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Pojaman Is Landing In Bangkok Tonight


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how about to tell me how much tax money the thaksin complex had generated every year?

A better question would be to gauge how much taxes Thaksin and his ilk have withheld/cheated from the Thai people. My guess is somewhere in the tens of billions of Baht.

If you change "tens" to "hundreds", you would be closer.

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A better question would be to gauge how much taxes Thaksin and his ilk have withheld/cheated from the Thai people.

I can't understand why you think they "cheat".

i can't understandwhy you think they don't 'cheat'. :o

LOL .. give it up, He'll never admit to it even though Pokemon has been convicted.

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A better question would be to gauge how much taxes Thaksin and his ilk have withheld/cheated from the Thai people.

I can't understand why you think they "cheat".

i can't understandwhy you think they don't 'cheat'. :D

LOL .. give it up, He'll never admit to it even though Pokemon has been convicted.

Yes indeed jd, he probably thinks the Mafia is an Italian charitable organisation. :o

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A better question would be to gauge how much taxes Thaksin and his ilk have withheld/cheated from the Thai people.

I can't understand why you think they "cheat".

i can't understandwhy you think they don't 'cheat'. :D

LOL .. give it up, He'll never admit to it even though Pokemon has been convicted.

Yes indeed jd, he probably thinks the Mafia is an Italian charitable organisation. :o

He will probably believe he made an honest mistake in 2000 as well. :D

marshbags :D

Edited by marshbags
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What’s up, with this woman? Is she above the law? Able to walk in alone after screwing her people over. I mean, this is the second time that this family has flaunted their status to come and go as they please.

Most countries would just take the passport and say to them, you cannot go now. Welcome to Amazing Thailand.

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If you like I can give you along lits of praising comments of democratic elected political leaders towards

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Ceaucscu, Idi Amin, and we all know they where making a misjudgement.

I think my comment is very easy to understand, but maybe I overrated your intelligence

you are somehow redundant and after a question not able to explain yourself. you fail to attest your own intelligence. additional, you are part of a mob. a mob is never intelligent.

if you want compare thaksin with " "Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Ceaucscu, Idi Amin" and think is very easy to understand"" then your are plain stupid. but it's not really clear if it was that what you want to say, you just said that you have a list of comments. and now? i am afraid with your very easy logic you could compare Chamlong with Adolf Eichmann.

what you think if i argue like this:

The monstrous evils of the twentieth century have shown us that the greediest money grubbers are gentle doves compared with money-hating wolves like Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, who in less than three decades killed or maimed nearly a hundred million men, women, and children and brought untold suffering to a large portion of mankind.

Eric Hoffer: In Our Time

first,there is no question that Eric Hoffer is not stupid and have some intelligence. his books you can find in the ibraries. he is a so called Thinker, respected by many.

in that quote Eric Hoffer juxtapose greedy money grubbers with money hating anti-capitalistic ideologists. if we bring that to thailand, i think he would call Thaksin a gentle dove.

and the PAD? i can see their some similarities between PAD propaganda and nazi BS and wrote an entry the PAD propaganda Thaksin is the moneyjew

i see in the PAD also exact that kind of movement like the ones Eric Hoffer analysed in his study The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements.

Hoffer focused on commies, fascist, nazis and early christians. point out what they have in common and that this could also seen in other forms of mass movements.

lunatic fanatics, willing to sacrifice themself for some stupid ideology of the greater good, irrational. frustrated numb nuts with attitudes trying to 'give their meaningless lives some sense of significance'


PROTIP: if there is a tax loophole, use it!

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Well it looks as if the fat lady is preparing to sing her aria.

Misogyny Alert!

Feminist theorist Marilyn Frye argues that misogyny is phallocentric and homoerotic at its root. In Politics of Reality, Fyre analyzes the alleged misogyny characteristic of the fiction and Christian apologetics of C.S. Lewis. Frye argues that such misogyny privileges the masculine as a subject of erotic attention. She compares the misogyny characteristic of Lewis' ideal of gender relations to underground male prostitution rings, which share the same quality of men seeking to dominate subjects seen as less likely to take on submissive roles by a patriarchal society, but in both cases doing so as a theatrical mockery of women.

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If you like I can give you along lits of praising comments of democratic elected political leaders towards

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Ceaucscu, Idi Amin, and we all know they where making a misjudgement.

I think my comment is very easy to understand, but maybe I overrated your intelligence

you are somehow redundant and after a question not able to explain yourself. you fail to attest your own intelligence. additional, you are part of a mob. a mob is never intelligent.

if you want compare thaksin with " "Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Ceaucscu, Idi Amin" and think is very easy to understand"" then your are plain stupid. but it's not really clear if it was that what you want to say, you just said that you have a list of comments. and now? i am afraid with your very easy logic you could compare Chamlong with Adolf Eichmann.

what you think if i argue like this:

The monstrous evils of the twentieth century have shown us that the greediest money grubbers are gentle doves compared with money-hating wolves like Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, who in less than three decades killed or maimed nearly a hundred million men, women, and children and brought untold suffering to a large portion of mankind.

Eric Hoffer: In Our Time

first,there is no question that Eric Hoffer is not stupid and have some intelligence. his books you can find in the ibraries. he is a so called Thinker, respected by many.

in that quote Eric Hoffer juxtapose greedy money grubbers with money hating anti-capitalistic ideologists. if we bring that to thailand, i think he would call Thaksin a gentle dove.

and the PAD? i can see their some similarities between PAD propaganda and nazi BS and wrote an entry the PAD propaganda Thaksin is the moneyjew

i see in the PAD also exact that kind of movement like the ones Eric Hoffer analysed in his study The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements.

Hoffer focused on commies, fascist, nazis and early christians. point out what they have in common and that this could also seen in other forms of mass movements.

lunatic fanatics, willing to sacrifice themself for some stupid ideology of the greater good, irrational. frustrated numb nuts with attitudes trying to 'give their meaningless lives some sense of significance'


PROTIP: if there is a tax loophole, use it!

I did not compare Thaksin with Hitler, Stalin or other Mao's. I only said that democratic leaders where giving compliments that later proved to be a misjudgement.

my only intention was, that people can make misjudgements about a person; I only use those names to make it more distinct.

A person who would have some intelligence would clearly understood it. So I did overrated your intelligence. But this again is not putting any blame on you. Because you can't blame a person for something he don't have.

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A better question would be to gauge how much taxes Thaksin and his ilk have withheld/cheated from the Thai people.

I can't understand why you think they "cheat".

Yes dear we know you don't understand this.

But ignoring the laws of the land is worse than cheating on a test.

Conspiracy to avoid paying due taxes to THE THAI PEOPLE,

and that means you too Koo,

is worse than writing some tests answers on your cuff,

or slipping an extra ace up your sleave in a poker game.

That is cheating and the last way can get you killed quick too.

But Pojamen's acts were CRIMES and she is convicted of them,

They were indirectly stealing from you Koo, not me or other fahrangs,

but for you and your family as Thai citizens who need roads and schools etc.

And SOME of us resent that,

though we may lack the vote to end it properly.

She is free pending her appeal, correctly, but I don't see what grounds she has.

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I did not compare Thaksin with Hitler, Stalin or other Mao's. I only said that democratic leaders where giving compliments that later proved to be a misjudgement.

my only intention was, that people can make misjudgements about a person; I only use those names to make it more distinct.

A person who would have some intelligence would clearly understood it. So I did overrated your intelligence. But this again is not putting any blame on you. Because you can't blame a person for something he don't have.

maybe you just make a misjudement according to me or are you smarter than those persons from your list we have never seen?

to explain to me that people make misjudgments, you don't have to put "Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Ceaucscu, Idi Amin" on one side and " democratic elected political leaders" on the other.

it's you who is unable to make a clear statemant, unable to elaborate his own opinion, that would i call lack of intelligence. i also can not talk about your fantasy lists because i have never seen them. and the intention is behind the comments that democratic elected political leaders have given.

how about intrigue. they not have been best friends with Ceausescu, Hitler or Saddam. and without another enemy your democratic leaders would never come close to Saddam, Ceausescu or Hitler, to keep just these three examples. Ceausescu - flattered in the time of the cold war because i was in the middle of all these commie states but didn't take his order from Moscow, Ceausescu just a tool to operate against the Kreml, a support for Saddam without a Khomeini next door? i doubt that. Hitler or the Bolsheviki. that was the reason behind to fancy with Adolf. and that was long time before it started with the 6 million.

but Chamlong and Thaksin, that is an other case. Chamlong was teacher, mentor, advisor, friend for Thaksin. they have been more years together than you ever went to school and get additional education. and unlike you, Thaksin learned something from Chamlong. Chamlong used Thaksin to be the man in the background and have a fresh face on front. all the Chamlong ideas of being a good leader and what you wanna make puke that can be traced down to chamlong. he split with thaksin 2004. the war on drug, Tak Bai, Krue Se Mosque. Chamlong never said a word. Chamlong did exactly know what was going on.

Chamlong and Thaksin working together - that isn't just the one comment i gave the link too, same as for Thaksin and Sondhi.

thats why i ask you: do you know in what kind of relationship the 2 persons i mentioned above have been with thaksin and for how long?


PROTIP: if you can avoid to pay taxes, don't pay taxes.

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Conspiracy to avoid paying due taxes to THE THAI PEOPLE,

there a two main theories the political observer and insider, the voices from the balcony offer:


1. Waldorf: nah, THE THAI PEOPLE would just vote again for thaksin, that is for sure. maybe some feel frighten and intimidate by military junta and yellow clapper mob and think a diplomatic vote would be better and cast someone on the ballot box that didn't bring the yellow monster back.


2. Statler: nah, THE THAI PEOPLE will not forget one thing, the purest and most peaceful form of civil disobedience is - don't pay taxes to a corrupt government. she is one of us. did nelson mandela paid taxes? what would jesus do? new motto: no money - no corruption. no yellow mob lunatics.

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What's up, with this woman? Is she above the law? Able to walk in alone after screwing her people over. I mean, this is the second time that this family has flaunted their status to come and go as they please.

Most countries would just take the passport and say to them, you cannot go now. Welcome to Amazing Thailand.

Just like Sondhi and Chamlong. NO ARREST.

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What's up, with this woman? Is she above the law? Able to walk in alone after screwing her people over. I mean, this is the second time that this family has flaunted their status to come and go as they please.

Most countries would just take the passport and say to them, you cannot go now. Welcome to Amazing Thailand.

Just like Sondhi and Chamlong. NO ARREST.

Just disregard that they haven't been convicted and she has as well as they've never fled and she has.

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Pojaman changes surname back to Damapong, gets new ID card

Pojaman Damapong Monday officially changed her surname back from Shinawatra to Damapong at the Dusit district office. She arrived at the district office at 8 am.

Wearing orange shirt and brown skirt,spent about ten minutes to apply for a new identification card. After getting her new card, she and her aides left the district office in a van.

- The Nation / 2008-12-08

I've heard of Thais officially changing their names in order to avoid (or cancel out) credit debt. Can they do that to also thwart legal rulings?

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Pojaman returns to visit ailing mother: Thaksin's spokesman

BANGKOK: -- Khunying Pojaman Damapong, former Thailand's first lady, returned to the country to visit her sick mother, a personal spokesman of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Pongthep Thepkanchana said Pojaman's return had nothing to do with politics.

He said she came back to Thailand to visit Pojanee Damapong, her mother, who fell sick.

-- The Nation 2008-12-06

I realize with all the political maneuvering that's happened in the week that she's been back, but has she ever managed to squeeze in a visit to her ailing mother in all that time?

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The morning after her arrival the whole family left the house, it was in Bangkok Post somewhere. They were holed up for a day or two after that.

By now I guess no one is watching them already.

If the mission was to keep the power - it looks like it failed miserably and she didn't even put up a big fight.

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Pojaman returns to visit ailing mother: Thaksin's spokesman

BANGKOK: -- Khunying Pojaman Damapong, former Thailand's first lady, returned to the country to visit her sick mother, a personal spokesman of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Pongthep Thepkanchana said Pojaman's return had nothing to do with politics.

He said she came back to Thailand to visit Pojanee Damapong, her mother, who fell sick.

-- The Nation 2008-12-06

Who is Pongthep Thepkanchana and why do such spokespeople for the Thaksin clan continue to say such ridiculous things in public? They must really believe that the Thai general public are the stupidest, most gullible bunch of morons on the face of the earth. It's as though Pojaman and Thaksin and their ilk cannot speak one shred of truth - regardless of what they're commenting about.

The morning after her arrival the whole family left the house, it was in Bangkok Post somewhere. They were holed up for a day or two after that.

By now I guess no one is watching them already.

If the mission was to keep the power - it looks like it failed miserably and she didn't even put up a big fight.

It looks like she might have failed in her primary intent: To keep TRT/PPP/PTP in power - in order to stay out of jail and to scoop up as much of her assets as she can - and split back out of the country. ....but we don't really know whether she "put up a big fight' - as there were likely lots of inside maneuvering and lucrative offers made to any PMs who were wavering in their support of her dogs.

Has Ms Pojaman jumped bail? Is there a warrant for her arrest? Do such legal formalities even exist in Thailand?

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PROTIP: if you can avoid to pay taxes, don't pay taxes.

PD, I suggest you research Tax Laws.

Nothing wrong with tax avoidance, however tax evasion is a serious offence.

What Thaksin did amounted to Tax Evasion. :o

there are other problems than that one lady didn't pay her taxes. she did wrong, yes, but this is no reason to explode with such emotions and hate or that what PAD wanna sell as "new politics".

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PROTIP: if you can avoid to pay taxes, don't pay taxes.

PD, I suggest you research Tax Laws.

Nothing wrong with tax avoidance, however tax evasion is a serious offence.

What Thaksin did amounted to Tax Evasion. :o

there are other problems than that one lady didn't pay her taxes. she did wrong, yes, but this is no reason to explode with such emotions and hate or that what PAD wanna sell as "new politics".


I accept that the point you made about avoiding taxes was an oversight on your behalf. :D

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PROTIP: if you can avoid to pay taxes, don't pay taxes.

PD, I suggest you research Tax Laws.

Nothing wrong with tax avoidance, however tax evasion is a serious offence.

What Thaksin did amounted to Tax Evasion. :o

there are other problems than that one lady didn't pay her taxes. she did wrong, yes, but this is no reason to explode with such emotions and hate or that what PAD wanna sell as "new politics".

It's odd. Of all people who post regularly on TV, you are the person who seems to seethe with the most hatred and simmering violence for a person (Sonthi L) and group (PAD) that I can think of. And that is when I can understand what you are actually trying to write. <snip> :D

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