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Tonys Dog Shelter


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from pattaya, take Sukumvit (highway 3) towards Sattahip. just after Ban Sare are big green highway signs; take a left turn there, direction Rayong; you are on Highway 332. take this maybe 12 minutes until you get to a big intersection, which is Highway 331. take a left here (heading back towards Pattaya) for maybe 3 minutes. there is a tiny sign for Tony's animal shelter (but it's facing the other way!); take that road/soi about 2 minutes; then there is a sign for Tony's on the left, which is a dirt road. take the dirt road about 2 minutes, makes another right onto another dirt road, with another Tony's sign, and it's there. From Pattaya it takes about 35 minutes to get there.

I brought my dog there, but i decided not to leave her there. it wasn't for her. the place looked clean to me, lots of dogs, seemed well fed, but it's not a great life for a dog to sit in a big cage all day with 10 other similar sized dogs. i didn't see anyone there adopting any, and i would guess they don't get too many adoptions. that's the problem for me, i just dont know. there were hundreds of dogs there.

doesn't look like they have a big budget there. just didn't look to me like any dogs will get any personal attention at all. as a last resort it might be ok for some; but not for me.

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I got my 2 dogs from Tony's, its a canine concentration camp, but dogs are reasonably well fed. It reaks of amonia from the dog pee!

I strongly recommend BEFORE you take them home that you stop at vet. There's a really good one on Suk H just before Tesco before Thepprasit junction. Recommend you have any dog wormed, de-ticked, and generally checked over.

If you're getting puppies they may not be properly weaned, the first pair they offered were only 5 weeks old. My two were very ill for several weeks, but both pulled through with l;ots of TLC and have grown in to happy, well behaved dogs. I guess the experience of being born in there means they're not so fazed by other dogs and noises like some of my neighbours' animals.

They will ask you for a donation, which goes towards feeding the hundreds of dogs they house there.

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At least Mr. Tony is trying to do something for the stray cats and dogs in our area. I am an animal lover and am always torn when confronted with all the homeless dogs/cats in Pattaya. The experts always say that it's best to put-down one's pet if you can no longer take care of it for whatever reason. The natural inclination for many is to release it at a temple or in the neighborhood "so it at least has a chance" but this usually leaves a tame house pet to a slow death of starvation or a violent death at the hands of an already established pack of soi dogs or cats.

Contact info for Tony" Animal Shelter: 038-425-795

They welcome donations of food, medicines, construction material, blankets, and of course money. Do a good deed and help out our furry friends by making a donation. :o

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I've just got back from Tony's Animal Shelter as I have too many dogs in my small place and need to rehouse them soon especially now that I'm going to be working longer hours and haven't the time to take care of them so well.

The instant we arrived at this Shelter I wanted to take all these animals away from there.

The cats and kittens are not caged and are just everywhere but they are so thin that you can see every bone in their bodies and their stomachs are inverted even more, they have mange, open wounds everywhere, coughing like they smoke at least 20 cigarettes a day and lots of yellow sticky goo coming out of their eyes. They look so ill that I was surprised that some of them could even stand up let alone walk.

The instant we arrived, however, one of the workers there saw us from his reclined position and came and immediately gave them some food and water. They were that hungry that it was gone almost in an instant, however, some just didn't have the energy to even get the food down their throats but managed a little water. My impression was that possibly they only get fed when people come to visit.

Just to the side of the entrance area you will find some small hutches 2' x 3' and much to my surprise there is a dog inside with no food, water or walking space and apparently this is for the dogs who bite. It is also, maybe 5 paces away from the food store, which is full and was duly locked in front of us.

To the other side there are the larger pens for the dogs who share these areas with up to 10 others and a lot of them look so ill. Anorexia, Mange, infestation and weeping eyes. There is concrete flooring but no overhead covering only some mesh to act as a bit of shade from the heat of the day. There is a water supply to these botched up pens with a tap at each one that I saw, however, the staff there don't seem to know how to turn the taps on as none of the pens I saw had any water or food for them atall. They all seemed far too busy relaxing in the shade to attend to the animals anyway.

My friend and I couldn't go any further into this camp as the initial shock of what we saw was just beyond our comprehension since the advert states stop cruelty to animals. This place, to me, is beyond cruelty and hel_l will freeze over before my dogs get to stay there. I'm going to have serious nightmares about this place for a long time to come I think and even my Thai friend who went with me couldn't stop crying from what we saw.

I understand that Tony is a busy man, however, he seriously needs to go there and do some spot checks without advanced notice to see exactly where his money and donations are going, cos the dogs aren't getting it and the staff are just too busy attending to themselves to be bothered about the 1000+ animals they have in their care.

It broke my heart to leave them there, afterall, none of them asked to be born and none of them asked to be abandoned after they got through the nice, fluffy puppy stage.

From this experience, I am seriously considering finding some land to buy or rent and establishing a centre where homeless animals can have a life, health and at least a little pleasure and happiness.

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I went there a long time ago looking for a cat, and I also was shocked at the conditions for the cats. At that time, the cats were in a cage, but every single one of them that I saw had a problem with their eyes. There were obviously many others that needed to see a vet for various other problems. It was heartbreaking. I'm no expert, but it didn't seem they were taking care of the animals as needed and that they were more concerned with getting donations.

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I would think there is the germ of an idea here of someone setting-up come type of Thai non-profit entity/charity for stray cats/dogs in Pattaya. Something on the model of SCAD in Bangkok or PAWS in Phuket would be nice.

The conditions you describe are indeed appalling but at least they are trying (and legit) to my knowledge. However, it's also likely that the food and medicines that get donated may find their to being sold by the staff out the back door and the resident cats/dogs on starvation rations TIT :o That's why like I said, it is often better to give your pet a peaceful ending (they just go to sleep and don't wake up) rather then sending them to spend their days at a shelter (even in the West where conditions are better).

But back to the new shelter idea. Something like this seems like it would be doable. Inland land is cheap to rent and not much would be required to set it up to house dogs and cats properly. Hiring inexpensive labour to staff the project should not be too difficult. With the millions of well-healed tourists that visit Patters annually, a few donation boxes around town (with dooey eyed pictures of dogs/cats :D ) and some charity fundraisers by a few of the many clubs in town should raise a good portion of the money needed for such a venture.

So who will take the ball and run with it?

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I would think there is the germ of an idea here of someone setting-up come type of Thai non-profit entity/charity for stray cats/dogs in Pattaya. Something on the model of SCAD in Bangkok or PAWS in Phuket would be nice.

The conditions you describe are indeed appalling but at least they are trying (and legit) to my knowledge. However, it's also likely that the food and medicines that get donated may find their to being sold by the staff out the back door and the resident cats/dogs on starvation rations TIT :D That's why like I said, it is often better to give your pet a peaceful ending (they just go to sleep and don't wake up) rather then sending them to spend their days at a shelter (even in the West where conditions are better).

But back to the new shelter idea. Something like this seems like it would be doable. Inland land is cheap to rent and not much would be required to set it up to house dogs and cats properly. Hiring inexpensive labour to staff the project should not be too difficult. With the millions of well-healed tourists that visit Patters annually, a few donation boxes around town (with dooey eyed pictures of dogs/cats :D ) and some charity fundraisers by a few of the manTy clubs in town should raise a good portion of the money needed for such a venture.

So who will take the ball and run with it?

Yes, you are right by the fact that 'at least they are trying' and this has got to be better than nothing or seeing an animal being mangled by a vehicle just because it saw some food the other side of the road or one of the many other horrifying things that some of us have probably seen here on a daily basis.

The idea of a new shelter is still with me, in fact, I haven't stopped thinking about it since my return from there and yes, it is doable just from the ideas brought forward by you but wouldn't it be nice if, say, several longterm, retired, bored, animal lovings residents got together and we could all put our ideas together and really make a go of it. Make it a community thing.

That way, even after we have found a reasonable area and built the housing for the animals there would still be a rotation of er community visitors to ensure that such things as donations, food, exercise, medicines, treatment, staff and visitors are noted, monitored and used where it is supposed to used and not out the back door.

It's just an idea but possibly food for thought.

I have a Thai friend who is a Vet and genuinely loves animals. Both her parents cannot leave an abandoned dog or cat in the street. In their home, on the last count they had 40 dogs and the cats are the bodyguards in the Vet's surgery. For staff, these people would be ideal as they are now reasonably well to do and retired from the daily work load and I believe they are sharp enough to oversea any misdeeds by 'inexpensive Labour'.

Maybe someone else has some ideas so that maybe we can get together and really take this idea on the road. Maybe we could call it 'ThaiVisa Dog/Cat Home', that's only if George ok's it though. :o

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Spoke to the Vet today about the land and the other issues, where she informed me, not worry about that place because he sends them to Cambodia because they like to eat them there anyway and can make some money from it too. She is now looking for some land for me on the outskirts of Pattaya. If anyone is interested please help me. I know they are only animals but they all have hearts the same as us and they will protect us when we have thieves in our homes and everything else aswell. At least they will fight to the death for their owners whereas we will most probably run like hel_l.!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Joskydive!!

Please tell me when you open your new dog/cat shelter. I would love to donate!!

I live in Sweden but come to Thailand 1 every 2 year, and I really felt sick when I visited Pattaya and Koh Samui because of all the starving dogs. You can see they are well fed in the "scandinavia" area, but no where else. It just break my heart...

I will move to Thailand when I retire, just so I can open dog/cat shelter to. But until then, please help them. I promise to donate some every month.

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Spoke to the Vet today about the land and the other issues, where she informed me, not worry about that place because he sends them to Cambodia because they like to eat them there anyway and can make some money from it too. She is now looking for some land for me on the outskirts of Pattaya. If anyone is interested please help me. I know they are only animals but they all have hearts the same as us and they will protect us when we have thieves in our homes and everything else aswell. At least they will fight to the death for their owners whereas we will most probably run like hel_l.!!!!!!

I will give up some time and help in the shelter.Also i will set up boxes in different venues for donations and will monitor it too.At this point with stocksa down and baht down i cannot donate money but will give my labour if you need it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I think its a great idea to get a selection of committed residents together to try to help with the overpopulation of animals and search for humane solutions. I would certainly support such a project and have enough experience in the NGO field to be sure that you will also be able to find volunteers to come from around the world to do 3-6 month stints with the organisation if you present it in the right way.

Unfortunately I will be leaving Thailand in the next couple of months and can't join you but please don't give up and keep us posted on your progress.

In the meantime, I have 12 puppies that I desperately need to find homes for before I leave. I'll post pics... soon but if anybody knows absolutely anyone that wants a puppy please let me know, they can be separated from their mother in 5 weeks time.

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