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How big a problem are they both in Bangkok and then on the islands?

If i use anti-insect stuff, am I still likely to be bitten?

If i am bitten, how likely am I get get dengue fever?

Don't want to be ill for my entire holiday.


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How big a problem are they both in Bangkok and then on the islands?

Big problem.

If i use anti-insect stuff, am I still likely to be bitten?


If i am bitten, how likely am I get get dengue fever?

Not very likely but it could happen.

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The risk is higher during or after wet or rainy season (September to November or so) than during dry season.

Maybe in February to March the risk getting lower.

I had 1 time Dengue, I am not kidding. PARACETAMOL tablets working relatively well in case of Dengue.

But boy, I hope you will not get it!

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id say stay in around 5,6,7 oclock..well thats when they bite me. just before we came here we went to a camping store in the uk and asked for the strongest mosquito repellant they had the gave us 100 deet stuff, and yip still bitten.

hate the little buggers so much, its the itch afterwards, so cover up when the sky turns pinky/orange and stock up on the tiger balm for after they bite you :o (i find menthol one works best but thats just me)

oh and dont bring perfume/aftershave will just attract them more.

this may work.....


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Ok so avoid early evening and also Feb sounds like a good time to go.

Does anyone have any stats on how likely it is that if you are bitten, you will get dengue? how often do people tend to get bitten? is it a couple of times a day? i just don't want to get bitten on the first day and spend a week paranoid about getting it.

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Ok so avoid early evening and also Feb sounds like a good time to go.

Does anyone have any stats on how likely it is that if you are bitten, you will get dengue? how often do people tend to get bitten? is it a couple of times a day? i just don't want to get bitten on the first day and spend a week paranoid about getting it.

Here's a link to a news article from February 17 last year, you may find it of interest.


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This sounds a bit surprising too:

"type: Japanese B encephalitis

While a rare disease in travellers, at least 50,000 locals are infected each year. This viral disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Most cases occur in rural areas and vaccination is recommended for travellers spending more than one month outside of cities. There is no treatment, and a third of infected people will die while another third will suffer permanent brain damage. Thailand is a high-risk area."

If there is a vaccine, why are 16,666 people still dying every year.

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There is a difference between 12 years and one month. If i was planning to visit for 12 years, I would have no concerns. Being ill with dengue for a month of a 12 year period is insignificant. Being ill for a month with dengue on a months holiday is of more concern.

Having had no experience of any country with mosquitos, I'm just hoping to learn a bit here. Ideally I would like to know how often a mosquito bite will cause a fever / dengue and how often it will just be an itchy bite that doesn't do anything to you. I would imagine 99% of bites don't do anything? I hope so anyway but seek confirmation. Thanks.

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There is a difference between 12 years and one month. If i was planning to visit for 12 years, I would have no concerns. Being ill with dengue for a month of a 12 year period is insignificant. Being ill for a month with dengue on a months holiday is of more concern.

Having had no experience of any country with mosquitos, I'm just hoping to learn a bit here. Ideally I would like to know how often a mosquito bite will cause a fever / dengue and how often it will just be an itchy bite that doesn't do anything to you. I would imagine 99% of bites don't do anything? I hope so anyway but seek confirmation. Thanks.

Which country are you from? Whilst disease isn't always a problem, very few countries are mosquito free.

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Do you have a fear of being run over by buses as well. You've heard about the mosquitos, wait till you see the bus drivers in Thailand. My advice is to stay indoors in your own country and try not to venture outside too much. Life is a risky business.

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On average, how many times in one month would a tourist spending their time split evenly between islands and cities expect to be bitten.


I doubt someone has done a study on that... I could be wrong of course.

Why don't you just chill out a bit, if you're that paranoid you're not going to have much of a good time anyway. Some people get bitten more than others, some not at all. Wear socks and long sleeved tops on an evening, will probably reduce your chances.

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When you get to Thailand buy a can of Raid insect killer and when you book into your room spray it thoroughly.

Then go outside to a pharmacy and buy some insect repellent (I always use Go yor sip hah), it is a Thai brand which is either a white bottle or you can buy as a wipe (like a baby wipe). It comes in a white bottle/packet with a blue triangle with a mosquito on it and a number 15 (hence sip hah).

When going out on a night time always wear long pants and socks, and, preferably a long sleeved shirt. If you do not want to cover up so much then apply the insect repellent. This is the best stuff I have found and I have used lots of different types of remedies and I never get bitten with this stuff. Also try and sit next to fans or in well ventilated areas.

Also when sleeping if you have a room with a fan then direct the fan towards yourself and switch the fan on.

I really wouldn't worry about catching anything to serious from mosquito's, however they can leave some very unsightly marks where bitten if you have a reaction to them.


Edited by johnsurin
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You will be more in danger of getting the shitters from eating food than getting malaria or dengue from mosquito bites :D

You should also buy one of these mosquito killer tennis rackets (99 Baht any shop)

Not a single mosquito survives our bedroom at night with the gf chasing them until the last one get shot.

And no, no mosquito net required after that war :o

Edited by tartempion
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How big a problem are they both in Bangkok and then on the islands?

If i use anti-insect stuff, am I still likely to be bitten?

If i am bitten, how likely am I get get dengue fever?

Don't want to be ill for my entire holiday.

Several years ago a friend said, "Maybe I'll go to Thailand with you next summer." "No," I replied. He was offended. I explained that he could never relax and enjoy himself because he would be constantly concerned with general hygiene considerations in Thailand. As I have read the conversations throughout this thread, I would put you in the same general category. You are worried to death...almost literally...about mosquitoes in Thailand. Don't come...you will never be able to relax due to your obsessive worry. I truly suggest you stick to Western nations. You will be happier there.

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There are mosquitoes in Western countries too... If the OP is so worried he should get a course of Malarone from his doctor.

Surely this is only effective against Malaria which the OP does not appear to have started worrying about yet.

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