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Interesting Men Rather Than Hunky Men.


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OK, we've all seen the cute guys thread and raved on about gorgeousness. But I had a conversation today with a couple of Aussie guys that made me realize that, at least for me, there is far more to hotness or attractiveness than just mere gorgeous hunky men.

What brought about this realization was listening to Alan Rickman's voice in Harry Potter (Severus Snape). That man could seduce me with just his voice alone. Wow!

Or the fact that Daniel Craig, while not conventionally handsome, still exudes a sexiness that most women find attractive.

So, who or what gets you?

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For me it's easy to say...... a guy who has a sense of humor (laught easily at any decent joke or any situation) :D whom I feel good to have him around. :D

sbk, agree! ' Daniel Craig' is quite a man, love those fiercely sexy eyes. :o:D

Very happy with '007' s choice.

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It's interesting to contrast posts so far. The ladies are looking for a man with a sense of humour, someone who's romantic and caring, someone who's willing to make the effort to understand his lady. The men who've posted seem to think that an ego, a wallet and a big cock are enough :o

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Yes, well, further such trollish posts from such men will result in immediate suspension so might I suggest to take it elsewhere gentlemen :o

It was funny, I realized about ten minutes after I posted that my very first very serious boyfriend had blond hair, blue eyes and a deeply sexy voice :D

Humor is important and despite the looks, I can see the appeal of someone like Jack Black :D

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Ok i will be serious as im scared of sbk and she has THREATENED immediate suspension, very fair.

First attractions are looks.

A man who has other qualities usally start as freinds then develops into more.

Ps what is trolling about BIG wallet and BIG....i will leave that to the imagination??? I dont get it? Does a troll comment mean something you dont like??

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sbk's reminder of the rules is not an open invite to discuss the moderation on thaivisa or express your personal issues with women.

I you have a problem speak to admin about it but don't hijack threads.

support (at) thaivisa.com

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Men with an enthusiasm for life are great. At work I once came across a cameraman for an international news agency. His was a behind-the-scenes, no thanks job and he occasionally put himself in great danger to 'get the story'. Despite this his face literally shone when he talked about his work and how privileged he was to be able to learn so much about events around the world. I could feel his infectious enthusiasm just rubbing off on everyone around. For a moment I nearly forgot he was only about 5 feet tall, his enthusiam for life was huge.

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It's interesting to contrast posts so far. The ladies are looking for a man with a sense of humour, someone who's romantic and caring, someone who's willing to make the effort to understand his lady. The men who've posted seem to think that an ego, a wallet and a big cock are enough :D

Oh on the contrary I was merely implying I have a sense of humour with my tongue in cheek post. I also don't recall mentioning any part of my anatomy :o

I will leave you to it ladies.

Edited by Seapok
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the guys i like are usually unconventional, confident, adventurous, and very true to themselves. as goinghomesoon says, they have to have a passion for life or i get bored with them. looks are secondary.

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No im a married man sbk, but was just contributing!

As for the echo yes i heard it the first time boo. thanks

But sbk if i was gay i would go for interesting men rather than hunky as i think hunky men are disgusting, fake, false, plastic. :o

Edited by So1DoG
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a man who is cocky and thinks he is so much better than anyone else is a turn off.

a man who gets all shirty because you wont sleep with him on the first date is a turn off.

a man who has to put his two mobile phones on the table as a centrepiece at dinner is a turn off.

but enough of that.....

a man who can hold an interesting conversation about almost anything is a turn on.

a man who can make me laugh is a turn on.

a confident man is a turn on.

i have to agree with the jack black comment, too. i just love that man.

and, little black duck (welcome back by the way - we've missed you), it will be a lucky woman who snags you! youre a little gem.

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its never been the conversation, or the external looks but rather something more instinctive and animalistic with me: well, im the same person that smells people on busses and will discribe perfumes as something 'tasty' as rather then smelling good..

i like strength, the ability to take care of himself, earthy, instinctive ... the opposite of me often as i am the ''mental' one, so i need to be with the opposite.

both ex and present husbands were/are farmers... one was tall, blond, but still very 'field' type (kibbutznik of the past, tramping the fields, biting into a watermelon that he just threw on the groiund to open, feeling the dirt for dampness etc...

i like the smell of sweat on a man that works physical labour (its clean salty, like the smell -very sexy- of horse sweat).

all my dating days i always summed up with: 'and he had beautiful eyes and a great smell....

big square american football style i find a turn off...

i dont like super thin, wimbly types either...

i dont like body building types...

i do like a man with a bit of 'wildness' in him, something that is a bit 'wilderness' /jungl'y' , not fussy or prissy

i dont like new york style woody allen types (i like watching but am not attracted)

i dont really like the blond white hair scandinavian types/ also dont really like the super dark/african/afro americn type features (back to the asian male thread here i guess) as physical features

i dont like supercilious male types/business /salesmen shark types/casino slick types/

fat wallet nor sense of humour do it for me... i guess i like the outdoorsy, (real outdoorsy, not wannabe ) types; forest ranger types...

i am very verbal so silence i guess is good for me... i like a guy that is in to music/sings/dances /

cant really think about any movie stars or such that encompass what i like (besides my husband that is... :o) )



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You're a lucky gal, you know what you want and you got your dream man. I'm very happy for you. :D

I was not that lucky, I was searching for my dream man too, but ended up with the guy who was not in my dream. Do you believe in a fate ?

Wish you & anon a long happy marriage. :o


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I agree that a man having a passion is deeply sexy. And/or a skill. I also like a man who has initiative, who is intuitive without being invasive and who is honest with me and to themselves. My man has to love his family and his friends so he can understand my love for mine. He will be his own person even when he is with me and he will never bear a grudge.

But I still think confidence is the number one attraction for me. Without being cocky though, just an internal feeling of knowing and being happy with who they are. That's all.

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One of my main attraction things is head hair. I have never been out wiht or even kissed a baldie, it is just a turn off for me. I love long hair on men & all of my bf's have in one form or another had long hair, not all of them with flowing locks down their back but longer than the norm.

A deep voice is another attraction, my sister recently broke up with this guy & I couldn't stand his effeminate, girlie voice, it was like someone putting on a joke voice of someone trying to be camp. When you heard him talking with Mr Boo (who has a very quiet speaking voice but a deep baritone) it was like night & day.

Man hands, hands that have scars, calluses & dirty nails from hard work attracts me too. I couldnt be with someone with soft hands & manicured either, might as well be a lesbian & have a women touch you

Some sort of artistic talent is also a turn on as I have no artistic skills at all

Looks, ok to a dagree are imprtant but not he be all & I have never gone for money. I dont' find it that important as I can always make my own & have never looked for a provider but my man has to be able to pull his weight.

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It's interesting to contrast posts so far. The ladies are looking for a man with a sense of humour, someone who's romantic and caring, someone who's willing to make the effort to understand his lady. The men who've posted seem to think that an ego, a wallet and a big cock are enough :o

What is it exactly that ladies are looking for? What I need in a lady is deep affection for life, sharing all the beauties together, being able to talk about the goods and the bad without feeling rejected, understanding cultures, differences and similarities, friends, marriage issues, meaning to life. I've never been cocky, don't have an ego, am always kind to the ladies, I am an adventurer, globe trotter, seek challenges, tend to be little shy on occassions, can be funny at the right times, have a good job, travelled the world, grew up in the country side, know how to survive in the wild, own a Honda CBR 150R, is willing to talk about all the fascinating subjects in the world for hours and talk about anything, from philosophy and sociology to thaimama's tom yam gung which is so deliciously pet makmak, and weird enough I have always had the feeling that the big guys with the cool looks and slick talk are the girlz favourites. In my 24 limited years and personal challenges I have never had a serious relationship. That's maybe why the thai attitude is a blessing... Still waiting for the one... but as we say here, Chai Jen Jen, everything is all good.

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