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Iwork '09 Trojan Infects 20,000 Pirates

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iWork '09 trojan infects 20,000 pirates

Karma, no matter what you do it will come back to bite you where it hurts the most. Up to 20,000 pirates who thought they would get away without paying for iWork '09 have learned that the hard way.

A recent copy of iWork '09 was leaked to the web but contained a free bonus add on, a virus called OSX.Trojan.iServices.A. This virus does the nasty work of installing itself in the startup as root. It then goes on and broadcasts its location and allows for malicious users to take over your Mac and install anything they want and modify files already on your computer.

It goes without saying that people who stole this software will probably have a hard time removing the malicious program because of that nature it was installed. Karma has certainly come full circle to those trying to pirate software.


So you mean virus do exist on Apple computers? :o:D

Question: Why since 1988 some Anti Virus Software for MacIntosh/Apple exist? :D

Because Mac don't need that software at all?! :D

So you mean virus do exist on Apple computers? :o:D

Question: Why since 1988 some Anti Virus Software for MacIntosh/Apple exist? :D

Because Mac don't need that software at all?! :D

Even Apple recommend running anti-virus software nowadays, personally I run ClamAV on the Linux box(es) (plus a couple of rootkit hunters for extra security) and ClamXAV on the Macs. Mainly it is to stop them from passing one of the gazillion known Windows malware things.

Downloading Warez software and then giving the installer root privileges is not an Apple or Windows security problem, it is an idiot user/admin problem.

The latest trojan to attack Windows through a "feature" (auto-run) is currently said to be responsible for something like 9 million infections and counting. I'll stick with my UNIX and UNIX-like OS until Windows is re-written from the ground up to be a truly multi-user system with individual account security built in, not patched on later as an afterthought.

Windows is good for playing games, it should never be connected to a network imh(umble)o.

Question: Why since 1988 some Anti Virus Software for MacIntosh/Apple exist? :o

Mmm, because the AV vendors quickly figured here was an easy source of revenue to be tapped based purely on FUD ??

Because Mac don't need that software at all?! :D

The reality is there have been less threats detected for MAC OS over it’s entire lifetime than are currently detected on a daily basis for Windows systems, (I have this information from one of the leading AV vendors who we represent).

With respect there is a world of difference between :

a.) Knowingly installing a pirated copy of software (with your assigned privileges) which then goes on to debilitate your system ( as 20,000 have found ) or

b.) Unwittingly contracting a virus from say, merely visiting a website which is the case now for up to 15 million Windows users affected by Conflicker

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