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367 Deaths With 4,107 Injured In Road Accidents over 7 days of New Year's holidays


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56 killed, 635 injured in road accidents on 1st 'dangerous day'

BANGKOK: -- A total of 596 road accidents occurred on the first of 'seven dangerous New Year holidays' Tuesday, killing 56 people and injuring 635 others, a senior government announced Wednesday.

Surachai Tharasitpong, permanent secretary for Transport Ministry, held a press conference at the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, the Interior Ministry, to announce the statistics of the first day of the seven-day road accident monitoring period.

He said the number of accidents was 156 higher than that of the first day of the monitoring period for New Year holidays last year. And the death toll increased by 23 while the number of injured people was 157 higher.

He said most accidents or 38.26 per cent were caused by drunk driving.

Phitsanulok had the highest death toll of 4, followed by Bnagkok, Chainat, Chaiyaphum, Amnat Charoen and Chiang Rai, each of 3 deaths.

-- The Nation 2008-12-31

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Sad that every year this count has to go on. I wonder if they actually count accurately. A friend came over to visit last night and he saw two very bad accidents on his way and he was reasonably sure the people laying on the road were dead. But unless he saw all the people killed in Bangkok on his way over, something isn't right with their counting.

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56 killed, 635 injured in road accidents on 1st 'dangerous day'

BANGKOK: -- A total of 596 road accidents occurred on the first of 'seven dangerous New Year holidays' Tuesday, killing 56 people and injuring 635 others, a senior government announced Wednesday.

And on Day 2:

There were 882 accidents with 97 fatalities and 960 injuries.

- ThaiNews / 2009-01-01

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That is horendous , over 25% increase in deaths and a wopping over 50% increase in accidents , when will these idiots ever learn at least a modicum of restraint in thier drinking and driving ? More to the point I guess , when will police block off roads to check for drinking , with a further block off for those turning around to escape the testing , confiscate thier blo-ody vehicles on the spot for a whole month .

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Yes, so sad indeed, RIP all. Hope the rest of the Holiday period will be better. :o Hope the police and their helpers can keep as many DRUNKS off the road as possible and Court throw the book at those that are caught, and little HARD TIME please, Thailand's roads are crowded, one drunk driver can take out many people. These people need to learn a lesson BEFORE they kill somebody. NUFF SAID!

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I was amazed by all the checkpoints here in Phuket. However most of them were abandoned at night or just one or two officers there sitting on their chairs not too much being interested into the traffic.<br /><br />A few years back when Mr. Thaksin was still in business (I mean in charge;-) all the police here in Phuket were so active catching people with no license or helmet. <br /><br />It seems there is not so much incentive anymore. Could that be a reason?

Edited by Alasau
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That is horendous , over 25% increase in deaths and a wopping over 50% increase in accidents , when will these idiots ever learn at least a modicum of restraint in thier drinking and driving ? More to the point I guess , when will police block off roads to check for drinking , with a further block off for those turning around to escape the testing , confiscate thier blo-ody vehicles on the spot for a whole month .

Thanks for that refreshing and novel idea. But I find it rather humorous i.e. consequences for behavior? In Thailand????? LOLOLLOLOLOL

OH :o that’s a really good one.

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That is horendous , over 25% increase in deaths and a wopping over 50% increase in accidents , when will these idiots ever learn at least a modicum of restraint in thier drinking and driving ? More to the point I guess , when will police block off roads to check for drinking , with a further block off for those turning around to escape the testing , confiscate thier blo-ody vehicles on the spot for a whole month .

Numbers might go down if police would stop accepting cash to ignore traffic violation but instead do their job properly and write real tickets.

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With an overwhelming 62% of accidents being non alcohol related I think we should be told what the main cause is.

I suspect mobile phones, a general disregard to road safety and total lack of concentration are the main culprits.

Poor 'ol Somchai's amoeba brain is overloaded with thoughts of mia nois, the optic nerve frazzled with all the flashing lights, auditory centre deafened by the cd player and physically handicapped by holding the mobile to his ear and lighting a fag at the same time.

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56 killed, 635 injured in road accidents on 1st 'dangerous day'

BANGKOK: -- A total of 596 road accidents occurred on the first of 'seven dangerous New Year holidays' Tuesday, killing 56 people and injuring 635 others.

And on Day 2:

There were 882 accidents with 97 fatalities and 960 injuries.

And on Day 3:

There were 851 accidents with 83 fatalities and 909 injuries.


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226 deaths in road accidents in New Year holidays

BANGKOK, Jan 2 (TNA) – Road accidents nationwide left 226 persons dead and injured 2,504 others during the first three days of the dangerous seven-day New Year holiday.

Deputy Public Health Minister Manit Napamornbodi said on January 1, the third day of the extended New Year holiday, there were 851 road accidents, killing 83 people and injuring 909 others.

The major cause of the road accidents, almost 52 per cent, was driving under the influence of alcohol, followed by speeding at 22 per cent.

Motorcycles were the vehicles most involved in road accidents, Dr. Manit said. Most accidents had occurred in the northeastern province of Surin while the most deaths recorded was nine in the northern province of Chiang Rai.

From December 30 through January 1, the first three of the seven dangerous days of the New Year Holiday, 2,329 accidents were reported nationwide and the death toll was recorded at 226 with 2,504 injuries.

Most accidents were recorded at 93 in Surin followed by 83 in Chiang Rai. The highest death toll was reported in Chiang Rai at 14 and the most injuries were 101 in Surin.

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Safety on the roads is a function of enforcement. It has very, very little to do with rational thought. Especially when people are young, they will live dangerously. Police need to be PATROLING the roads actively--not a few check points, with a few citations and a breathalyser. It's the cat-and-mouse game of never knowing when your going to get caught that keeps people obeying the law.

I drive slowly and safely now, but 25 years ago it was a matter of how fast I thought I could get by with going.

Enforcement needs to be done for red lights, turn signals, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road and improper lane usage.

A decent driver's education course and licensing requirements would also help.

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Safety on the roads is a function of enforcement. It has very, very little to do with rational thought. Especially when people are young, they will live dangerously. Police need to be PATROLING the roads actively--not a few check points, with a few citations and a breathalyser. It's the cat-and-mouse game of never knowing when your going to get caught that keeps people obeying the law.

I drive slowly and safely now, but 25 years ago it was a matter of how fast I thought I could get by with going.

Enforcement needs to be done for red lights, turn signals, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road and improper lane usage.

A decent driver's education course and licensing requirements would also help.

Nothing new here. It's always been and will alwaydsbe a slaughter on the roads of Thailand.

Just beware.

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With an overwhelming 62% of accidents being non alcohol related I think we should be told what the main cause is.

I suspect mobile phones, a general disregard to road safety and total lack of concentration are the main culprits.

[Poor 'ol Somchai's amoeba brain is overloaded with thoughts of mia nois, the optic nerve frazzled with all the flashing lights, auditory centre deafened by the cd player and physically handicapped by holding the mobile to his ear and lighting a fag at the same time.]

You forgot about the garland of flowers (for Buddha too protect) dangling from the mirror !!!!!!!

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Absolutely horrendous numbers,together with the debacle/ fire in overcrowded niteclub, wth blocked or know emerg exits. A BIT OF SAFETY /COMMON SENSE WOULD GO A LONG WAY IN THIS COUNTRY,NOT TO MENTION THE LIVES SAVED.

regards songhklasid.

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Absolutely horrendous numbers,together with the debacle/ fire in overcrowded niteclub, wth blocked or know emerg exits. A BIT OF SAFETY /COMMON SENSE WOULD GO A LONG WAY IN THIS COUNTRY,NOT TO MENTION THE LIVES SAVED.

regards songhklasid.

I have been driving here for about 4 years two of them on a fairly large motorbike. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone tried to kill me so I now drive a car. I am constantly in a sate of fear and cannot let my concentration slip for a second. I have never been in an accident in over 40 years of driving. Has anyone ever counted the "skid marks" on the freeways? They are every few metres. By the time I get to work in the morning I am a nervous wreck. What is the answer?

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56 killed, 635 injured in road accidents on 1st 'dangerous day'

BANGKOK: -- A total of 596 road accidents occurred on the first of 'seven dangerous New Year holidays' Tuesday, killing 56 people and injuring 635 others.

And on Day 2:

There were 882 accidents with 97 fatalities and 960 injuries.

And on Day 3:

There were 851 accidents with 83 fatalities and 909 injuries.

And on Day 4:

There were 464 accidents with 52 fatalities and 492 injuries.

- The Nation / 2009-01-03

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226 persons dead during the first three days!!!! &lt;deleted&gt;!!!!!

We can only hope that all these peasants get these super shiny toyota tanks repossesed in 2009 and go back driving slow 'bangers' as peasants do in farangland.

Not while the interest payments are so low and face is involved.

We know the answers to this and 2 times a year we go over it.

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I can happily inform you that many Thai's are facing the repo's now...

The slide of the stocks was the first wave... 2009 wall street ponzi collapse will bring the next.

yes, loss of face. One guy I know has to find 12,000? baht a month for his ride... and he is sad to sell it... if he can .. "because my mother likes being able to sit in it"

loser. Darwin award time, screw the materialistic.

read this you sucker farangs sponsoring your Thai chicks Hi-So fantasies:


Tree Planting and Rural Development in Ban Noen Thong

The village, Ban Noen Thong, is located in Yay Yam Wattana Tumbol, Chalerm Pragiat district, Buriram province. The village consists of 61 families and has a total population of 378. The main occupation of Ban Noen Thong villagers is rice farming. Next to farming, villagers are also involved in mushroom cultivation, cotton weaving, animal raising (cows, buffalos, pigs and chicken) and general contracting. Average annual income of the villagers is 12,000 THB (172 GBP) per family.

Edited by whiterussian
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Absolutely horrendous numbers,together with the debacle/ fire in overcrowded niteclub, wth blocked or know emerg exits. A BIT OF SAFETY /COMMON SENSE WOULD GO A LONG WAY IN THIS COUNTRY,NOT TO MENTION THE LIVES SAVED.

regards songhklasid.

I have been driving here for about 4 years two of them on a fairly large motorbike. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone tried to kill me so I now drive a car. I am constantly in a sate of fear and cannot let my concentration slip for a second. I have never been in an accident in over 40 years of driving. Has anyone ever counted the "skid marks" on the freeways? They are every few metres. By the time I get to work in the morning I am a nervous wreck. What is the answer?

Valium or xanax by the sound of things.

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Sad that every year this count has to go on. I wonder if they actually count accurately. A friend came over to visit last night and he saw two very bad accidents on his way and he was reasonably sure the people laying on the road were dead. But unless he saw all the people killed in Bangkok on his way over, something isn't right with their counting.

Theyr'e probably too drunk to count accurately!!

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With an overwhelming 62% of accidents being non alcohol related I think we should be told what the main cause is.

I suspect mobile phones, a general disregard to road safety and total lack of concentration are the main culprits.

[Poor 'ol Somchai's amoeba brain is overloaded with thoughts of mia nois, the optic nerve frazzled with all the flashing lights, auditory centre deafened by the cd player and physically handicapped by holding the mobile to his ear and lighting a fag at the same time.]

You forgot about the garland of flowers (for Buddha too protect) dangling from the mirror !!!!!!!

And the four other people on the bike!!

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I can happily inform you that many Thai's are facing the repo's now...

The slide of the stocks was the first wave... 2009 wall street ponzi collapse will bring the next.

yes, loss of face. One guy I know has to find 12,000? baht a month for his ride... and he is sad to sell it... if he can .. "because my mother likes being able to sit in it"

loser. Darwin award time, screw the materialistic.

read this you sucker farangs sponsoring your Thai chicks Hi-So fantasies:


Tree Planting and Rural Development in Ban Noen Thong

The village, Ban Noen Thong, is located in Yay Yam Wattana Tumbol, Chalerm Pragiat district, Buriram province. The village consists of 61 families and has a total population of 378. The main occupation of Ban Noen Thong villagers is rice farming. Next to farming, villagers are also involved in mushroom cultivation, cotton weaving, animal raising (cows, buffalos, pigs and chicken) and general contracting. Average annual income of the villagers is 12,000 THB (172 GBP) per family.

I like the way they go to all the trouble of planting trees and then the locals obviously go in and do what they want in there afterwards.

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Apetley: Just take it easy. I make sure that when I get behind the wheel, I am in the right frame of mind. No use feeling rushed, not much you can do here to get anywhere faster anyway. You can drive like h*ll and risk and accident and arrive 10 seconds earlier. I just get in the lane I want--as long as it's not the parking lane and take my time.

Keep safe.

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