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Cannabis Smokers At Risk Of Personality Disorder Syndrome


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Any nut who[/b] thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

Yes............... :o

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Cannabis users between 17 and 30 years are at greater risk of developing multiple types of personality disorders than non-smokers in the same age group,

Phew! I'm over 40. :D

Seriously, you have enough to worry about gramps.

With prostate cancer the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the United States, the American Cancer Society now recommends prostate exam for men starting at age 40


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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

I think it killed the brain cells that control capital letters. :D

:o Now that's a believable study. :D

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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:


However, the study could not determine whether using cannabis was responsible for any initial change in their personalities.

Since Pad protests are over, things get really quiet around here, isn't it ?

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

<deleted> - you are a moron, you smoked some weed and are ok so it doesn't have any ill effects on people? That is a ridiculous statement wise up - hope you end up in prison.


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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

George - this has got to be the epitome of hypocritical posts I have ever read on Thai Visa.

Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

There are thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of "interesting" topics that are worth discussing on boards but had a member of the general Thai Visa population posted this it would be milliseconds before one of the sorority came on and posted "there are any number of sites where one could discuss the pros and cons of smoking weed but, Thai Visa is not one of them. Closed.

Not directly Thailand related


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<deleted> - you are a moron, you smoked some weed and are ok so it doesn't have any ill effects on people? That is a ridiculous statement wise up - hope you end up in prison.


If all the potheads are to end up in jail, i guess you'll have to requisition hotels.

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

<deleted> - you are a moron, you smoked some weed and are ok so it doesn't have any ill effects on people? That is a ridiculous statement wise up - hope you end up in prison.


...and you didn't try it? Hmmmm maybe that is why you are lacking a personality... Chill out dude and grab a doobie.... :o


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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

George - this has got to be the epitome of hypocritical posts I have ever read on Thai Visa.

Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

There are thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of "interesting" topics that are worth discussing on boards but had a member of the general Thai Visa population posted this it would be milliseconds before one of the sorority came on and posted "there are any number of sites where one could discuss the pros and cons of smoking weed but, Thai Visa is not one of them. Closed.

Not directly Thailand related


Quite agree - seems to be a double standard working. This girlx promotes the use of cannabis - which is totaly illegal in Thailand, and could encourage new readers to think wrongly. Unbelievable and disgracefull

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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

George - this has got to be the epitome of hypocritical posts I have ever read on Thai Visa.

Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

There are thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of "interesting" topics that are worth discussing on boards but had a member of the general Thai Visa population posted this it would be milliseconds before one of the sorority came on and posted "there are any number of sites where one could discuss the pros and cons of smoking weed but, Thai Visa is not one of them. Closed.

Not directly Thailand related


Quite agree - seems to be a double standard working. This girlx promotes the use of cannabis - which is totaly illegal in Thailand, and could encourage new readers to think wrongly. Unbelievable and disgracefull

I really didn't read that girlx was promoting the use of cannabis but was merely stating her thoughts on it. What is wrong with speaking your beliefs?

I say that you need to get a life if you cannot allow others to share their thoughts.

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How do we actually define Personality Disorder Syndrome? -

I think must people would fit the bill in some way shape or form. The study is far from conclusive.

I know quite a few people back in the UK that seem to be addicted to the old devils lettuce and they all seem to be very well mentally, and living productive lives.

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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

George - this has got to be the epitome of hypocritical posts I have ever read on Thai Visa.

Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

There are thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of "interesting" topics that are worth discussing on boards but had a member of the general Thai Visa population posted this it would be milliseconds before one of the sorority came on and posted "there are any number of sites where one could discuss the pros and cons of smoking weed but, Thai Visa is not one of them. Closed.

Not directly Thailand related


Quite agree - seems to be a double standard working. This girlx promotes the use of cannabis - which is totaly illegal in Thailand, and could encourage new readers to think wrongly. Unbelievable and disgracefull

I really didn't read that girlx was promoting the use of cannabis but was merely stating her thoughts on it. What is wrong with speaking your beliefs?

I say that you need to get a life if you cannot allow others to share their thoughts.

Drugs are a problem -- a major reason for crime. Perhaps if the government decide to push forward with their war on drugs they may want to look at those who express a taste for this illegal substance. My thoughs are that hash smokers are a social nuisance and should be stopped

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I do not know. Honestly, that is one thing I never smoked. My last four kids, however, were all serious potheads, two of them alcoholics as well. Pot and alcohol use and culture caused all four to drop out of school in ninth grade, and waste years doing nothing. Nuttin, nada, zilch. They are gradually picking up the lost years. No real personality disorders, just wasted years. One of them was told by her dentist that pot destroyed her teeth.

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A local friend of mine claims that cannabis can be freely bought at many market places throughout Thailand, have any other memebers found this to be so?

Not in Thailand.

Maybe your friend was referring to Cambodia, where it is sold at town food markets.

Ah maybe so, I can imagine a few sprigs would go very well with a beef curry....my favourite!

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Supposed to lower testosterone levels which could cause that as well as low sperm count and low sex drive.

I disagree. The little sperm dudes are still there , they're just a lot more chilled out than usual. Also ,they have sussed out that seeing as there is only one egg and that more than 99% of them are going to be disappointed, why run around like a load of headless chickens on a several million to one shot ?

As for lowering your sex drive ? Depends on who's lying next to you :o

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A local friend of mine claims that cannabis can be freely bought at many market places throughout Thailand, have any other memebers found this to be so?

yes, not bad stuff too ( err... so I am told) up north has the best(errrr.... so I am told....)

my father, mother, my BF, most of my circle of friends smoke

mmm, let me see, all graduated, all seem to ahve good job's, good income's

any addicts? no......

I would like to say more, better not though

I do not know any negitive effects at all...I have the insomnia which it help's me greatly with

My BF get's very moody, it calm's him down much better than prescribed western pill's

the argements against are by and large ridiculous, made by people who have not a clue

it is as if they want to hate us doing what we choose when harming nobody

and have done zero research into- I have, alot, and my country is famous for this

the argement that it leads onto other things is not valid

for some maybe, for many, not...

recently one enlightened person claimed smoking ajoint was 20 time's more bad than 1 cigereete ( he did not say which brand, which tar, which ratio of stuff to tobbaco,which type of stuff....etc) its this sort of maddness we are faced with

they need to chill- exercise something called freewill

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

Absolute nonsense. This sh*t affects vunerable people with latent personality disorders - fact. Any nut who thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

I ahve not seen 1 life ruined

and many enhanced

sorry, but this is fact

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

<deleted> - you are a moron, you smoked some weed and are ok so it doesn't have any ill effects on people? That is a ridiculous statement wise up - hope you end up in prison.


where you obviously are already-how does it feel to be a prisoner in bar that you cannot see?

my goodness how the sheep hate the free thinker's...and how they love to hand over their free will without question

and how cruel and backward they can be to say such things like this

I hope oneday you wil leave your self imposed jail

truly , I pity you

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

Absolute nonsense. This sh*t affects vunerable people with latent personality disorders - fact. Any nut who thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

I ahve not seen 1 life ruined

and many enhanced

sorry, but this is fact

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge!

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

Absolute nonsense. This sh*t affects vunerable people with latent personality disorders - fact. Any nut who thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

I ahve not seen 1 life ruined

and many enhanced

sorry, but this is fact

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge!

I think you do not know, what you are posting about

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

Absolute nonsense. This sh*t affects vunerable people with latent personality disorders - fact. Any nut who thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

I ahve not seen 1 life ruined

and many enhanced

sorry, but this is fact

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge!

I think you do not know, what you are posting about

Not a clue.

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I am looking at this from both sides of the fence, I smoked on a daily basis for maybe 8 years, gave up because it no longer interested me, the links to schizophrenia are widely known if you don't beleive this you are in dreamland, I am of the beleif that modern hydroponic growing techniques are to blame, most growers don't take the time to flush the system and plants properly with clean water before pulling the plants, the result of this is that the plants still contain all the nasty chemicals from the hydro system.

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