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Beware The Mad Dog


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The other night myself and a few friends were having a quiet beer in the city centre in a place, by the way, that does 3 large beers for around 129baht (for those of you interested in 'free, or not free water, that is the question?' to paraphrase from Shakespeare).

We couldn't help but notice a "gentleman' on the other side of the bar regaling two hapless customers with tales of smashing peoples' faces and getting drunk etc. Those guys were clearly uncomfortable being spoken to by this guy and they hastily finished their drinks and retreated. He next moved on to two new victims who had just arrived. This brought him closer to our table unfortunately and rather like a big hungry bear it wasn't long before he spotted his next victims. Us. He stomped his way over to us as we collectively thought 'Oh, boll***s.' Anyway, he asked were we the local British mafia (I'm not even British - how dare he!) and proceeded to introduce himself as Mad Dog and gave a surname. Served in the Parachute Regiment, served in blah blah blah, loves to drink and <deleted> and is taking a break from killing Arabs while all the while listing guns that he likes and making the requisite gun sounds and shooting gestures.

You know that feeling you get when confronted by a potential sociopath? The one where you try to be polite in the hope that they'll get lost quickly. Well, that was it. He must have picked up on the bored expressions and glazed-over eyes and he surprisingly apologised and withdrew temporarily. This was a short reprieve. About 5 minutes later he was back, trying to get us involved in a sing-song and trying to interest us further in his past role as Rambo (which took a new turn as he added the French Foreign Legion to his service record) and his future plans. Fortunately, we held firm and he lost interest and 'khep tanged' the hel_l outta there.

I've never been to Pattaya but it strikes me that this guy got lost on his way out of BKK and ended up in our lovely neck of the woods. He is exactly the stereotypical English yob that is liable to go-off on one any second and who has to be handled with the utmost caution. Anyway, just thought I'd post and may I add that great line from HSB "Be careful out there!"



P.S. Maybe he'll find his way to the nearest English pub which happens to be the Red Lion where he can throw down with all the bikers and really annoy the other customers who are trying to decide whether to pay for their drinking water and other such nonsense! :o

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The other night myself and a few friends were having a quiet beer in the city centre in a place, by the way, that does 3 large beers for around 129baht (for those of you interested in 'free, or not free water, that is the question?' to paraphrase from Shakespeare).

We couldn't help but notice a "gentleman' on the other side of the bar regaling two hapless customers with tales of smashing peoples' faces and getting drunk etc. Those guys were clearly uncomfortable being spoken to by this guy and they hastily finished their drinks and retreated. He next moved on to two new victims who had just arrived. This brought him closer to our table unfortunately and rather like a big hungry bear it wasn't long before he spotted his next victims. Us. He stomped his way over to us as we collectively thought 'Oh, boll***s.' Anyway, he asked were we the local British mafia (I'm not even British - how dare he!) and proceeded to introduce himself as Mad Dog and gave a surname. Served in the Parachute Regiment, served in blah blah blah, loves to drink and <deleted> and is taking a break from killing Arabs while all the while listing guns that he likes and making the requisite gun sounds and shooting gestures.

You know that feeling you get when confronted by a potential sociopath? The one where you try to be polite in the hope that they'll get lost quickly. Well, that was it. He must have picked up on the bored expressions and glazed-over eyes and he surprisingly apologised and withdrew temporarily. This was a short reprieve. About 5 minutes later he was back, trying to get us involved in a sing-song and trying to interest us further in his past role as Rambo (which took a new turn as he added the French Foreign Legion to his service record) and his future plans. Fortunately, we held firm and he lost interest and 'khep tanged' the hel_l outta there.

I've never been to Pattaya but it strikes me that this guy got lost on his way out of BKK and ended up in our lovely neck of the woods. He is exactly the stereotypical English yob that is liable to go-off on one any second and who has to be handled with the utmost caution. Anyway, just thought I'd post and may I add that great line from HSB "Be careful out there!"



P.S. Maybe he'll find his way to the nearest English pub which happens to be the Red Lion where he can throw down with all the bikers and really annoy the other customers who are trying to decide whether to pay for their drinking water and other such nonsense! :o

See what happens when you go to these cheap places? No, he wouldn't have liked the Red Lion - too classy and our prices scare away the riffraff. The Big Bikers (Mad Dog) were  pussy cats. Gentlemen. They'll be sorely missed. 


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Paras are disliked/feared by most of the British Forces i think.

SAS on the other hand tend to be smarter, polite even, from the retired ones ive met.

Sorry for your bad time, being used to a*hole brits, Im personally more wary of drunken Ozzies! - far more dangerous, and fitter usually!!

edit: thats not fair, my uncle was a para and is very chilled. Fought in Malaya i think.

Edited by SomNamNah
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The other night myself and a few friends were having a quiet beer in the city centre in a place, by the way, that does 3 large beers for around 129baht (for those of you interested in 'free, or not free water, that is the question?' to paraphrase from Shakespeare).

We couldn't help but notice a "gentleman' on the other side of the bar regaling two hapless customers with tales of smashing peoples' faces and getting drunk etc. Those guys were clearly uncomfortable being spoken to by this guy and they hastily finished their drinks and retreated. He next moved on to two new victims who had just arrived. This brought him closer to our table unfortunately and rather like a big hungry bear it wasn't long before he spotted his next victims. Us. He stomped his way over to us as we collectively thought 'Oh, boll***s.' Anyway, he asked were we the local British mafia (I'm not even British - how dare he!) and proceeded to introduce himself as Mad Dog and gave a surname. Served in the Parachute Regiment, served in blah blah blah, loves to drink and <deleted> and is taking a break from killing Arabs while all the while listing guns that he likes and making the requisite gun sounds and shooting gestures.

You know that feeling you get when confronted by a potential sociopath? The one where you try to be polite in the hope that they'll get lost quickly. Well, that was it. He must have picked up on the bored expressions and glazed-over eyes and he surprisingly apologised and withdrew temporarily. This was a short reprieve. About 5 minutes later he was back, trying to get us involved in a sing-song and trying to interest us further in his past role as Rambo (which took a new turn as he added the French Foreign Legion to his service record) and his future plans. Fortunately, we held firm and he lost interest and 'khep tanged' the hel_l outta there.

I've never been to Pattaya but it strikes me that this guy got lost on his way out of BKK and ended up in our lovely neck of the woods. He is exactly the stereotypical English yob that is liable to go-off on one any second and who has to be handled with the utmost caution. Anyway, just thought I'd post and may I add that great line from HSB "Be careful out there!"



P.S. Maybe he'll find his way to the nearest English pub which happens to be the Red Lion where he can throw down with all the bikers and really annoy the other customers who are trying to decide whether to pay for their drinking water and other such nonsense! :o

See what happens when you go to these cheap places? No, he wouldn't have liked the Red Lion - too classy and our prices scare away the riffraff. The Big Bikers (Mad Dog) were  pussy cats. Gentlemen. They'll be sorely missed. 


Failing that Sibil could deal with him :D

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Na, you find these type of low self esteem who have to feel important, so they have to make up lies on how tough and how much danger they have seen and are, all over the globe.

" Sorry..I cannot hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"

It's all total bullshit and 90% of 'em wouldn't fight ya even if you called his momma a whore.

Soldiers of misfortune.

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How funny, I was unfortunate enough to be spotted by this same chap a couple of weeks ago at a popular bar on Huay Kaew whilst having a drink with my thai friends. I would have thought he'd have found his way back to Bangkok or Pattaya by now but clearly not so!

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

Just curious... what is so sad about the U.S. Navy?

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Does the Mad Dog have free water?

I think, in fairness to Nick, I interpreted that "Mad Dog" was the selected name of the human detris, not to be confused with " The Mad Dog " , the gentlemen's establishment on Moon Muang

Yes, Mad Dog refers to this guy's nickname that he gave to us when he barged in on our pleasant evening. Not to be confused with the pub of the same name which I'm quite sure is frequented by a much higher calibre of clientele :o

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

Just curious... what is so sad about the U.S. Navy?

The fat bore is sad for boasting about being in the Navy - Not the US Navy, they are all faggots!

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

We were in the middle of our 3 beers promotion so we couldn't leave without finishing that :o .

The story here is merely cautionary. There is an aggressive vibe of this guy and I wanted to give folks the heads-up in case they came across him so they could avoid any unpleasantness by leaving before he gets around to them. On the other hand, if confrontation is your cup of tea then stick around. Chiangmai, from the point of view of most of us who live here, doesn't want or need that crap.

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

I once worked with a guy around 1985, he was maybe 24 years old, at various times he cliamed to have been in the Vietnam War, a Sub Mariner and a jet fighter pilot, we nick named him FOS Full Of Sh!t

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i got acosted by a bloke in a bar who claimed to have played running back for the chicago bears in the superbowl. i'd have believed him but for the few facts that he was a) about 15 years too old to have played in that superbowl, :o five foot one and c) white. and probably most importantly, not walter payton. was bizarre, he was convinced about it.

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this sounds like the same guy that was holed up in ang-thong

he was british and around 50 small but worked out a bit first name was phil,

first time we met he was sober ish but a few changs later it turned out he

was ex para

and ex sas

and ex foriegn legion

also an explosives expert ,weapons and I.T expert also did a stint with the sbs

been in every conflict in the world ,

and the joke was that he was looking to work as an english teacher ,

he moved on about 3 weeks ago

i dont think he is an ex mental patient i think thats still an on going mission.

thank god he didnt shout i'll be back

bye bye rambo,,,,

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this sounds like the same guy that was holed up in ang-thong

he was british and around 50 small but worked out a bit first name was phil,

first time we met he was sober ish but a few changs later it turned out he

was ex para

and ex sas

and ex foriegn legion

also an explosives expert ,weapons and I.T expert also did a stint with the sbs

been in every conflict in the world ,

and the joke was that he was looking to work as an english teacher ,

he moved on about 3 weeks ago

i dont think he is an ex mental patient i think thats still an on going mission.

thank god he didnt shout i'll be back

No no no....I'm still here :D

My Wife has tried booking me in at the sanatorium...but I am not having it...no free water you see :D

PS ..I did work out once...my right arm is definatley stronger than my left..I don't know why though :o

bye bye rambo,,,,

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When I saw the title "Beware The Mad Dog", I first thought Nienke had lost another dog.

. . . . and I was worried that my favourite breakfast venue and afternoon retreat had gone to the dogs . . . so to speak.

Which reminds me, I am certain that on spotting my discomfort with the heat one day one of the staff at Mad Dog did give me a free glass of water . . . and I definitely recall a cold towel being handed to a visiting friend one Songkran . . . can't testify to checking the bill on either occasion but it was obviously one of those touches that made me go back . . . nothing wrong with the Red Lion, I visit once or twice each year, I guess I just prefer the moat to the night bazaar. :o

I waffle, excuse me, it must be home-sickness or something like that . . .


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this sounds like the same guy that was holed up in ang-thong


This guys name was James. I know because I convinced him my 40kg thai friend was 6 months pregnant and he proceeded to name the baby after himself.

Yes, his name was Jim/James! Not Bond though as he was most certainly not suave and sophisticated. Not even by ape standards. :o

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Sorry, what's the story here?

Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

Yes, but in Pattaya we have SUPERMAN !
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I've never been to Pattaya but it strikes me that this guy got lost on his way out of BKK and ended up in our lovely neck of the woods. He is exactly the stereotypical English yob that is liable to go-off on one any second and who has to be handled with the utmost caution. Anyway, just thought I'd post and may I add that great line from HSB "Be careful out there!"

I suspect this comment highlights the down-side of Chiang Mai ever having direct-flights from Europe. I never appreciated before the up-side, of the extra complications & cost, involved in the onwards-flight from BKK to CNX ! :o

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