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Information About Bullys Bar.


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Hi all,

I have an chance to invest in 'Bullys Bar' and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to what type of bar it is. I'm not looking to have an alliance with a hostess type bar, so could anyone tell me what the clientel are like or any other snippets of information. My agent has advised me that it is a solid investment.



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Hi all,

I have an chance to invest in 'Bullys Bar' and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to what type of bar it is. I'm not looking to have an alliance with a hostess type bar, so could anyone tell me what the clientel are like or any other snippets of information. My agent has advised me that it is a solid investment.



if you dont know where bullys is, you clearly know absolutely ziltch about the bangkok bar scene.....but you wouldn't be the first :o

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I think the location is wrong, it's too close to Nana and too far away from Chidlom and Upper Sukhumvit to be useful to anyone other than Nana goers. Also, as many times as I've walked past Bully's I've never seen more than a handful of customers who are dwarfed by the scale of the place. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the Champagne bar next door and it's predecessors all struggled with the location issue.

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why come onto a forum and tell everyone this info? I reckon now that there will be a few more people willing to invest in a pub like Bully's because of this.

why did you not just pop by a few nights and lunches so you can make your own mind up?

by the way, the champagne bar next door was run by Bully's as well!!!!!!

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Wasn't it a Brit called Richard a few years back who was the manager of Playsckool in Nana who started selling shares in the business to his regulars. After he did a runner they found out that he had completed the same deal with about ten different expats and the owners of the business had no idea about any of it. Tread carefully in these things in Thailand.

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Hi again,

just to amswer a few questions. 1: Of course I know where Bullys is, just havent been in about 2 years. 2: Its just an option, one of many, to invest. 3: I was only asking the opinion of people who may have been there recently. 4:Bullys dont run the Champagne bar anymore, since Ed Thompson took charge.



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There are two quick ways for a guy to lose money in Thailand: investing in a bar for himself, and sending his girlfriend to a hairdressing school.

Sounds like you know what your talking about ???? :D

BT :D Have a nice hair cut


You forgot the Cigar shop. :D

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There are two quick ways for a guy to lose money in Thailand: investing in a bar for himself, and sending his girlfriend to a hairdressing school.

Sounds like you know what your talking about ???? :D

BT :P Have a nice hair cut


You forgot the Cigar shop. :D

T :jerk: :burp: OO TRUE, just next door, OKAY BUY IT.. :D

PS Scotland freezing ( why am I here) :D

BT :wai:

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There are two quick ways for a guy to lose money in Thailand: investing in a bar for himself, and sending his girlfriend to a hairdressing school.

Sounds like you know what your talking about ???? :D

BT :jerk: Have a nice hair cut


You forgot the Cigar shop. :D

T :burp::burp: OO TRUE, just next door, OKAY BUY IT.. :wai:

PS Scotland freezing ( why am I here) :D


Well, we'll be enjoying a nice evening at The Crossbar on Saturday, and complaining about the cold weather here. :D

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Hi all,

I have an chance to invest in 'Bullys Bar' and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to what type of bar it is. I'm not looking to have an alliance with a hostess type bar, so could anyone tell me what the clientel are like or any other snippets of information. My agent has advised me that it is a solid investment.



What would your investment buy? Are they looking for investment for a specific purpose - ie an extension etc - or are they just looking for an injection of cash to offset losses?

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Hi all,

I have an chance to invest in 'Bullys Bar' and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to what type of bar it is. I'm not looking to have an alliance with a hostess type bar, so could anyone tell me what the clientel are like or any other snippets of information. My agent has advised me that it is a solid investment.



What would your investment buy? Are they looking for investment for a specific purpose - ie an extension etc - or are they just looking for an injection of cash to offset losses?

looks like they are putting in a nice pool hall upstairs from the other thread.

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The history of the building is that it was opened in 2003 - initially with a pool and music bar called "Blue Wave" downstairs, and with the "Privilege No Hands Restaurant" upstairs. I know, because my company created the initial websites for both venues. The two operations were run by separate investors/management. Blue Wave started out focused on pool, but morphed into more of a music bar - with live bands.

The building - and its first two tenants - were set up by the French folks who presently own/manage New Wave pool bar (Soi 7), Absolute 7 bar (Soi 7/1), and Nomad Restaurant (Soi 12) - and who have (at various times in the past) owned/developed Baccara Bar (Soi Cowboy), and Mandarin and Golden Dragon go-go bars at Nana Plaza.

The Privilege No Hands restaurant failed - it never really got going - and was ultimately replaced by the Champagne Club - which also never really got going. I understand (as has already been mentioned) that the upstairs will soon reopen as an upscale pool hall, with top-quality full-sized (9 foot) tables.

The location is a problem - it is outside the high-traffic path from Nana BTS to Soi 4. Foot traffic in front of the building is probably well less than 5% of the traffic that passes in front of the Landmark, and less than 2% of the traffic that passes in front of Morning and Night pool bar - even through it is just perhaps 100 meters away.

In a typical business year, it would be an average risky investment to put money into this place. Given world financial picture for 2009-2010, it would be a real long shot to deliver any significant return. Given the airport antics of the PAD gangsters, Bully's as it exists now will be very lucky to even break even in 2009.

But - they are possibly doing a wise thing, if they are - indeed - following through on the high-end pool concept upstairs. Lower Nana has got to be "ground zero" for the highest density of pool tables anywhere on earth. Compared to ten years ago, the number of pool venues is up by probably 50x or 60x. But - most of the pool venues are for chuckers, not for serious players. There are only four places with serious layouts - "Players" and "Sports Academy" down near Asoke BTS Station, "Pool 13" on Soi 13, and "Ball in Hand" at Rajah. Maybe also Metro Bar. None of these four/five locations is ideal - and none of the other floorplans are exceptional - so Bully's upstairs will not be at a disadvantage - and - if they use the space correctly - they can create a better experience that at any of the other three. Plus - Bully's can leverage their restaurant downstairs to feed patrons upstairs with a full menu. And - by tying in to the Bangkok Pool League (see: http://www.bangkokpool.com), they can get exposure with a lot of expats (who make up league players).

So - if the investment will go into the upstairs development, and IF THEY GET IT RIGHT (which means employing one of the local professional pool experts to set things up correctly for a high-end joint), it can possibly pay off reasonably well.

The biggest liability that I see is in the fact that Bully's appears to be seeking uninformed investors - which is a red flag. Under normal circumstances, I would expect that the local "pool clique" - those various intertwined folks who run Players, Sports Academy, Ball in Hand, Metro Bar, and the Hillary 1/2/3 and Morning and Night bars - would be "in early" as investors - and as advisers, on how to "do it right". If these folks - and the Thais who work for them - are not involved, it is not likely that the place will be optimally set up. Also - they would be financially savvy - and the fact that they are excluded - in favor of an uniformed outsider - is another red flag.




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The agent would advise that it is a solid investment....... He wants commission.

And why is Bully's looking for investment anyway? I would have thought that they should be established by now.

I've never been there myself as it is a bit of the beaten track.

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Much better location than BIH and Sports Academy. Who would even know about those places if it wasn't for word of mouth amongst pool players. Since everyone will know about it, I would say the layout & decor will be 80% related to it's success/failure.

Edited by surface
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The agent would advise that it is a solid investment....... He wants commission.

And why is Bully's looking for investment anyway? I would have thought that they should be established by now.

I've never been there myself as it is a bit of the beaten track.

read the post above yours to see why they might need funds.

Nice one Steve.

Hennig - principal of Ball in Hand - is a very saavy businessman. He owns Merto bar too. He is the Thailand agent for Brunswick.

His girlfriend owns Hillary (Maeow)

Risto has run pool bars here for a long time. Afterwork & when that building on 19 was condemmed he moved across the street & created Players.

He started Sports Academy without his partners & they then kicked him out. I hear he's at the Thermae now. Nice guy.

Ball in Hand had a fire at their Times Square location & it will never reopen.

Hey Steve. I heard a rumor that Boss Hogg designed built & decorated Bully's. I know the current owner Mister ET.

This is good news because last time I was in Ball in Hand no table availabe.

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Hey Steve. I heard a rumor that Boss Hogg designed built & decorated Bully's. I know the current owner Mister ET.

Boss Hogg took the place over from Thomas, and made "Bully's" out of it. Thomas is the one who coordinated the construction, and put the deals together for Blue Wave and Privilege. Those original businesses both lasted into 2004, and then faded out by 2005

Privilege never really got going at all. At its peak, Blue Wave was really packing them in, with some good bands (but loud). On a good night, they were turning people away - as in - turning away twice as many people as could fit into the place. Many young Thais showed up, to see the Thai bands. I'm not really sure why they faded away - but they then shifted the same concept to Absolute 7 bar - back when the only other "bar" on Soi 7/1 was the Eden Club.

I think it is quite a stretch to call K. Meow Henning's "girlfriend." She has business interests in probably at least 12 bars/pubs/whatever (Spice Club being her biggest venture) - and gives all business "partners" the feeling that they are special confidants - but that is simply her business style. She will (even) treat almost any customer with great charm - simply because it is her personal style. But - I suspect that there is nothing that happens in lower Sukhumvit that she does not take a close look at - she is very well-informed.

She spent years as an Executive Secretary at Seagate Technology - and recently earned her MBA - so she is quite able to stand on her own.



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Every time I go to Bangkok, I always stop in for a hamburger. It is normally in the afternoon and I have never seen the place very busy. I think it is a nice place and always wonder why there are so few customers.

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Steve. You are dead right abut one thing. The "investor" they are looking for would be (ideally) a BKK expat who is tied into the 9 ball scene & has experience setting up a pool bar & will watch his investment like a hawk.

I see Ball in Hand manager every day at Bully's so something is up for sure.

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Steve. You are dead right abut one thing. The "investor" they are looking for would be (ideally) a BKK expat who is tied into the 9 ball scene & has experience setting up a pool bar & will watch his investment like a hawk.

I see Ball in Hand manager every day at Bully's so something is up for sure.

Do you mean the singaporean guy that manage time's square Alan I think was his name, nice guy.

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Bullys has never sold shares or has any investors, Bullys is owned and operated by Boss Hpgg and ET as well as the upstairs pool venue will be. 90% of Bullys business is from locals. On Thanksgiving alone we served over 200 turkey meals and support the expat community and charities as well.

The original developer of the building Thomas of New Wave etc...lost the business when the majority of partners (investors) couldn't find there money when Thomas was handling it. Thomas MO is to find unknowing partners and fleece them. Boss Hogg purchased 100% of the venue and changed it. Boss Hogg never operated the upstairs known as Champagne Room but was the landlord. They moved out after not paying their bills and fleecing their members in the club.

Bullys holds the longest land lease of any bar/nightclub/poolhall in Bangkok and will be in business 15 years from now. Now you have the facts....and if your smart you will listen to Boss Hogg and never by shares in any venue in Bangkok

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Bullys has never sold shares or has any investors, Bullys is owned and operated by Boss Hpgg and ET as well as the upstairs pool venue will be. 90% of Bullys business is from locals. On Thanksgiving alone we served over 200 turkey meals and support the expat community and charities as well.

The original developer of the building Thomas of New Wave etc...lost the business when the majority of partners (investors) couldn't find there money when Thomas was handling it. Thomas MO is to find unknowing partners and fleece them. Boss Hogg purchased 100% of the venue and changed it. Boss Hogg never operated the upstairs known as Champagne Room but was the landlord. They moved out after not paying their bills and fleecing their members in the club.

Bullys holds the longest land lease of any bar/nightclub/poolhall in Bangkok and will be in business 15 years from now. Now you have the facts....and if your smart you will listen to Boss Hogg and never by shares in any venue in Bangkok

So Bosshogg are you saying that there are not in fact any shares for sale in Bullys and the OP has someone who is trying to rip him off ?

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Bully's is purely for tourists and the odd lunch expat / Thai.

Alot of competition nearby on Soi 4/ 5 / 8 and the Landmark as far as pubs go. Nice place, questionable location IMO.

Bully's main adavantage is that they are a stone's throw from the Marriot, which attacts a lot of business people with expense accounts, wifes, and who might be not totally indroctated into Asia. For that demographic, a place with Paulaner and Guiness on tap for 280 Baht per pint looks like a more reasonable place to spend a night than a place where you get tits dangled in you face and you have no idea what diseases you might drag home to your wife.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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