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Honeymoon Nightmare


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The Heralds reportage of Thailand is nothing short of a disgrace. Perhaps they should dispatch some of their ever dwindling number of reporters to Kings Cross to give readers an update on the true meaning of seedy.

As a Australian it gladdens me to hear Aussie tourists tell reporters they won't go back to Thailand, I won't miss you. Anyone of any character will come back after all there was a airlines pilots strike in Australian not so long ago. Some people need to grow up, those that can't need to stay at home. And no that doesn't mean you can't complain or raise issues but be an adult just because you visit a foreign country doesn't make you a ward of the state.

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I read this a few days ago, I had similar reactions to others that have posted above however. Although I can understand her (& husband's) reaction to being left to fend for themselves for a few days/week in Pattaya, the choice to just see the seedy side is theirs alone. Even if the use of that particular word was the choice newspaper's copy writer, and it's use would surely have been guided by their target readers.

When I have previously been 'stranded' during travel due to flood, flight failure and in one case earthquake after the first moments of angst it's clear that there is nothing you can do but 'accept & adapt' to the situation. If the situation is really critical that you must travel by any means possible, then fine you will be motivated enough to throw money at the problem by driving overland to a functioning airport and get out that way, paying whatever costs you encounter in the process.

If it's not that important, enjoy the extended holiday/trip. See some sights you would not have otherwise been able to see, enjoy some beach time get a massage etc.

Avoid complaining that you are too short of ideas that you feel stuck in "nowhere".

Of course those tourists that did spend their extra time wisely and enjoyed the bonus holiday in Pattaya or other parts of Thailand will not be reported or quoted in the national/international press - because that's not news is it!

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