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Serious Investment Advice Please

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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars etc etc, Iam looking at investing 100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars etc etc, Iam looking at investing 100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


unfortunately this is under prevailing cirsumstances a demand for a "super human return".

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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars

internet cafe? sandwich shop? backstreet guesthouse? minimart? :D

my advice would be: don't listen much, or act on anything you read on this quite ridiculous thread that you've opened..

the sort of genuine advice you need costs money... rarely given away for free..

edit: feel free to PM me, i have a PayPal account.. :o

Edited by Goshawk
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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars etc etc, Iam looking at investing 100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


Get some 6 month, 1 year, 2 years CD's, be happy what you get (+/- 4%) and take a wait and see attitude. Where there is more stability in the market, 2-3 years from now, invest half in realestate, could be a small condo in Bangkok that you could rent out.

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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars etc etc, Iam looking at investing 100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


You don't mention your country of residence or tax status.

Your target return is unrealistic if you want to protect capital. There was a great post on another thread that said if you were looking for a return that was bigger than inflation the risk to capital increases commensurately.

As you have referenced Sterling I will assume that you are British. If you can access Anglo Irish Bank offshore fixed rate bond you will get 5% gross. That's as good as it gets but you also get EUR 100,000 covered under the Irish deposit protection scheme (£50k from UK banks) - at current exchange rates :o that is as good as 100%.

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I Have A Shop and Office premises Shop let on Full repairing and Insuring Lease.

For sale in the UK.

Freehold in Town Centre Position

Good Safe UK Investment

On the market at reduced Price Full Details see the comercial section. WWW.ABSONBLAZA.CO.UK

PM me if you are interested. Regards

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I Have A Shop and Office premises Shop let on Full repairing and Insuring Lease.

For sale in the UK.

Freehold in Town Centre Position

Good Safe UK Investment

:o:D :D

On the market at reduced Price Full Details see the comercial section. WWW.ABSONBLAZA.CO.UK

56 Square metres (!) of a distinctly unattractive property for 130,000 Quid in Pontefract with no garden?

As the OP has just 100,000 Quid to invest, presumably the seller is prepared to accept about 90,000 to allow for expences, so 35% off the price.

Wait until the depression really hits the UK collective conciousness. This sort of place will be going for 50,000 Quid max.

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100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


Just a "nice" guaranteed return is what everybody in the world would like. Forget it.

What is required is a guaranteed return OF capital, any slight interest is a big BONUS to getting your cash back when you need it.

As you have referenced Sterling I will assume that you are British. If you can access Anglo Irish Bank offshore fixed rate bond you will get 5% gross. That's as good as it gets but you also get EUR 100,000 covered under the Irish deposit protection scheme (£50k from UK banks) - at current exchange rates :o that is as good as 100%.

I thought the Paddy government was guaranteeing 100% of all depositors' fund until 2010. Has this changed without the leprechauns telling me? There was a surge of funds to Paddyland as soon as that came out. Here's an interesting piece on Anglo-Irish


It made me smile, just try and imagine it spoken with an Irish accent.

This paragraph was great...

"It is to be hoped that any Irish bankers in this situation have heeded the cardinal rule of Irish finance and kept their more imaginative dealings within the jurisdiction. As Patrick Gallagher discovered, the British judicial system takes a less indulgent view of lapses of fiduciary responsibility than does our own, and seems to harbour a particular antipathy towards charming Irish rogues."

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Iam looking for some good advice,no invest in bars etc etc, Iam looking at investing 100k sterling but really not sure where.Iam not looking at super human returns,just a nice 6 or 7 % guarenteed would be fine.If more is possible then great.

Any serious advice much appreciated.


Actually, I'm told that bars suffer the least during a recession, which I guess is fairly obvious. So, why not a bar? I mean a real bar, not a shabby hole-in-the-wall excuse for a take-out brothel.

Please no reply on Go-Go bars or the like (see above). They are not really bars in the true sense. They will be and are suffering. Everyone has gone to a proper bar, that's one reason. If you don't believe me, check out Nana (dead, even Angelwitch) then take a stroll to the real bars along Suk (Soi 8, Robin Hood etc.). Even Cowboy has more girls than customers. Well, so I'm told, by a good friend.......................

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No mutual funds - often, the advisor loves getting the 5% agio

There will be risk - but I would try not to keep all eggs in one basket.

A portion might to to a Gazprom bond yielding double digits. And when you find a stock you like like NLY you can write call options for monthly additional fee income. But when this is all a black art to you, consider reading some of Andre Kostolany's books.

Hold on to your cash - there will be better opportunities in future.

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Put half in a CD at maybe 4% and half in a corporate/high yield fund. The corporate bond funds are already priced for a depression

and you could just keep the fund for 5-10 years to get a very decent return. Corporate bond funds now yields approx. 8-10 % yearly.

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Sorry for my late reply. Take a look at Franklin Templeton Emerging markets Bond fund, Franklin Templeton High Yield Fund etc.

I do not receive any fees by recommending these funds. You can search the funds in Google.

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There are no emerging markets at the moment. Only submerging.

I got out of investments and keep most of it in cash.

About 30% is now in physical gold (normally in Thai Baht) and i am aiming for around 50%.

No dollars or pounds as these are going to go down more.

I have around 20% in call option spreads which expire in dec 2013. ROI on those is between -30% and +350%.

If you talk about other 'investments' like a guesthouse or restaurant. In my opinion that is spending money to get more work and us such not really an investment but buying yourself a job (and a visa).

If you never did anything on the stockmarket, now is not the time to start learning. Put it in the bank for around 5-6%. In the Netherlands i have seen 6.5%. I hope that is enough to keep up with inflation. Another reason why i got into gold.

So far so good, but like any investment it can go wrong, so don't invest everything in one instrument.

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I thought the Paddy government was guaranteeing 100% of all depositors' fund until 2010. Has this changed without the leprechauns telling me?

Sorry, reference point:-

1. How are my deposits protected?

All UK deposits at Anglo Irish Bank benefit from protection under two deposit protection schemes; the Irish Deposit Protection Scheme and the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Most banks regulated in the UK and Ireland are protected by either or both of these compensation schemes.

Our customers receive protection through the Irish Deposit Protection scheme up to €100,000 per individual depositor per bank.

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There are no emerging markets at the moment. Only submerging.

I got out of investments and keep most of it in cash.

About 30% is now in physical gold (normally in Thai Baht) and i am aiming for around 50%.

No dollars or pounds as these are going to go down more.

I have around 20% in call option spreads which expire in dec 2013. ROI on those is between -30% and +350%.

If you talk about other 'investments' like a guesthouse or restaurant. In my opinion that is spending money to get more work and us such not really an investment but buying yourself a job (and a visa).

If you never did anything on the stockmarket, now is not the time to start learning. Put it in the bank for around 5-6%. In the Netherlands i have seen 6.5%. I hope that is enough to keep up with inflation. Another reason why i got into gold.

So far so good, but like any investment it can go wrong, so don't invest everything in one instrument.

what currency? Zimbabwe Dollars per hour? annual rate for cowry shells? :o

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In euro's.

look here http://www.spaarrente.nl/spaardeposito.aspx


I have gold mainnly for wealth preservation. I think the dollar will even go a lot lower. It will probably drag other currencies down too. The pound already had a beating.

I calculate in euro's. As such a rise in gold price in US$ is not always a rise in euros.

Normally i would have Thai baht and Euro. Now gold is added to that. I see gold just as another 'currency'.

And with dollars, pounds, euros in oversupply why stay in those. Problem now is that those currencies will get even more supply without the support of real work, assets, etc. Gold on the other hand is in very short supply and running out quickly. Mines are not able to keep up with demand and people choose to buy gold instead of their own currency. Gold price is being manipulated for a long time, just look at the prices when COMEX opens. Fortunately it helps when you are buying gold, keeps the investment lower at the moment. When the fed and frb are without gold (asia and russia are quit happy to relieve the US of their gold) the manipulation will also stop. When that happens there can be a large rise in the gold price. If not, that is also ok as i believe gold will at least hold its value better then any form of fiat money.

I don't believe that there is a danger of deflation, now there are only discounts too keep shops, factories etc alive. With the large amounts of money created every day inflation is on its way with a vengeance. Wiping out savings very quickly. You don't need Zimbabwian kinds of inflation to diminish your savings. Just more inflation then what you get for savings is already enough. Inflation of around 10% has already happened and probably soon (1-2 year) there will be inflation of 20-30% for a while.

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I thought the Paddy government was guaranteeing 100% of all depositors' fund until 2010. Has this changed without the leprechauns telling me?

Sorry, reference point:-

1. How are my deposits protected?

All UK deposits at Anglo Irish Bank benefit from protection under two deposit protection schemes; the Irish Deposit Protection Scheme and the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Most banks regulated in the UK and Ireland are protected by either or both of these compensation schemes.

Our customers receive protection through the Irish Deposit Protection scheme up to €100,000 per individual depositor per bank.

Hmm, according to


All deposits are covered without a limit, wonder which one is correct?

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Interesting, thanks.

Jean: I wouldn't deposit any money with most banks on your list. They are small banks, some of them completely unknown to me... :D

Apart of that most are indeed deposits which can't be touched for quite some time; next to that, some of the banks, in case of a bankruptcy, will only pay you back AFTER they have paid back all other creditors.... :o

Answer to another question: interest on deposits are taxed in The Netherlands, depending on income but quite stiff.

Not very tempting to put your money in a deposit account in Holland.


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Tax rate is 1.2% over the total amount.

Small banks don't have to be more riskier then big ones. All of them have a guaranteed amount.

If you have more money than what they guarantee splitting it over more banks would be smart these days of high risks.

Edited by Khun Jean
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Same problem as anywhere else right now, currency risk, institution risk and duration risk are the significant unknowns. Also, my experience of Dutch banks is that they have significant "hidden" charges for non Netherlands citizens.

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Tax rate is 1.2% over the total amount.

Small banks don't have to be more riskier then big ones. All of them have a guaranteed amount.

If you have more money than what they guarantee splitting it over more banks would be smart these days of high risks.

1. The Dutch taxman assumes you have a fictitious yield of 4% of the total amount (for everybody the same and decided upon in 2000 when yields reached the sky); that 4% is taxed with 30%. In the end it's indeed 1.2% over the total amount.

So if you deposit 100,000 euro the taxman assumes you make 4% = € 4,000 which is taxed with 30% = € 1,200; in the end 1,2% of the total amount.

2. I consider smaller banks a LOT more riskier than larger banks these days. But of course up to the investor to decide what he considers risky or not. There are way too many small banks. Maybe nobody realizes that the US has more than 8,000 banks....different ones, not sub-branches. More than 40-50% of them will be wiped out wihin 1 or 2 years., The same for smaller European banks.

You're talking investors/deposits up to 100K euro; that's the maximum guaranteed amount by the Dutch Government per individual, per bank, up from 20K.

If you have substantial more money to invest/deposit it's a pain in the @rse to spread like you suggest.


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The pain is bigger when you don't spread it around. :o

One of the reason i am in gold right now. Nobody knows that i have it, it is not taxed and it is more solid then fiat money at the time. Having it sit in a vault in Switserland is safer then with the bank at the moment. And it is very easy to do.

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