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Wheatgrass Juice In Bangkok


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Wheatgrass is available in the food supermarket in Emporium but does anyone know some other places where you can buy it? Unfortunately a lot of the smoothie and juice bars don't have it. I've heard somewhere in Paragon has it. How about some other places? I try to get a least one shot a day.

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I don't know a lot about Wheatgrass... but isn't the Wheatgrass used at Paragon made from the quick growth variety?

I bought one of their flats as well as a package of cut grass. After reading about Wheatgrass online, I fed the grass to my cats. They loved it.

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My male cat will also eat Rocket. I haven't tried the cheaper, Thai spinach yet. If I don't give him greens, he trims the plants on the patio on the way in each morning.

You can buy trays of wheatgrass to grow on your patio. Just let your cat have a go at it once a day. The trays are supposed to last for quite awhile (but mildew might be a problem). I'm waiting to start mine after the holidays when I have more time to pay attention to the process.

When I first saw wheatgrass at Emporium, I started googling. The wheatgrass that's 'apparently' better for you is seasonal. Not grown in a few weeks.

But I don't really know anything about it... only what I'd googled.

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Wheatgrass is available in the food supermarket in Emporium ... I try to get a least one shot a day.

I hand it to you...that stuff is nasty :o

In Emporium they hand you a shot of orange juice to wash down the wheatgrass but I don't need it. I think it tastes delicious.

I can't think of any scientific reason why wheatgrass that's better for you would be seasonal. I've never heard that one before. The important thing is that you drink it straight after it has been squeezed.

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I can't think of any scientific reason why wheatgrass that's better for you would be seasonal. I've never heard that one before. The important thing is that you drink it straight after it has been squeezed.

Like I said, I only know what I read. If it's not so, all the better as I'd like to try it out in the New Year (YouTube has a range of wild instructions)

This is one of the sites explaining it...

Because it grows so quickly in the warm conditions, the plant has a relatively high level of simple sugars and is not given time to convert these sugars into complex carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, and proteins. This may explain the quick burst of energy that some users experience immediately after drinking the juice.

The accelerated growth in the tray-growing process also causes the plant to put most of its energy into growing leaves rather than roots. Thus very few minerals are absorbed through the roots to be utilized in producing the important complex nutrients.

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  • 9 months later...
is spirulina and blue algae the same sort of stuff?


I am not a health food geek - bu yes I think so!

As some post's earlier, sugar boost... and some fresh chlorophyll ("plants blood").

Supposed benfits of Chlorophyll consumtion:

* Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as procarcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis.

* Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.

* Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer. I’m about to have four mercury fillings removed, and you can bet that I will be getting PLENTY of chlorophyll into my body after the procedure!

* Antiseptic: while chlorophyll doesn’t actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body’s tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!

* Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodoriser, it will eliminate odours in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract - which is the primary reason for bad breath. And if you need more - here is another blog post on foods for bad breath!

* Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: this has a highly alkalising effect on the body and helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues.

* Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.


I am a strong believer in "common Sense"!

Eat well, sleep well, do good, be good!

Since when is this diet, health, fitness craze is going on, are we over civilized already and lost our "common sense"

of our ancestors who brought us fourth through all the up's and down's of evolution?

Since when there is modern medicine and who long does the human beingroam earth?

Use common sense!

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When they talk about Seasonal wheatgrass various companies like Pines grows the wheatgrass for 5 months or more as it would in nature and the plant builds up a lot more vitamins, minerals and enzymes because it has more time to convert from the soil. When they talk about it they are referring to choosing supplements with freeze dried WG. So if you picking a supplement of WG capsules then it a no brainer which is better.

For just drinking wheatgrass its only practical to drink the short grown kind. It grows in 5 -7 days.

They would have to dig up the seasonal wheatgrass which has much deeper roots and transport it alive to your location so you could then juice it fresh. Wildly impractical.

Spirulina is similar to Blue Green Algae but are distinctly different. BGA is controversial because it needs run off from livestock to do its magic. There are pros and cons to each but similar properties and benefits. Google if you want to learn more.

There is a major producer of Spirulina south of Chiang Ma and maybe others in Thailand. I am pretty sure there a are not any BGA producers in Thailand so is going to be more expensive to import it. Klamath Lakes Oregon USA is the most common production source of BGA.

You can buy the freeze dried Spirulina in Thailand for about ~1000 baht per kilo. 50 grams a day is about the most you should take daily and most people probably take less. It is pretty dense stuff and requires a lot of water in the body to process.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Good stuff from people here!

Cobra: actually spirulina IS also a BGA: http://www.medicinenet.com/blue_green_alga...ral/article.htm

It's a fresh water algae so not quite the same as wheatgrass, but I do agree that many of the health benefits are similar, probably due to the high level of chlorophyll and other plant nutrients we simply do not get enough of in our average over pprocessed and over cooked diets.

Also I think a more resonable daily dosis is considered to be 5-10 grams a day. 10 grams is about 1 big table spoon full. As it normally comes in capsules (I take the powder) of 500mg your 50 grams a day would be 100 capsules a day. Bon appetit :)

Price from Changmai is around 1300 Baht per 500 grams when I ordered last. (Incl. shipping to BKK).

Back to the thread: I make it a rule to always get a wheatgrass shot when I pass the stands in Paragon or Emporium. Have not seen them elsewhere.


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Interesting about spirulina is a type of BGA. Thanks!

I was just pointing out Spirulina is an alkalizing superfood supplement that is similiar to WG. Not the same as WG.

There is also some controversy about Spirulina and that is it binds to heavy metals. The concern in the US etc about imports of Spirulina from places like Thailand is that while growing they attract and bind heavy metals from the air or water. The mfg's in Thailand say they test theirs and its acceptably low. I hope they are correct in their claims but it seems like there is a lot a air pollution in Thailand and wonder how it can be prevented from mingling with the spirulina. Provided the spirulina is clean when ingested then it theoretically will bind to heavy metals in the body which is a great thing.

no I didn't say to take 50 grams a day of Spirulina. That is the highest daily dose recommeneded. Above that and there is some sort of possible side effect. FWIW I just mix a heaping tablespoon into a smoothie. Not sure what the actual dose weighs. Definitely a person should start small and build up. At first a person might get too much energy and possible trouble sleeping.

The health food store here in Chiang Mai Ban Suon Pak store sells 250 grams for 280 baht. times 4 that is what? 1120 baht per kilo. I buy mine wholesale for 950 baht per kilo. Same stuff same source but without the fancy label. It all seems to come from Boonsom's Spirulina farm which is located near Hang Dong(south of Chiang Mai). It's an interesting visit to go there. Free admission in past. The show you around and will let you drink fresh Spirulina juice.

Boonsom's Spirulina Farm

BTW there are some concerns about Wheat Grass juice also. Firstly the quality of the wheat grains used to grow it. Much of the wheat in Thailand comes from China and is GMO(Genetically modified) which with foods like Soy has been proven to reduce immune function.

Wheat is prone to mold in humid climates and is easy to build mold and fungus in the wheatgrass soil mat when growing. When consumed mold and fungus can depress the immune system. Some people with allergy to mold and fungus will be most affected.

If the mold is really bad then it can be seen at the base of the grass blade. Unfortunately even if it can't be seen then mold can still be present. Ideally the growing wheatgrass needs to have constant fresh air and prefereably dry air to stop the molds. Some people in humid climates use ozonated water to oxydize and kill molds. When I grew it in Colorado which is quite dry we still had mold issues at times and would use food grade hydrogen peroxide added to water to kill molds and fungus.

I suspect most small WG growers in Thailand don't pay so close attention and when I drink it at little mall shops I sometimes get that taste that tells me mold. I don't know if all these little shops buy theirs from a commercial grower or just grow it themselves but all wheatgrass juice is not created equal. FYI.

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You welcome! :) BGA, spirulina (and chlorella) are often mentioned seperately so easy to understand the confusion and they probably have different benefits to an extend anyway. Definately when talking spirulina and chlorella.

Like you I take the risk as to whether spirulina absorb any metals Etc. I can feel the benefits, and at 1 table spoon full a day.

As to wheatgrass I have not found a resonably priced source here (in powder form as the actual grass is simply not pratical for reasons you mention).


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