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I Don't Know, I Not Think


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im not sure i understand this.

on one hand, western women are too demanding and bossy when they do make a decision.

and on the other hand, when us thai women leave it up to you, its not good enough.

just what DO men want?

LP, most of us men don't know what we want!!


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My wife is the same and happily goes along with whatever I choose to suggest.

However i do make mental notes of anything she refers to as of interest to her and then at various times in the future suggest we go to one of them.

Also learnt that when she does respond with a destination it is a very good idea not to disagree.....why you ask me if you won't go!!!!!!!! followed by the awful silence for the rest of the day.

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Thanks for all the replies,seems I'm not the only one with this problem. As for the UP TO YOU, thats a different story. The first time I came back to Samui to meet her I soon discovered she did'nt like the beach and when I finally talked her into sitting around the pool with me she wrapped herself up in the towel, I just looked at her and shook my head.So the next day I hired a car and after 2 days of UP TO YOU DARLING, at every suggestion I made,on the 3rd day after the usual reply I said NO its up to you today where we go or what we do,I said to her "you live here, you know the island there must be a special place you like to go or somewhere you've always wanted to go to" she thought for a bit then said Tesco's.What could I say, so I spent a loverly day looking at strange food and fruit and ended up in the knicker dept with her feeling all the padded bra's. I must say we had a good lunch there (Thai food). So now I put up with UP TO YOU DARLING>

If you are with the kind of woman whose preference is to shop at TESCO and says she doesnt like to think and this bothers you... GET A NEW WOMAN. This is not a Thai trait, this is a poor uneducated Thai trait, if you cant relate to that kind of woman then find one with higher aspirations than shopping at Tesco all day. I could not be with that kind of woman, but if I did I would instantly know that I am the boss and all decisions are mine to make and she will gladly follow me around all day like a mindless puppy, sound harsh? Its the dayum truth. This isnt the west, do not try to equalise these women, they dont want it. They are quite happy following the mans lead and not thinking too hard about much of anything at all. These are the kinds of women that if you brought to an expensive beach resort, her greatest wish would be to sleep all day in her aircon room and watch Thai tv and eat thai food. ALL DAY. There is no changing that.

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What i feel some posters are trying to say is , Thai are taught not to think because that causes headaches , many Thai ladies have 3 priorities in life



Slurping (eating)

Not neccessarily in that order . :o

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Hi everyone first post today,I first visited Thailand in 2007 and met my Thai girlfriend then, in 2008 I came 3 times throughout the year and stayed for 18 days each time, She is 38 by the way and works in hotel office in Samui. I have lots of questions to ask but will start with this one.

Is this usual for Thai women or just mine, nearly evertime I ask a question I get " I dont know I not think" this applies to if I ask her where she's eating that night,to last November when I came over for her birthday and she had arranged to go for a meal with me and work collegues and up 3 days before the meal when I asked where were we meeting I got the usual reply, in the end I said " for Christ sake you better hurry up and THINK or no one will know where to go for the meal" this did the trick and she picked a restaurant. It's like this all the time and gets on my nerves at times. So my question is, is this normal or just her being sooo laid back. Thanks in advance. Andy.

Western women want to decide everything, thai women wont decide anything :o

Some people are never satisfied :D

Stop giving them money; then they will make a very quick decision

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"Up to you" is really a simple test of how the power is distributed in your relationship, and how you are prepared to deal with power.

Some girls don't want to be your mother away from home, they want you to be a man and take a lead. And, of course, they'll judge you by the choices you make - whether they can adjust to you comfortably or it's too hard for them.

For example, when ordering food, they want YOU to make the right selection that is satisfying to both parties. Can you manage this relatively simple task? It's not really that difficult once you understand what your role is.

And "I don't know I don't think" is a rather honest answer to questions like "what socks should I wear today?"

Basically it means "why are you asking me, I am not your mother, start thinking on your own".

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