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Are There Physical Or Vandalization Damage From Occupation


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Until there is full access granted to journalists that can film and report back, the public won't know. All we have is the AoT's report. AoT has a vested interest as it needs to avoid more voluntary cancellations from passengers.

The tip off to people should be the requirement for TG flights to divert to another airport before entering Canadian/USA airspace. There are serious concerns about security. If the EU and the USA refuse to grant approved security status, then no matter how pristine the airport is, people will not fly. All of those diversions will cost money for landing fees, service expense and fuel. Airlines will need to cover those costs. If ticket prices increase, that's another nail in the Thai tourism coffin.

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Vandalization???? Bloody yanks, learn some English :o

I'm Irish...but...

van·dal·ize (vān'dl-īz') Pronunciation Key

tr.v. van·dal·ized, van·dal·iz·ing, van·dal·iz·es

To destroy or deface (public or private property) willfully or maliciously.

van'dal·i·za'tion (-ĭ-zā'shən) n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Vandalization???? Bloody yanks, learn some English :D

Slimey non-Yanks, get a hobby which doesn't involve flaming outbursts when others ask legitimate questions. :o

ESL is apparently non-compulsary in the US still. Also apparently no looting from any shops in either airports.

Very rich indeed! Pot calling the kettle...?


Did you mean: compulsory?

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The proper term is "vandalism".

But then, my Indian co-workers frequently use such interesting terms as "upgradation" (referring to updating software), "updation" (referring to customer data maintenance), and my favorite, "please revert back", meaning "please respond".

Interesting thing, language is...

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Vandalization???? Bloody yanks, learn some English :D

I'm Irish...but...

van·dal·ize (vān'dl-īz') Pronunciation Key

tr.v. van·dal·ized, van·dal·iz·ing, van·dal·iz·es

To destroy or deface (public or private property) willfully or maliciously.

van'dal·i·za'tion (-ĭ-zā'shən) n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

So, I'm Polish...but...

van·dal·ise [vánd'l z]

transitive verb

U.K. crime Another spelling of vandalize

Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Kan Win :D

P.S. much better is this one:-


hi·jack [h jàk]

or high·jack [h jàk]

transitive verb (past and past participle hi·jacked, present participle hi·jack·ing, 3rd person present singular hi·jacks) (past and past participle high·jacked, present participle high·jack·ing, 3rd person present singular high·jacks)

1. seize transport vehicle: to take forcible control of a public transport vehicle, e.g. a passenger aircraft while in transit, :o taking the people on board hostage, and often diverting it to another destination

2. stop vehicle to rob it: to seize a motor vehicle, e.g. an armored car carrying money, in order to rob it of its contents

3. steal something from seized vehicle: to steal merchandise, money, or any other items from a hijacked motor vehicle

4. steal idea: to take somebody else's idea and use it, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the person from whom it was taken (informal)

noun (plural hi·jacks) (plural high·jacks)

transportation Same as hijacking

[Early 21th century. Origin Bangkok Airports both of them 2008] :D

-hi·jack·er, , noun

Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Apparently, the VANDALISM was minimal owing to the fact that the seige was planned months in advance by people in high places who thought to organise cleaners and security guards.

The VANDALISM to the country's tourist industry and the livelihoods of ordinary people who depend on it was much more severe.

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Apart from some blocked toilets, other damage is minimal. Watch out when you drive it, they have removed most of the nails, but some can still be seens on the side of the road.

"Some blocked toilets" I should imagine that they were all blocked and any gardens or planters were well watered!! :o:D:D

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According to my information (airport staffs), PAD never made it inside the airport (restricted area), they just stay in the public area so the damages were minimal. It seems it was a very organized operation …

No, instead they just breached the security of places of little consequence......LIKE THE CONTROL TOWER!

Wake up! They were illegal, trespassing thugs, armed clubs, metal rods, and more common lethal weapons (bombs, bullets, and guns). (Witness what the police found at Government House, and afterwards at the airport when PAD left).

Only God knows what could have happened if they'd taken control of the tower while flights were still taking off and landing.

Thailand took a lot of hits, but at least dodged this one potentially fatal bullet.

Edited by toptuan
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According to my information (airport staffs), PAD never made it inside the airport (restricted area), they just stay in the public area so the damages were minimal. It seems it was a very organized operation …

I saw on the news that they were walking on the tarmac and around the airplanes, so I think they went wherever they wanted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There may not have been any direct physical damage to the airport, but the damage to Thailand's tourism trade cannot be measured...I arrived on Xmas day at 10 pm, and going to immigration, there were more immigration staff waiting at counters than passengers/tourists going through the counters.

Blame the PAD, but the blame should be placed on the AOT for allowing the protesters to takeover the airport. What good is security if it is only capable of shooing away taxi drivers from the departure level?

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According to my information (airport staffs), PAD never made it inside the airport (restricted area), they just stay in the public area so the damages were minimal. It seems it was a very organized operation …

No, instead they just breached the security of places of little consequence......LIKE THE CONTROL TOWER!

Wake up! They were illegal, trespassing thugs, armed clubs, metal rods, and more common lethal weapons (bombs, bullets, and guns). (Witness what the police found at Government House, and afterwards at the airport when PAD left).

Only God knows what could have happened if they'd taken control of the tower while flights were still taking off and landing.

Thailand took a lot of hits, but at least dodged this one potentially fatal bullet.

If you don't know the facts better don't reply at all.

Not one person went via terminal to the restricted area.

And in the terminal was almost none or very limited damage.

The protestors went only to the control tower after the airport was closed for air traffic.

And they went inside with “unofficial” permission from the control tower people as they where supporters of the PAD. ( which they can’t confirm off-course or loose there jobs )

There was only one room in the government house which had damage and this was from prior the occupation.

All other rooms where without any damage and the protesters lead the media ( tv and newspapers ) around before they left the government house. ( which is also shown on the TV but not off-course on the government run channels )

Outside was a big mess as excepted as nobody was allowed inside or outside the government house area for many days by the police.

I don’t approve with all of the actions of the protestors but when you see the victims with shot off legs ( from the teargas grenade explosions ) you will rethink who are thugs, the 99 % peaceful protestors or the police captains which ordered the shooting with the comment “ keep shooting until they all are down “. If you can speak and understand Thai you can hear this on the several news coverage’s.

And how do I know all this, simple because I was there.

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According to my information (airport staffs), PAD never made it inside the airport (restricted area), they just stay in the public area so the damages were minimal. It seems it was a very organized operation …

No, instead they just breached the security of places of little consequence......LIKE THE CONTROL TOWER!

Wake up! They were illegal, trespassing thugs, armed clubs, metal rods, and more common lethal weapons (bombs, bullets, and guns). (Witness what the police found at Government House, and afterwards at the airport when PAD left).

Only God knows what could have happened if they'd taken control of the tower while flights were still taking off and landing.

Thailand took a lot of hits, but at least dodged this one potentially fatal bullet.

If you don't know the facts better don't reply at all.

Not one person went via terminal to the restricted area.

And in the terminal was almost none or very limited damage.

The protestors went only to the control tower after the airport was closed for air traffic.

And they went inside with "unofficial" permission from the control tower people as they where supporters of the PAD. ( which they can't confirm off-course or loose there jobs )

There was only one room in the government house which had damage and this was from prior the occupation.

All other rooms where without any damage and the protesters lead the media ( tv and newspapers ) around before they left the government house. ( which is also shown on the TV but not off-course on the government run channels )

Outside was a big mess as excepted as nobody was allowed inside or outside the government house area for many days by the police.

I don't approve with all of the actions of the protestors but when you see the victims with shot off legs ( from the teargas grenade explosions ) you will rethink who are thugs, the 99 % peaceful protestors or the police captains which ordered the shooting with the comment " keep shooting until they all are down ". If you can speak and understand Thai you can hear this on the several news coverage's.

And how do I know all this, simple because I was there.

Typical yellow.

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