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Being Whacked

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I say go face him, you may find that he either doesn't have the courage or even the intention of doing any harm, but for your own sanity, stop crapping in your pant's and face him.

You are wasting time worrying over something that may be all in your mind.

Time to take the skirt off and put the pants on.

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exactly, on his salary he could probably only afford to hire a leper on a rusty bicycle with a slingshot  :D

This response has inspired me to actually log in and reply to a thread, ( I have not done so for weeks ).....................Hahahaha, Penelope is right, Teachers can hardly afford to feed themselves let alone hire hitmen, the very thought of it is absurd.

Go kick his teeth in, teachers are in general a puny lot of pasty undernourished tosspots, if you are that puny yourself, get your GF a few drinks of whiskey in her and let her do it.

90% of the Teachers are working in some way out of the terms of their work permits, or do indeed not have one at all. Tell him to go fawk himself

Doctor John - be careful what you advise - this teacher may be an ex-backpacker, perhaps even a vegetarian. :o

Scary stuff

Maybe the the threat was a bluff, he was actually trying to make you laugh yourself to death. :D

Edited by penelope
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For what it's worth, he's built like a brick outhouse, he could muster about 100,000B I guess, I have seen some of his shady Thai friends in ction. He's not your average teacher (I know the stereotype) - from what I can tell he's a megalomaniac who likes to exploit his students (all females, funnily enough).

So it's not all quite over-active imagination, but yes maybe I am fearing worse than the worst.

But how am I going to get a sympathy shag on a forum?

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For what it's worth, he's built like a brick outhouse, he could muster about 100,000B I guess, I have seen some of his shady Thai friends in ction.  He's not your average teacher (I know the stereotype) - from what I can tell he's a megalomaniac who likes to exploit his students (all females, funnily enough).

So it's not all quite over-active imagination, but yes maybe I am fearing worse than the worst.

But how am I going to get a sympathy shag on a forum?

Slide into the gay forum. You may well get a start there. :o

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For what it's worth, he's built like a brick outhouse, he could muster about 100,000B I guess, I have seen some of his shady Thai friends in ction.  He's not your average teacher (I know the stereotype) - from what I can tell he's a megalomaniac who likes to exploit his students (all females, funnily enough).

So it's not all quite over-active imagination, but yes maybe I am fearing worse than the worst.

But how am I going to get a sympathy shag on a forum?

Slide into the gay forum. You may well get a start there. :D

Helpful chappy is our doctor :D

Dodgy teacher?

Shady Thai friends in action?

Have you topped for costing him a few students?

Your more likely going to get it for posting such <deleted>!

I know teachers are a desperate lot but I can only imagine such drastic action if you get between them and their beer! :o

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For what it's worth, he's built like a brick outhouse, he could muster about 100,000B I guess, I have seen some of his shady Thai friends in ction.  He's not your average teacher (I know the stereotype) - from what I can tell he's a megalomaniac who likes to exploit his students (all females, funnily enough).


All very boring until I came to this line..........."exploit his students" "all female"....c'mon let us know what u mean.......I need to hear this....

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I haven't been out of order.  He threatened my GF (because she missed some classes (she was out with me).  Which was stupid because she is friends with all of his students.  She told them about it, and he's lost a lot of business.

He hasn't made any explicit death threats, so I'm apprehensive about the police.

Students usually pay in advance for lessons so he won't be losing any money in that respect. He would obviously lose out if they didn't re-enrol again but I seriously doubt whether your gf would have any influence to make the students not sign up again. If they want to continue studying with a teacher that they like, then they will do.

Don't even bother to worry that he may 'rub you out' because it would cost him money/a favour to do so anyway.

By the way, every single farang in Thailand has connections with the police or immigration :o so just tell him you know half a dozen top cops.

Better yet, don't even approach him for whatever reason. Just forget about it and let him forget about you.

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Where did you get the 100,000 baht figure from, I know a thai guy in Samui that'll off ya for 10,000B. Never had use for his services but know of a couple of thai victims of his (usually family disputes, loss of face, the usual locals of samui, mini mafia crap) :D:o

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All the boys I know are back home.  And they're all a bit weedy really, like me.

I shouldn't really make light of it though.  You know when you see someone gradually losing it, becoming totally blind and irrational?

I suppose I could face-to-face, get a kick-in, and that might be the end of it.  Or take the stun gun, but that certainly wouldn't be the end of it.  Can you buy those here?

Are you a man or a mouse?




Hey Boo fancy a dance?

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For what it's worth, he's built like a brick outhouse, he could muster about 100,000B I guess, I have seen some of his shady Thai friends in ction.  He's not your average teacher (I know the stereotype) - from what I can tell he's a megalomaniac who likes to exploit his students (all females, funnily enough).

So it's not all quite over-active imagination, but yes maybe I am fearing worse than the worst.

But how am I going to get a sympathy shag on a forum?

Built like a brick outhouse.....mafia style friends...exploits females...you are concerned about the danger to yourself ????

As far as I have read...he made a threat to your GF not to you....either face it or forget it.....no other choices.

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Well, if you're not a troll and you're really after ideas I think the board members have done a fine job of giving you different options you to ponder over.

I think the only one option not listed, all be it the pussys option, is to go and see the guy with an envelope of cash (if you can affored it and think its worth it the peace of mind)

'to cover the damages to his business that you and the Mrs have caused him'

Look fwd to hearing how you deal with this postion and how it ends up...

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Well, if you're not a troll and you're really after ideas I think the board members have done a fine job of giving you different options you to ponder over.

I think the only one option not listed, all be it the pussys option, is to go and see the guy with an envelope of cash (if you can affored it and think its worth it the peace of mind)

'to cover the damages to his business that you and the Mrs have caused him'

Look fwd to hearing how you deal with this postion and how it ends up...

If he dies at the hands of the Thai Mafia.... we'll never know???

But I think he's a TROLL :o

So do I :D

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i remember seeing stun guns being sold in a department store here about eight years ago. Haven't seen them since and can't remember the department store. Does anyone else know where to get them?

I think it was about 8-10 years ago that I saw some in a Camping/Outdoor Activity shop in Pratunam. Used to see them advertised too in the newspapers but vaguely recall they were later banned. Not surprising considering that you could easily sneak up on someone, zap 'em then rob 'em. :o

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Has any of you guy actually tried one of those stun-guns ?

Me & a friend spent a night zapping each other with them in the pub - nothing but a bruised leg the next day.

You may want to consider that before zapping some gorilla....

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