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Baht Buses Lower Fares To Five Baht


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So guys, Im back in Patts in 2 weeks for a while staying at the Dusit and will be going into W/S each night. If I (A farang) jump on at the dusit and get off at W/S and hand 5 Bht they will accept it or shout and moan?

?? :o

They will shout/moan.

I do not advocate that farangs pay the Thai fare. It is not worth the risk of violence, some drivers are violent and psychotic.

Folks, I didn't say I personally don't accept the situation, but you are the ones who don't accept the fares are determined racially. They don't ask for IDs, they look at your face/race. You want to black and white this, but it ain't so. It is possible (and a good idea if you want to keep sane) to accept the negative aspects of life in Thailand and to also see them for what they are.

Imagine approaching the clerk at a London tube station. The clerk looks at your face, white faces, x pounds, not white faces, x pounds times 2. Racial?

Edited by Jingthing
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Imagine approaching the clerk at a London tube station. The clerk looks at your face, white faces, x pounds, not white faces, x pounds times 2. Racial?[/i]

As usual, you're totally fixated on racism when in fact this has nothing at all to do with it.

It doesn't matter where you live. If there is no government control over pricing and policing thereof, transport services will price gouge wherever they can.

If local authorities were really serious about preventing any confusion over pricing they would insist on a big sign being displayed in every baht bus in a few different languages indicating that the regular fare is 5 baht.

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If local authorities were really serious about preventing any confusion over pricing they would insist on a big sign being displayed in every baht bus in a few different languages indicating that the regular fare is 5 baht.

Who said the local authorities care about such things? Obviously, they don't. If they did, they would have never granted the fake taxi business to the same company that runs the baht bus mafia.

I am not fixated with race. That is total BS. I just see reality.

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If local authorities were really serious about preventing any confusion over pricing they would insist on a big sign being displayed in every baht bus in a few different languages indicating that the regular fare is 5 baht.

Who said the local authorities care about such things? Obviously, they don't. If they did, they would have never granted the fake taxi business to the same company that runs the baht bus mafia.

I am not fixated with race. That is total BS. I just see reality.

It is not BS. You've harped on about racism ad infinitum.

Obviously local authorities are not serious about doing anything about baht bus fares and taxis. That wasn't my point. The point is that nothing will ever happen unless they do.

It's pointless to expect transport services to self regulate. They won't here and they wouldn't in London or anywhere else.

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Who said the local authorities care about such things? Obviously, they don't. If they did, they would have never granted the fake taxi business to the same company that runs the baht bus mafia.

I am not fixated with race. That is total BS. I just see reality.

I agree. It is patently clear and obvious that most dual pricing in Thailand is implemented through racial profiling. Many of us find that repulsive and disgusting.

As far as I know--correct me if I'm wrong--the Baht Bus Drivers Guaranteed Lifetime Employment Association (BBDGFE) has no written policy or regulation mandating dual fares anyway.

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I agree. It is patently clear and obvious that most dual pricing in Thailand is implemented through racial profiling. Many of us find that repulsive and disgusting.

Once again I disagree. The only racial aspect in this whole comedy of capers, is that as a white-skinned person you are easily

identifiable as a non-Thai and therefore chances are high in this tourist city that you are a tourist.

Tourists get milked everywhere.

Anyway my policy is not to feel cheated everywhere I go in this fair city, and we are discussing Pattaya's Baht buses aren't we?

No malice intended



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Well their argument for raising prices was because of oil and now with diesel back to around Bt20 a litre they harp on about helping during a time of economic crisis. Utter crap. I did not see any giving up their jobs when faced with higher fuel costs !

I think the debate reaches such levels because people either have to use them or do not. If you have to, then you know what they are like. If you don't then you really don't know. More and more they just want private hire. They want more and more cash for private hire which has nothing to do with fuel costs and everything to do with profiteering. There are far too many of them anyway.

I think they do a good job on their normal routes but they are not a charity and are very well rewarded at whatever rate is offered. They can always go and do something else can't they ?

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There is such a huge disparity between salaries for Thais and Westeners. The only way the average Thai family could visit a tourist attraction is by being charged a "local Thai" rate. Then you've got the run of the mill workers. Many don't even get a salary and others 3000bht per month. Yes, there are the lucky few who do rather well. But the vast majority are scratching a living.

With this said. I have no problem having a Thai local rate and one for farang.

We all know London cabbies are the best in the world, and expensive. Try going to Sydney. You'd be very lucky if the driver spoke English and in many cases they've only been in the country for a few months. Therefore they have no idea how to get around. And a 20 minute ride will cost approx $40.

I'm happy with the Baht bus and their fare structure.

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It is not BS. You've harped on about racism ad infinitum.

If you think that, I accept that's what you think. What I meant is that the fare decisions here are done in a snap judgment based on superficial appearance, so a person's race OBVIOUSLY comes into that in a country that is as racially homogeneous as Thailand. I wouldn't call that racism, but I did call it racial, race comes into it and to deny that, I suppose there are still people who think the earth is flat.

Regarding the incidence of racism among Thais in general, that is a totally separate topic and not all that interesting, so I am hardly harping about it. Thais, being human beings, are subject to the same social diseases as all other human beings, being capable of virulent racism among them. Again I suppose there are some rose glasses club folks who think Thais aren't capable of anything bad or that only white people are capable of racism. Nuff said?

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I don't think that all the baht-bus drivers in Pattaya have fully received the message, because this morning I attempted to pay 5 baht to baht bus #448 and the driver honked his klaxon in a furious manner until I returned to his cab and paid an additional 5 baht.

Obviously there has been some communication breakdown (to quote LZ)

Be careful folks!

Edited by syd barrett
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i thought they always were 5 baht?

No, the general EXPECTED BY THE DRIVERS fare for farangs has been 10 baht (or more for very long trips) for a very long time. What the official fare may or may not be is completely irrelevant.

There are cases where 5 baht will usually be accepted from farang: very short trips, Pattaya Klang and Pattaya Tai crosstown trips when the bus is full of Thais, sometimes trips where the the bus makes a turn off your route and you are clearly getting off there because of the turn.

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So guys, Im back in Patts in 2 weeks for a while staying at the Dusit and will be going into W/S each night. If I (A farang) jump on at the dusit and get off at W/S and hand 5 Bht they will accept it or shout and moan?

?? :o

BD. Have i understood you correctly? You're staying at a hotel where the average nightly room rate is what, 7500 bht per night? (my budget for 10 days accommodation) +1000 bht joiner fee and you want to quibble over 5 BAHT?

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we all have bills to pay.

It baffles me how many complaints I see about Baht buses. To me it is the most efficent taxi service on earth. Other than 3rd world countries tell me where else I can get such a cheap/efficent taxi service.

By reading some of the comments above and in previous postings it's no wonder farangs are held in such contempt.

How about baht buses are removed. What's the alternative?

These guys have lives to live and bills to pay.

So remember you are visitors, pay the 10 baht and be happy.

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this morning I attempted to pay 5 baht to baht bus #448 and the driver honked his klaxon in a furious manner until I returned to his cab and paid an additional 5 baht.

You need the Baht Bus Exit Strategy. Go slightly past the stop, get off, pay quickly and immedately start walking back. Chances are he won't back up the bus.

Now, one patron used to allways carry a baseball bat and swore it was most helpful.

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this morning I attempted to pay 5 baht to baht bus #448 and the driver honked his klaxon in a furious manner until I returned to his cab and paid an additional 5 baht.

You need the Baht Bus Exit Strategy. Go slightly past the stop, get off, pay quickly and immedately start walking back. Chances are he won't back up the bus.

Now, one patron used to allways carry a baseball bat and swore it was most helpful.

I wouldn't recommend this unless you have a justifiable reason to pay only 5 baht (as I detailed above). The beeping is telling you something. You underpaid the expected fare.

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This must have been the NEWS OF THE YEAR for all the Cheap Charlies that roam Pattaya's streets....The discussions one can overhear between a huge percentage of resident foreigners are hilarious. A mixture of senile citizens, senior Casanovas and a Mental Institution! Everyone is a declared expert and knows just about how to run any business (restaurant, bar, hotel, taxi, right up to governing the US & Thailand) When you challenge them about their accomplishments in life they mostly don't even understand the question. :o

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So guys, Im back in Patts in 2 weeks for a while staying at the Dusit and will be going into W/S each night. If I (A farang) jump on at the dusit and get off at W/S and hand 5 Bht they will accept it or shout and moan?

?? :o

BD. Have i understood you correctly? You're staying at a hotel where the average nightly room rate is what, 7500 bht per night? (my budget for 10 days accommodation) +1000 bht joiner fee and you want to quibble over 5 BAHT?

Lancashirelad - Didnt your mother ever teach you that if you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves.......

So its gonna be 10bht for me still is it? and 20bht for 2 of us??


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The baht bus system is one of the most interesting and efficient public transport systems I've encountered. 5 baht, 10 baht, dont care.

What I would like to see is a bit more padding on the benches, and possibly that the m*fia start converting the bus fleet into battery powered vehicles.

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The baht bus system is one of the most interesting and efficient public transport systems I've encountered. 5 baht, 10 baht, dont care.

What I would like to see is a bit more padding on the benches, and possibly that the m*fia start converting the bus fleet into battery powered vehicles.

The batteries would not last long with all that PEEP PEEP PEEP!!!! :o

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The baht bus system is one of the most interesting and efficient public transport systems I've encountered. 5 baht, 10 baht, dont care.

What I would like to see is a bit more padding on the benches, and possibly that the m*fia start converting the bus fleet into battery powered vehicles.

I like riding the buses also. Cheap entertainment, lots of bumps, and it gets you there. I pay the expected fare (usually 10 baht). Not worth the stress to do otherwise. Good people watching.

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The baht bus system is one of the most interesting and efficient public transport systems I've encountered. 5 baht, 10 baht, dont care.

What I would like to see is a bit more padding on the benches, and possibly that the m*fia start converting the bus fleet into battery powered vehicles.

I like riding the buses also. Cheap entertainment, lots of bumps, and it gets you there. I pay the expected fare (usually 10 baht). Not worth the stress to do otherwise. Good people watching.

Have to agree there J. Is good to sit in the bus and get an eyeful. Cheap at 10 Baht and saves on the old legs.

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I will agree that the baht bus system is a reasonable operation where it operates. But, why is there a non-stop, almost bumper-to-bumper parade of baht buses around the Beach Road/Second Road circuit, but no service in other places like Third Road and Thepprasit Road? Even on Pattaya Nua Road, there is no reliable frequency of service.

I've been going to daily physical therapy sessions at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya (their new name, apparently) in the early to mid-afternoon, and regularlly wait 10-15 minutes for a baht bus on Sukhumvit Road near Soi Watboon, and when a bus does appear, it's already full. The record was a passenger load of 21 (!): six on each bench, four standing (stooping) in the middle, one in the cab with the driver, and four standing on the rear.

First three days I walked from the hospital back to Pattaya Nua Road, and waited 15 minutes first day for a baht bus that took me to Pattaya, second day waited about 10 minutes for a bus who decided to terminate his run by Fairtex and dropped me off there (I walked to the dolphin turnabout to catch one of the "circuit" buses), third day, after waiting 15 minutes, I walked to the bus station and crammed my obese body in amongst the dozen or so Chinese tourists.

Why do drivers circle endlessly with empty buses on the "circuit" but totally ignore most of the rest of the city?

Oh, and don't even DREAM of catching a bus on the Dark Side (east of Sukhumvit). I think the drivers get nosebleeds if they cross Sukhumvit.

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Your speaking my language, wpcoe. The baht buses are good on the MAJOR routes only. Otherwise, as charters, they are disgusting. Of course Pattaya needs a PROPER taxi meter system with cars covering wider areas and actually USING THE METERS, but alas, no such vision from the MAFIA powers that be. For those that don't know, the Pattaya taxi show taxis that are a complete failure and farce and do not use the meters, are owned by the same company that owns the baht bus mafia. Who allowed that? Local government. You do the math ...

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