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Thai Post Office Is Corrupt - My Experience


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I have found that if there likely to by customs duty you are much better off using

a courier, rather than the PO.

yea I agree. The upfront cost is higher, but the final cost is much lower . . . I've since moved to UPS, etc. My new personal rule is if its a Thai organization, its corrupt. :o

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I don't have enough time to read ALL the replies but the sheer volume shows just how many foreigners are disgusted with the Thai Post Office -- In order to qualify that statement from my own experiences, having lived in PATTAYA for almost 2 years from December 2000 I guess 75% of my mail from UK (mainly from the British Government) disappeared. The problem became so huge that I requested an investigation. The sub-postmaster from Banglamung called in for an interview and expressed great regret and would look into the problem. A large quantity of old mail suddenly appeared and things improved for a while -- then back to normal. I moved to Isaan almost 7 years ago and I don't know of 1 letter that has not arrived during that time. Congrats to Udon Thani and Nakhon Phanom Post Offices for their efficiency, honesty and integrity -- as for the rest -- up to you

I agree with the Issan comment...

I cannot comment of bulk carriers however prior to coming to LOS I posted 20+ parcels to my GF address in Kranuan near Khonkaen ALL arrived in good condition, since being in Udon I have received all mail sent from the UK and on one occasion a letter from Nationwide Bank IOM without my proper address on it, the postman rang the bell to tell me he had this letter without the proper address but thought it was for me...he was correct...Speak as you find; cannot fault them. Well done!!

Edited by Tafia
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Nothing too surprising here - at least you got your stuff.

You should try using the Indian Post Office - stamps routinely removed & resold, item consigned to nearest rubbish bin after being looted for anything remotely valuable.

Welcome to the real world, where things we consider to be of little value & not worth the effort, are highly prized & provide a meal for someone (but then again it's probably plain greed).

and you know this, how?

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I cannot speak for Loose Cannon,but I lived in the P.I. for 12 years. I have in my possession several letters and cards that have the special "thumbnail shaped" opening that the post office there (one of the most thieving in the world) uses routinely to check for money or other valuables. If any found it is immediately stolen and the envelope in the waste can. Actually very few Philippinos use trash cans. Nontheless the letters with value never and I mean not even once arrive. The thumbnail slit in the bottom usually allows the thief to inflate the envelope by blowing into the small opening. Then easier to see what is inside.

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  • 1 month later...


I shipped 7 boxes from Singapore to Thailand and wrote English on the boxes.

6 out of the boxes arrived without any problems. 1 of them got lost. It seems like the last box is in Thailand but for some strange reason, it isn't being delivered to my address. I did a trace for the item on the post office's web site and it returned something to me in Thai, which I cannot read. Gotta get my Thai friend to read it for me. I hope I can get my stuff back but if I can't I don't care cos it isn't very valuable.

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Touch wood - I have only had good experiences with Thai post offices. I posted parcels back to Australia from Chiang Mai - they arrived safely. I wanted to send some DVDs back to Australia. Fedex and a few others wouldn't touch them as they said they don't handle 'copy DVD.' The Pattaya post office sent them and they arrived in Oz 4 days later safe and sound.


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  • 2 months later...
I have found that if there likely to by customs duty you are much better off using

a courier, rather than the PO.

Hi can you please recommend a good courier i can use here in Bangkok.. coz i will be sending my stuff back to singapore sometime this month..

Since the PO here lost my stuff I am kinda paranoid they will do it again.. let me kno of some good carrier whom will not steal my stuff plsss thanks

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