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To The Married Man Living In Pattaya


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I cleared this problem before i married and my wife was and is agree. This is my rule that i allways can go out and enyoy the things in Pattaya. I don't want any questions or phonecalls from my wife when i stay outside, exept if it's some emergency. We both are agree to have the total freedom and we don't want any kids. You don't need to love someone to have sex. In Europe they call "Swinger Clubs" Sex is natural what's the problem?

Are you sure your wife isn't out having some good sex too while you're out. A lot of Thai (bar) girls marry guys they don't really like just for the convenience (money) of it.

You say: "you don't need to love someone to have sex". Maybe your wife says: "you don't need to love someone to get married".

The question still remains, why diid you bother getting married in the first place?

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When with my ex long time Thai girlfriend, she asked me one time on a baht bus (after we had been together about 3 months I think) that if I wanted to go with someone else I could if:

1) I did not go with her friends

2) I did not go with people she worked with

3) I did not fuc_k in our bed

To this day I remember exactly what I said. I said that if she gave me everything I wanted then I would never stray. I never would have either and never did when we were together. To be honest, I didn't even see the other women, even in go-gos as being attractive in a "me wanting sex with them" way.

Still fuc_ked up about her years later.

But to answer the OP, the thing is that either you are happy or you are not. If you are just in an "accommodation", then you will be attracted elsewhere. If you are happy, you don't think about it.

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if you are loving someone then you shall know what to do, asking and listening to others suggestions can not help if you have made the decision in your self.

it is what you have in your heart.

skinny babes on the beaches: that maybe slept with thousands.

or your wife , which only you sleep with.

it is in you what to do.

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When with my ex long time Thai girlfriend, she asked me one time on a baht bus (after we had been together about 3 months I think) that if I wanted to go with someone else I could if:

1) I did not go with her friends

2) I did not go with people she worked with

3) I did not fuc_k in our bed

I've heard this many times before.

It's probably just a sly way for the girl to find out exactly where her guy is at.

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Thanks for the great respones!!

I have learned alot by opening my eyes and seeing more then sex.. My wife is amazing women and i am sure the guys who have a GOOD thai wife know what i am talking about and i am a idiot thinking of sticking my BIG ONE(HEHE) elsewhere.. take just tonight for instants.. she cooked a great meal and as i am typing this post she is taking a wet cold cloth and saying i am hot and need to cold down.. Yes i am a idiot but perhaps now since i know how good i really have it i am smart????. Ok i will watch some tv and let my wife clean up the place after diner and get my bath ready ! dam_n i am a lucky idiot

Thanks again for your help

Oh i gave her parents 300k when we got married 3 years ago and she is 35 and i am 48.. she looks like 19 and i look like 48.. a good women who was a virgin when we got married..

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Thanks for the great respones!!

I have learned alot by opening my eyes and seeing more then sex.. My wife is amazing women and i am sure the guys who have a GOOD thai wife know what i am talking about and i am a idiot thinking of sticking my BIG ONE(HEHE) elsewhere.. take just tonight for instants.. she cooked a great meal and as i am typing this post she is taking a wet cold cloth and saying i am hot and need to cold down.. Yes i am a idiot but perhaps now since i know how good i really have it i am smart????. Ok i will watch some tv and let my wife clean up the place after diner and get my bath ready ! dam_n i am a lucky idiot

Thanks again for your help

Oh i gave her parents 300k when we got married 3 years ago and she is 35 and i am 48.. she looks like 19 and i look like 48.. a good women who was a virgin when we got married..

Hmm! A 35 year old Thai virgin?? Dream again!!! Or wake up!!!


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Thanks for the great respones!!

I have learned alot by opening my eyes and seeing more then sex.. My wife is amazing women and i am sure the guys who have a GOOD thai wife know what i am talking about and i am a idiot thinking of sticking my BIG ONE(HEHE) elsewhere.. take just tonight for instants.. she cooked a great meal and as i am typing this post she is taking a wet cold cloth and saying i am hot and need to cold down.. Yes i am a idiot but perhaps now since i know how good i really have it i am smart????. Ok i will watch some tv and let my wife clean up the place after diner and get my bath ready ! dam_n i am a lucky idiot

Thanks again for your help

Oh i gave her parents 300k when we got married 3 years ago and she is 35 and i am 48.. she looks like 19 and i look like 48.. a good women who was a virgin when we got married..

Hmm! A 35 year old Thai virgin?? Dream again!!! Or wake up!!!


he he ha ha :D:D:wai:

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Oh i gave her parents 300k when we got married 3 years ago and she is 35 and i am 48.. she looks like 19 and i look like 48.. a good women who was a virgin when we got married..

Perhaps if you'd chosen a younger wife with more experience you wouldn't have been so tempted when walking along beach road.

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When with my ex long time Thai girlfriend, she asked me one time on a baht bus (after we had been together about 3 months I think) that if I wanted to go with someone else I could if:

1) I did not go with her friends

2) I did not go with people she worked with

3) I did not fuc_k in our bed

I've heard this many times before.

It's probably just a sly way for the girl to find out exactly where her guy is at.

You're not the first to say that.

It is sometimes used as a test, sort of enticing you to do something you shouldn't but I think in my case, it was an actual desire to retain me as the boyfriend and forgive indiscretions. Much later when we were still together and even later after we were apart, I asked her again and she honestly said that she knew / assumed that I'd played around before and if I was wanting to have the occasional bit of side action, then she'd put up with it but didn't want it in her face.

Never regretted I didn't just regret that it didn't work out. At the time I didn't know the answers and when I did it was too late.

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You're not the first to say that.

It is sometimes used as a test, sort of enticing you to do something you shouldn't but I think in my case, it was an actual desire to retain me as the boyfriend and forgive indiscretions. Much later when we were still together and even later after we were apart, I asked her again and she honestly said that she knew / assumed that I'd played around before and if I was wanting to have the occasional bit of side action, then she'd put up with it but didn't want it in her face.

Never regretted I didn't just regret that it didn't work out. At the time I didn't know the answers and when I did it was too late.

She certainly had a very mature attitude to the possibility of you playing up. Were you ever game to take her up on her generous offer?

I sometimes wonder if some of these Thai girls actually want their bf's or husbands to play up so they can get a bit of young Thai stud on the side. It wouldn't surprise me in the case where these girls are ex-bargirls and used to getting a lot of variety.

Contrary to what a lot of people think, many of these girls really enjoy their work. Of course they're never going to admit that to any prospective Farang bf or husband.

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My Thai g/f tried the 'you can have fun if you want to' line. The first time she saw some girl make a play for me in a bar, she was spitting fury for days. I'm definitely with those who see such comments as a test.

As for 'swinging'. In my experience it's usually one partner who wants to do it, with the other going along reluctantly. Nearly always ends in tears. If both really want it, then why not? A bit like gays. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is up to them. Just don't flaunt it in my face :o

As for the OP, there will always be temptation. One strategy is to not put yourself in situations where you might succumb. I prescribe 'avoidance therapy' and absolutely stay away from the beer. Two pints and a slim young thing wriggling in your lap and it's game over.

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whenever i have these mental cravings i ask my wife whether i can have sex with these girls. later, when i wake up from being knocked out unconscious, my desire is gone. :o

You're lucky that's all she does ! :D

One day while you are laying there groggy and trying to regain conciousness, you may hear the dreaded "snip snip" noise, followed by some excited quaking from the hungry ducks ! :D

in that respect i am quite relaxed. my wife might be headstrong but she is not stupid. snipping something away she enjoys? no way! :D

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I am not married and never have been.

The temptations you are describing are not unique.

Every man's brain, and that is even scientifically proven now (if you needed someone else to prove that to you)

turns their head when a female butt moves. That's how we as a species survive. SEX. Also known as Procreation.

6-7 billion of us are prove enough I think.

The girlfriend I have here in Pattaya now is with me all the time, even when I go to a gogo bar,

which rarely ever happens but sometimes I like to look at young chicks.

I have known her for 2 years and I am staying with her every day for 5 months now.

She knows I like to look at girls and she understands that. I tell her everything and she tells me everything.

An honest relationship is the key. I would not want to hurt her by having a quick roll in the hay

with another woman who will give me something for 5 minutes (and I give her money)

what I actually can do with my hand in 6 minutes.

A funny observation is, that many married men crave other women and

don't feel good about it, because they think they are doing something wrong.

Why do men get married?...if they can't commit.

If you want to have sex with other women, get out of that marriage and bang, tak tak, get your willy wet....don't hurt the woman you are with.

There will always be prettier women than the one you are with....especially as you and your partner get older.

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Walked down beach Rd last night and i am going nuts.. I WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMEN ! Now my wife is a wonderful person, and we have a great marrriage.. <deleted> ! I need to either break out for a few (SHORT TIMES) or move.. Thats all i am thinking about these last few weeks.. (sex sex sex)

Am i alone in this? I love my wife so much and she is by far the best thing that has ever happen to me.. She is Thai women, and if she knew my desires she would be very unhappy and if she found out that i had sex with any other women it would break her heart.

1, move?

2, have sex and get this out of my system?

How do you married guys deal with seeing all these beautiful women and know you can go to bed with most of them if you wanted to?


Despite the fact that all of us "involved guys," are DEAD sure that our wives/girlfriends are the best woman we could ever have been so lucky as to find; despite the fact that we each should be more than happy to keep it under control, no matter the extent of the sexual temptation... at the end, we are just normal men. It's NATURAL for us to keep looking around, to keep hunting. This sad-but-inevitable fact makes it that much more appropriate to offer an old quote as one more thought on the subject:


The grass IS always greener; we ALWAYS want what we can't have; the sweetest fruit is the FORBIDDEN fruit... all cliche's have a basis in TRUTH!


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The grass IS always greener; we ALWAYS want what we can't have; the sweetest fruit is the FORBIDDEN fruit... all cliche's have a basis in TRUTH!


This is the cliche of chiche's for sure, but I believe it only applies to immature people who cannot control their inner urges and are out of touch with reality.

I personally never want what I can't have. I never even give it a second thought. The part about forbidden fruit being sweetest is meaningless in an adult context.

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.. all cliche's have a basis in TRUTH!


So I can't have my cake and eat it too !! :D

But if that has a basis in truth, they why did I get the cake in the first place ? :o

Maybe it was just for the frosting ? So sweet and smooth and soooo bad for you ?

But what if I don't actually eat the cake ? What if I just lick the icing off ? That's not the same as eating it, is it ? Then I could have my cake and lick it too ! :D

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Eat the cake and then buy another? :D

But some cakes you can't buy ! You can only rent them.

Maybe that's why they frown upon you taking a bite out of one ? Licking the icing is one thing, maybe even a little nibble here and there, but gobbling up the whole cake ?

Even if there are more cakes available, many of them have been licked before. Some barely have any icing left at all.

But every once in a while you find one of those special cakes. The icing is fresh, the filling is hot and it satisfies all your hungers. :o

But as that other old cliche goes, no matter how strong, or fast, or smart (or beautiful or sexy) you are, there'll always be someone stronger, faster, smarter, sexier and more beautiful just around the corner.

Sometimes it's best to be happy with the cake you have, especially when you are the only one licking the icing !

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If you value your marriage in the least bit, then I strongly suggest that you get away from P town ASAP. Most often moving to the wife's village can be a nightmare.....needy relatives and friends always dropping by and the booredom of a small town.

What I did was move to a different location, where neither one of us had any connections and little barlife [temptations] and after 8 yrs....so far/so good.

Chiang Mai has saved my marriage.

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