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the funny thing is that there mostly is no gold or money

its derivatives, fractional inventions, computer numbers, secret swaps

this is whats made the problems

someone lent someone nothing but zeros on paper, then they divided up the zeros and lent them out again and again

now someone wants their zeros back

i think Iceland had the right idea - tell em to go take a hike

perhaps the Greeks might do they same thing

just think who ends up with all the zeros :blink: derrrrrrrrrr Sachs, ummmmmmmmmm, Morgan, dohhhhhhhhhhhh Citi

tell em to go take a hike

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i think Iceland had the right idea - tell em to go take a hike

While they are a smaller model they are the only ones that took the pain.

They did not try to cure the problem with more of the problem.

So I agree & think they will be/ are in recovery mode.


The rest will use the more problem route & ultimately have a much

bigger collapse ...much slower recovery if any at all.

Yes let those that gambled the most take the hit as it should have been

in 2008 to begin with.


Dow Tops 12,000 After Greece Ditches Bailout Referendum

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Stocks hit session highs in the afternoon and the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded back above the 12,000 mark following news that Greece will drop plans for a referendum that threatened Europe's bailout plan. My link


i think Iceland had the right idea - tell em to go take a hike

While they are a smaller model they are the only ones that took the pain.

They did not try to cure the problem with more of the problem.

So I agree & think they will be/ are in recovery mode.


The rest will use the more problem route & ultimately have a much

bigger collapse ...much slower recovery if any at all.

Yes let those that gambled the most take the hit as it should have been

in 2008 to begin with.

both of you should update your information. it is getting too tedious for me issuing heaps of certificates "...has proven that he possesses a wealth of no idea."


p.s. Iceland is paying most of its debt, Iceland's inhabitants are suffering. period!


While they are a smaller model they are the only ones that took the pain.

p.s. Iceland is paying most of its debt, Iceland's inhabitants are suffering. period!

Hey I said they took the pain :)

That is what I mean by it...They are paying their debt.

Instead of increasing it hoping it will disappear


I had sympathy with the Greek people before as they demonstrated and raised their objections against

the austerity measures and imminent loss of their sovereignty but now I'm starting to be totally confused

as to what they want and the reasonableness of their expectations.

If they vote no in the referendum as I understand it they can go their own way but if they vote yes as George Papandreou

is expecting them to do according to Bloomberg ( i.e.to remain in the Euro), then surely they have no right later

on to object to any austerity measures and sale of their assets? it seems to me the Greek people want it both ways?


Opposition Leader Rejects Co-Government, Demands Resignation of Papandreou; Basking in the Clouds of Denial

" It is exceptionally difficult to keep up with news stories in Europe. Every minute there is a new twist. What's clear is that no one is in charge, of anything. "



Mish is a good follow on Twitter. I had no idea unemployment in Spain was running 21.5%.

Mish's (whoever Mish is) hero:



Well as long as Germany is ready to prop up the Euro why not let them. Reference to Prophecies and Germany conquering Europe by non vilent means.

Go Merkel, stick your hand in the Germans peoples pocket for the goat violating feta cheese eating money borrowers


Well just done my bit. Just been down the road and took a "haircut" - 60 baht to the (Thai) Chinese guy round the corner. No.3 on the back and sides, I'd say that's about 50%. Feel much better for it. The wife says I look younger - although the kids say I look funny, and admittedly it does show a few blemishes.

Looking forward to the weekend and the future now though. There's a lesson in there somewhere. Hopefully all these Greek Sovereign debt holders can man up and do their part. The first cut is the hardest.


Hope its not true .... :ermm:

CME Goes To Margin DefCon 1: Makes Maintenance Margin Equal To Initial For... Everything!?



very interesting churchill. I wonder if this is why there have been so many reports this week

that they're planning to attack Iran. maybe TPTB think that's all that is left to generate some " growth "? :blink:


Hope its not true .... :ermm:

CME Goes To Margin DefCon 1: Makes Maintenance Margin Equal To Initial For... Everything!?

Well if true it could be a pretty manic Monday

Then again most have known...or should have known that this sea of liquidity

was just a mirage for some time now.

I guess even casinos know when to fire/cut off their customers


Hope its not true .... :ermm:

CME Goes To Margin DefCon 1: Makes Maintenance Margin Equal To Initial For... Everything!?

Well if true it could be a pretty manic Monday

Then again most have known...or should have known that this sea of liquidity

was just a mirage for some time now.

I guess even casinos know when to fire/cut off their customers

Very deflationary.


I'm curious of the CME margin hike.

It does apply to existing margin, correct?

Appears so & if understood their will be massive liquidity pulled from the

markets on Monday...albeit false/borrowed liquidity.


Markets in NYC have been open for 1 hour. No downward movement (I don't know about volume).

I've heard reports too ^ that they later said it was a decrease - but I don't quite by it.

Any more news on CME's Margin hike?

Not much info now. Perhaps a false alarm on its negative effects?


Markets in NYC have been open for 1 hour. No downward movement (I don't know about volume).

I've heard reports too ^ that they later said it was a decrease - but I don't quite by it.

Any more news on CME's Margin hike?

Not much info now. Perhaps a false alarm on its negative effects?

As stated elsewhere it seems it was a vague announcement by CME that was misinterpreted

by most.

Hard to believe they would release such a vague announcement but oh well :)

That aside being reported on various sites & pdf here



Exchange Actions Re: MF Global Inc.

Effective immediately, ICE Futures U.S. is temporarily

lowering the Initial Margin rate for all Speculative accounts to a

level equal to the Maintenance Margin rate for all contracts. The

Initial Margin rate for hedgers already is the same as the

Maintenance Margin rate.

This action is being taken to mute the impact of the transfer of

accounts from MF Global Inc. to other clearing members that

was effected overnight, and thereby support the integrity of

Exchange markets.

So opposite of what was thought.

Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of

this market.

So opposite of what was thought. Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of this market.

please give me a break Flying. Dyler Turd is not an inchstick to measure any current affairs. the website is nothing but a piece of rainbow press focussing on finance and economy and in this area a (slightly less ridiculous) pendant of the National Enquirer.

i admit without hesitation that i am prejudiced based on their publications in early 2009 (shortly after zerohedge was established). if i had listened at that time to their ravings, rantings and gloom forecasts, the bottom line of my and some other portfolios i am handling would show a seven digit lower figure. zerohedge kept on thrashing finanancial assets even when the first of them doubled and tripled and only three months later produced 500-1000% profits.

the latest from zerohedge is an example par excellence what weight an investor should apply to "turd" products. but then i always forget that goldlovers are not investors, they are strong believers and sometimes i even admire and envy them because i'm just an infidel without faith in any asset because i know all of them can fail. :lol:

So opposite of what was thought. Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of this market.

please give me a break Flying. Dyler Turd is not an inchstick to measure any current affairs. the website is nothing but a piece of rainbow press focussing on finance and economy and in this area a (slightly less ridiculous) pendant of the National Enquirer.

Actually none of my info came from ZH

Either in this thread or that commodities one? I posted the original pdf from CME group

later I posted their clarification.

Today's pdf I posted was from ICE Futures exchange

I do know a lot of the fuss was originally from ZH articles

but I do not actually read that site. I had read elsewhere that the CME message

was poorly worded at best & misunderstood.

They themselves posted a clarification because of it.

Then today this new pdf I just posted in the post your replying to. :)

So opposite of what was thought. Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of this market.

please give me a break Flying. Dyler Turd is not an inchstick to measure any current affairs. the website is nothing but a piece of rainbow press focussing on finance and economy and in this area a (slightly less ridiculous) pendant of the National Enquirer.


Zerhohedge and "Tyler Durden" has lost all credibility with me.

I sent out a FWD email to friends who follows these economic trends. My bad. And Tyler's too.

I will take Zerohedge for what it is from now on. (You are correct.)

So opposite of what was thought. Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of this market.

please give me a break Flying. Dyler Turd is not an inchstick to measure any current affairs. the website is nothing but a piece of rainbow press focussing on finance and economy and in this area a (slightly less ridiculous) pendant of the National Enquirer.


Zerhohedge and "Tyler Durden" has lost all credibility with me.

I sent out a FWD email to friends who follows these economic trends. My bad. And Tyler's too.

I will take Zerohedge for what it is from now on. (You are correct.)

I am quite sure Tyler Durden is absolutely devastated by this news about you and Naam. :(


now this is not from zerohedge and I do believe Naam gave his seal of approval

to Mish so I think we are on relatively safe ground with this report :ermm:

Risk of Bank Run Rising

" As soon as any depositor realizes that bank deposits are likely to be redenominated into drachma, he will pull his deposits out of the banks so as to protect the value of his savings.  But obviously only a few depositors will be able to do this before forcing the bank into closing.  In order to prevent the resulting collapse in the banking system, the only thing Athens can do is to freeze bank deposits long before most depositors have had a chance to cash out".


now this is not from zerohedge and I do believe Naam gave his seal of approval

to Mish so I think we are on relatively safe ground with this report :ermm:

wrong belief, although i consider Mish much more credible than the dozen clowns who air their views under the pseudonym "Dyler Turd" in Zerohedge.

now this is not from zerohedge and I do believe Naam gave his seal of approval

to Mish so I think we are on relatively safe ground with this report :ermm:

wrong belief, although i consider Mish much more credible than the dozen clowns who air their views under the pseudonym "Dyler Turd" in Zerohedge.

This was posted in another thread, but I think it sums up zerohedge quite well. A site for those who love conspiracy theories.


Joe Hagan plays up the conspiracy angle in his excellent article on Zero Hedge in this week's New York mag—as Hagan recounts it, the blog didn't get any traction until founder Dan Ivandjiiski began pumping up the paranoia:

[A]s his posts got more detailed, a theme began to emerge: Wall Street was a vast conspiracy. Nothing could be trusted. All markets were corrupt. The darker his vision the more popular he became.


"Greece was a nuisance. Portugal was a nuisance, but Italy is not a nuisance. It is a really big deal," said Peter Boockvar, Miller Tabak strategist. Italy, the third biggest debtor nation, has drawn the attention of world markets because investors do not see its government as taking seriously enough the need to rein in costs.........The yield on the benchmark 10-year Italian bond surged to an intraday high of 7.453 percent, well above the 7 percent boundary that in effect prompted Greece, Ireland and Portugal to seek outside financial assistance as their cost of borrowing became too much.My link

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