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What's It Like To Be Israeli In Thailand?


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Mods, this thread is about Thailand.

I've noticed many Thai restaurants and hotels with big signs reading NO ISRAELIS!

I wonder what it feels like for the average Israeli traveling here. Usually they are in large, obnoxious groups so maybe they barely even realize where they are, insulated by their own.

If I was Israeli traveling internationally, I would go out of my way to be polite, courteous and quiet. After all, most of the world hates your government.

So why does it seem that so many seem to go out of their way to be rude and loud, to the point that even the Thais finally say enough is enough, NO ISRAELIS. And if you were one of the chosen people and God promised this land to you that is so great and worth killing everyone for, then why would you ever leave that place?

I used to be pretty open minded. But like the Thai restaurant owner with the sign in the window, I'm no longer quite so understanding.

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Mods, this thread is about Thailand.

I've noticed many Thai restaurants and hotels with big signs reading NO ISRAELIS!

I wonder what it feels like for the average Israeli traveling here. Usually they are in large, obnoxious groups so maybe they barely even realize where they are, insulated by their own.

If I was Israeli traveling internationally, I would go out of my way to be polite, courteous and quiet. After all, most of the world hates your government. (500 babies killed is okay as long as some 'terrorists' lost their lives too).

So why does it seem that so many seem to go out of their way to be rude and loud, to the point that even the Thais finally say enough is enough, NO ISRAELIS. And if you were one of the chosen people and God promised this land to you that is so great and worth killing everyone for, then why would you ever leave that place?

I used to be pretty open minded. But like the Thai restaurant owner with the sign in the window, I'm no longer quite so understanding.

It appears you are from Chiang Mai. Can you take few photos of these signs and post them here? No camera you say? ok, we will all take your word for it. :o

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Mods, this thread is about Thailand.

I've noticed many Thai restaurants and hotels with big signs reading NO ISRAELIS!

I wonder what it feels like for the average Israeli traveling here. Usually they are in large, obnoxious groups so maybe they barely even realize where they are, insulated by their own.

If I was Israeli traveling internationally, I would go out of my way to be polite, courteous and quiet. After all, most of the world hates your government. (500 babies killed is okay as long as some 'terrorists' lost their lives too).

So why does it seem that so many seem to go out of their way to be rude and loud, to the point that even the Thais finally say enough is enough, NO ISRAELIS. And if you were one of the chosen people and God promised this land to you that is so great and worth killing everyone for, then why would you ever leave that place?

I used to be pretty open minded. But like the Thai restaurant owner with the sign in the window, I'm no longer quite so understanding.

i am no Israeli nor a real fan of Israel but if Arabs didn't want me in their restaurants that's up to them and no problem, their restaurants, their rules.

Myself, i wouldn't go in any of them since i don't like the majority of them, they are pretty rude and treat the girls terribly from my observations.

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I used to be pretty open minded. But like the Thai restaurant owner with the sign in the window, I'm no longer quite so understanding.

It appears you are from Chiang Mai. Can you take few photos of these signs and post them here? No camera you say? ok, we will all take your word for it. :o

Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. My post was completely made up, part of a vast conspiracy against the state of Israel. Google must be in on it too:


A sign at the entrance to a hotel on a Thai island reads: “ISRAELI NATIONALITY (sic) is not welcome to stay in this hotel, because they are problem makers. We cannot accept their behavior.”

This is also the unwritten policy of several other hotels in the Far East and on the Greek Islands.


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I've never seen a 'No Israeli' sign anywhere before. I don't eat in Arab restaurants though. I only generally eat English and Indian food.

Seriously though I was traveling around Egypt / Israel and it was a breath of fresh air when I walked across the border at Taba. It's like a modern day oasis in the middle of a garbage dump.

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The OP was talking about thai restuarants not arab restaurants.I have heard too that many thai guest houses put the same sign up.I doubt if it has anything to do with the israeli/arab conflict,more to do with their rude and obnoxious attitude.As more indians come to thailand you may find the same thing happening to them too with regards to thai restuarants/guest houses.

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Israelis are "rude" and "obnoxious?"  Where?

I get my massages at a hotel near Koh San where the majority of the guests are Israeli, and I have to say, they seem pretty much exactly like any other group of guests.

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A sign at the entrance to a hotel on a Thai island reads: “ISRAELI NATIONALITY (sic) is not welcome to stay in this hotel, because they are problem makers. We cannot accept their behavior.”

This is also the unwritten policy of several other hotels in the Far East and on the Greek Islands.

Nice sign, looks like a very up-scale establishment.

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I have seen the no Arabs signs in Patong many a time

I asked one shop keeper why? and he explained that when the arabs go into the shops they fiddle with everything and break things then refuse to pay...

With regards to Israelis alot of hotels do not want then in because they are so LOAD and rude.

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Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. My post was completely made up, part of a vast conspiracy against the state of Israel. Google must be in on it too:


A sign at the entrance to a hotel on a Thai island reads: "ISRAELI NATIONALITY (sic) is not welcome to stay in this hotel, because they are problem makers. We cannot accept their behavior."

This is also the unwritten policy of several other hotels in the Far East and on the Greek Islands.

Nothing new there. My girlfriend always refuses to rent a room or a motorbike to Israelis and I know several people on the Island who do the same.

In my shop, I would also love to put a sign saying NO ISRAELIS but I'm afraid that some peoples would break the window or something like that.

They are the worst customers I've ever seen, they always try to avoid paying for what they use, are rude, loud, and most of them are really aggressive as well. The funny thing is that it is not a minority who behave like that, but 95% are trouble makers(in my experience).

I was not prejudiced against them before coming to Thailand, but after seeing how most of them behave, I understand why they are not welcome in most countries.

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Israelis are "rude" and "obnoxious?"  Where?

I get my massages at a hotel near Koh San where the majority of the guests are Israeli, and I have to say, they seem pretty much exactly like any other group of guests.

While I do not agree about the signage or discrimination you should get out more. I have sen some amazingly obnoxious couples who for whatever reason thought they were royalty while on a shoestring budget. Unless you are directly affected it is more humorous than anything else and all part of the adventure of traveling the world.

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Now let's see. We have statements by a couple of TV members that Israeli tourists are obnoxious and/or that they have seen signs to that effect. We have a photo of a sign which we are told is in a guesthouse/hotel that states No Israelis welcome and we have claims that these signs are wide spread (we also have a counter claim that one member has never seen such a sign. Make that two, because I've never seen one either).

Added to this we have other members posting on the subject of signs banning the entrance of people of Arabic origin.

On the flip side we can open the pages of our newspapers, or log on to our favorite online news source were, under the heading of 'Foreigner makes a right arse of himself' Israelis are conspicuous by their absence. One other nationality however excels in getting the honors for ill mannered, and often illegal behavior, not just in Thailand, but globally.

So what do we have here?

It seems we have a post discussing discrimination against people of Israeli/Arabic origin.

The internet offers anonymity while on the other hand offering a grand stage for people to display their tiny minds.

Petty prejudice and tiny minded ignorance, is that what we can look forward to here on TV?

Edited by GuestHouse
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"sign at the entrance to a hotel on a Thai island reads: “ISRAELI NATIONALITY (sic) is not welcome to stay in this hotel, because they are problem makers. We cannot accept their behavior.”

"A hotel". Not a bunch. Not a "wide spread" phenomenon. One hotel. Wow.

And a taped up sign (which wasn't in the article) that could have come from almost any part of the world.

This is just a troll thread to try and stir up anti-Israeli sentiment, while COMPLETELY ignoring the actions of the other side that lead up to this most recent non-Thai related conflict.

Quite pathetic really. :o

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Now let's see. We have statements by a couple of TV members that Israeli tourists are obnoxious and/or that they have seen signs to that effect. We have a photo of a sign which we are told is in a guesthouse/hotel that states No Israelis welcome and we have claims that these signs are wide spread (we also have a counter claim that one member has never seen such a sign. Make that two, because I've never seen one either).

Added to this we have other members posting on the subject of signs banning the entrance of people of Arabic origin.

On the flip side we can open the pages of our newspapers, or log on to our favorite online news source were, under the heading of 'Foreigner makes a right arse of himself' Israelis are conspicuous by their absence. One other nationality however excels in getting the honors for ill mannered, and often illegal behavior, not just in Thailand, but globally.

So what do we have here?

It seems we have a post discussing discrimination against people of Israeli/Arabic origin.

The internet offers anonymity while on the other hand offering a grand stage for people to display their tiny minds.

Petty prejudice and tiny minded ignorance, is that what we can look forward to here on TV?

What would you have us discuss GH, possible ideas for renaming the country hub-land?

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Here in Haad Rin, depending the month, 30/80% of our customers are Israeli. We happy to serve and to deal with them, not a problem, they are the customer that give the best tip and make my staff very happy.

I don't agree with israeli politic (Gaza) but this doesn't mean I dont serve them.

Just stop with prejudices and subtle racism!!

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What would you have us discuss GH, possible ideas for renaming the country hub-land?

That would at least be Thailand related, and if you could manage to discuss the subject with some modicum of intelligence or insight, you might have something to say that is worth reading.

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I'm part Jewish but not Israeli and I must admit a lot of Israelis are cheap, obnoxious, and aggressive but I think that's more a Mediterranean/middle-eastern thing than exclusively israeli. Indians can be pretty bad too. It's usually a trait of peoples that come from hotter, urban and crowded countries. I've never seen a no-israeli sign either. The anti-israeli sentiment of many continental europeans (brits excluded :o ) is just as irritating too, but i guess it's the big in-vouge thing now in europe and liberal universities around the world to be a 'brave' contrarian and talk about the evils of israel. just don't emotionally generalize too much about any nationality and it's a safe bet you'll keep yourself from looking like an small-minded idiot.

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this nasty thread should really be closed down and not left to run for hundreds of posts like the recent thread about africans.

standards , that visa , standards.

hard to maintain i know considering the quality of so many of the posts these days , but surely not impossible.

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Thailand and Israel established formal diplomatic relations in March of 1954 and have enjoyed unmarred, close and cordial ties ever since. Israel opened its first Embassy in Bangkok only three years later, in November of 1957. In 1988, Thailand opened a Commercial Office in Tel Aviv and in 1992, Thailand established Honorary Consulates both in Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Royal Thai Embassy first opened in Tel Aviv some four years later in 1996. H.E. Mr. Ronarong Nopakhun was Thailand's first Ambassador to Israel, followed by H.E. Mr. Domedej Bunnag and the currently serving Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Kasivat Paruggamanont. Responding to the needs of an increasing Thai worker population in Israel, the Labour Office was opened in Tel Aviv a year later in 1997.


As for Thailand, Israel is the second largest importer of Thai products in the Middle East after the United Arab Emirates - Israel ranks as Thailand's 25th top export market in the world.


The total number of Israeli tourists traveling to Thailand has increased steadily in the past few years. Last year, approximately 100,000 Israeli tourists traveled to Thailand - this represented more than 50% of the total number of tourists from the Middle East in 2002 (215,148). Thailand has become a well-favored vacation destination for Israelis, and the frequent and direct flights between Tel Aviv and Bangkok continue to support this trend.

I, too, have never seen a sign anywhere discriminating Israeli's. On my last trip over here, we had a stop-over in Egypt and I have to say, our group (Indian/Thai/ English), had a wonderful time because they were so hospitable to us.

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What would you have us discuss GH, possible ideas for renaming the country hub-land?

That would at least be Thailand related, and if you could manage to discuss the subject with some modicum of intelligence or insight, you might have something to say that is worth reading.

Is that a flame GH, a bit early in the day in Saudi for that isn't it. Did you wake up on the wrong side of your prayer mat?

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Mods, this thread is about Thailand.

I've noticed many Thai restaurants and hotels with big signs reading NO ISRAELIS!


I used to be pretty open minded. But like the Thai restaurant owner with the sign in the window, I'm no longer quite so understanding.

Shop, Guesthouse, Hotel Owners displaying such signs - doesn't matter which national is targeted should be taken to justice - license revoked etc. - it's plain racism!

.... if not, in this particular case, plain Anti-Semitism!

Ever had to deal with a bunch of indians? :o

If not able to deal with the mannerism's of certain people - don't get a job serving the public!

Edited by Samuian
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Now let's see. We have statements by a couple of TV members that Israeli tourists are obnoxious and/or that they have seen signs to that effect. We have a photo of a sign which we are told is in a guesthouse/hotel that states No Israelis welcome and we have claims that these signs are wide spread (we also have a counter claim that one member has never seen such a sign. Make that two, because I've never seen one either).

Added to this we have other members posting on the subject of signs banning the entrance of people of Arabic origin.

On the flip side we can open the pages of our newspapers, or log on to our favorite online news source were, under the heading of 'Foreigner makes a right arse of himself' Israelis are conspicuous by their absence. One other nationality however excels in getting the honors for ill mannered, and often illegal behavior, not just in Thailand, but globally.

So what do we have here?

It seems we have a post discussing discrimination against people of Israeli/Arabic origin.

The internet offers anonymity while on the other hand offering a grand stage for people to display their tiny minds.

Petty prejudice and tiny minded ignorance, is that what we can look forward to here on TV?

What would you have us discuss GH, possible ideas for renaming the country hub-land?

its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

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it seems that Middle easterners, Indians and Israelis have become the recent scapegoat of many Europeans for their own economic failure.

"They are taking all the jobs"

"They can get a loan but I cant"

etc etc

I am sure these are the same people "disturbed" by all the Thais driving nice cars. "They must be up to their ears in debt!"

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its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

yeah, when you make comments like 95% of Israelis are obnoxious, that is pretty much the definition of racism, of course, unless it is true.... which I think it is pretty clear that it is not.

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its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

yeah, when you make comments like 95% of Israelis are obnoxious, that is pretty much the definition of racism, of course, unless it is true.... which I think it is pretty clear that it is not.

maybe your definition.I dont remember quoting 95%.dont be so sensitive.if people went off at say aussies or the poms would i care,no!cos i'd probably agree with what was said.............too many PC liberals around,get a life.

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