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Posted 2011-05-30 16:05:09

Quite ! Wait for front page news to confirm what seems pretty obvious and gold will probably be a lot higher - Up to you

gold may 30 = $ 1,540

gold as of now = $ 1,518

where did you get the "idea" that gold will be probably a lot higher? ;)

that is not the point ! As I posted it over a month ago .....

I still think that Gold in the current climate will be a lot higher in the coming months ... trying to look forward of course .. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps even in 60 mins :) up $26 USD, in Euros and GBP dear know how much....


Right I m off for a smoke and too many beers... I now have candlesticks and charts, and yields and %%%'s clouding my vision. :jap:

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Naams looking at it in USD....the USD has been stronger, however, the price of gold in real terms, not in nominal terms against one currency is up...Sugar, oil, copper, rubber, GBP, Euro, AUD...gold is higher month on month in real terms...

isn't it also important to mention whether gold is up vs. som tam, phrik nam pla, cowrie shells, shrink heads, beer price in Walking Street, bar fines?



No Confidence Vote in greece this Sunday - Then perhaps elections in September .........

as no politicians / central bankers / IMF seem to be able to come up with any credible solution - Investors will continue to dump Euro and buy CHF .. Gold - as previously posted leaving the Titanic for the life rafts ...

If Merkel/ Trichet & Co can get their acts together ( 1% Chance ) expect a Euro rally and then everyone selling USD ... and so from one disaster to another ..

'More of the same on Thursday morning as commentators set nerves on edge by referring to Greece as the eurozone’s Lehman moment.

And so, the euro has taken further punishment, breaking its 100-day moving average for the first time since February.'



NEWSFlash....Its 100% certain that QE 3 is coming...

Confirmation from BOA poll....of "professional investors" :rolleyes: Always such an optimistic bunch...I hope they do the poll when the S+P is sub 1200...



Yes ...

Why the big money isn’t always the smart money

Commentary: Institutional investors miss gold, bonds

'According to Merrill Lynch, these professional money managers have been saying gold is overvalued for years — completely missing the massive bull market of the past decade.

Merrill’s latest survey includes data for the past two years, as gold has nearly doubled. During that time these professional investment managers have called gold actually cheap just once, in January 2009. Every other month they’ve said: “Oh, it’s overvalued.”

It was “overvalued” in May 2008 at around $880 an ounce. It was “overvalued” in June 2009 at around $930. It was “overvalued” in early 2010, and it was still “overvalued” a year ago at around $1,200 an ounce. And it’s still “overvalued” today.'



Yes ...

Why the big money isn't always the smart money

Commentary: Institutional investors miss gold, bonds

'According to Merrill Lynch, these professional money managers have been saying gold is overvalued for years — completely missing the massive bull market of the past decade.

Merrill's latest survey includes data for the past two years, as gold has nearly doubled. During that time these professional investment managers have called gold actually cheap just once, in January 2009. Every other month they've said: "Oh, it's overvalued."

It was "overvalued" in May 2008 at around $880 an ounce. It was "overvalued" in June 2009 at around $930. It was "overvalued" in early 2010, and it was still "overvalued" a year ago at around $1,200 an ounce. And it's still "overvalued" today.'


Thats interesting...No doubt they will continue to say that. Remember Roubini saying gold was in a bubble. They obviously do not understand money and its functions and nature. I think that is why the Austrians have trumped the Keynesians everytime. Keynesians focus on prices. Austrians on money and credit.

This will probably be significant...The Spanish 10 yr has officially broke out to the upside of that long time range, up 18 Basis points on the day...has pulled back a bit...but at a high of 5.75%, an 11 year high...

EURO GOVT-Spanish yields soar after luke-warm auctions EURCHF plunged down to 1.1950...could see 1.1700 before long


The rise of Asia's wealth.


China's number of millionaire households ranks it third, behind the 5.22 million in the U.S. and Japan's 1.53 million, according to BCG. Still, wealth in privately held businesses and property wasn't accounted for in the survey, thereby missing a major chunk of economic assets in the mainland."This grossly underestimates true overall wealth in China," said Tjun Tang,

Is that not something to do with China and other countries diversifying out of USD - as I stated some months ago -- 'China coming to the rescue of the Euro ?' --- An idea not liked by Naam ... :rolleyes:

what gave you the idea that i don't like the idea? but whatever, China can't "rescue" the EUR even by switching all her reserves into that currency. what China can is to prop up the EURo's forex value vs other currencies. nobody and nothing can rescue the EUR if the member states decide to abolish it and return to their former currencies.

personally i'd like the latter no matter how remote that possibility is. my reason is (mentioned several times in postings):

-sitting as in 2008 on a substantial pile of cash i am waiting for a (yummy) crash to go into the market for my last big kill, much bigger than what i achieved in 2009 :licklips:

This is where I got that ' thought ' from .........

and as I hear the Chinese Premier is making a trip to Europe next week presumably to TRY !! to support the Euro ... :rolleyes:

"Posted 2011-01-06 17:32:15

Naam, on 2010-12-06 06:44:59, said:

Quote - Churchill

Could the Chinese ride to the rescue of the Euro in return for a greater role in Sarkozy's dream ? As he is today also courting the Indians for support.

Naam ..

your phantasy seems to be unlimited and sometimes even embarrassing Churchill. please elaborate why (many years down the road) CNY or INR in the SDR basket could have an impact on EUR or "the rescue of the EUR".

Churchill ...

'Jan 6 (Reuters) - China wants to push for diversification of global reserve currencies and is ready to study ways to improve the global monetary system, state news agency Xinhua quoted a senior central bank official as saying on Thursday.

Yi Gang, deputy governor of China's central bank, was quoted as saying that China was ready to partner with Europe to study ways to form a stable reserve currency system.'

http://www.reuters.c...A00240820110106 '

as I hear the Chinese Premier is making a trip to Europe next week presumably to TRY !! to support the Euro ... :rolleyes:

rescue = hear... presumably... support... ? :coffee1: TRY > EUR = :w00t::burp::crazy:


Finally the public sector in the UK is being dealt with. For too long they have had it too good.


He said: "It is unjustifiable that the taxpayer should work longer and pay more tax so that public sector workers can retire earlier and get more than them."The history of reform is littered with examples of people simply denying the facts. Eventually reality bites. And when it does, change is urgent and uncompromising.

Carry on, Alexander, and don't forget to include the politicians' pensions whilst you are at it.


"German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared on Friday to give ground on her demands for private involvement in a new Greek rescue following talks in Berlin with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

While insisting that private holders of Greek government bonds bear some of the cost of a new rescue, Merkel said she now backed a new package for Athens along the lines of the so-called Vienna Initiative.

That 2009 deal to help Romania involved private banks voluntarily agreeing to roll over debts, in practice meaning lenders buy new bonds to replace those that mature.

"What we are talking about is the involvement of private investors on a voluntary basis, and the Vienna Initiative, as it is known, is a good foundation and I believe we can achieve something on this basis," Merkel said.

A Vienna-style "rollover" could reduce financing pressure on Greece for several years and is backed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and France, since it avoids the risk of rating agencies declaring Athens in default.'

continued .... http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/world/9656366/merkel-signals-giving-ground-on-greek-debt/

as I hear the Chinese Premier is making a trip to Europe next week presumably to TRY !! to support the Euro ... :rolleyes:

rescue = hear... presumably... support... ? :coffee1: TRY > EUR = :w00t::burp::crazy:

China Discloses "Vital Self Interests" In European Bailout


on EURope China has been talking but not acting. a loan to three private greek shipping companies with a specifically earmarked purpose was announced, the amount is negligible peanuts ($ 275mm) and until today not paid out.

as usual Dyler Turd lacks information (or pretends to) to spread sensational BS based on his assumptions.

p.s. to muddy the waters even more, former British Prime Minister Churchill wrongly assumes that Turkey is a state in Europe and that the code for its currency (TRY) can be used for the country. oh well...



Thanks for the link. It's a good article. Going after the Fannie Mae CEO James Johnson, finally.

He is as dirty as the rest of them. The book mentioned called "Reckless Endangerment," is #5 on Amazon (and I assume very high on the NY Times best-seller list).

as I hear the Chinese Premier is making a trip to Europe next week presumably to TRY !! to support the Euro ... :rolleyes:

rescue = hear... presumably... support... ? :coffee1: TRY > EUR = :w00t::burp::crazy:

China Discloses "Vital Self Interests" In European Bailout


on EURope China has been talking but not acting. a loan to three private greek shipping companies with a specifically earmarked purpose was announced, the amount is negligible peanuts ($ 275mm) and until today not paid out.

as usual Dyler Turd lacks information (or pretends to) to spread sensational BS based on his assumptions.

p.s. to muddy the waters even more, former British Prime Minister Churchill wrongly assumes that Turkey is a state in Europe and that the code for its currency (TRY) can be used for the country. oh well...


Naam, and other people in the media who spout this need to understand something. When the media or an article, or China announce they have $3 trillion in reserves....it means they have total worth $3 Trillion in reserves. It does not mean the reserves are made up completely of $ 3 T. They announce 3 trillion USD worth as the USD is the reserve currency. Just like Gold, wheat, oil is priced in USD, thats what we hear...

What you said about a couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate. Those $3 trillion USD in reserves are worth that in USD amounts, but are 25%, yes 25% made of up of Euros...only 2 thirds of the reserves are actual USD...however, if you add up the denominations of all reserves it comes to 3 Trillion USD....

So China does have a fair few Euros...its a mathematical function that those will end up back in Europe whether by buying assets in Europe, companies, bonds, investment in some form...So when we hear that China pledges support for European Bonds, its not out of the goodness of their heart....its because they hold Euros already. Standard Chartered have followed the money trail and tracked this....they say 25% of the reserves are Euro and SAFE have alluded to it..,,,slightly more than an amount to buy a couple of Greek shipping companies. Trade between China and Europe has been huge, so its only natural they will have a fair few Euros...Its not secret that China is trying to diversify those reserves, hence you will find more and more China will be buying European and US assets. As i said they were not buying Spanish bonds for the fun of it.

China of course does have a vital interest in Europe as they make a large portion of Chinas reserves. So if the Euro currency goes up in smoke,,,well its not great for China...I reckon the reason they are trying to buy "real" assets in Europe. Do not be mistaken they do have an interest in the Euro...

The Chinese Government Investment Fund (the governments sovereign wealth fund)...will be buying European assets

China Investment Corporation says considering investments in Europe

Reuters reports that, "China's sovereign wealth fund will actively consider investment opportunities in Europe and has identified many potential targets there, its chairman said on Saturday. Lou Jiwei, chairman of China Investment Corp (CIC), said the CIC had not invested at all in euro zone countries last year because of financial protectionism, but that now, with European countries easing scrutiny over investments by sovereign wealth funds, it was more of an option.

You constantly throw out contrary statements to every piece of information posted here, yet the irony is that you yourself throw out the some of the same gross assumptions and inaccurate information, or just outright refute anything based on what appears to be an overly dogmatic and non-liberal approach to information and education :rolleyes:


I think to see how this might play out one has to think - What would happen if the same situation happened in France, Germany or the US -

I know in the UK it would not be accepted , as the Euro wasn't , to have Brussels telling the UK what to do --to tax more , work harder etc would not be acceptable . I'm not sure how Greece compares to France - but nobody in the UK , for instance , gets 6 weeks holiday plus a 13th Month as in France -So....until Merkel/Barroso /Sarkosy /Tricky give up their dream -I cannot see a good/ easy outcome ..

They have been talking , flirting , drinking , chatting for months - A Year - ha ha --- f..k the tax payers we are OK ..!!!

Playing with fire: IMF chief warns failure to get grip on Greek crisis threatens global economy

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2004962/Playing-IMF-chief-warns-failure-immediate-grip-Greek-crisis-threatens-global-economy.html#ixzz1PcJccNds


The Federal Debt Elevator: Going Up

'Maybe you saw the story about the Air Force airlift of $12 billion in unmarked bills that landed in Iraq sometime between 2003 and 2004 – no one seems sure just when. The story was written by a Los Angeles Times reporter and published on January 13.

Pentagon officials determined that one giant C-130 Hercules cargo plane could carry $2.4 billion in shrink-wrapped bricks of $100 bills. They sent an initial full planeload of cash, followed by 20 other flights to Iraq by May 2004 in a $12-billion haul that U.S. officials believe to be the biggest international cash airlift of all time.

There was a slight glitch in the execution of the plan. Some $6.6 billion of this – three fully loaded planes full – has gone missing.'


Poof it's gone!

What you said about a couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate. Those $3 trillion USD in reserves are worth that in USD amounts, but are 25%, yes 25% made of up of Euros...only 2 thirds of the reserves are actual USD...however, if you add up the denominations of all reserves it comes to 3 Trillion USD....

i fail to see

-why stating the fact that loans to three (not one) Greek shipping companies totalling $~275 million is "wrong",

-what these loans have to do with the reserves of China,

-and i have no idea why you are trying to tell me the obvious, i.e. not all Chinese reserves are denominated in US-Dollars which is nothing else than bla-bla and the same goes for the rest of your posting which are irrelevant to Churchill's and my posting.

there is nothing wrong if you want to lecture people with your (boring) essays. but don't embed other postings which are not connected to these essays, e.g. "Turkey = Europe = support for €UR" or claim that a stated fact is "wrong". i am sure a minute of googling will reveal that my information (loans to shipping companies) is correct.

What you said about a couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate. Those $3 trillion USD in reserves are worth that in USD amounts, but are 25%, yes 25% made of up of Euros...only 2 thirds of the reserves are actual USD...however, if you add up the denominations of all reserves it comes to 3 Trillion USD....

i fail to see

-why stating the fact that loans to three (not one) Greek shipping companies totalling $~275 million is "wrong",

-what these loans have to do with the reserves of China,

-and i have no idea why you are trying to tell me the obvious, i.e. not all Chinese reserves are denominated in US-Dollars which is nothing else than bla-bla and the same goes for the rest of your posting which are irrelevant to Churchill's and my posting.

there is nothing wrong if you want to lecture people with your (boring) essays. but don't embed other postings which are not connected to these essays, e.g. "Turkey = Europe = support for €UR" or claim that a stated fact is "wrong". i am sure a minute of googling will reveal that my information (loans to shipping companies) is correct.

I m more generally responding to the posts over the last few pages, and the quotes that Churchill posted from yourself previously....not that particular post...you have clearly stated that China would not come to the "help" of the Euro...I m not talking in particular about Greek shipping companies...but your general theme on the Euro...whereas I was highlighting the fact The Chinese Government Investment Fund is actively seeking to buy Euro denominated assets as a function of holding Euro reserves.

They might well be boring, in the end the subject is economics not Penguin Classic Japanese Erotic literature (for posh wanke_rs :lol:), that book does exist BTW. However, I try to disseminate the information and write it from my own view and apply any knowledge I have learned...and learn from any info that others post also Perhaps I am long winded, but so be it. No ones obliged to read it. In the pub people are usually into the fourth pint by the time I finished telling a story... :)it transmits into writing also it seems. Have a good day..

RedFxTrade, on 2011-06-18 15:47:55, said:

What you said about a couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate.

RedFxTrade, on 2011-06-18 17:23:30, said:

I m not talking in particular about Greek shipping companies.

this is getting ridiculous. you are not even man enought to admit having made a mistake which happens to all of us once in a while. instead your are going on with yada yada yakety yak.

question: does your Mama know you are using her computer? :lol:


funny how we got a solid week of MSM reporting Osama Bin Laden being shot

followed by another week about Anthony Weiners weiner ... And yet nothing about this ?

RedFxTrade, on 2011-06-18 15:47:55, said:

What you said about a couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate.

RedFxTrade, on 2011-06-18 17:23:30, said:

I m not talking in particular about Greek shipping companies.

this is getting ridiculous. you are not even man enought to admit having made a mistake which happens to all of us once in a while. instead your are going on with yada yada yakety yak.

question: does your Mama know you are using her computer? :lol:

Thats because I have not made a mistake...just to lay it out...China has made investments in Greek shipping but not in particular (exclusively) as they have invested in assets all over Europe and the UK. case..but your general assumptions that China is not supporting the Euro, and even calling it a fantasy is untrue, its simply a function of a trade imbalance between Europe and China. One of the largest supports in the GBP up until 2008 was merger and oversea takeovers...China has been investing in European assets and to say that is not supporting the Euro is well not true....the Euro would probably be much lower otherwise. Chinas single largest investment in Europe so far was in Greece. I knew I had seen this in the FT Chinese investment and trade interactive map, and some of the special reports they do...

your phantasy seems to be unlimited and sometimes even embarrassing Churchill. please elaborate why (many years down the road) CNY or INR in the SDR basket could have an impact on EUR or "the rescue of the EUR"

You have for the last 3 pages rebuked the idea first put to you in January by CH that China would support the Euro...so my reply is in relation to that assumption...I m talking that they are using their reserves in Euros to buy up Euro denominated assets...and that includes Greek assets, worth a lot more than this $275 million figure you talked about... couple of small loans to a Greek shipping company is completely wrong...and inaccurate,,,thats what I said and it is still wrong and inaccurate 3 hours later....perhaps your using Google 2007 version ;)

Anyway, the Greek crisis got into swing February 2010,however,...in July 2010...The Piraeus port in Greece, the largest one was bought over by the Chinese for a small sum of $5 Billion USD...China Enters Greece

COSCO Pacific, a port operator subsidiary of China's state-owned shipping giant China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO), has signed a US$4.2 billion deal to take over management of Greece's container port Piraeus.

Cosco has signed a 35-year lease and will spend US$707 million to upgrade port facilities, build a new pier and almost triple the volume of cargo the port can handle, reported China Daily.


China also just announced in March...China to double investment fund for Greek shipping

ATHENS (Reuters) - China will double to about $10 billion the size of a fund offering cheap loans to Greek ship-owners, Greece's Maritime Affairs minister said on Saturday.

China agreed in October to set up a 5 billion dollar fund to help Greek ship-owners buy Chinese-made vessels..

Greeks control a big part of the world's commercial fleet and many of their vessels are built in shipyards in the Far East.

"It is extremely positive that we have doubled this amount to about 10 billion dollars," Diamantidis was quoted as saying in an interview to newspaper To Thema. Diamantidis visited China earlier this week.

"China has pledged that the financing terms for Greek companies will be better than those offered by any other bank in the world," Diamantidis said.

Chinese shipping conglomerate Cosco has pledged to charter Greek-owned ships built in China, he added

Moreover, it seems that 350 orders for ships have already been placed...China, Greece forge closer maritime ties

During his visit, Diamantidis and Weng Mengyong, deputy minister at the Ministry of Transport, reached an agreement on an action plan to further consolidate the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on maritime affairs signed by the two governments in June 2010.

The action plan refers to specific cooperation in 2011 and 2012, and encompasses both the state and non-state shipping and cargo handling companies of the two countries. Under the plan, both countries will undertake to promote their hub port cooperation and secure the funding for the construction of more Greek ships by Chinese shipyards.

The Chinese government has agreed to create a $5 billion (3.6 billion euros) development fund to help finance the building of Greek ships in Chinese yards.

"Although we have not decided with which shipyards the Greek ship owners will be working with, we have already placed orders for some 350 vessels so far," says Diamantidis.

Perhaps this Interactive Investment Map of Chinas Global reach will be useful...The largest single investment to date China have made in Europe has been Greece. Chinese investment in Greece so far trumps investment in France and Germany...The Chinese also own real estate in Greece, hotels, as many wealthy Chinese decide to have their weddings in Greece.


What has this got to do with the OP? Anyway, these guys were breaking the law on purpose. ..they were asking for it.

So Craig, surely this must be relevant to the OP? In fact I can't think of anything more relevant to a financial crisis than to watch publicly spirited people having to feed the hungry in the park?

You didn't see anything wrong with people being arrested in Washington DC simply for dancing so what about this then?

Are you beginning to see the trend?


What has this got to do with the OP? Anyway, these guys were breaking the law on purpose. ..they were asking for it.

So Craig, surely this must be relevant to the OP? In fact I can't think of anything more relevant to a financial crisis than to watch publicly spirited people having to feed the hungry in the park?

You didn't see anything wrong with people being arrested in Washington DC simply for dancing so what about this then?

Are you beginning to see the trend?

Shocking....horrible people....I have noticed a trend in the UK also, just little stories here and there popping up more frequently....however, about people being shown a disproportionate reaction from state officials for the most petty things...In fact this one in the Uk was also charitable in nature

I read this one this week from the US...this one actually shocked me...

How I Learned The Truth About The State...in the end, ordinary citizens are going to flip in my humble opinion....you can see in that video in the park the anger is starting to boil..


I have noticed a trend in the UK also, just little stories here and there popping up more frequently....however, about people being shown a disproportionate reaction from state officials for the most petty things...In fact this one in the Uk was also charitable in nature

I read this one this week from the US...this one actually shocked me...

and that's exactly how all this is being achieved :ermm:

The Boiled Frog

They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water,

it will leap out right away to escape the danger.

But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant,

and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling,

the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late.

The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes.

This is a story that is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble.

This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones.

An example:

Let's say that every year, the local well had an inch less of water in it. A person might realize there's a problem if there's suddenly NO water, but a slowly dropping level might not be an obvious crisis until it's too late!

Can you think of other examples?

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