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Financial Crisis

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Most financial atrocities in the US can be traced back to the beginnings of Goldman Sachs Group running the financial wing of the US government. this particular legislative abomination was pushed by the arch criminal Rubin under the Clinton administration. Rather than being shot in the public square, he has been made "economic advisor emeritus" and his then underlings now hold all important positions in Treasury. It's "change you can believe in", Not.


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It is hilarious, do those people not understand you can't pay off your debt by going deeper into debt.


I do not think most people would find this the least bit hilarious. Especially those with families to feed and who have no job. Paying off the debt is not the important issue yet. We will not be able to pay off any of the debt until the economy gets moving so people and businesses can start making some money again in order to pay the taxes that can be used to pay off the debt. Business closures, unemployment and lack of credit will certainly make matters much worse. Yes, the enormous stimulus page is a gamble, but the chances of it working are better than the chances of anything getting any better by doing nothing.

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ok so it was thatcher who started the ball rolling re deregulation,but i'd give her more due in being able to fix the problem than the current lot.what we are seeing happening in the UK is nothing but day light robbery with the govt.being able to do little about it cos its all legal with the contracts having been agreed upon years ago.

And anyway its my belief that the govt.are really "in bed" with these financial robbers,hence the bailout.they only appear to be reacting to press reports and the outrage by the public.

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Yes, the enormous stimulus page is a gamble, but the chances of it working are better than the chances of anything getting any better by doing nothing.

What is really sad, and not at all hilarious, is that there are people out there who actually believe this.

No, there is nothing that can be done at this point. It's time to accept the consequences of past mistakes. Anything you do right now to try and keep the party going will only make things worse. Doing absolutely nothing and letting the chips fall where they may is the optimum strategy.

Sadly, politicians rarely accept reality. They are determined to screw us royally.

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I simply find the Corruption amazing

No way!!!!, Corruption with politicians????

Like Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, and all the other corrupted congress members

I sometimes wonder how Congress gets elected; i mean some of the Questions asked recently, they must be thick!!!

I am not a US citizen but the US have got to be one of the most blindsided set of Citizens i have known, presently, even my Country (UK) has started to kick off against the government

The french, greece and Ice landers let alone latvians, Know how the show the Corrupted what they think

I mean the Press and Media in the US are a joke, i guess that`s what happens when you can buy your way to power

I wonder how many Stanford and Madoff Million`s (or should i say investor money) was given out for perks for looking away

Every time i watch congress grill the corrupted i have to laugh, as the questions, they only get 5 mins each and yet they seemed to do nothing

I mean where are the indictments?? And accountability for the fraud, the public knows about the fraud why are they not asking for Justice???

I guess that`s the change huh that Obama spoke of lol

Thats why i think Obama is full of Sh*t and now has to pay back the favours, for the rich that got him there

if he were for the people he would chase down those corrupted scum bags that killed the US system, which only leads me to think he is ONE OF THEM

He is a speaker for the Wall Street Scum, and to keep the masses quiet while the scum get to live in their mansions in the Hamptons and play with their yachts and Ferraris

By the time the US public do realise that they have been lied to, the US will be in a crisis (here is one part of Schiff thesis i do agree with)

I feel for the US Public that just dont realise whats really going on,

Obama is a stooge for the rich elite imo, until you see those banker and corrupted officials jailed for this, you are not going anywhere, as others looking into the US must think the whole system is corrupt as its blatant now

Which is why i am a believer that this is going to last a looooooooonnnngggggg time untill people that casued this mess are bought to justice

Starting with Cheney, Bush and Paulson, there`s 3 i can think of plus the corrupted congress members,

I dont know how they can show their faces and lie to their Constituents and play act that crap they do in Congress

I give it 6 months and one of the scum bag members wil be taken out by a nut job of the public

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by doing this bailout,they are only postponing the day of reckoning,however if they had n't done the bailout and let these institutions go to the wall,then the vast majority would have lost their savings,i dont think the govt.could realistically guarantee every ones money held in bank accounts,although they could have put a ceiling in place to guarantee deposits,say up to 500,000 pounds.would have been cheaper than the bailout plus it would have had the advantages of making the bonuses and retirement ripp offs of the fraudently elite non and void.let them fight it in the courts,i think they would have lost their case.

then the govt. could start again by putting tough regulations in place to the still solvent banks and for new once coming onto the scene.but then that may put UK banks at a disadvantage in the future when competing with foreign banks,hence the reason gordon brown keeps on about the need for a "global response"

either way you look at whats happening with in these still crooked banks with the bailout money is still criminal in all but name.

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never one to be a party pooper that article is good news,if the figures are believable.

China is the new super power,clinton went cap in hand begging them not to desert the USA re funding their debt,trying to convince the chinese they will need the USA to buy all their goods,trouble is most citizens in the usa dont have any money or jobs to buy these goods,and with chinese factories closing and massive unemployment beginning will there own population be able to support those growth figures.anyway since when did anyone believe what govts. forecast.

there.ive told a lie,i am a party pooper.

As an example of lies,look at the USA and UK govts. with their lies about unemployment and cpi figures.

no one imo believe what govts. tell them anymore.

and there's a bigger picture here,not just a very bad recession,and finance sector rip offs.but i'll leave off there.

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I doubt that midas, Alex, samui et al will be drawn to this particular type of headline so I guess I shall have to post on behalf of those who ARE looking for positive signs:-



Chaimai this latest posting from you not only display's your hypocrisy but illustrates how your mind thinks :o

You started the thread last week which didn't last long calling for a more balanced view when reporting about

this financial crisis. It doesn't matter how softly softly the headlines are Chaimai, it is the subject matter

which is the important thing. It's very easy for me to respond to this because I'm just going to

reply back to you here using your own words but with appropriate substitution where necessary.

You said in Post #717 on this thread

Dear, Oh Dear Midas. You reallyshould start taking the Dandy or Beano for your entertainment

Just because one police officer raises the spectre of demonstrations you think you have found your uprising

Then you said in Post #731 on this thread

Additionally, contunually cutting and pasting the views of some two-bit Guardian journalist, ot the speculation of a low-level police officer does not constitute "evidence".

So I say to you hypocritical Chaimai :-

Just because one Bangkok Post reporter raises the opinion of one Chinese government official you think you have found your recovery

Additionally, contunually cutting and pasting the views of some two-bit Bangkok Post journalist, or the speculation of a very biased Chinese government official does not constitute "evidence".

And finally Chaimai, if you do a bit of searching and properly try to understand what is going on instead of relying on headlines

you will even see other Chinese government officials that don't share this view and even see the thing that you don't like hearing about

so much -OMG " social unrest "

China Warns of Unemployment Risk

While some show optimism towards the Chinese economy, others are taking a more cautious position. Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming is one of them. Rising unemployment may trigger social unrest, according to Chen


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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................thats a severe remedy naam,have you had breakfast yet.of course you could go the michael hutchens route and really fix the problem.

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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................thats a severe remedy naam,have you had breakfast yet.of course you could go the michael hutchens route and really fix the problem.

first breakfast 03.50

second one 05.00

third one 06.30

fourth one 08.00

would you also like to have the menue SBC? :D

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I doubt that midas, Alex, samui et al will be drawn to this particular type of headline so I guess I shall have to post on behalf of those who ARE looking for positive signs:-



The quote is not complete : "... Liu Tienan, vice chairman of the country's top economic planning body, told reporters."

It changes of course everything !


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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?


Annoying isn't it?

At least I can still have sex, how about you?


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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................thats a severe remedy naam,have you had breakfast yet.of course you could go the michael hutchens route and really fix the problem.

first breakfast 03.50

second one 05.00

third one 06.30

fourth one 08.00

would you also like to have the menue SBC? :D

think i'll pass naam,too much information to deal with!

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excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

Annoying isn't it? At least

1. I can still have sex,

2.how about you?

1. i'm sure you can. your problem is that you are not allowed.

lack of sexual satisfaction leads to irrational compensation acts, such as posting youtube video clips on various global conspiracies and silly irrelevant pictures (Sigmund Freud).

2. thanks to the little blue and yellow pills better than a decade ago. my thanks to Pfizer for "inventing" them, and thanks to the indian and chinese copycats who produce them for peanuts that even a poor man like me can afford them.

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At least one country is making an effort and trying to sort out the mess


And I liked the final sentence

“Obviously those who have done well through the good times will have to pay more,” Cowen said in an interview with Irish state broadcaster RTE radio today. “Those who have to bear most are those who can bear it best.”

Fred the Shred, you selfish arrogant ba5tard, may you suffer more than the rest. When the Brothers unite on the streets I will be at YOUR door.

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Naam you are actually one of the very few Germans with a sense of humor!


Is naam really german?me thinks his knowlege of english/the humour and use of it tells me no,unless one of his parents were english.anyway i thought he came from the planet klingon!maybe its an english outpost run by germans :D

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At least one country is making an effort and trying to sort out the mess


And I liked the final sentence

"Obviously those who have done well through the good times will have to pay more," Cowen said in an interview with Irish state broadcaster RTE radio today. "Those who have to bear most are those who can bear it best."

Fred the Shred, you selfish arrogant ba5tard, may you suffer more than the rest. When the Brothers unite on the streets I will be at YOUR door.

where have you been 12,digging a big hole to put your money in?Re Ireland,at last someone talking sense.maybe canada could take over the USA and teach them some lessons.

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Snip, snip:

RBS's losses, and those of Lloyds HBOS the following day, meant a further extension to the Government's bailout, and taxpayers' exposure. The size of the potential commitment to the banks is estimated at £1.3trn,



MORE old news, Alex. These numbers were forecast months ago. To save you regurgitating today's story, HSBC profits were down 62% to US$5bn. Look out for the rights issue, it might be an opportunity for you.

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And just to keep us up to date, AIG (TOO BIG TO FAIL) just got yet another bailout, now totaling nearly a trillion dollars. Manure! Merde! Caca!

Ah shit, half a trillion here or there, who knows anymore? It does mention the imminent sale of AIA.


I think the issue is, that its too interconnected to allow to fail. Thee government should start issuing a new currency just for AIG related matters.

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Indeed, complexity will make something so impossible to even figure out, that it just seems easier to keep it alive. Enron was like that, and a few of the Hillcrest and Granada partnerships, with five interlocking tiers at times. I do not miss my great days of being an expert in using TEFRA to bust some of the most abusive tax shelter partnerships.

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