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The First Trip To Thailand


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The year was 2000 and I was making my first journey to the Land of Smiles. Coming overland from Malaysia I was a fresh grad touring the world and full of anticipation for all that Thailand would offer. Getting off the bus I carefully put on my 3OKilo state of the art backpack and attached the smaller day pack (matching colour of course) to the front. Holding my cherished Lonely Planet South East Asia on a Shoe String guide book in my right hand I set off to find somewhere for breakfast. Finding a cafe with outdoor tables I ordered the cheapest breakfast set on the menu, swung back on my chair, put my feet up obto the table and took in the sights. Yeah, I was feeling pretty happy with myself. I was going to do Thailand. I mean see the real Thailand, you know, like full moon parties and Khao San Road. After breakfast I wandered down the street looking for a guesthouse that was in The Book. After unsucessfully attempting to haggle the price for the B200 room (well it did say B150 in the Lonely Planet) I waied the old dear at the guesthouse (yeah I was up with all that crosscultural stuff back then) hit the streets of Hat Yai and got myself kitted up with the latest copy Diesel T-shirt and a beaded necklace. Yep, I was ready to go...

Ok, so it didn't take too long for me to drop Khao San for Sukhimvit, get rid of the 2 part backpack (that lets face it might as well come with a ###### sticker to attach) and lose the attitude. Approaching 5 years later, apart from one short spell back in the UK, Asia has been home since then. Now with enough triangle stamps in my passport for the immigration official to say 'welcome home' the last time I entered Don Muang, when I see myself in those fresh faced backpackers at the airport it just makes me cringe!

Am I alone in feeling like this? Does anyone else look back to their first days in Thailand and cringe at their behaviour / outlook / attitude?!

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My first trip was in 1983, followed by two more quite soon after, before I came to live here in 1985.

Since then I have not looked back and do not regret my decision to settle here one bit.

It will be 20 years in April 2005!!

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I met my (now) wife whilst overseas, I guess we had been together for 6 months before she wanted me to meet her folks and her younger sister who is married to a Japanese guy and lives Tokyo. So we jumped the SQ flight to Thailand as my wife had arranged with her sister to go home for a holiday and meet me.

I really don't know what I expected to find in Thailand, but what I did see I was really impressed and I guess it was at that point that I realised this was the life I wanted, marry this girl and settle down in LoS.

My first trip went very well, my wife gave me a few pointers on how to behave, but it didn't matter as I was the first farang my wifes family had seen close up so all protocol was abandoned by the family.

Great success!!!

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The year was 2000 and I was making my first journey to the Land of Smiles. Coming overland from Malaysia I was a fresh grad touring the world and full of anticipation for all that Thailand would offer. Getting off the bus I carefully put on my 3OKilo state of the art backpack and attached the smaller day pack  (matching colour of course) to the front. Holding my cherished Lonely Planet South East Asia on a Shoe String guide book in my right hand I set off to find somewhere for breakfast. Finding a cafe with outdoor tables I ordered the cheapest breakfast set on the menu, swung back on my chair, put my feet up obto the table and took in the sights. Yeah, I was feeling pretty happy with myself. I was going to do Thailand. I mean see the real Thailand, you know, like full moon parties and Khao San Road. After breakfast I wandered down the street looking for a guesthouse that was in The Book. After unsucessfully attempting to haggle the price for the B200 room (well it did say B150 in the Lonely Planet) I waied the old dear at the guesthouse (yeah I was up with all that crosscultural stuff back then) hit the streets of Hat Yai and got myself kitted up with the latest copy Diesel T-shirt and a beaded necklace. Yep, I was ready to go...

Ok, so it didn't take too long for me to drop Khao San for Sukhimvit, get rid of the 2 part backpack (that lets face it might as well come with a ###### sticker to attach) and lose the attitude. Approaching 5 years later, apart from one short spell back in the UK, Asia has been home since then. Now with enough triangle stamps in my passport for the immigration official to say 'welcome home' the last time I entered Don Muang, when I see myself in those fresh faced backpackers at the airport it just makes me cringe!

Am I alone in feeling like this? Does anyone else look back to their first days in Thailand and cringe at their behaviour / outlook / attitude?!

Actually what makes me cringe are people like you, ignorant as the young backpackers you now condemn but with a smug. know it all -but completely unjustified-sense of expertise.(as though Sukhumvit is any more "real" than KSR!!The wai to the old dear at the guest house was correct incidentally.You seem not yet old enough to have developed into one of the downmarket Anglo-Saxon losers that flourish -though a minority- on this forum, but the warning signs are there.I sense an underlying intelligence so for heavens sake wake up about Thailand before you are just another farang deadbeat.

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Ease up Boris,

He was just saying how he didnt realise at the time what a ashole he was when he did the backpacker thing but now he does and is actually a bit embarrassed about it......

I made a lot of mistakes on my first trip and I still make mistakes....as we all have done and still do.....I got a death threat within 3 hours of landing there.....big wake up call that was...

none of us arrived in Thailand on our first trip armed with all the knowledge that we have since gained.

At least Ted has the guts to admit to his past errors of attitude and inexperience.

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Thanks for coming to my defense gburns57au, that was exactly how the post was supposed to read. A tounge in cheek look at myself when I first arrived. And Boris, that was a bit harsh wasn't it? I guess you're clearly not in the Christmas spirit! The thread was supposed to bring out some amusing anecdotes of peoples experience not personal attacks!

However, What you said has reminded me of the old anecdote of the expat transferred to Asia having to relay the mesages back to HQ

2 weeks in - "Yeah, I'm sarting to get the hang of how things work round here"

2 months in - "There are still a few areas that I'm not quite sure about"

2 years in - "I've got know idea whats going on in here!"

And Boris I wasn't trying to infer that I felt superior staying in Sukhimvit if thats how it comes across. I initally discovered Sukhimvit as a good option to find accomodation rather than KSR because I didn't feel quite as isolated with the lack of modern transport links and felt enabled to have better access to city. Still very much a foreigners district but one does tend get around from time to time. I know a guy who didn't leave the Banglamphu area once for 3 months.

Anyway, can anyone get this thread back on track?!

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seems boris might be alone this christmas and feeling a little bitter...

great thread Ted...

2 weeks in - "Yeah, I'm sarting to get the hang of how things work round here"

2 months in - "There are still a few areas that I'm not quite sure about"

2 years in - "I've got know idea whats going on in here!"

love it.

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Everyone of us must have made some mistake at some point the first time we were here. Over paying TUk-tuks or haggling the price with a taxi driver. Arguing over 20 or 30 baht for something that was always cheap anyway. forget about Boris the bore.

That guy gotta get out more. Gonna be a lonely Xmas for him.

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Everyone of us must have made some mistake at some point the first time we were here. Over paying TUk-tuks or haggling the price with a taxi driver. Arguing over 20 or 30 baht for something that was always cheap anyway. forget about Boris the bore.

That guy gotta get out more. Gonna be a lonely Xmas for him.

:o he has always been a bit uptight our boris hasn't he? :D

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The First Trip To Thailand, Does anyone else look back and cringe?

When I first came here, I vomited and shat my pants alot. I didn't make much of an attempt to learn the language either.

Then again, I was only 9 months old. :o

Edited by samran
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The First Trip To Thailand, Does anyone else look back and cringe?

When I first came here, I vomited and shat my pants alot. I didn't make much of an attempt to learn the language either.

Then again, I was only 9 months old. :D

Are you not still doing this?? :o:D

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I think 'cringe' is the wrong word. I was very naive when I first landed in Bangkok on my round the world trip. Me and my mate ended up in a bar in Phuket and couldn't believe how easy it was to pull. Had a great night with a girl, trouble was she wanted paying the morning after. Talk about a sheltered life previously

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I think 'cringe' is the wrong word. I was very naive when I first landed in Bangkok on my round the world trip. Me and my mate ended up in a bar in Phuket and couldn't believe how easy it was to pull. Had a great night with a girl, trouble was she wanted paying the morning after. Talk about a sheltered life previously

Whats wrong with that??? :o

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Sorry guys, but it does look like "one unit, thinkalike miss-goody-two-shoes superior types" - not individual thinking. Boris might have misunderstood the concept, but he sure didn't miss the condescending tone.

A doctor giving a tour to a similar minded individual as the thread originator here was asked by this "superior" cat, "were there any great men born here?" .... "No", said the doc, "just little children."

No hard feelings, guys, but you do tend to gang-up and gang-bang anyone who has a dissenting opinion.

If you were white women, I'd be drilling all of you!!

Now relax, no hard feelings.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous NY to all.

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Let's see, that would be less than two years ago. I regret paying 3,300 grand total for each night at the Tawanda Ramada when I could have found 1,900 at China Princess the first night instead of the 4th night. I regret trying to swim in dirty nasty Pattaya (both times). I don't regret buying those two t-shirts on the street in Pattaya, though ("No War" and "I'm not Gay But my Boyfriend Is").

If I'd made too many mistakes, I might not have decided to come here and stay indefinitely. Oh, yeah, I do regret almost killing myself on the way down Doi Inthanon on a rented Honda...the park rangers were very helpful.

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2000, flew in from Heathrow to Phuket, booked the guesthouse before I left, was met at the airport by a driver who took me to the guesthouse, quick shower, bite to eat and straight to a load of beer bars with the driver, some fun with the girls, permanent smile on my face then off to a Thai Karoke place, two girls, the driver and myself. Listened to the girls singing, I might aswell have been a million miles from home and in a way it was a great feeling just to forget about everything and find myself in this paradise. Woke up next morning thinking it was all a dream but no it wasn't, this was just the begining of the time I have spent in the magical kingdom of Thailand. I had booked a three week holiday there but ended up staying for three months. I cant say I look back and cringe at my first trip, although Ive had my moments.

Boris, why dont you lighten up mate, weve all been there or thereabouts, havent we?

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forget about Boris the bore.

That guy gotta get out more. Gonna be a lonely Xmas for him.

Nah! the old scrote will have the ghosts of xmas past, present and future to keep him company. :o

Unlucky for him if he's a teacher, then he'll have the ghosts of all 12 tenses calling on him. That'd be a loooong night for sure. :D

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Since its the season of goodwill, why doesnt someone invite Boris around for some dinner today and try and enlighten him, I would myself but I am stuck in Malaysia. I know he would not be interested but if I were there where he is or he were I was, I would definetely buy him a jar.

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January 1997 was my first time. At that time, the Baht was still pegged at it's old amount of 25 THB for 1 USD. This was right before the Asian crisis. At that point in my life, the only country I had been in besides my own was Mexico. So I was shocked to say the least. On my first trip, I didn't like LOS at all. A friend talked me into going with him. From the smell, cleanliness, pollution and food, I thought Thailand was terrible. Upon returning home, I never thought I would visit LOS again but that same friend wanted me to go back again so I did and thats when Thailand started to grow on me. I never was a backpacker. Just a kid ignorant to the ways of the world. I was only 19 on that first trip. I remember at that time you couldnt make a flight from the US to Thailand all at one time unless you were in Hawaii. You had to fly to Hawaii, spend the night there, then fly to Tokyo the next day and then on to Bangkok. It took an entire day off the trip. That was horrible.

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Since its the season of goodwill, why doesnt someone invite Boris around for some dinner today and try and enlighten him, I would myself but I am stuck in Malaysia. I know he would not be interested but if I were there where he is or he were I was, I would definetely buy him a jar.

nice chatting tonight mate. Will keep in touch.

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Are you ready for this? 1963

All I can remember of my first weekend was my mate haggling with two young ladies for hours, I think he got them down to 20 baht for the night, but they got nowhere with us because they would not pay us if they enjoyed it.

I have been back almost annually since, have enjoyed partnership with two lovely Thai wives and their offspring, and am still regarded with respect by both their families, but I still drop bloomers, and still cringe at the memories, but good humour overcomes embarasment every time.

Happy Christmas everyone. :o

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I liked Ted's post, it illustrates something important, and that is that nobody arrived here an expert on the place, but after a while most grew into it. Didn't you do things that make you cringe when you were a kid? Of course you did. You were a kid who didn't know any better. Backpackers are just travelling kids. They may look silly sometimes, but they're just getting their wings. Better a know nothing with good intentions, than some cynical grump who will never know the real magic of Thailand beyond the Chang and the barstool.

Nice one Ted :o


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Actually what makes me cringe are people like you, ignorant as the young backpackers you now condemn but with a smug. know it all -but completely unjustified-sense of expertise.(as though Sukhumvit is any more "real" than KSR!!The wai to the old dear at the guest house was correct incidentally.You seem not yet old enough to have developed into one of the downmarket Anglo-Saxon losers that flourish -though a minority- on this forum, but the warning signs are there.I sense an underlying intelligence so for heavens sake wake up about Thailand before you are just another farang deadbeat.

I wonder if he realises how revealing his witless remarks are? Boris, time is too precious to be perfect. Wake up before it's too late!

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Are you ready for this? 1963

All I can remember of my first weekend was my mate haggling with two young ladies for hours, I think he got them down to 20 baht for the night, but they got nowhere with us because they would not pay us if they enjoyed it.

I have been back almost annually since, have enjoyed partnership with two lovely Thai wives and their offspring, and am still regarded with respect by both their families, but I still drop bloomers, and still cringe at the memories, but good humour overcomes embarasment every time.

Happy Christmas everyone. :o

Yikes! 1963 makes you older than "dirt". :D

Stepped off the airplane January 1990 (business trip) and had no clue what I was in for. Yep, cringe on a few things and as the years have gone by, the cringing has lessened. Laughing at myself and others help. :D

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