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Ebay And Tax Etc In Thaland

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Hi, I am soon to return to Thailand from the UK in February and have a fairly successful shop on e-bay.

I already have a Thai bank account that accepts paypal payments and account will be altered as such on e-bay & paypal on my return.

I sell lightweight items and when sending from UK to US etc. mark on customs as 'gift' and value not so much.

Does anyone know if I can still operate my shop in Thailand, and the implications regarding tax etc ?

Many thanks in advance, Steve.

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Mrs H2O used to run 2 Ebay shops from here. I used to spend many an hour in the post office sending small parcels. Got to know the people there very well. Never had any problems at all. The occasional parcel never arrived but nothing major. Go for it :o

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Thanks, Not sure whether to branch out into Thai goods or not, or stick to what I sell now. Know any good selling Thai items ?

Cheers, Steve

Research your market is the best advice I can give. What are you selling now? Perhaps if we knew that we could be of more assistance.

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