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Please Help Me!

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Hi All,

My wife has been in the UK nearly two years' and we are just about to apply for Indefinte Stay. She is still yet to pass the LIUK Test, however, this should be completed by the end of January 2009. My problem is: I don't know where to find the relevant application to apply. I have had a look on the Home Office web site but no joy. Can anyone provide me with the correct link to this or a contact number I can call to assist me? She is currently on a settlement visa and we have a lot of information to support our application. I want to research this in more detail and ensure that I complete the correct form.

Also, what is the number provided for Croydon on their passports when the initially get their two year settlement visas -shall I call these people. Another problem I feel I may encounter is being overdrawn by £2000 in my accounts that I can't clear before the visa.

Please can you give me some sound advice on this people,

Thanks in advance,


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