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The End Of The Crisis

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So far we've had

- sub-prime fraud

- property price crash

- banking insolvent

- hedge fund fraud

- stock market crash

- currency devaluations

- auto manufacturers insolvent

- Freddy and Fannie insolvent

All of which have resulted in the governments chucking incredible quantities of non-existent cash into a black hole at the future tax payers' expense

so what's next for 2009? How about the following for unavoidable?

- commercial property price crash

- private pension schemes declare insolvency

- public pension schemes declare insolvency

- unemployment rockets

- social benefits cannot be paid

- a revisit to most, if not all, the messes in the first list

- large inflation in essential goods and deflation in unnecessary goods/housing mess

All of which will result in the governments chucking even more incredible quantities of non-existent cash into a black hole at the future tax payers' expense

So, to help look on the bright side, where on earth is a recovery going to show its glimmer of hope at the end of a long long dark tunnel? What could possibly be the turning point? The more thought I put into this, the more depressed I become.

Maybe I should just drink more Chang, which gives me a headache too, but self-inflicted and one I have control over.

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I hate to sound negative but the truth? I think we will not see it.

Recovery to a standard of living many have grown use to will not be possible.

Of course we will survive but it will be different.

I do not think it will be quick I think it will take years thankfully to degenerate completely

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I thought he was being 'positive' :D .

The OP failed to talk about how a extended recession would turn into a 'Depression' where massive world wide devaluations cause 'Hyperflation' to kick in. Then there will be massive civil disturbances throughout the globe THEN a WORLD WAR will follow. During the war when the tempo of things picks up a the pace a bit millions of people die of hunger and disease, before a large comet about 500 miles wide will strike the earth causing massive Tsunamis & a dust cloud that surrounds the atmosphere for 300 years. Naturally after a period of such darkness and doom the planet earth to come out of its orbital balance before spinning into the sun where there will be a massive explosion much bigger than anything George Bush has ever dreamed of.

Ho hum, ho hum :o

Edited by neverdie
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am not sure there will be a recovery,certainly not back to the future.It feels like we are in a period of time that the bible refers to as "the last days".

anyone interested look up 2nd timothy chapter 3 verses 1-7.it accuractly describes the period we are now in.

เห็นมั้ย...บอกแล้วไง! = See What I mean, Told you so!

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It won't end until people stop believing the fiction that the cause of the problem is a credit crunch. Too many people have become accustomed to a standard of living far beyond what they can really afford. Artificially low interest rates and defaults have pushed the costs of this indiscriminate spending onto the frugal savers.

When will this end? When we all get back to the basics.

Edited by teacup
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It won't end until people stop believing the fiction that the cause of the problem is a credit crunch. Too many people have become accustomed to a standard of living far beyond what they can really afford. Artificially low interest rates and defaults have pushed the costs of this indiscriminate spending onto the frugal savers.

When will this end? When we all get back to the basics.

:o Great post & so true you're point about indiscriminate spending being pushed onto frugal savers.

Irresponsibility -vs- Reality

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I'm hoping for no activity for two years. I'm gonna do <removed> all!

Nonsense....your going to get rich & we're going to tour Thailand on bikes, remember? :o

It is true that utopia of which I speak may be smashed to bits with a big job starting in Taiwan, yes.

Yes, let's tour, but can we take the D-Max . . . it's got aircon! :D

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Thinking buying a new car - any suggestions? :D

Thats not really in the keeping with things in the current topic.....REMEMBER, You should be running around in the streets with your arms high in the air, screaming "The end is near" :o OR Perhaps you were thinking about making the run in a new 2009 BMW M3 or something?

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When the percentage of homes for sale that are foreclosures reaches the same level as before the meltdown. The end of the crisis does not mean things will the same as before the biggest economic event in our lifetimes, just that the bottom has been reached.

Edited by Jingthing
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am not sure there will be a recovery,certainly not back to the future.It feels like we are in a period of time that the bible refers to as "the last days".

anyone interested look up 2nd timothy chapter 3 verses 1-7.it accuractly describes the period we are now in.

I can just imagine you with a board on your chest, walking the beaches of Samui announcing to all to "Repent Sinners" "The end is nigh!" :o

Edited by quiksilva
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I'm hoping for no activity for two years. I'm gonna do <removed> all!

Nonsense....your going to get rich & we're going to tour Thailand on bikes, remember? :o

It is true that utopia of which I speak may be smashed to bits with a big job starting in Taiwan, yes.

Yes, let's tour, but can we take the D-Max . . . it's got aircon! :D

am not sure there will be a recovery,certainly not back to the future.It feels like we are in a period of time that the bible refers to as "the last days".

anyone interested look up 2nd timothy chapter 3 verses 1-7.it accuractly describes the period we are now in.

I can just imagine you with a board on your chest, walking the beaches of Samui announcing to all to "Repent Sinners" "The end is nigh!" :D

MJP - DMAX it is, can we atleast put a couple bikes in the back of it....you know we can park the DMax just short of the watering hole and ride up like we've been doing it tuff all day :D

QS, I can imagine that there will be plenty of other people doing this in other parts of the world!

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Thinking buying a new car - any suggestions? :D

Thats not really in the keeping with things in the current topic.....REMEMBER, You should be running around in the streets with your arms high in the air, screaming "The end is near" :D OR Perhaps you were thinking about making the run in a new 2009 BMW M3 or something?

Thinking of an Aston Martin, but might be too flash though. :o

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When the percentage of homes for sale that are foreclosures reaches the same level as before the meltdown. The end of the crisis does not mean things will the same as before the biggest economic event in our lifetimes, just that the bottom has been reached.

What needs to happen, is a leveling of home values....I think this is the key in solving THE HOUSING CRISIS

That will give people the confidence to buy and sell (and know they aren't paying way too much/little). Then, people with bad loans need to renegotiate with their banks for payments they can afford. Now we're in a credit crisis, so it's going to be tough for people to get loans to buy homes, so, the end is likely a long ways out... :o

Edited by teacup
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I'm hoping for no activity for two years. I'm gonna do <removed> all!

Nonsense....your going to get rich & we're going to tour Thailand on bikes, remember? :o

It is true that utopia of which I speak may be smashed to bits with a big job starting in Taiwan, yes.

Yes, let's tour, but can we take the D-Max . . . it's got aircon! :D

am not sure there will be a recovery,certainly not back to the future.It feels like we are in a period of time that the bible refers to as "the last days".

anyone interested look up 2nd timothy chapter 3 verses 1-7.it accuractly describes the period we are now in.

I can just imagine you with a board on your chest, walking the beaches of Samui announcing to all to "Repent Sinners" "The end is nigh!" :D

MJP - DMAX it is, can we atleast put a couple bikes in the back of it....you know we can park the DMax just short of the watering hole and ride up like we've been doing it tuff all day :D

QS, I can imagine that there will be plenty of other people doing this in other parts of the world!

yes and then stop off in soi greenmango...............the rest is history!

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I'm hoping for no activity for two years. I'm gonna do <removed> all!

Nonsense....your going to get rich & we're going to tour Thailand on bikes, remember? :o

It is true that utopia of which I speak may be smashed to bits with a big job starting in Taiwan, yes.

Yes, let's tour, but can we take the D-Max . . . it's got aircon! :D

am not sure there will be a recovery,certainly not back to the future.It feels like we are in a period of time that the bible refers to as "the last days".

anyone interested look up 2nd timothy chapter 3 verses 1-7.it accuractly describes the period we are now in.

I can just imagine you with a board on your chest, walking the beaches of Samui announcing to all to "Repent Sinners" "The end is nigh!" :D

MJP - DMAX it is, can we atleast put a couple bikes in the back of it....you know we can park the DMax just short of the watering hole and ride up like we've been doing it tuff all day :D

QS, I can imagine that there will be plenty of other people doing this in other parts of the world!

yes and then stop off in soi greenmango...............the rest is history!

What/where is Soi Greenmango?

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I don't know what sort of guys you think MJP & I are, stopping at a place like that :D . Do they have undercover parking? :D

no,only under cover agents whispering "you go with me".

....ahhh its no good then, if the bike are out in the rain, well need i say more? Cross soi mango off the list then. Anyway MJP, we've gotta kickstart this economy somehow.....how are a couple of fellas on shoestring budgets going to do it? :o

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I don't know what sort of guys you think MJP & I are, stopping at a place like that :o . Do they have undercover parking? :D

no,only under cover agents whispering "you go with me".

Oh! That sort of place.

I came to Thailand in 2002. Met one girl and we've been together ever since. Married with one daughter.

I always wondered what that lifestyle would be like, but it's not for me.

Erotic to me is one of the old woman's fantastic cheese, onion, mushroom, tomato and ham omelettes. Oh and a big glass of milk.

I know, I'm a sad . . .

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