concentrating on Buriram town.

Now I know Buriram province is large, but we are still only talking about maybe an hour drive out of town to several Expat venues that maybe worth a visit to some of you more daring venturers!!!

No. 1 on my list has to be Ludo's place, TimeOut restaurant and Fishing Park. If there is one individual who has given all to try and provide a service for Expat's, well it has to be him. I know some of you have visited, for others................give it a try. Weekends are the best time to visit, that is when most of us in the locality turn up, 3pm through to 8pm is a good time. Ludo has an excellent Farang menu now, a huge fishing lake and it is a family day out, bring the children.

The Shamrock in Prakhon Chai ........ Alfred puts a lot of effort in trying to establish his place ............. but Farang support is needed. A good time to visit is on Friday evenings, 4pm until late. It is market evening in Prakhon Chai, most local farangs drop their partners and kids off at the market and indulge in a few beverages in Shamrock. The menu is limited, but normally pork medallions, "T" bone steak and fish and chips are on the menu...........as well as good company.

Travelling to Prakhon Chai or Ludo's is equidistant from Buriram town as visiting Prasat (Surin). However in Prasat you have James's place advertised above (Leelawadee), Gary's restaurant and Farang shop (Stafford's) and the Harley Bar.

So come on guys, be a bit more adventurous and leave the city limits .............. :o take care everyone ..... RayBan

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Hi everyone,

I have been reading this thread for a while now and I don't know, maybe I am out of order, but everyone seems to be concentrating on Buriram town.

Now I know Buriram province is large, but we are still only talking about maybe an hour drive out of town to several Expat venues that maybe worth a visit to some of you more daring venturers!!!

No. 1 on my list has to be Ludo's place, TimeOut restaurant and Fishing Park. If there is one individual who has given all to try and provide a service for Expat's, well it has to be him. I know some of you have visited, for others................give it a try. Weekends are the best time to visit, that is when most of us in the locality turn up, 3pm through to 8pm is a good time. Ludo has an excellent Farang menu now, a huge fishing lake and it is a family day out, bring the children.

The Shamrock in Prakhon Chai ........ Alfred puts a lot of effort in trying to establish his place ............. but Farang support is needed. A good time to visit is on Friday evenings, 4pm until late. It is market evening in Prakhon Chai, most local farangs drop their partners and kids off at the market and indulge in a few beverages in Shamrock. The menu is limited, but normally pork medallions, "T" bone steak and fish and chips are on the menu...........as well as good company.

Travelling to Prakhon Chai or Ludo's is equidistant from Buriram town as visiting Prasat (Surin). However in Prasat you have James's place advertised above (Leelawadee), Gary's restaurant and Farang shop (Stafford's) and the Harley Bar.

So come on guys, be a bit more adventurous and leave the city limits .............. :o take care everyone ..... RayBan

The best restaurants in Buriram are Thai-period! Why, I often wonder do farang find it of vital importance to congregate in places that are farang owned & frequented only by other farang?

The Shamrock in Prakhon Chai is a pleasent place, the german owner, likewise, however, after trying his fish & chips I was bitterly dissapointed! Hardly a snack, never mind a meal! such a small portion.

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The best restaurants in Buriram are Thai-period! Why, I often wonder do farang find it of vital importance to congregate in places that are farang owned & frequented only by other farang?

The Shamrock in Prakhon Chai is a pleasent place, the german owner, likewise, however, after trying his fish & chips I was bitterly dissapointed! Hardly a snack, never mind a meal! such a small portion.

Dear Fruity,

You must have been on a different planet in regards to your reference to Shamrock fish n' chips, that is my regular order there and it is by no means menial. That is of course ulness you are so used to eating in Thai restaurants that several of you enjoyed the same dish together.

As for farangs congregating together, well many of us who have chosen to live here in Thailand most certainly enjoy the Thai life and Thai food, some of my best friends are Thai. However it is sometimes nice to also enjoy farang company over a cold beer and pleasant European food.

One also gets to know the local Farang community, because one day you will need a farang friend to help you out for sure. To have a farang establishment on one's doorstep in the middle of Buriram countryside is a luxury that many farangs do not have. Those who have such an opportunity should try and fully support the efforts of that establishment and not be so tiresome and dreary with negative comments. ........... take care and happy christmas :o RayBan

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For those of you that like Kwitiou, (Thais staple food along with somtam) I can recommend a small restaurant on the outskirts of Prakhonchai.

Take the road from Prakhonchai to Phanom Rung, past Dieters German restaurant for approx half kilometer.

Serves a good Kwitiou Ped (Noodle Soup with Duck) for 25bt with Dim Sum as well. Outside seating in individual thatched roofed seats. Very busy between 12 noon and 1pm. The owner bears a striking resemblance to Add Carabao

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So come on guys, be a bit more adventurous and leave the city limits .............. :D take care everyone ..... RayBan

Hi Ray

The Buriram Bums "get togther" gang are doing just this :o

I will soon post on the next meeting of minds.

Norbies in Surin is the venue....date / time to be announced soon :D

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So come on guys, be a bit more adventurous and leave the city limits .............. :D take care everyone ..... RayBan

Hi Ray

The Buriram Bums "get togther" gang are doing just this :o

I will soon post on the next meeting of minds.

Norbies in Surin is the venue....date / time to be announced soon :D

Hi all

Just to prove us Suriners get out a bit, A contingent of dudes are 'hitting' Time Out this Sunday for a 'jamming session.' Rastafarian hats not compulsory but alls welcome, even non Daves.


Edited by Dave the Dude
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I would like to go over to the time out Sunday but I am not a Dave, is it possible to be a sometime times Dave?

What is a Rastafarian hat if I can not find one may I still so to the Timeout Lounge.


Too many questions :D


Special dispensation for our colonial cousins :o:D

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The best restaurants in Buriram are Thai-period! Why, I often wonder do farang find it of vital importance to congregate in places that are farang owned & frequented only by other farang?

The Shamrock in Prakhon Chai is a pleasent place, the german owner, likewise, however, after trying his fish & chips I was bitterly dissapointed! Hardly a snack, never mind a meal! such a small portion.

Dear Fruity,

You must have been on a different planet in regards to your reference to Shamrock fish n' chips, that is my regular order there and it is by no means menial. That is of course ulness you are so used to eating in Thai restaurants that several of you enjoyed the same dish together.

As for farangs congregating together, well many of us who have chosen to live here in Thailand most certainly enjoy the Thai life and Thai food, some of my best friends are Thai. However it is sometimes nice to also enjoy farang company over a cold beer and pleasant European food.

One also gets to know the local Farang community, because one day you will need a farang friend to help you out for sure. To have a farang establishment on one's doorstep in the middle of Buriram countryside is a luxury that many farangs do not have. Those who have such an opportunity should try and fully support the efforts of that establishment and not be so tiresome and dreary with negative comments. ........... take care and happy christmas :o RayBan

As several posts have been deleted I shall simply echo RayBan's comments in support of the fish and chips.

With regard to "Farang meeting places", remember also that Thai partners frequently attend and, in the case of the Shamrock, it is not exclusively Farang - I have seen several 'Thai only' groups in there.

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I do wonder why a topic like Good Restaurants in Buriram can get so off the subject.

to those of you that fancy sushi, i was able to obtain some very tasty pieces last night at the Buriram Fair which I understand will be in town till Christmas.

to those of you in the Surin area my wife and are inviting you to stop by our room at the Majestic Hotel for a drink, before or after dinner at Martins Forang Connection. "Room 504 Majestic Hotel till the booze is finished" :o

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Cheers for that Ron. I'll give the sushi a bash. Having a Japanese ex wife and having lived in Japan I am rather partial to sushi and more so sashimi. Not looking for Japan quality (I can eat Fuji acceptably) but I can't eat that BigC rubbish. The Thai wife loves it though !

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