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The End Of The Crisis

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Naam is in denial, happens to many.

of course i am! all my life i have preferred dealing with facts and abhorred assumptions and wild phantasies. you are in denial that your phantasies (although not completely baseless) have no chance to become reality. the problem with all gold-phantasts is that they stop thinking what might happen if their basic hopes are fulfilled and the gold price shoots to heights which no one can afford except the tiny minority of the world's population which has stashed gold well in advance.

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so what's next for 2009?

How about this? Does it make you sick?


"Morgan Stanley hired an oil tanker to store crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico, joining Citigroup Inc. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc in trying to profit from the contango, two shipbrokers said in reports earlier today."

There is a sharp contango in the near months in the NYMEX oil pit, and it will get sharper as the attempts to suppress the price near term, most likely to punish Russia, Venezuela and Iran, falter. Then it will flatten as market adjusts prices to normalcy.

Let's see if Bloomberg gives us a more coherent update. But its funny that Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and probably other banks are buying oil now to store in tankers and deliver later when the paper chase falters. Nice use of the bailout money. Why lend when you can speculate on market inefficiency which you help to create?

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"Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge."~ Lau tzu

Since I am studing Tzu right now I thought this a perfect time to post a qoute.

Good old Lao Tzu, people should study him more. The 3 kingdom is also worth studying. I know they are very popular in the financial and industrial world.

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QUOTE (AlexLah @ 2009-01-18 22:56:45) post_snapback.gif

The one that knows..

He just think he knows.

1. A big war (Most likely)

In an globalized economy that's impossible because nobody is interested to destroy his own assets abroad.

2. Domestic war

3. Some big terrorist attack, think of something bigger then 9/11

4. Pandemic

5. Natural disaster

point 3 to 5 are of the same level as all the conspiracy theories about 9/11.

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I know you like sweet dreams Henry.

OK, today I was thinking to help our Israel comrades with their investigation as announced.


Yes we use that stuff for smokescreens.

At night?


Yes, but not in civilian area's as it is against law.


The people you see on the picture are terrorist, not civilians!

After seeing the demo of the MKV Captain Head put his arm around the shoulder of Robert,.

I want you to see our new relaxation room Robert.



On your knees soldier, Captain Head said.

There is no agenda without a plan, right?



Ok, something funny that I like to share, a transcript of a meeting with some Fed.


Take care all. much more to come.


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Today I am in a good mood.

I have decided that today is a good day for a lesson to learn how to read.......

Are you ready?

Are you really ready?

OK, here it comes.



How about some economic warfare?

Let me tell you a litlle story or two on how they do that, cooperations with the big banks I mean.

For example your country is a large resource for Bauxite but the majority of the factories are owned by the state.

The private partner of that factory want's a majority stake because obviously they want control and more money.

The governmen t refuses.

Then Big daddy from for example Alcoa goes complaining with the big daddy from banks.

Big bank daddy fully understands and decides together with all other bank daddy's they will not give out loans to that country.

Country then is slowly bleeding to death and as a result you got the working class pissed off because they loose joobs and have litlle food.

So when it is election time these banks and coorperations will move their chesspiece in action.

A guy who promises the world to the people is then elected and suddenly this guy is talking with the IMF and World bank and they offer him loans

so he can do for the people what he promised. But there are a few rules to the "Game" of restructuring.

They call it restructuring but basically what they do is better described as Reshaping.

They shape it so it will give those gangsters as much control as possible.

They will demand more privitasation, salary limit's, urrrrrr sometimes devaluation of the currency things like that.

That borrowed money is then used to build infrastructure and those kind of things, and many times the majority of that borrowed money

is being payed to foreign contractors. Then they create some kind of recession and the demand for bauxite drops, people loose jobs, less taxincome

less profit from bauxite and then a government has to use most of it's income to just only be able to pay back the interest on the loan.

Then the whole story is repeated again by refinancing the loan and in the press you then read stories like IMF rescues country A or world

bank offers country A emergency loan, bla bla bla.

Another funny story about coorperate daddy getting angry.

Equador has oil, so Chevron get's in and start exploiting.

After a while these litlle local jungle inhabitants get angry as they see their land destroyed by oil spills and waste dumping.

Sop they file a lawsuit against Chevron in the US. A lot off effort is being made by the legal team of Chevron and then they finaly

(Think) they made a clever move by having the case moved to Equador court. Well after a while it was not so clever as they

were found guilty and have to couch up something like 15 Billion USD. Big dadddy Chevron very angry at these litlle bushmen so they start

actively lobbying to have trade sanctions imposed on mighty Equador.

There are a few more trick's they pull out there sleeves which I will tell you at another time.

Clue time!

Today I would like to give you a clue, or two?


Wall street warriors?

Did I mention, Pilgrims before?


And because I am in a very good mood I will also tell you that you need to stockpile some aspirin because some serious headache is about to enter.

Somewhere here.


Joe, a broken man walks back to his tent.

He sit's down looking at the ground with his head in his hands.

His dear friend Vic, who was always telling that tommorow things would be better, was now dead.

Vic the dreamer the tent campers called him, brutally killed.

Joe then looked at the piece of rope, and knew what he had to do, as Vic always told, there is light at the end of the tunnel......



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Another funny story about coorperate daddy getting angry.

Equador has oil, so Chevron get's in and start exploiting.

After a while these litlle local jungle inhabitants get angry as they see their land destroyed by oil spills and waste dumping.

Sop they file a lawsuit against Chevron in the US. A lot off effort is being made by the legal team of Chevron and then they finaly

(Think) they made a clever move by having the case moved to Equador court. Well after a while it was not so clever as they

were found guilty and have to couch up something like 15 Billion USD. Big dadddy Chevron very angry at these litlle bushmen so they start

actively lobbying to have trade sanctions imposed on mighty Equador.

The case dates back to 1993 or something and was inherited by Chevron when they took over Texaco.

So far they have not been found guilty and the figure of 15 billion or whatever was recommended by the court- appointed expert Richard Cabrera, a geologist and environmental consultant, who recommended that Chevron pay at least $8.3 billion, and maybe as much as $16 billion, in compensation for environmental damage.

Chevron obviously objected against the report prepared by Cabrera and it is now believed it will take at least until 2011 before a decision in the case will be made.

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It is 27 Billion now.........

To see a bit more in depth what these cooperations, banks and other scumbags are willing to do is beyond comprehension and then to think that these are not even the biggest boy's in the game makes you wonder what else is yet to come.

Go here if you have some time: http://www.chevrontoxico.com

It is disgusting, really.

Anyway the end of crisis we can look at the UK to see where we are going to head, and that is indeed deeper into the tunnel.



Almost forgot, this morning I read this one, you think he follow the Joe story and got inspired?



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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm thinking about posting a classified on TV selling tin foil hats, I could make a fortune on this thread alone!

If someone had said a year ago that a worldwide depression was coming they would probably have been called kooks, and now look at the likelihood. People like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff were laughed at, yet time after time, year after year they we right.

Have you heard Schiff's latest predictions? Scary...

Schiff might have had it right about the crash in US equities and collapse of the banking system but he failed to invest his clients' money in such a way as to preserve their capital. Where he went wrong was instead of shorting US stocks, he pushed commodities (which were a disaster last year, except for gold which stayed realtively stable), international equities, and almost anything that was a bet against the dollar. He appears to have been totally unhedged in these investments, apparently buying in totally to the notion that the US markets had become decoupled from the rest of the world. Most of his clients who have talked to the press put their losses last year in the 40 to 70% range, which means that even in a year in which economy went so far wrong that anyone ever called Dr. Doom came out looking like a prophet, he failed to beat the S&P 500 index.

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I think in his counterpiece he defends himself reasonably.

Yes he admitt he was wrong in some places like USD strength but also says correctly that his economic vision was correct and that for his investment strategy he chooses for long term. I find it funny that all his critics never admitted they now look so stupid when Schiff was telling/forecasting these financial problems.

It was not only Schiff that was warning about this, there were many others as far back as 2001, even the FBI had warned some dodgy stuff was going on with the repacking of those risky investments, Bush said, we will deal with that when the time comes.

Very similair "Tactic's" here on TV and I guess it is just part of human behaviour of some of the folks here.

I do not blame them for that as it is a natural reaction of humans not willing to admitt they where wrong.

Most humans start to feel very uncomfy when you show them that the reality they think it is, is something totally different, that's fine.

Some people just refuse to open up their mind, take a few steps left or right and suddenly are confronted with something they never knew existed.

Too many times on forums such as TV, people just post silly one liners without actually asking themselves if their position should be altered in order to see a bigger picture.

Remember their was a court ruling that said that MSM is allowed not to show the whole thruth, in fact they are allowed to present a distorted view.


This is just a very small example of how truth is surpressed. Another example of how media is influencing the mass is the word: Thruther, it is now almost as dirty as terrorist, look at Ron Paul, he was laughed at, ridiculed and banned from stations and debates.

I say, we are not being told what is really going on here with this orchestrated so called financial crisis.

I am asking not to fight eachoters meaning/ideas but instead try to understand the real cause and put the pieces together what is really going on.

I remember saying at the beginning of this "Crisis" that the result would be consolidation (Banks taking over other banks) I was laughed at, see what happened.

Again I am asking for constructive discussion so we can learn from eachother as I have seen there are some bright minds here on this forum that could provide some better insight. I am sure there are Financial service guys here, oil traders and such, why not get involved in a good brainstorm session and see what comes out?

Cheers all!


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I think in his counterpiece he defends himself reasonably.

Yes he admitt he was wrong in some places like USD strength but also says correctly that his economic vision was correct and that for his investment strategy he chooses for long term. I find it funny that all his critics never admitted they now look so stupid when Schiff was telling/forecasting these financial problems.

It was not only Schiff that was warning about this, there were many others as far back as 2001, even the FBI had warned some dodgy stuff was going on with the repacking of those risky investments, Bush said, we will deal with that when the time comes.

Very similair "Tactic's" here on TV and I guess it is just part of human behaviour of some of the folks here.

I do not blame them for that as it is a natural reaction of humans not willing to admitt they where wrong.

Most humans start to feel very uncomfy when you show them that the reality they think it is, is something totally different, that's fine.

Some people just refuse to open up their mind, take a few steps left or right and suddenly are confronted with something they never knew existed.

Too many times on forums such as TV, people just post silly one liners without actually asking themselves if their position should be altered in order to see a bigger picture.

Remember their was a court ruling that said that MSM is allowed not to show the whole thruth, in fact they are allowed to present a distorted view.


This is just a very small example of how truth is surpressed. Another example of how media is influencing the mass is the word: Thruther, it is now almost as dirty as terrorist, look at Ron Paul, he was laughed at, ridiculed and banned from stations and debates.

I say, we are not being told what is really going on here with this orchestrated so called financial crisis.

I am asking not to fight eachoters meaning/ideas but instead try to understand the real cause and put the pieces together what is really going on.

I remember saying at the beginning of this "Crisis" that the result would be consolidation (Banks taking over other banks) I was laughed at, see what happened.

Again I am asking for constructive discussion so we can learn from eachother as I have seen there are some bright minds here on this forum that could provide some better insight. I am sure there are Financial service guys here, oil traders and such, why not get involved in a good brainstorm session and see what comes out?

Cheers all!


Like it or not, despite his contrarian message, Schiff is just as much a part of the MSM as anyone else who is a regular on CNBC.

The problem though is that it takes different things to be smart as a TV pundit versus smart as a investment advisor. Schiff definitely is looking smart now on TV, but the fact that the rest of the stable of CNBC reporters were 180 degrees wrong on the macro trends does nothing to recoup the losses of people who followed Schiff's advice. Yes, he was right, or at least more right than the rest, but do his clients acheive better returns than those of the stupid investment advisors? It's not enough to simply know that the truth is out there and that everything the MSM tells you is a lie, you also need to be able to postion yourself to profit from the truths they that sheeple are too stupid to see. Schiff failed miserable at that. The title of his book was "Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse", and while he looks smart because he got the crash part right, he not only didn't profit from it but lost badly.

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OK, can we now move on with the next step?

Meaning, could we at TV find out what the heck is going on?

Please let us stop blaming people that made some predictions and got it right sometimes and got it wrong sometimes?

What Schiff does with his investments is not my bizz.

Can we try to find out what is really going on?

Why are we not being told the truth and what is the truth?


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OK, can we now move on with the next step?

Meaning, could we at TV find out what the heck is going on?

Please let us stop blaming people that made some predictions and got it right sometimes and got it wrong sometimes?

What Schiff does with his investments is not my bizz.

Can we try to find out what is really going on?

Why are we not being told the truth and what is the truth?


Alex, you're disapppointing me. I thought that you knew the truth and that you took pleasure from letting us know that you know. After all this time taunting us, do you mean to say that the reason that you haven't told us the secret is not because you are a cryptic genius but because you have not solved the puzzle?

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We will soon see if I have solved (a piece off) the puzzle I promise you that.

I just find it weird that first we are being told this whole mess is because peeps bought houses they could not afford (which is partly true) now we hear about all those difficult to understand CDO. CDS and all other sh1t, then we hear some bank was just hours from collapsing because investors wanted to withdraw their money, what else is going on that they not tell us?

Hence, congress had a meeting with Paulson and they where told something, what was told to them?

They were threatened that if this bail out package was not rammed through, martial law could follow.

What did he tell them to cause a ten minute silence?

I do not believe that in September suddenly we had a crisis, something happened that caused it.

Somebody is asking for his Dollars, but who?

I do not take pleassure in anything (regarding this so called mess) believe me and if I gave you the impression that I know I am sorry for that. I think I am on the right track and I am just asking myself and all of you questions about things I find strange and seem connected.

I have been right many times, but a lot of peeps were just laughing at me, fine up to them. I do not want to sound arrogant but that is what some people think I am, fine up to them.

I just want us to solve this puzzle and see what it looks like, the thing is, we are missing a few pieces.

I think I know and I am almost 100% sure what it looks like because I can see it in front of me, problem is, many people do not want to have a look.

And Naam if you switch on your other braincell :D you now understand what I mean with we are not being told the truth? Many examples I have given where the initial story goes like this and later it goes like that. I give you another example, what were the initial reasons for going to war with Iraq and what are they now. Please no discussion about that , just ask yourself that question.

So when that final big eathquake on your head is being delivered, do you want to know where it was coming from, or you just accept and recieve?

Again my apologies, no arrogance here just asking a question.


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Somebody is asking for his Dollars, but who?

I know less than nothing.....Just ask Vic :o But I like to wonder too.

This one you mentioned is something I always thought & wondered about.

I think it was the whole reason for the *you better hurry & say yes to this bailout*

I also think it was a big reason why the bailout has a clause that allows the $$$ to be sent anywhere world wide at their discretion. With no future repercussions allowed.

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I do not believe that in September suddenly we had a crisis, something happened that caused it. Somebody is asking for his Dollars, but who?

we did have a crisis in september and the crisis had a name. if i am not mistaken the name of the crisis was Lehman. banks and investors were asking for their dollars from Lehman and the infamous CDS insurer AIG.

strange that "the one that knows" [sic!] doesn't know this :o

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Naam I am very well aware of that, but that "Crisis" is too small in comparison with how big it is now or what they want to think us it is.

So someone bought a CDS and betted Lehman would fall, who is that investor and did he get his money and where is that money now and who payed for that money?

And then you get the answer, well these are trade secrets, we cannot tell you that.

Think beyond what is being told to you Guru Naam, there are other sources then Reuters and Bloomberg you know.


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Naam I am very well aware of that, but that "Crisis" is too small in comparison with how big it is now or what they want to think us it is. So someone bought a CDS and betted Lehman would fall, who is that investor and did he get his money and where is that money now and who payed for that money? And then you get the answer, well these are trade secrets, we cannot tell you that.

Think beyond what is being told to you Guru Naam, there are other sources then Reuters and Bloomberg you know.

Alex, i am neither a guru nor do i freaking care about what i was told or not. the same goes for who bought a CDS and who got paid from who's money which poured e.g. into AIG. paramount important for me is only what happened, is happening and might be happening in future to my money, my assets and my lifestyle. i also do not care what "they" want to think us now (whoever "they" might be) , my thinking is not influenced by "them" and "they" are not influenced by my thinking or actions. i am and will be always a tiny tadpole in a sea full of sharks in which my thinking or actions do not count and i hate to waste precious time on trying to find out who "they" are and what exactly "they" are after. it is not that i'm not concerned, the reason is all this thinking are futile assumptions without any tangible results.

as for the "other sources" you have mentioned i leave the judgment to you. please go on copying and pasting pictures and don't forget big huge spacings by hitting the enter key because they are the ones which makes your postings very important.


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Good to know Naam that you are not interested in finding out the source of a problem and you do not want to know what is really going on, you are only interested to save yourself.

That is fine with me, as I explained before some peeps just get a very uncomfy feeling when reality is different from what they always thought it was.

I do not blame anyone for that as I see many many people do that.

I only hope that a few other people start considering something fishy is going on.

I remember me saying something like this would happen.post-21826-1233367330_thumb.jpg



I remember saying something more like this was going to happen:


I remember me mentioning outsourcing, I think I see a trend as all companies try to cut costs and I said this before this article was written:


I have said when this crisis was announced banks would buy up other banks, what happened?

I can give a few other examples but I think for now I have been pretty correct, and I do not mean to be arrogant or something.

So if there are other peeps here that can help solve this "Crisis" puzzle that would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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I think you can see a trend...............one towards one world govt.i now hear angela merkel talking about a united nations world body to oversee the global economy.gordon brown said yesterday at davos that it was imperitive to keep pumping money into the global financial and economic system so that globalisation did not fail,that globalisation had bought great wealth and prosperity to millions world wide(he forgot to mention"at the expense of millions of others).

I forget who,but someone posted copies of a bill passed in the US senate with regard to the building of camps attached to USA army/airforce bases,for the protection of citizens in the event of natural disasters.

events are moving very fast,masses of job losses world wide will cause massive protests and serious social unrest,so perhaps we know what the new camps will be for.i for one think its a given that we will see the eroding of savings and investments and that there is really nothing the individual can do to stop any of this,but like AL i do like discussing these things on this forum.

I would really like to know who is controlling these events(the fed.reserve aka the big banks,the war machine aka the pentagon,armaments industry.remember iraq,just an excuse to make some money for a few at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives.The islamic world often quotes uncle sam as the greater satan,are they close to the truth?a wolf in sheeps clothing.

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Naam I am very well aware of that, but that "Crisis" is too small in comparison with how big it is now or what they want to think us it is.

So someone bought a CDS and betted Lehman would fall, who is that investor and did he get his money and where is that money now and who payed for that money?

And then you get the answer, well these are trade secrets, we cannot tell you that.

Think beyond what is being told to you Guru Naam, there are other sources then Reuters and Bloomberg you know.


"Within a month after the Lehman bankruptcy, the swaps in which Lehman was an intermediary dealer were settled bilaterally, and the swaps written on Lehman itself ($72 billion notionally) were settled by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC). The settlement was completed without incident, with a total cash exchange among all counterparties of $5.2 billion. There is no indication that the Lehman failure caused any systemic risk arising out of its CDS obligations--either as one of the major CDS dealers or as a failed company on which $72 billion in notional CDSs had been written."

Try Google Alex and all your questions will be answered :D

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Good to know Naam that you are not interested in finding out the source of a problem and you do not want to know what is really going on, you are only interested to save yourself.

That is fine with me, as I explained before some peeps just get a very uncomfy feeling when reality is different from what they always thought it was.

I do not blame anyone for that as I see many many people do that.

I only hope that a few other people start considering something fishy is going on.

I remember me saying something like this would happen.post-21826-1233367330_thumb.jpg



I remember saying something more like this was going to happen:


I remember me mentioning outsourcing, I think I see a trend as all companies try to cut costs and I said this before this article was written:


I have said when this crisis was announced banks would buy up other banks, what happened?

I can give a few other examples but I think for now I have been pretty correct, and I do not mean to be arrogant or something.

So if there are other peeps here that can help solve this "Crisis" puzzle that would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,


If you have specific questions Alex, ask them. I'm sure most of your queries can be answered right here.

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Hi Lana,

I went back to the first page of this topic, just checking what I was telling or tried to tell.

Knowing who betted against all those faillures is sure an interesting thing, a nice to know.

For now, I just have to wait a bit to see if I was correct, what I told last year.

I just hope I was wrong.


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This crisis will end when the large banks such as Citigroup, Goldman Sacks, Wells Fargo etc etc are nationalized and broken up to ten small banks each so they never again can pose a systemic risk. Nationalizing the banks is also a much cheaper solution, for instance the market cap of Citigroup is only 19 billion.

Why pump hundreds of billions into a bank if you can take over the complete bank for 19 billion. :o

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Hi Lana,

I went back to the first page of this topic, just checking what I was telling or tried to tell.

Knowing who betted against all those faillures is sure an interesting thing, a nice to know.

For now, I just have to wait a bit to see if I was correct, what I told last year.

I just hope I was wrong.


I think you're a newbie to financial markets, is that corret Alex? This liquidity trap/credit crunch has been predicted for years by every non permabull investment manager, publication, website, etc.. Unfortunately, most of the investent public watches things like Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.. Which have vested interests in not reporting negative outlooks.

BTW Alex, here's an investment tip. Investment-wise, the need to be proven right is the surest way to the poorhouse.


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