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How To Close A Bag Of Bread Or Save From Getting Stale


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I find it incredulous that there are people are so lacking in common sense that they need to post on an open forum to get advice on such a simple thing. JEEZ its not exactly rocket science! You have ripped the bag it came in so it stands to reason the first option is to place it in another bag you can seal!

How did you survive this long ? Did Mummy do everything for you ? Amazing :o

I bad mommy helped him the first time to put on a condom.

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Don't get the airtight bag with holes thing. Wouldn't that be impossible? :D

You're a bright one, UG! :D

It sounded strange when YOU said it, but could be a Goretex kind of thing. There are new innovations every single day. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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............. an airtight bag ; use the type with holes in.

"An airtight bag with holes in". That's a new one on me. Is this a little known scientific breakthrough?

These bags actually exist and are similar to Gortex, the stuff used in hiking boots.

The holes are big enough to let out good molecules of air but to small to let in the larger bad air molecules.

Durex uses a similar material in its manufacturing of budget condoms. Sensation cannot get in while the little wrigglers can easily slip thru the net.

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Title:Plastic bag with air exhaustion valve Document Type and Number:United States Patent 4532652

Abstract:An air-exhausting flexible plastic bag is provided which comprises a flexible film defining the bag, a closure means for air-tightly closing the bag, and a one-way air valve for exhausting air from the bag when closed. The valve uses the flexible film of the bag as a flapper, which seats against a backing member adhered to an inner surface of the flexible film except at regions of the film surrounding venting holes therein.


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Don't get the airtight bag with holes thing. Wouldn't that be impossible? :D

You're a bright one, UG! :D

It sounded strange when YOU said it, but could be a Goretex kind of thing. There are new innovations every single day. :o

And "old" innovations somewhat less often........ :D

[ :D UG - couldn't resist this one!]

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Don't get the airtight bag with holes thing. Wouldn't that be impossible? :D

You're a bright one, UG! :D

It sounded strange when YOU said it, but could be a Goretex kind of thing. There are new innovations every single day. :o

And "old" innovations somewhat less often........ :wai:

[ :D UG - couldn't resist this one!]

OK, we've beat up on UG enough....time for a group hug. :D

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I still don't get your point. "New" innovations is a very common phrase and used all of the time. :o

Very common, I agree - but still tautology: "a tautology is an unnecessary (and usually unintentional) repetition of meaning, using different words that effectively say the same thing twice" [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tautology_(rhetoric) ]. By definition, an innovation must be new - derives from the Latin adjective "novus/nova/novum"* meaning "new". I know you meant "more", "further", "fresh" etc.

You're in good company; there's a very good financial journalist on BBC World who frequently says "and also as well.......".

Count me in for the group hug :D .

[* Yep, I know - the perils of a classical education!]

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