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So, How Busy Is High Season?


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If this has already been covered, apologies.

Now that high season has arrived, are there really the reduced numbers that they were expecting after the airport closure, or is it business as usual?

If the former, have the hotel prices come down, or is it the usual "less people, put prices up" idiocy?

As I'm still trying to decide whether to retire now or later, the information would be appreciated, thanks.

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I'm in Chiang Mai, but, for us, we were probably selling 75% of normal for this time of year before the idiots took over the airport. We went down to 50% for a few weeks after that, and are back up to something like 65-75% of normal now, but that only started right before Christmas and who knows how long that it will last?

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So you were 25% lower than normal before the PAD demonstration at the airport in BKK and you are 25% lower than normal after as well?

Guess that indicates it might be the economy making itself felt other than the short term drop you had ... :o Glad to know they didn't do any lasting damage!

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So you were 25% lower than normal before the PAD demonstration at the airport in BKK and you are 25% lower than normal after as well?

Guess that indicates it might be the economy making itself felt other than the short term drop you had ... :D Glad to know they didn't do any lasting damage!

So no lasting damage then :o Well best reassure everyone :D

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I would say that it was a combination of the economy and PAD's antics over a period of 3 or 4 months, but the reason that it hurt so much is that the Airport takeover came at the very beginning of the very busiest time of year, which is from the beginning of December till the end of January. That means that almost 1/2 of the most profitable days of the year were much lower than normal.

Still, thing could be worse. :o

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Here in Naklua/Pattaya things look like Business as usual. I would even say a bit better than last year cause I had to wait for a table at my favorite restaurant, that never happened before, also the local cafe "La Bagette" was totally packed today with no free tables at all for hours.

Also I have heard of people having trouble finding rooms at the moment, especially in the 1000-3000 baht range. There are still plenty of rooms in the 200-500 bath range and of cause in the 10,000 to 50,000 bath range :o (yes we do have several of such hotels here)

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Here in Naklua/Pattaya things look like Business as usual. I would even say a bit better than last year cause I had to wait for a table at my favorite restaurant, that never happened before, also the local cafe "La Bagette" was totally packed today with no free tables at all for hours.

Also I have heard of people having trouble finding rooms at the moment, especially in the 1000-3000 baht range. There are still plenty of rooms in the 200-500 bath range and of cause in the 10,000 to 50,000 bath range :o (yes we do have several of such hotels here)

I left Pattaya on December 13. I had been there since October. Many gogos and bars were definitely not crowded. Hotels were charging high season rates while 50% full. Spent three days in Bangkok and saw the same thing. The only dead place was Sukothai. I went up there for two days to see the old ruins. It was worth the trip. The hotels were not great, but one guesthouse that was fairly quiet was cheap. Heck, I think there were three guests there. Maybe 10% full!

I didn't give a dam_n about PAD. But the whole thing did hilight the fact that the military is in charge of the country. They overthrew Thaksin and tossed out the constitution and then submitted their own. Since they keep tossing out the constitution instead of using a defined procedure to change it, they convinced me to not ever put any significant money into the country. That and the recent 30 down to 15 day visa change made what was an easy one day van ride to the border now involve a lot more time, and effort and money to get to an airport and fly to another airport and back. I just got disgusted with the whole mess and elected to not make one more (my second) visa run and stay into January.

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Most tourists had already booked their trips before MAD PAD SAD days at the airport.

So there should be very little effect on numbers this season. But - if peoples memories are in gear - there may be a change nxt figh season,

Was in Pattaya for the weekend and bought a ticket back to Vietnam at half-price in my local bucket-shop (Bri'n'joy) on Thai Air.

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I am staying here for over 2 yrs and I think all is down, traffic, crowds in bars and entertainment places, some hotel doing fine, some not. If I have to estimate I would say that there are 20 - 30 % less visitors this high season.

South Pattaya seems to be more busy than Naklua for example.

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Thanks for the replies. Given that the hotel prices are not coming down, I guess that I won't be rushing over soon

Hotel prices have come down, and surely if they havent you can always bargain. I belive that they will eventually have to lower their rates. The truth is, this high season for Pattaya has been wiped off the calander for the year 2008-2009. So, yes hotel rates and basicly things have not risen up like the normal high season. I actually think its time to rush over and enjoy the beach city without the normal high season crowd. Well depends on your time and budget. :o

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been here 5 years and the bars are very quiet,but i think this is due to the gbp/baht currency exchange .seems to be plenty of people walking but nobody wants to spend,other than some gogo bars in wlaking st,which i dont go to as this is a touristy area.

all in all nice and quiet for me but not good for owners.prices for drink/food seems to be on the up though.

Edited by patklang
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been here 5 years and the bars are very quiet,but i think this is due to the gbp/baht currency exchange .seems to be plenty of people walking but nobody wants to spend,other than some gogo bars in wlaking st,which i dont go to as this is a touristy area.

all in all nice and quiet for me but not good for owners.prices for drink/food seems to be on the up though.

I agree many places are very quiet but prices are on the rise. I went to villa and certain items up 15%, bars have raised their prices by the same margin. But the good side is a couple of bars have reduced prices. Boscos below Ali Baba is very cheap and I believe Rosies have cut their prices to attract more customers, good on u.

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Well, thanks for the replies.

Was reading another post about how much needed to live well, and as most were saying it takes at least 60,000 baht a month that really leaves me out of the game.

I have calculated that at current exchange rate ( and who knows how much further it will fall ) I can only afford 30,000 per month, which is enough to get by, but eliminates the main reason for going there.

So guess it'll be the holiday in April, and keep working!

Oh well ,as they say, "life's a bitch and then....."

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Well, thanks for the replies.

Was reading another post about how much needed to live well, and as most were saying it takes at least 60,000 baht a month that really leaves me out of the game.

I have calculated that at current exchange rate ( and who knows how much further it will fall ) I can only afford 30,000 per month, which is enough to get by, but eliminates the main reason for going there.

So guess it'll be the holiday in April, and keep working!

Oh well ,as they say, "life's a bitch and then....."

All though I don't personally, you should be able to live well in Pattaya for far less than 60K per month. If you get a cheap room/apartment for about 5,000/month and don't eat out at expensive restaurants you should be able to cut that in half.

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This is the quietest I have seen Pattaya.

Guys that sell the watches, dvd's, belts and others etc tell me they are hurting, no buyers. Friend who has a bar in the Simon Complex, Walking street. Mentions that takings have dropped right off?

Pretty much sums it up. High season has the flying characteristic's of a brick?

Read the local papers, greater incidences of Thai on Thai violence. Money is getting tight?

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This is the quietest I have seen Pattaya.

Are you serious? There's a lot of tourists around right now. Were you not here around the time of the airport closure?...that was a quiet time, but not now.

Beer bars and other bars do not profit from the "real" tourists, so using beer bars and other sex trade related industries can give a false indication on how the tourist trade is going in general. Pattaya is going through a transformation that will not help the sex trade.

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This is the quietest I have seen Pattaya.

Are you serious? There's a lot of tourists around right now. Were you not here around the time of the airport closure?...that was a quiet time, but not now.

Beer bars and other bars do not profit from the "real" tourists, so using beer bars and other sex trade related industries can give a false indication on how the tourist trade is going in general. Pattaya is going through a transformation that will not help the sex trade.

Dream on!

And what Sex trade? Who is trading whom?

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I'd say this is the best year ever to travel in Thailand because it will never get any cheaper and on top it's not too crowded :o

One good thing that came with the closure of the airport is that us Thais can finally travel at reasonable price!! Bad news for you guys really good promotions are for thai residents only. Anyway i still don't see hotels in popular locations giving much discounts. Or they do from like a crazy 10,000 bahts a night to 8,000 bahts a night thank you very much!! These hotels are usually overbooked during high season but this year I heard it's like 50-70% occupancy rate for most hotels. The way room rates were going up I think it's good to put on a break sometimes.

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I agree , you must be using the ONLY currency that is NOT devalued against the Baht by an average of 30 - 35%.........Please tell us all what it is

I counted 9 Bars shut down permanently on one Baht Bus ride the other day ....BUT.. even when I extended my hotel stay by a month there was no drop in price. ( I am stuck for on going out patient minor medical treatment)

This is an expensive time to travel to Pattaya/Thailand.............

It will be interesting to see what happens when the Govt. here uses up their foreign currency for foreign debt & start using the Baht... :o


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