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With the current political situation politicians will have other things on their minds. The bright side of that is that there is no need to hurry and can arrange for more support. In the end, there is a case, which can be brought by only one plaintif.

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This is a dead duck. The women with sufficient knowledge to want to get involved to help their husbands know that it is better to lead a quiet life. You'll need one or more of us to be married to a rich HiSo wife with top and I mean top level connections. She would then need the support of her family.

There is - as you know - and she certainly won't. So forget it.


Sorry for say this but many of the human rights are not respected and some are more important than this, for example:

Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

They dont care about this , i know people in Tak that dont write their name, and they have 45 yrs.

And soon i have a child but probaly i cannot stay whit my girlfriend when him born and if i cannot find a way for have one kind of visa i cannot stay whit him, in immigration office they said to me:

we are not interested, live your half farang(in english) child( in thai words meanwhile i was go away from there my girfriend she traslate to me they said BASTARD) in thailand,

probaly someone take care of him.

So i hope you can find a way for your rights, im(whit my poor english) whit you and if i can i support you, but believme dont think to have many chance to win.


Sorry for say this but many of the human rights are not respected and some are more important than this, for example:

Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

They dont care about this , i know people in Tak that dont write their name, and they have 45 yrs.

And soon i have a child but probaly i cannot stay whit my girlfriend when him born and if i cannot find a way for have one kind of visa i cannot stay whit him, in immigration office they said to me:

we are not interested, live your half farang(in english) child( in thai words meanwhile i was go away from there my girfriend she traslate to me they said BASTARD) in thailand,

probaly someone take care of him.

So i hope you can find a way for your rights, im(whit my poor english) whit you and if i can i support you, but believme dont think to have many chance to win.


I am aware that Thailand has a long way to go to meet all the human rights issues mentioned.

The rights of a child with a forign father has beed discussed in the other thread related to this topic.

It is one the things we may address to push for changes of the immigration rules.

Was that an immigration officer in Pattaya that made that rude remark. That office is known to be one the few that have made it difficult to get an extension to support your child.

Until the child is born you will not be able to apply for an extension. Until that time you could get a tourist visa that would allow you to stay for 60 days and then extend for 30 days each entry.

After the child is born if you can show the financial requirements you are eligible to get a 1 year extension. If your girl friend is not from Pattaya you might consider going to an immigration office near her home of record in her house book and using that address when you apply for the extension.

Either that or try to get sole custody of the child which can be obtanined at the amphoe where the childs birth is registered. That would meet Pattaya immigration requirements.


Thank you ubonjoe, i read about the visa for support child for less than 50 yrs old man in italian forum but they said that we can obtain only a non imm O for 3 month one time not more.

So you give to me a good news!!

Sorry the OT but how much are the money i need to show for that? and pls can you give to me some link were i can find all the document?

tank so much!!!


Have a look at 2.18 page 10 here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/post-a70477-.html

Regardinmg the comment that siome human rights are more serious, it is the priciple that is being uphold. Some violations are more serious then others, but that doesn't mean that other issues shouldn't be adrressed. Also you will find that rights to education and healthcare often needed to provided to the ability of the state, as you can't compare the resources of the UK to the resources of Sudan.

Thank you ubonjoe, i read about the visa for support child for less than 50 yrs old man in italian forum but they said that we can obtain only a non imm O for 3 month one time not more.

So you give to me a good news!!

Sorry the OT but how much are the money i need to show for that? and pls can you give to me some link were i can find all the document?

tank so much!!!

See the police order that mario2008 posted. That gives you the income requirements.

It used to be that if you were under 50 you could only get non-o visas. Since the latest changes you can get a one year extension.


Oceano, one important remark about the birth of your child, since I understand that you are not married. You will have to register the birth of the child yourself at the amphur, as that will indicate that you are indeed the father. If someone else registers the birth at the amphur and names you as the father it mens nothing, as anyone can be named on a birth certificate as the father without that person knowing it. If you register the birth yourself you acknowledge that you are the father and will be considered as such before the law.


I understand that the more wives that would be willing to get involved the better, but I don't believe there is such a thing as class action lawsuits in Thailand.

This means that at the end of the day even if we had 1000 wives wanting to get involved, only one could be the plaintiff.

As for all of the nay sayers... why should people give up before even trying thats just :o

"Better to have fought and lost than to have never fought at all"


So if we have three wives willing to get involved then there is no reason not to start, perphaps as things get rolling along more wives will be willing to join in.

Regardless of the number of wives involved one of the first steps would be to find a lawyer willing to take the case and following up with them to see how strong the case is and the plan to move forward.

As things get rolling along perphaps many of the 30+ may be able to convince their wives to join.


You can have a 1000 people bring forward the same complaint and the courts will delal with them as one.

Also, the court is a long way of and not the goal. First a petition can be brought, then a petition to the National Human Rights Commission which I believe does accept mass complaints.

I understand that the more wives that would be willing to get involved the better, but I don't believe there is such a thing as class action lawsuits in Thailand.

This means that at the end of the day even if we had 1000 wives wanting to get involved, only one could be the plaintiff.

As for all of the nay sayers... why should people give up before even trying thats just :o

"Better to have fought and lost than to have never fought at all"


So if we have three wives willing to get involved then there is no reason not to start, perphaps as things get rolling along more wives will be willing to join in.

Regardless of the number of wives involved one of the first steps would be to find a lawyer willing to take the case and following up with them to see how strong the case is and the plan to move forward.

As things get rolling along perphaps many of the 30+ may be able to convince their wives to join.

The reason I wanted to get more Wives involved at the start, was not only about the "Class Action" angle, which may not be available in Thailand.

But it is indicative to the 'powers that be' as to just how serious the problem is.. and how many people this effects.

It also is important to have more people to add both support (emotional as well as financial).. and "cover" as there is strength in numbers and also it makes the main litigent a lessor "target"... we hope.

More complainers, even if not litigents, would add strength to any action, and I feel sure that any lawyer would want more complainants, even if there was only one litigent.

But if there is a push for action, Then we need to raise some funds. There is no way I can carry this ball financially. And then we need to find the woman who will be the main complainant. My wife is willing to be involved... But I don't know if she wants to take the lead.... Especially without a LOT of Support from her peers.



I'm married to a Thai but not under an extension of stay based on my marriege, that disqualifies my wife to lodge a complaint. Neverteless I'm willing to donate at least 1,000 baht to the cause.


I quite honestly think it is BS that I have lived here and worked here for 5 years, am married to a Thai national and my children are Thai citizens but there is no provision for a green card or permanent residence as we have in the USA. My wife and I were married in the USA it took me a total of 2 trips to immigration in 2 years to get her a green card.


After going through all the trouble and even fighting it all the way to the Supreme Court, the best you'd probably get is that yes, the law will be made equal...

...in the sense that farang women will be made to have a difficult time getting privileges/citizenship as the farang men do now. :o

Oceano, one important remark about the birth of your child, since I understand that you are not married. You will have to register the birth of the child yourself at the amphur, as that will indicate that you are indeed the father. If someone else registers the birth at the amphur and names you as the father it mens nothing, as anyone can be named on a birth certificate as the father without that person knowing it. If you register the birth yourself you acknowledge that you are the father and will be considered as such before the law.

Thank you for understand me and help me, now I fell well :o , I’m divorced and I must to wait other 3 yrs before i will be free. For your project to make class action I will support you and I will write about that in the biggest Italian and France forum, but I have to say to you they are not smart like you and they have fear for every think is against Thai government because they make the forum ONLY for make money and they worry Thai government close the web site, they are helpless also for the visa so you give to me a good news about new rules because in other forum in other language, for now, nobody have idea about the new rules. Sorry again for my English and again tank you all.



Gentlemen I have read and then reread and cannot not for the life of me believe you are serious.

Class action I had to write it just so I colud read aloud and be sure that is what you are saying.

I unfortunately can not even wish you well - that would be like wishing a 99 year old legless person all the very best at the next olymplic marathon.

Thailand doersn't even take notice of human rights violations when lodged by world bodies.

Sorry guys you do not have my support nor best wishes in such a nonsecial try at getting your name in print. (remember there are those souls out here that are so naive they wait with bated breath on your every word).

After going through all the trouble and even fighting it all the way to the Supreme Court, the best you'd probably get is that yes, the law will be made equal...

...in the sense that farang women will be made to have a difficult time getting privileges/citizenship as the farang men do now. :o

Yess.. Yesss.. Yessssss... keep hearing this one...


You don't know that for sure, and I personally doubt it... because it would only Piss off a few Thai Men.


That is NOT my Problem... The Current Law is.

Not trying is not going to change anything.. only trying MIGHT.

So, at this stage, Negative opinions are not worth any further response.


Fight your own battles.

Stay out of mine.


Hey, I wish you the best of luck and success in your cause CS. It would be great if you achieved easy residency/citizenship for foreign men.

However, if you wish for people to "stay out" of "your" battle (or did you mean "your" Thaivisa thread?), I would think that a "forum" or "blog" is not the proper venue to expect a purely one-sided response in your favor, now do you?


OK... let's get this thing happening.

I'm calling the First organizing meeting for those interested in 'Equality for Thai Wives'.

Day,: Sunday, Dec. 28, 2008

Place: Subway Restaraunt, Sukhamvit Soi ??? (Not sure of the exact Soi number...)

Location: Next to Villa Supermarket (On the Right), between Londoner (Soi 33) and Robin Hood.

City: Bangkok

Time: 2 PM

RSVP by posting in this Thread.

PS NOTE: If there are no RSVPs then the meeting will be cancelled.

To confirm your RSVP, please send me a PM with your Mobile phone number.

Thanks again for your Support.

See you there,


Gentlemen I have read and then reread and cannot not for the life of me believe you are serious.

Class action I had to write it just so I colud read aloud and be sure that is what you are saying.

I unfortunately can not even wish you well - that would be like wishing a 99 year old legless person all the very best at the next olymplic marathon.

Thailand doersn't even take notice of human rights violations when lodged by world bodies.

Sorry guys you do not have my support nor best wishes in such a nonsecial try at getting your name in print. (remember there are those souls out here that are so naive they wait with bated breath on your every word).

Also if you are right, important is that some people start to organize for take action in favor of some benefit that we cannot have as single. Important is that all tougher we start talk like a group of people that we support Thai family, Thai economy and whit our visa fine the Thai government. How much money we give every single day to Thai people? How much Thai government officer care that we spend money for Thai people? So if I go to ask, ALONE, for some better condition for have a visa (whit base I’m a good person and I support Thai in good manner) nobody care me, BUT what if hundreds of expat farang ask for that? So I support the idea( remember that the Italian community, in many country, have better life because they are a powerful group of united people)because is the start for be more powerful not for fight whit the Thai government but for ask better condition and be listen from the Thai government. So please, also if in this case we lose but we are all together one time and whit good manner, big number of us, and asking for better condition I think we can win.



How about equality for farang husbands?

My wife enjoys a lifestyle 10,000 times better than my own. I don't cheat, I don't hit or shout, I take an ear-bashing like a trooper.


My apologies, I get it now.

So, if they win, does this mean I won't have to go across the border every three months and worse still fly to Blighty once a year (the border trips are okay by me, but being forced to go to Blighty is an unreasonably cruel punishment and should be against my human rights).

My apologies, I get it now.

So, if they win, does this mean I won't have to go across the border every three months and worse still fly to Blighty once a year (the border trips are okay by me, but being forced to go to Blighty is an unreasonably cruel punishment and should be against my human rights).

If you are married to a Thai you can do that now. If you can meet the income of 40,000 baht per month or 400,000 baht in the bank for 60 days requirement you can apply at immigration.


I try...everybody are interested in different problem whit different visa or different situation but IMPORTANT is that someone try to put all together for make something better for us. So if all us we don’t think about our personal problem now and we support this idea, later all together we can make different action for other problem that many of us we have. PLS see this like a 1st step, many big community of expat in the world can talk whit the government because they are all together and they ask like a big group of people. In Thailand we are all "alone" and nobody listen us. So cosmic and Joe, if you understand what I mean pls make this and write in good English this: A big group of expat farang whit good manner and good idea for better living have a big powerful! I hope we can make this because is the first time I see someone make something "all together" and I see in south America and in Africa Italian community very powerful because they are a group.


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