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Mrs Mb Needs A Wet Suit


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Mrs MB and I have rather foolishly agreed to jump in a swimming pool on Saturday night. The problem is that she is extremely susceptible to the cold and her task would be made considerably more comfortable if she could borrow a ladies wetsuit. If anyone in Chiang Mai is able to help with a loan it would be greatly appreciated.

It is for a good cause

I shall try to play the hard man and do without :o

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Mmmm Mrs MB in a wet suit . . drool drool!

Tell her not to be such a WIMP! Get her to take a cold shower first, then the

water will seem lovely and warm. The pool here is fine this time of the year.


And surely you'll be playing the small man, not the big man :o

Edited by DavidOxon
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Mrs MB and I have rather foolishly agreed to jump in a swimming pool on Saturday night. The problem is that she is extremely susceptible to the cold and her task would be made considerably more comfortable if she could borrow a ladies wetsuit. . . .

I shall try to play the hard man and do without :o

I imagine that, if all takes place as planned, you will have no difficulty whatsoever playing the . . . hard man.

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Yes I like the goosefat idea Steve although I'm not sure she will e too impressed.

What on earth would make you swim the Channel? I hope a charity made a few quid out of it. :o

He's talking about the channel next to the Phucome Hotel. Chicken fat would have done the trick.

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Yes I like the goosefat idea Steve although I'm not sure she will e too impressed.

What on earth would make you swim the Channel? I hope a charity made a few quid out of it. :o

sorry mb, typo there. when i said 'swam the channel' i actually mean 'swam in chanel'. number five. was a fantastic party.

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Do any of the Australians from Neil Pryde (Lamphun) or OnSmooth (Chiangmai - Rip Curl) wetsuit factories drink in your pub? Because of BOI restrictions I don't think they are allowed to sell in Thailand but they may have a "loaner".

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I guess it was that party ontop on the whatnot :o bloody high-so's!

Did you see a guy in a sequin outfit spinning a big lit stick thing? I ask because i caught him last month eyeing up one of our sequined items in my shop... he claimed it was for his one man light show/spinning routine, that he would do at the party ontop on the whatnot. After 5 minutes talking about his incredible LED spinning stick he was having made in CM, im really quite curious to see, if anyone has any pics.

Edited by whiterussian
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Late night dip duly done.

Mrs MB did indeed look sexy but then she usually does :D

My deep abiding thanks to Steve2UK for lending his excellent gear to us.


Wowwwwwwwwwwwww.................... what a sexy pair! :o

If I ever decide to sell my gear, I'll surely want to use these pics for the advert - just need to pop round to Tusker's with the standard Model Release Form for you both to sign, OK? :D

Delighted to have been able to help! :D

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