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Israeli Man Gets Life For Murdering Wife In Bkk


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Israeli man gets life imprisonment for murdering wife in Bangkok

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - An Israeli man was sentenced to life imprisonment Thursday for knifing his wife and dismembering her body before tossing it into a river in Thailand.

Eli Maimon Cohen had earlier pleaded guilty to murder in court after signing a confession and had faced a death penalty.

His wife Carol's torso was found in February stuffed into a travel bag and floating in a Bangkok river. Her head, legs and arms were recovered later in a canal.

Cohen, 37, was arrested Feb. 24 after he filed a missing person's report for his wife at the Israeli Embassy.

Police detained Cohen after hotel staff in Bangkok reported finding a bloodstained towel in their room. A hotel video surveillance camera showed them with a travel bag similar to the one found in the river, according to police reports.

Cohen said through an interpreter that he would not seek an appeal but will ask to be repatriated to Israel after serving four years of his sentence in Thailand.

The court said not enough evidence had been produced to sentence Cohen on charges of premeditated murder. He had killed his wife, who was stabbed 30 times, in a moment of passion, the court said.

In Israel, the victim's aunt protested that Cohen did not get the death penalty.

"Today is a black day, a sad day,'' Simha Saig told Israel Radio. "I expected the law would give us satisfaction. If you encourage murderers it is a real shame.''

--AP 2004-12-30

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"Today is a black day, a sad day,'' Simha Saig told Israel Radio. "I expected the law would give us satisfaction. If you encourage murderers it is a real shame.''

--AP 2004-12-30

The life sentence does not do that?

She wants the old biblical "Eye for an eye".

Does Israel still have a death penalty?

If not, why expect it here?

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  • 9 months later...


Wife killer’s jail term cut

Published on October 05, 2005

The Appeals Court has reduced the sentence of an Israeli man convicted of killing and dismembering his wife in Bangkok last year to 34 years in prison.

Eli Maimon Cohen, 35, was convicted of stabbing Carol Cohen, 26, to death in a hotel room before dismembering her and disposing of her body parts in several of the capital’s canals on February 23 and 24, 2004.

Cohen first claimed innocence. Later he pleaded guilty to murder in the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court, but denied that the act was premeditated.

The Israeli man was sentenced to death last December. In return for his confession, the sentence of capital punishment was reduced to life imprisonment.

Cohen then appealed to have his sentence reduced further.

Although the Appeals Court yesterday ruled that Cohen was guilty of premeditated murder, it decided to reduce his life sentence to 34 years in prison, again citing the man’s confession.

Following the verdict, Cohen submitted a statement to the court in which he said accepted the sentence and would not appeal to the Supreme Court.

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Guest George Bush

Wife killer’s jail term cut

Published on October 05, 2005

The Appeals Court has reduced the sentence of an Israeli man convicted of killing and dismembering his wife in Bangkok last year to 34 years in prison.

Eli Maimon Cohen, 35, was convicted of stabbing Carol Cohen, 26, to death in a hotel room before dismembering her and disposing of her body parts in several of the capital’s canals on February 23 and 24, 2004.

Cohen first claimed innocence. Later he pleaded guilty to murder in the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court, but denied that the act was premeditated.

The Israeli man was sentenced to death last December. In return for his confession, the sentence of capital punishment was reduced to life imprisonment.

Cohen then appealed to have his sentence reduced further.

Although the Appeals Court yesterday ruled that Cohen was guilty of premeditated murder, it decided to reduce his life sentence to 34 years in prison, again citing the man’s confession and generous donation.

Following the verdict, Cohen submitted a statement to the court in which he said accepted the sentence and would not appeal to the Supreme Court.

To be continued..........

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I'd bet good money that he's allowed to serve the rest of his sentence out in Israel eventually. I don't think anyone buys the fact that this wasn't premeditated murder. It takes some real hatred to dismember someone like that. Then again if you've been around Jewish women for any length of time you can kind of understand what motivated this man.

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. Then again if you've been around Jewish women for any length of time you can kind of understand what motivated this man.

Mmmmm some might think consider this remark to be chauvinistic and/or anti semetic. At least have some respect for the poor lady who was butchered by this guy. To cast aspersions like this is in very poor taste and says more about your lack of moral character than it does about hers just because she was jewish


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Wife killer’s jail term cut

Published on October 05, 2005

The Appeals Court has reduced the sentence of an Israeli man convicted of killing and dismembering his wife in Bangkok last year to 34 years in prison.

Eli Maimon Cohen, 35, was convicted of stabbing Carol Cohen, 26, to death in a hotel room before dismembering her and disposing of her body parts in several of the capital’s canals on February 23 and 24, 2004.

Cohen first claimed innocence. Later he pleaded guilty to murder in the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court, but denied that the act was premeditated.

The Israeli man was sentenced to death last December. In return for his confession, the sentence of capital punishment was reduced to life imprisonment.

Cohen then appealed to have his sentence reduced further.

Although the Appeals Court yesterday ruled that Cohen was guilty of premeditated murder, it decided to reduce his life sentence to 34 years in prison, again citing the man’s confession.

Following the verdict, Cohen submitted a statement to the court in which he said accepted the sentence and would not appeal to the Supreme Court.

Too bad he wasn't actually innocent:Then they could have given him a life sentence.


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Not enough evidence - takes a lot of thought dicing your wife up, packing her in suitcase, and then tossing the remains in the river?

No Transfer - let him spend his time in a thai jail.  :o

I agree it would be harsher but why should the Thai's have to foot the bill for looking after this guy, for the next 34 years or so?

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" I'd bet good money that he's allowed to serve the rest of his sentence out in Israel eventually. I don't think anyone buys the fact that this wasn't premeditated murder. It takes some real hatred to dismember someone like that. Then again if you've been around Jewish women for any length of time you can kind of understand what motivated this man."

really can you understand what motivated this man.... don't try to talk smart... nothing excuses violence

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Dismembering does not mean pre-meditated. He could have killed her in a fit of passion.

Interesting that courts distinguish betweent the two - like one is not so bad as the other.

Now, is he going to prison for punishment, or to remove him from society as he is a danger? This is something that legal systems world wide have never resolved.

I have spoken about Thai prisons before, so I will summarise this time:

Thai prison is not that bad - many inmates refuse to be transferred as prisons in Western countries are often a lot worse, especially in the US.

In Thailand prisons are safe from violence from inmates or guards. There is a lot of freedon within the compounds. Many goods can be sent through to the inmates making thier lives much better.

Bad points: bad food unless you have someone to supply you from the outside. Hot and overcrowded. The main complaint is boredom - there is nothing to do. (prisoners appreciate books, especially educational ones).

The other main complaint is the lack of parole, since only the King can reduce sentance, or have them released.

'Lifers' are eligible for transfer to their home country after 8 years, so long as their country has a transfer agreement (S Africa, Nepal, Nigeria are some exceptions) There, they are generally resentanced according to the home country's standard, which means release for many of the drug convicts. British transfers are generally made to serve at least half their sentance, and there is little hope for furthur reductions after transfer. Thus there are quite a few brits staying in prison without applying for transfer.

Edited by Pandit
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. Then again if you've been around Jewish women for any length of time you can kind of understand what motivated this man.

Mmmmm some might think consider this remark to be chauvinistic and/or anti semetic. At least have some respect for the poor lady who was butchered by this guy. To cast aspersions like this is in very poor taste and says more about your lack of moral character than it does about hers just because she was jewish


It is chauvanist and stereotypical but not anti-semetic. Every race/culture has stereotypes nad most of them are funny. The Jewish woman/mother is an old one, the whinging brit another, the gun toting yanks another.

Too many people play the race card. If you line people up in a concentration camp that can be racist/anti-semitic. To make a joke about jewish women (which jewish men are famed for doing) is not.

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