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Caddie Scam?


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BEWARE of Caddie No. 161 at Khao Kheow golf club....I am at a complete loss as to understand how this happened..... I removed the scorecard from her top pocket to record the score,and gave her it back....after 9 hoes another caddie turned up an said the other one had a headache....Good! i thought , as the previous one seemed unhappy,and never spoke 1 word... when i finished my round, the manager was waiting with the police, and informed me "you have broken the law of Thailand" " you touch lady" What a suprise,of course I denied it, had 3 witnesses,and another caddie who said I only took the card out of her pocket..Anyway, it cost me 2,000 bht or go to Siracha Stn. she wanted 5,000 at first..... So beware....161. Her name is PRY.

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Very bad of her to do this but it can happen in england and does regular.i have been happy some bar workers have got the police after a stupid farang has groped her but this is different,hope it hasnt put you off golf mate.i could tell a couple of stories about scheming caddies,some are no different than other bad thais.

as they say,just be careful out there because it could cost you.

Edited by patklang
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If you didn't do anything and have got all those witnesses, why did you pay up? That just lets her know it's ok to do it again.

Had he not paid, I suspect this would have spiralled out of control, a Thai not wishing to lose face allows the criminal justice wheels to slowly turn and this poor guy becomes unable to leave the country, is smeared by a criminal trial, and then has to pay a senior copper or prosecutor 100 times the amount to drop the case down the line, or go to trial with the risk of a conviction in this crackpot system. It is at best a lottery even with right on your side.

Pay now, name and shame and get on with your life. You did the right thing.

Edited by sharecropper
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Doesnt sound very fair to me I can understand you are dirty about this......Having said that I personally wouldnt be removing a score card from her top pocket, which no doubt was postioned conviently over her breast....just inviting trouble.

seems expensive to me, you can purchase a whole lot more here with a whole lot less :o

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It sounds like the police are in on the sting and if that is the case then you probably are better paying and putting it down to experience.

I doubt whether the police just turned up on the say so of a golf caddie.

Pathetic really.

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That is pretty nasty, if what you say is true. That's a pretty nice course, if I remember right. It's believable, but you'd think the course wouldn't allow it. I never played with a caddy except here. Is it possible to pay her, but not take her with you? I mean to play golf. That 18th was one hard ho.

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BEWARE of Caddie No. 161 at Khao Kheow golf club....I am at a complete loss as to understand how this happened..... I removed the scorecard from her top pocket to record the score,and gave her it back....after 9 hoes another caddie turned up an said the other one had a headache....Good! i thought , as the previous one seemed unhappy,and never spoke 1 word... when i finished my round, the manager was waiting with the police, and informed me "you have broken the law of Thailand" " you touch lady" What a suprise,of course I denied it, had 3 witnesses,and another caddie who said I only took the card out of her pocket..Anyway, it cost me 2,000 bht or go to Siracha Stn. she wanted 5,000 at first..... So beware....161. Her name is PRY.

This is disgraceful. Do you think that she was assigned to you as a client requiring extras and it seemed to her after a few holes that you didn't? Do you give the impression that you want to play more than golf? I have never heard of such a thing, I am at a loss to understand it. Certainly the golf club is responsible for the caddies they employ, I would expect that she is no longer working there, but just in case; this should be posted on the golf forum for maximum exposure. I would change the title to; 'Beware of Khao Kheow golf course'. Good lord, we may as well be in England, I shall sue the next club where the caddy starts giving me a neck massage uninvited.

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Whew, this is a new one on me...and I thought I had seen everything in caddy behavior. I agree with an earlier poster in that it would seem highly unlikely that a) the golf course manager would call the police in the first place and 2) the police would deign to come all the way out there on the verbal, unsupported complaint of one caddy. There is something not being told here...either that girl is whacko, is in cahoots with the BIB or you overstepped the line with her and she genuinely believed she was molested. Was alcohol involved in any way? Have you had any previous problems at this course or with any other caddies? Would your 3 witnesses present your version of the facts if the case went to court? If so, and there is no hard evidence presented to malign your character, I believe you would win your case, but you'd end up shelling out far more than you already paid the wench. Even if the court awarded damages to you, the caddy couldn't pay up. There is no doubt that something smells pretty rotten here. Every course has its problem children and you found one at KK. Good luck and don't let this spoil your game.

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You did nine "hoes" and then touched her "top pocket"........Hmmmmmm easy to understand where the misunderstanding came from.... :D

:D 2000Bht Mmmmmmm thats only 222.222222 Bht a Hoe, where did he say that club was??? :o

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That's precisely the problem. There are always a few farangs about that engage in the most boorish

behavior that any sort of "claim" or "allegation", is almost believable to the police. Sad to say there is

a bit of unhealthy generalization going-on and you're guilty until proven innocent. Where are the TPV'S? :o

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That's precisely the problem. There are always a few farangs about that engage in the most boorish

behavior that any sort of "claim" or "allegation", is almost believable to the police. Sad to say there is

a bit of unhealthy generalization going-on and you're guilty until proven innocent. Where are the TPV'S? :o

I think they really meant to come but they got lost, because I saw a whole bunch of them driving up and down Walking Street squeezed into a golf cart last night. Maybe they were looking for the course.

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Little dubious about this post?

I have played at KK many, many times, the caddies there are all country girls, unlike some of there more enlightened sisters at courses closer to Pattaya.

A lot of the caddies at KK can certainly be classed as miserable - but then they spend most of there time with either Thai or Korean players.

I have seen people overstep the mark with caddies before, they tend to classify all Thai women the same! as what they meet on there night excursions.

Put it down to experience, keep your head down and move on.........

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Thank you all for you support, I have played golf here for 14yrs and never had a problem before. For the doubting Thomases, there was nothing in my behavior that could be construed as a sexual advance or proposal... The ony reason I paid up, was because I had 2 guys in my car, who would be inconvienced,and 3 guys I played with would have had to go with me to Siracha..And..as we all know....I would have had to pay more to police etc. I felt really pissed off about this, but I will try to put it behind me and hope it never happens again...

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My suggestion to any golfers would be that if you find a good caddie make a note of her number and next time you play at that course, when you make your tee time booking you also book the caddie. I think most courses are receptive to this. I believe it is customary to tip the caddie a little more if you have booked her.

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Be careful at Plutaluang as well.

Played there recently and my friend put his wallet into a zipped pocket in his bag as we were starting the round (he'd already removed all the cash to pay for drinks/ snacks/ tip etc).

When we were loading the car afterwards he went to get his wallet, which was not there (the caddies had already left by then). We went and complained at the admin office, who called down to the caddies, and lo and behold they 'found it' inside the cart! I watched him zip it in his bag (so did the caddies) and he had no reason to remove it during the round.

My theory is that they were hoping he would have got home before he realised, then would have forgotten which caddy it was. Nothing was missing but a blatant attempt at theft IMO.

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BEWARE of Caddie No. 161 at Khao Kheow golf club....I am at a complete loss as to understand how this happened..... I removed the scorecard from her top pocket to record the score,and gave her it back....after 9 hoes another caddie turned up an said the other one had a headache....Good! i thought , as the previous one seemed unhappy,and never spoke 1 word... when i finished my round, the manager was waiting with the police, and informed me "you have broken the law of Thailand" " you touch lady" What a suprise,of course I denied it, had 3 witnesses,and another caddie who said I only took the card out of her pocket..Anyway, it cost me 2,000 bht or go to Siracha Stn. she wanted 5,000 at first..... So beware....161. Her name is PRY.

Played there for 14 years and still don't know the rules about touching Thai women? What the flock were you doing taking the card out of her breast pocket in the first place? Why didn't you ask her to hand it to you? A little bit of farang arrogance, there, if you don't mind me saying so. (I bet you'll be keeping your scorecard in your own pocket from now on -- LOL.)

BTW, understand why you paid up. Been caught in similar situations and I can sympathise with your position. You're stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it doesn't make it any the less galling.

PS: Her name is rather appropriate.


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Sorry don't buy the story at all!!

By reporting you she has put here job on the line and now probably without work.

She wouldn't do that without reason.

Anyway after 14 years in Thailand do you not know it is against the law to touch a girl? wow!

Please remember not every girl in Thailand is a prostitute! If you need a grope I would suggest a trip to walking street!

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Seriously now,why on earth take the card yourself out of the femal caddie's BREAST pocket ??? If you took anything from a breast pocket of a female in the UK or US or anywhere else you'd be in serious problems.I think in all honesty you've only got yourself to blame here. I can't quite believe what your complaining abt.When I play golf which is abt 3 times a week I always stress the scorecard is pinned on the steering wheel so I can consult it at will.

Seriously doubt the ligitimacy of your post.


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BEWARE of Caddie No. 161 at Khao Kheow golf club....I am at a complete loss as to understand how this happened..... I removed the scorecard from her top pocket to record the score,and gave her it back....after 9 hoes another caddie turned up an said the other one had a headache....Good! i thought , as the previous one seemed unhappy,and never spoke 1 word... when i finished my round, the manager was waiting with the police, and informed me "you have broken the law of Thailand" " you touch lady" What a suprise,of course I denied it, had 3 witnesses,and another caddie who said I only took the card out of her pocket..Anyway, it cost me 2,000 bht or go to Siracha Stn. she wanted 5,000 at first..... So beware....161. Her name is PRY.

What the hel_l were you thinking about when you took your card??

You were lucky to get away with only paying out 2000 baht!


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Its downright impolite to "grab" something out of another persons pocket and this goes double for one situated over a womans breast.

To top that off you post on a forum calling it a scam and bitching about the consequences of your own boorish behavior. :o

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Why is it that some people are always ready to believe the bad things and not the truth, The only person who KNOWS what happened is ME...and I am only trying to stop it happening to my fellow golfers. As I was walking, I did 'nt have a steering wheel to put the card on...It was sticking out of her pocket about 1/2 inch...she had a putter in 1 hand and a wedge in the other,so I removed the card(without touching her) put the score down and handed it back to her.I have played golf here without any problems for years, so I am totally mistified how or why this happened.As to groping her....Come on, I know the rules...and she was ugly anyway....I have had a caddie G/F for 4 yrs... I don't really care if you believe me or not...all I am trying to do is stop it happening to anyone else...

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I just wonder why anybody in it's right mind needs a caddy for? I played golf all my life in many countries

I have never ever used a caddy. Now normally the caddy is the one who advices the player what club to

use and so on, most caddies get paid a lot of money by professionals for theyr advise but I guess most

golfers come or live in Thailand are looking for some thing else but advice. I have doesent's of friends

from my former country who come here just to have a good time with the ( female ) caddies. I am not saying this apply to the OP

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Actually I'm with you on this - I've done the same myself, although only with caddies I have used regularly (I think). No groping intended. They've got their hands full with clubs/trolly/beer/umbrella/ball, your buddy asks "Hey what did you score on the 15th", you (carefully) grab the card, no dramas... usually. I sympathise.

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