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Temple/shrine/wat That Takes Away Bad Luck


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Dear All,

I've heard from a friend that there's a temple/shrine/wat near bangkok that is good in taking away bad luck, the temple is in black & the offerings are made in black also, is there such a place? anyone heard of it?



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Dear All,

I've heard from a friend that there's a temple/shrine/wat near bangkok that is good in taking away bad luck, the temple is in black & the offerings are made in black also, is there such a place? anyone heard of it?



hmm let me rephrase this hehe... :o:D:D

i'm asking on behalf of a friend who will be visiting bangkok soon, he's looking for a temple/shrine/wat that when you visit & offer your prayers, it'll help one get rid of his/her bad luck, the temple is of black theme & the offerings are of black theme also, the place is somewhere in or near bangkok, it'll be great if someone can aid my friend, i have no idea where he heard it from & being computer illiterate, he had ask me to help him get some information, if there's really such place perhaps someone can point him to the right direction then, he can visit & have a piece of his mind...

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Yes, I have heard of such a place. I can't recall off the top of my head. Let me do a little digging and I will post what I find here. The place I'm thinking of is, I believe, of Chinese origin.

thank you, appreciate it, awaiting your posting...

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Making offerings in black? sounds like they're worshipping Ra-hu (which is quite popular in Thailand), which I think is the same of chinese 'Tian Gou'.

All temple should be okay, as long you're sincere. You can recommending the 'Erawan Shrine' to your friend, or the 'White Dragon King' - Bai Long Wang *Google him. :-)

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